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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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north will be held. thank you very much for your cooperation with sports news, god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings to you, dear viewers, we are at your service with some news . in the third week of june, more than 164 billion tomans of current and industrial profits were deposited into the accounts of more than 287 thousand shareholders, according to the announcement of the central depository company in this period. at one time, 11 companies
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deposited current profits of more than 256 thousand shareholders, including 1,30 billion tomans, through the sejam customer information society system. 3 companies have industrial profits of more than 30 thousand shareholders in the amount of 133 billion and 937 million tomans from three cups they paid the chief of justice of tehran province announced the appointment of a special branch to deal with electoral crimes in line with article 34 of the presidential election law. mr. al-qasi mehr said: in addition to the need for presidential election candidates to avoid accusations and destruction, their supporters should also avoid criminal acts such as publication of propaganda, slander and insults . this judicial official also warned that according to article 68 of the election law, any use of government facilities for the benefit or against the candidates is a crime and will be dealt with. a mother in the style of the mothers of
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maidan square, this time to raise awareness the family and the better future of their children came to the field differently. we went around the park and invited mothers to join us. this time , we decided to talk to people face to face instead of handing out food. we started after the reception. it started at home, from this game and children 's drawings that were dragged to the neighborhood park. well, some children have colored paper with iranian flag colored paper they do and they come by themselves and they actually participated. the teas that were side letters instead of
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side sugar had words to say to the wives who may still be hesitant to come . the work among some of them activated the virtual rooms door to door, for example , they wrote to each other, iranian women are visionary leaders in an informed and free election. searching for a better life, the strength of women's hearts moves the generations forward . they are the founders of change. they produced stories and audio content. being a woman means being a mother and a lady. today, you have an exceptional share in any role you are in, you can create a stream except for the hot market of hashtags and virtual conversations.
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face-to-face meetings were also on the way, especially between the experts. similarly, the supreme leader pointed out that we must have a complementary saga to participate in the elections, we are women who must build the future of iran and our country and we can build it. my duty as an activist must start from myself. my family and all the surrounding layers. ladies in addition to half they are the educators of the other half of that society. summary. the maidan mothers, as they say , started a complementary saga from the day they heard this election saga is complementary to the saga of chasing the martyrs. play it. make the children, the wife to
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be active in the field of elections. the stories of these mothers are in the same field. the graduation ceremony of stanford university students once again turned into a scene of support for the people of gaza. hundreds of people the students of this university walked out of the ceremony carrying palestinian flags and chanting slogans in support of gaza at the same time as the president's speech. according to the announcement of the nbc network , despite the strictures applied during the registration of students to participate in this celebration, this event became a scene of support for the people of gaza. in support of gaza, stanford university students
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set up tents in solidarity with gaza for more than 100 days on the campus of this university. in england, the students of the london school of economics and the university of leeds in support of the palestinian people and protest against the regime's genocide zionists protested in the gaza strip. israeli arms companies were banned from participating in the french defense industry exhibition. this exhibition, which is the largest international exhibition of defense industries and it is being held in the suburbs of paris. this year, the officials of this exhibition called the presence of the comfort companies of the zionist regime undesirable and prevented their presence. supporters of palestine called this ban another victory for the palestinian people. a collision between a cargo train and
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a passenger train in india left eight dead and more than 50 injured. as a result of this encounter. one of the wagons the passenger train was suspended in the air and three other carriages derailed. the cause of this accident is the cargo train driver's inattention to the railway signs. and free treatment insurance for 33 million iranians was achieved by the 13th government, according to the deputy minister of health, in addition to setting up 87 infertility treatment centers. in the last 3 years, 3 thousand intensive care beds were also set up in the country. shethar was supposed to sell his car to treat his child, but this car was not needed. i told him that now if the hakim hospital center is not approved by us,
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i will sell the car and we will go to the hospital. private, then we came here, we saw the environment here , thank god, the quality is much, much better than private, with the establishment of 17,000 hospital beds in the 13th government, the worries of patients for many treatment costs were reduced, chemotherapy without treatment, all my medicines were covered. it was one of the biggest steps he took for hamedan and it was permanent. 8 million children under the age of 7 went under the umbrella of free treatment . well, it was free. the health of the 13th government was treated only in the department of this record , we freed about 33 million people from the referral route, pi sono beds we increased it by 10 times and in the implementation
