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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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this law gives us the opportunity to know what action versus action means. i will give an example to make it clear, sir, that if our oil is sold through the bank mer route , we should take the path that we can bring economic benefits to our people in this discussion, that oil versus ironically, not everyone allowed it. well
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, it's not an achievement. this is a clear path for us. i 'm sure i'll follow up on this work. in addition , we have other things to do. now , look at your agriculture issue. well, we still have work to do . this is where i am. i emphasize that the summary of a strong decision-making manager at work should be such that be aware that, as hazrat agha said , we should leave the decision-making to our elites. let's put the performance in the hands of the people. the government should sit in its place so that it can do the work of supervision and regulation. no interference in affairs. in every sector we look at, our problems are rooted in the fact that we in the 14th government definitely work on this basis. i would like to ask a point, let's move on to the next topic because based on the question raised by our compatriots, how do you want to remove the sanctions, this is the same method of action against action.
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you will take steps to remove the sanctions, of course we have many other tools to do this . please ask our compatriots. well , there are different dimensions. it is a specific plan. maybe we shouldn't mention some of them here, but our main priority in foreign policy is to do this. one day, when a missile was about to be fired, it was only on the missile that had not been fired. being the summary of death for israel , do you remember that they said that you tested this, and it affected our abnon, but you are really honest now in the promise and the events that happened, how much opportunity it created for us in its various dimensions in the future. its economy is also related to its authority in the field of national security . anyway, look at how deep the zionist regime is at the time we were talking about the jcpoa.
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he did a lot of terror, mr. doctor , there are many questions from my countrymen, i want to get help from your excellency , i know that in some cases, in order to do justice to the content , please give more explanations. from the messages of compatriots and people, i can tell you that in the first part , you mentioned the issue of villagers. no one talks about them, no one works. it does not track them. what is your plan for the villagers? look, an important issue, first the village must find an owner. it means that in any case, someone is responsible here since the construction jihad actually started and it became a claim and this became a debate . in any case, we now have the councilors there who are really working hard. we should pay some attention to them, give them some formality and follow them. copper village. the village has health
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, the village wants services, the village welcomes your presence if the village wants production, if we take everything, there is no job and it is not productive, then what is the use of the village , surely it wants communication. now, alhamdulillah, in the field of internet space, this opportunity is gone. for example, in the field of tourism, our plan is definitely to try because the village is which no longer needs popularization, it is popularization itself, that is, all the people in the village are active, they are all working by themselves , we must do this education for them, of course , we definitely need an institutional reform in the center, now in the seventh plan of the government , it is required in the year first, the center that is now look, the housing foundation is doing something there. right now, people in the village have a land problem
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. it's not really funny that a villager has a land problem for housing in his own village . the type of housing we need there. it may be different, the government is obliged to bring this plan and model to the parliament , but we will surely follow our villages with employment and health, so that their work is done , their housing is settled, and we can actually make them self-sufficient and have an income that these the villages should not move, saying that the law to increase salaries proportional to inflation has been passed in the parliament in the past few years what did you do as the head of the parliament to implement this law and increase salaries in line with inflation ? why did you not increase salaries based on inflation during the days when you were the head of the parliament and the budget was formulated in the parliament ? he was obliged to implement it. well, look, in
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fact, let's divide this question into two parts. one part is what we did in the parliament, and the other part is what we should do in the government. first of all, what is the issue here? i will tell you that when the budget is prepared by the government, the parliament approves it, i am in the court many times i told the parliament that this budget is not the government's budget. we are correct in saying that the government's budget
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is the income of the government's expenditure. you know , this means the lives of the people. it goes up, inflation goes up, that means where do we take from the people's tables , even when we raise taxes , what do we get taxed from? it happened that today , naturally, we should think about work, yes, my servant i believe, of course, that it was in the law, but in the 6th plan, in fact, it was stopped by this proportional salary increase. yes, yes
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, it was stopped there. we did not stop it in the 7th plan, that is, in article 125 of the civil service management services law. it has been seen there that this work is done in the field of social security . i think that article 141, if i am not mistaken, is the labor law that we were proportional to the inflation. we did, now we actually had a proportional adjustment in pensions we must have a compensatory policy to bridge the gap between inflation and fixed salaries, whether for workers , employees, retirees, or
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pensioners. now here is a part of it. in this interval, let's assume that we have a 20% salary increase and inflation. now it is 30%, and you have eaten 10% of this 12%, it must be compensated , in the plan we have now, i will definitely give an explanation in the coming days so that our people know that this 10% of 12% is between any hundred, we have to fill it. definitely one forgiveness is from the place of economic growth, which is filled here, a part of it should be, we see the basic goods for them with the same goods. electronic means the five basic pens that are included in the dowry and household items. in fact, we have a compensation policy for them. however, there is a sector in the field of livelihood that at least every person needs 1,800 calories per day .
