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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god. noor
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al-noor, in the name of god, light upon light, in the name of god, light upon light, in the name of god, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the
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messenger of god. hai ali al salah hai ali al salah hai ali al falah hai ali al falah
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hai ali khair al-alam, hi ali khair al-alam , allah is great
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, we wish your obedience and worship well accepted by the door. god bless the presidential election candidates today for advertising and presentation their programs will come to the national media. seyed amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi in the political round table program from 14:30 to 16 on c-sima channel, mohammad baqer qalibaf in the documentary program 1 from 16:00 to 17:00 on ik-sima channel. alireza zakani in documentary program one from 17:00 to 17:30 on channel one, masoud bizikian, in the cultural round table program from 19:00 to 20:00 on channel two , seyed amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi, in the program
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without compliments from 205 to 21:50 saeed jalili, on tv channel two, in the talk show vijeh khabar from 22:00 to 225:00 on khabar and tv channel mustafa pour mohammadi will speak to the people in the economic round table from 225 to 24 on the one sima channel. after the broadcast of the first debate of the presidential candidates , we asked people's opinions. people say this.
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did you see? yes, almost in the old days, i was much less marginal. last night, the first debate of the presidential candidates was held on the national media. i watched most of the program last night. i was listening to this from duranor, we couldn't watch it in full last night because we had a party last night and we were traveling for a while. we saw less of it. now, god willing , we will look at those last debates next week. how was it? it was not bad. it was good in my opinion, but maybe people's opinions differ. there was no difference in this matter from previous years . it was much better than previous years' debates. the questions were almost being asked , they were destroying each other. i think it is better in terms of relaxation
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what is your suggestion for the next debate? well , in my opinion, it would be better if some of the questions were more specialized, the economic issues should be a little smaller , and the questions should be more practical and what actions are being taken for the well-being of these people, but people also have expectations from the candidates in the next debates are telling the facts in the debate, more powerfully than the first debate. in my opinion, if they explain their plans more, it would be much better to have better answers for the people in the next debates . their goal is to know their plans for the next four years. how far can debates go? in knowing people better. of their favorite candidates to be effective, a lot in the debates because of checking their views, their plans for the future
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, and this is very helpful. if it is held in the same way, i think it will be very effective in decision-making. let them have a few more debates that we have now against people. conversations, debates, we will definitely be able to have a better choice of weapons. mehdi anari, sed and broadcasting news agency. members of parliament on tuesday with the presence of the minister of industry, g.a and business, they examined the implementation of the law on the organization of the car market and the degree of fulfillment of its legal provisions and requirements. it was supposed to be an economic car, so khodros would invest and produce this economic car. unfortunately, the production of this economic car has also been stopped. in the case of mothers' cars, a registration was made in 141
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, but after that, no more registrations were made, and mothers it is necessary for those who have a second child to be deprived of this right. think of a solution. the minister of mining industry and trade also discussed the increase of 8. production car in 1402. compared to 1401, he said that the production of 1 million and 700 thousand cars is targeted for this year. mr. aliabadi announced the import of 30,000 cars by the end of the year. in the matter of import, more than 110,000 devices have been ordered. one and two billion dollars during this short period after the notification, which is less than 6 months, until now, the currency of dafe allocation.