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of the youth population law, good results were also achieved . we did not have second-level infertility centers at all. now, 87 centers have been established in this government . and receiving the needed services. also, special attention was paid to other provinces in terms of having treatment facilities and equipment. we were a province that did not have a radiotherapy center. we were in the province we did not have a dedicated linear accelerator for radiotherapy. in the 13th government, we were able to develop general departments and special departments in mazandaran province , treat many patient patients and cancer patients for free , and activate ip-did departments in mazandaran province , from 3 centers to 8 centers. we have developed
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, based on the statistics of the ministry of health in the 13th government, more than 290 medical centers were launched in the field of health tourism in the country, tahib kargar khabar. gazarieh sed and cima, thank you very much for being with us. everyone has a style, what is your style? something with we feel better. something that is made for you
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, with comfort in harmony with the energy of the environment, something that is your own style , at any moment, in any place. irani grand sarai, the only tehran branch in afsariyeh, with incredible prices and long -term bookings without prepayment in irani grand sarai. hello, akbar, mr. mas, i want to tell my father's eyes that there is a lot of credit in your father's account
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. i will pay with tara's credit. tara's credit is very creditable with us. tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans. don't hurt your hands. put them in the fridge. why was this hand removed? it was like this from the beginning, except for a few you didn't buy household appliances, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no , why not buy household appliances, because it has both quality and discount, discount, discount, discount, discount, and prize every night, a winner of one hundred million tomans, shahr farsh shahr. at home
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, on the 35th date of the 14th of june, the appointment of the ummah with the imam became official from this moment. the people of the front page and foreign guests gathered as in previous years to honor the imam for hazrat ruhollah. this great gathering every year has an important goal needed by the iranian nation, and that is to renew the memory of the imam. honorable and benefiting from the lessons of the honorable imam for the pre-registration of the country and administration
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the imam's country has three main topics for the ummah, palestine , which is the first issue of the world, the loss of the president and his companions, which is one of the most important events in the history of the revolution, and of course, the upcoming elections in the palestinian issue , they always repeat that if the nation enters the field , the palestinians themselves will act and the zionist regime will be forced to retreat, this is what happened today, the leader of the revolution said that after the gradual realization of the imam's prediction about palestine , the zionist failed once again. they call it an irreparable failure during the storm operation, especially after that. a blow
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there is no cure for him. let's skip all this and they skip all this and say: what is in front of all of us is that palestine has become the first problem of the world and the zionists are on the way to destruction. today, the zionist regime is in front of the eyes of the people of the world. it is gradually melting. after these takbeers , the topic of the absence of the president and his companions is opened, almost 35 6 minutes have passed since the beginning of the conversation. everyone admitted that he was a man of work, a man of action, a man of service, a man of purity and honesty. everyone admits this.
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he did not know day and night. in the service of a country installer. we had service personalities before, but not to this extent , not with this volume, not with this quality, not with this honesty, not with this abundance of work and not knowing day and night, and this abundance of work in the form of international movements that are supposed to be the result was iran's expansion. in the eyes of the world , he correctly defined the islamic revolution and the nation of iran in his statements and in his foreign statements. therefore, the political men who talk about him today talk about him as a prominent figure. the leader
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of the revolution says that this honor is a new thing for us who have been dealing with foreign issues for years he treated his companions with ministers and government managers with sincerity and sincerity. he respected people and gave young people a platform to express their opinions. on the other hand, he was clear in demarcation with the enemies of the revolution. he didn't talk in two ways, he spoke frankly, he didn't trust the enemy's smile. these. the value of this lesson is an example for our politicians, for our future presidents, for those who are trusted by the nation. so far, the discussion and with these descriptions of leadership , you have drawn some of the distinguished characteristics of the martyred president for this group, for this group and for
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history and after a deep regret on the sidelines. they said that after the loss of this dear, i saw that almost all the newspapers, all the press in the virtual space, various people from different currents, i saw everyone talking about his services and his day and night efforts , praise him. they tell me that my heart was burning for a president during his lifetime . they were not ready to say a word of these words. during his lifetime, they saw these prominences
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. the president wrote that they also spoke about the ingratitude and taunts of ill-wishers to the close servant of the nation a dear boss who knew no fatigue. these passionate gatherings had messages, one of the messages was this , and they reached the epic that the people created from this tragic incident, that the iranian nation is full of motivation, don't get tired , it is standing, it is alive , it shows its presence in the face of various events, its motivation.