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we also provide them with a compensation policy in accordance with inflation. let me say this, of course, we are determined that our main and fundamental task is to control inflation, and i am sure that this will not take long, god willing. we help with the priority of entrepreneurs and investors in growth. we must follow the economy, and most importantly, the savings that we have, the funds that we have in our hands, these are disappearing. something happened in 99. these are the points, but anyway. these damages are caused by the government's decisions. well, the government was not the one
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to cause this damage to the people. in the 14th government, while we are controlling these in making decisions, we will curb inflation before it occurs. restraint is definitely our policy to compensate for this ourselves in the two ways that i said, the next question is almost in the same area and similar to the same subject, considering that mr. dr. qalibaf said in his advertisements that the salary of the employee and the work of the employee should be in line with inflation. if there is a real increase, please ask mr. qalibaf, does the president personally have such authority , isn't it stipulated that the government's proposal should be reviewed in the parliament and other institutions and then approved? therefore, we did not stop in the seventh program now the law in the government , i will definitely implement this law. i have emphasized many times that one of the debates that exist now
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is what is the value of a piece of paper if the law is not implemented. i am determined in the government that, god willing , with the help of the people, we will definitely implement the law, god willing. kurd, mr. qalibaf, the issue of determining the duties of the corporate forces still remains . what did you do to solve the problem in the position of the head of the maghneh power? this issue has caused discrimination and inequality among the corporate forces, which include a large number. now , if the president. what decision do you have to solve this important issue? really look at us i emphasize again that being aware of a subject, mastering work in a subject, and the ability to make onions , how important are these? look, i am asking you, my dear nation, especially the corporate forces , to pay attention and see what happened here. i went to the round table and said, "now, between the corporate forces and the official forces, we should really make first-class and second-class citizens . we have created an injustice.
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we have contract workers, these are mainly like this, they are really younger, more educated , more efficient in the same room, they get less salary, but they don't have job security. dear. moon, who is an official employee , gets more salary, he also has job security, his productivity is higher, in your opinion, for example, when you see this 4-year-old, 5-year-old, 6-year-old, 7-year-old working there , this is fair, look at it from that side, we went to a company. we created some as human services resource companies, we told them to bring in a number of forces, then they will work inside the organization, one above the other. i can't say this
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, i apologize. it's really a type of slavery of the 21st century . anyway, this is the money that the government is giving. a per capita is being taken from there. well, dear ones , we did the same thing in the municipality, we did it in a different way . if there is anyone, it should be a company that buys services for us. well, why don't we have a company to buy services, that is , we outsource work, what did we do in the police force, now they have passports, they are issuing them , the speed is better, the safety is higher, the government's cost has decreased, it has created an income for the government , the driver's license certificate, as well. at one time , the work of the police force had to increase due to the expansion of cities
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we outsourced the management to the employers , the law enforcement companies are self-correcting , they are doing the work of prevention, preventing perhaps more than 100,000 new forces from the law enforcement force , a wrong decision has been made here, this must be corrected, we discussed the corporate forces in the parliament. we approved a discussion in the assembly. we are definitely solving the problem there, be sure that we will put an end to this discussion of corporate forces and first-class citizens, god willing, and let me also say that there will be no financial burden for the government. however, unfairly, with a wrong method, you had already said in the election that you would fill the refrigerators of retirees. are your other promises similar to this
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one ? he had a friend. to be honest, when i entered the election as a candidate, i have a clip . i said this for a minute. video clip. yes, i apologize . what did i say there? i said that we see one of our problems, especially now that the pressure has gotten worse. that is, with this incident that happened in the 90s that we our liquidity is 26 times, but our growth is less than 1 %, the tables got smaller, the freezer got emptier , i think i talked about this in 2012, i think it was 1996, if it was 6 or 2 , i don't know what to say. i called , then it happened today, i told them, well, i said that it was a condition that i become the head of the executive branch to do this job, well, i didn't, well
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, of course, it was not my choice, but when i came to the parliament. even now , we have implemented the reconciliation of pensioners' rights this year, which had a financial burden of about 60 thousand billion tomans, that's why i believed in open-minded people, that's why i'm saying now that i will definitely pay for inflation with my salary, and really , what do we need for a retiree today, he really wants comfort and peace. on friday night, the brides want to express, the bride wants to express, the groom wants to express, i'm sorry, he's looking for an excuse, i said this at that time, i said, i assure you that you don't have to worry about your refrigerator anymore , and i'm saying this today. this explanation that i gave in the discussion of retirees
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will definitely happen, god willing, and this capacity exists in the country with a correct and definite management. our shares in the stock exchange became less and less valuable day by day. all the officials are breaking their promises. you are also going ahead. look, the stock market has not followed a good path. there are millions of people in the stock market. anyway, in the 90s , we pushed these people to the stock market. today, 50 million people are in the stock market. of course, some of them are not very active in the stock market. all my equity shares are not our citizens, not from the point of view of buying and selling. or why not have equity shares, if it is owned by him, why manage it