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produce a product to eliminate oral bacteria. in addition to eliminating bad breath, this product also improves performance. the use of probiotics these days in the food and drug industries is due to the high effectiveness has increased, the production of a product with the aim of eliminating bad breath is the newest product in this field. it is a suckable probiotic product . the bacteria in the technological product
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prevent harmful microbes from attaching to the human oral cavity by attaching to human cells. the vial containing the mother cell is removed from the cell bank . actually, the steps before it or preculture and the main fermentation are done in 500 liter fermentors and after that they actually separate the cells and after that actually these probiotic strains can be used during the spray drying process. do this and then mix this probiotic strain with other ingredients. the technological product can be used by all people of any age due to the use of natural materials. among the points that we can mention for this product is that all the compounds used in this medicine do not contain sugar compounds, which can be used by patients with diabetes. it makes it easier. another application of the technological product
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is to help improve the functioning of the respiratory tract. of this, in fact, medicine to maintain health it also helps maintain the health of the throat and mouth and teeth. according to the announcement of the vice-chancellor of science and technology in the past years, with the internalization of enzymes and probiotics, the need for high pharmaceutical and food industries and biocompatible products has been produced. it has become a favorite of sed and sima news agency. later , the palestinian islamic resistance movement, havas, announced in a statement that the zionist enemy continues the criminal war and the policy of starving the palestinian people in the gaza strip. in gaza, the occupying regime has adopted the most brutal methods of collective punishment closed through the all-round blockade. crossing and blocking the entry of humanitarian aid . the hamas movement emphasized that the united nations and
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the international community should take immediate measures to help the people of gaza and meet their essential needs. this movement also called on arab and islamic countries to put pressure on the zionist regime to reopen the crossing and send aid crews to the gaza strip. until the next part. i have a problem in lesson planning consultation, this
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is it, but i don't have a good guide here , gilnas publications, and we have made this problem easy for you to receive 60% of these resources in the form of completely free, now send the number 5 to the 3085 system , get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift by sending the number 5. after the position of leadership of the president, if the presidency is good, it means that he serves the nation , that is, the vote of the nation, and he is with the help of god and following the prophet of islam until
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he is sworn in. on the 26th of mehr, ayatollah mahdavi keni submitted the resignation of his cabinet to the president. considering the heavy responsibility that the constitution has given you, the issue of the continuation of the government or the resignation of the government in the meeting 23 7 60 was investigated and as a result, the government board accepted the resignation in order to leave his excellency's hand in choosing the prime minister and cabinet members. therefore, this party submits its resignation. the next day, mr. khamenei introduced ali akbar velayati as the prime minister to the parliament. on the 30th of mehr, the parliament
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votes for the provincial prime ministership. the representatives speak for and against. first. in the end, the proposed minister is not approved with 80 votes against, 74 votes in favor and 38 abstentions. the president praises this courageous action of the parliament. i believe that this is one of the most important actions that the parliament has done so far. the reason is that in this decision, the parliament was in front of the president, who expressed his love and support for him many times. inevitably, the president introduces his second choice, mirhossein mousavi, to the parliament. on the 7th of november, mousavi receives a vote of confidence from the parliament. after many conflicts , it seems that in the second half of the year, peace has reigned in the political atmosphere of the country. i
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do not consider myself the president of this great president. the president of our nation, the huge mass of our people who chose me as their leader they have many chosen people among themselves, how many pious people, how many scholars and scientists, how many intellectually, spiritually or practically selected elements are there in this society of ours, and i am in a society where scholars, scientists, artists , speakers, poets, politicians, intellectuals, elements
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desperate and selfless. mothers, fathers , abandoned children and young people, and other exceptional elements are abundant in him. in such a society, i do not know myself as the head of this society, the president of this great president. trustee of these people i will bring. by explaining the political situation of the country, the president introduces the way of progress of the country through revolutionism and moving in the line of imam. compromising groups that were willing to build with america, build with the west, build with great powers. in order
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to preserve the country as they think, or as they claim , and in fact to keep themselves at work, or to say at work, this is the exposure of the groups that were ready to place themselves in the hearts of the people at any cost. and rely on the east and the west . the exposure of the hypocrites, the compromisers, the liberals, the groups affiliated with the east and the west. these people do not have, and these people speak the language of the imam, which is the most honest language of the revolution, and the imam himself, in fact, crystallized. this revolution came to be known from the words of such a person, and the imam himself