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it shows. another message is that there is communication and emotional attachment between the people and the officials at the top levels of the country. just the opposite of what the enemy wants to insinuate. a president should be taken from the hands of the people. millions of people are speaking on the street. this is the national capital. anywhere in the world there is no such thing. apart from this national capital, ayatollah khamenei also made another report along with the messages of that presence. that the nation showed by praising a leader. he supports the slogans of the revolution because raisi was the embodiment of the slogans of the revolution. people appreciate their servants. officials should not choose
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if they served. people will forget this. no , people know, understand, appreciate. leader to end their talks about peace and security after. with the loss of the president, the country was able to completely maintain its peace and security, and the president responded with this slogan, which means peace and security. security will be established by answering this prayer like a slogan, dear brothers and sisters, now the meeting has reached its final minutes, one sentence. they said that the elections that are ahead of us, if they are held with goodness and grandeur
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, will be a great achievement for the iranian nation. preserve itself and stabilize its strategic depth and bring its natural and human capacities and talents to the emerging stage and sweeten people's palates and also be able to fill the holes and loopholes of the economy and it needs an active and productive president to fill the culture. a knowledgeable believer in the fundamentals of the revolution. these attributes, this active, productive, knowledgeable believer in the fundamentals
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of the revolution became four indicators for the right choice. and then it was time for the final order. fixed recommendation of all previous elections. in the contests before the elections between the candidates, ethics should prevail. slandering, slandering, spreading mud will not help progress. it also damages the national reputation . the scene of elections is the scene of honor and epic. the scene of competition for service. it is not a stage to gain power and the imam's classroom this is how the 35th appointment ended. the brothers who
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enter the field of electoral struggle and compete in the election should know that they should fulfill their duty. god almighty will also guide the hearts of the people, god willing, to the best option and a worthy president for the nation, god willing. iran will be determined, peace be upon you, god's mercy and blessings. have you noticed that there are places where we are divided
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, why this flower, why not that flower? now i looked at each of them, each one had its own beauty, but i think this one is more beautiful, but it is different from each other. the design in my mind is beautiful. the flower i want to choose must be coordinated with the design i want. i want a flower. its height, width, and length are important to me, so the selection criteria are different . yes, 100% of this issue becomes a more sensitive issue when it is on a macro level, like the election of the president , god willing. that the president can serve the people, i really want our president to be one of a kind, be a people person, ayatollah raisi himself, shahid raisi, was really on the side of the people. we expect the future president to be fair, to think about the people and fulfill the people's wishes as much as possible he can understand that they try day and night
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to make joona feel good. all the pressures are young, as an initial vote, i expect that he will behave a little more sympathetically, now here he shows his accuracy and accuracy to the history of his people. can it be that it doesn't matter who comes, it is the most important thing in my opinion. one is that it should be from the people themselves, it shouldn't be like that , it should be woven into a taffeta, and it should reach the living conditions of the people , the economy, which is actually a bit now, not only me, but everyone, not only me, would like to give him the head of samoon. let's go vote and do research and see who did the best work. the characteristics of a president are that he must be a professional, know what to do, and we have a request from the candidates. sir, the words they say must be fair, he has a heart for the people. i would like
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to say one thing, god willing, that they only fulfill the promises they make. the 8th day is the day when the results of this careful observation about the presidential election will be determined. mustafa gohari, sed and broadcasting news agency.
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as far as iran is concerned, this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store, where you can buy equipment very easily choose your favorite sport from among all this impressive variety, then
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take it to your home with an unbelievable price, long-term orders, and free shipping. it's as simple as this. sarah afsarieh what's up with the great festival of eid until eid in the horizon of koresh, we offer a discount of 10% to 30% on thousands of products. is it possible? from eid al-adha to eid al-qadir. ofok korosh stores. it's opening now, i'm tired . i said, i'm afraid of the city. i told you to go to shahreh home appliances in all
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branches in tehran, isfahan, and it is located in the best access points for you, dear ones, along with a dedicated parking space suitable for shopping throughout the week , the first largest home appliance city in front of cold tehran. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with economic news. the minister of mining industry and trade announced the import of 30,000 cars and said: if this trend continues , the quota of car imports to the country will be broken by the end of the year. mr. ali abadi in the public meeting of the parliament also
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