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exposed the hypocrite, the liberal , the warring groups, the compromisers with america, and the compromises of the compromisers, with complete determination and with the frankness that we have always known from that noble person. he has exposed the east and an uncompromising, revolutionary imami line has remained in the text of the society , which, if it does not fall apart by god's grace, will not suffer corruption in the future, and will not fall into inefficiency and stagnation. the ability to lead this country in the line of revolution for many years. ayatollah khamenei predicting the natural release of the revolution. with a subtle expression , he compares the export of the revolution to the scent of spring. the culture of the revolution, the true spirit of the revolution, like the soft spring air
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, does not recognize barriers, distance, or border lines, it passes and is exported. there is no fence or door that can block the gentle air of spring and the fragrance of april flowers, and the revolution will bring its sweet fragrance to the noses of those who wish. on november 11, the prime minister introduces his cabinet to the parliament and after the speeches the representatives about the ministers, finally, the cabinet of engineer
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mousavi receives a vote of confidence from the parliament. thanks to all the respected representatives for creating the opportunity for the new cabinet to be implemented as soon as possible. enter and start his own work, still after 23 february 1957, we had people who , influenced by that corrupt culture, wanted to be a bridge for the return of america to our country, for the return of imperialism to our country, this desire to be a bridge forever not consciously but sometimes unconsciously. was also since the beginning of saddam's attack, this is the first time that war has become the main issue of the country. everyone
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they are waiting to hear good news from the fronts. on the 23rd of diy, the government delegation and a number of officials of the country will visit the imam. the leader of the revolution does not accept excuses for inaction and the officials to remove the obstacles and movement and work of the revolution. the reform of the government, the reform of the administrations , the reform of the society, and the reconstruction of all these are now the responsibility of all of us, especially you who are at the top of the affairs, and if you do not make an effort to solve the problems in the home ministry, in the offices and wherever it is, without hesitation. and among
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these, there should be people who read and don't let things flow in their own islamic channel, their own humanity maybe we will take a step back. you must clear the offices with all your might. no resolution from any person who is deviant. they were refined in the sense of discipline and refinement , but they didn't understand it. islamic issues and islam has brought us everything and we must use it and this is the day to use it, the
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psychological war of foreign media with the iranian nation has intensified. imam khomeini is the main target of these attacks in the position of religious leader of the time. the imam calmly mocks the rumors. a few days ago, while i was listening to the radio, i saw that the foreign radio said that so-and-so said that khomeini in the world. it is death. i remembered a story and it was a person who wanted to express his strength and bravery . he said in a meeting that i am the one who did what i did. he counted his deeds and said this sentence, i am the one who killed such and such a person. i killed a certain place and what did i do ? that person was willing to say that the person you killed
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is listening to your words. i remembered that the person who said that he was dying heard his words and laughed in this brainy way. in the eventful last days of 1960, new facts from the events of march 14, assassination and... we thought that we were fighting against westernization, but since our intellectual content and the intellectual content of the enlightened thinkers came from the same western vision, we were unconsciously or consciously against the clergy and islam. we are faced with imperialism, which sees
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that it has implemented its method well , and starts raising these figures, including us, and putting them in front of the clergy. i don't want to say that this is the only issue. internal motives of internal diseases, but the huge dimension of these same effects it is a culture of imperialist propaganda that still exists through its radios and newspapers and affects both internal and external elements . the consultants are bani saad , the rest are from various organizations. our conversations are completely honest and we are not in any way advocating for
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four more days of life. it is ridiculous that a 30-year-old man wants to destroy his 20-year history of struggle . it has not been for these few days that we have been saying these things and that's all. it is for god's pleasure and to wake people up and they can judge as they want. 1360 ends with the revelation of the role of the hypocrites in terror and unrest in the country. there has been a noticeable increase in general, allahu akbar, allahu akbar khomein, the leader, death is enough for yazid, the infidel, spring 61 will be accompanied by the great victory of jerusalem, and the glorious and free city of jerusalem will return to the arms of the motherland . . they have come home
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to express their gratitude for the heroism of islamic fighters. representatives of the islamic council participate in the celebration of the muslim people of iran with the presence of the balcony of the islamic council. god willing, saddam and his followers will be destroyed and we will destroy america . sharaz's heart became bloody. the country is overwhelmed with joy because of the continuous victories on the war fronts. on 12 june 1361, the minister of interior announced the necessary preparations for the simultaneous holding of mid-term elections of the parliament and leadership experts before the holy month of ramadan.


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