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it is not theirs, why should someone own the shares? ok, don't be the manager. if that manager makes a loss , what should the owner be responsible for? what does this really mean? this is worse than this private company. we were given a profit of up to 300, i.e. 3 times the amount of the investment. where is the stock market today ? today is negative 4. what is the situation in which the bank interest has recently increased for some projects . unfortunately, the central bank
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has guaranteed up to 30% interest for long-term deposits. my profit is not 10% 5. do you think that the stock market will flourish ? the stock market has a primary market and a secondary market . if the secondary market is not managed properly , the primary market, which is the production cycle, will definitely have this problem when the government is in the petrochemical feed and petrochemical gas feed. sometimes he decides to cancel it in a meeting because the cost will be high. the profit there is low. these problems are due to the fact that our economy is not predictable. it is due to these decisions of the hour, when we make a decision overnight. 4220 what are the bases, why 4300 not, why 320 not, on what basis? we don't control the interest channel
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, we don't pay attention to the secondary market, these problems can be found, of course , the stock exchange institution itself has problems, there are problems with portfolios , the broker has problems, these are serious issues, talk to friends, but i want to tell you the great opportunity of our stock market for investment. and for a precise and predictable growth around the divine power, you will definitely move in this direction. can you tell me how long you want to look at the issue of the stock market in the event of winning the election? month or 6 months, this is the working process, as i mentioned on the way if he wants to be placed, how to get on the path , he must follow this process. it should take its own path upwards and the fluctuations there should be low, and this is the place where economic growth should go. one question is how long it will take to correct the path. i think we
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can definitely bring this stability to bose in the first year, god willing. because we can make those works in the field of productivity in institutional reforms and in the sector especially of tuli grade and lack of interference of the government and entrepreneurs. in this direction , there is a need for some languages ​​to carry out management reforms we are also following up. it is not going anywhere . what can we do to solve this problem? we have discussed this issue in the parliament in the commission. it came at the age when the law was passed. it will definitely be implemented, but justice must be done as i said it should also be corrected that now when we say popularization, we want equity shares, or now we say investment, before we really get money , we want people, or we want their shares, we really want more of their ideas
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, we want their thinking, we want their creativity. if they get involved here, they can definitely do so at a cost it is finished, less with more accurate and better decisions , you can increase your productivity when we talk about economic growth, this growth. with the field of investment, this productivity, which here is mainly management and elite science and knowledge, if we pay attention to it, we can do this in the field of investment as well , we have less than two minutes to say that everyone promises but later how can we trust that you do them ? i have a performance, tell me. in the past, thanks to the grace of god and the help of people, wherever i was,
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i fulfilled every promise i made, and my track record is clear. my life has been like this wherever i have been on this path, and i believe that this capacity exists in the country , surely with the help of the people. with the help of the elites , i can say with confidence that the capacities we have are being wasted. right now, we are equal to the direct subsidy we are giving. seeing that we made a promise , we made a promise later, we acted, and god willing, this path is firmly in front of me, sir. thank you for your presence and reply , and thank you for paying attention to your company , dear compatriots. i wish you a happy message. may god protect you all.
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did you notice that there are two places to choose? why this flower, why not that flower? now i looked at each of them, each one had its own beauty, but this one was more beautiful in my opinion. well, the colors are different. i want to put a few bunches around my neck, and one of them
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was with the people. we expect the next president to be be fair, think about the people , meet the people's demands as much as you can, try day and night to make the hearts of the young people feel good, take all the pressure on us young people . it is here now he shows his meticulousness and accuracy in the history of his people, how can something so important be different?
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i don't care who comes, the most important thing in my opinion is that it should be from the people themselves, it shouldn't be like this , it should be like this, it should know the living conditions of the people , the economy, which is actually a bit now, everyone is complaining, not only me, let's move forward with open eyes, it's not the same as saying, mr. so-and-so, let's go and vote, do some research and see who did the best job. the characteristics of a president. he must be an associate and know what to do. we have a request from the candidate sir, what i am saying should be fair, his heart should be fair for the people , but i want to say one thing: god willing , only these promises will be fulfilled. mustafa gohari , sed and broadcasting news agency.
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don't hurt your hand, put them in the fridge. why was this hand pulled? at first, it was like that , didn't you buy household appliances, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no , why buy household appliances, because it has both quality and discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts, and prizes , every night a winner of 100 million tomans shahr farsh shahr home appliances.
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i have seen the descent of hamran and that lamb of our faith
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in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful. welcome. 9 days before the election and after the first televised debate of the candidates, the election news is hot. it was so hot that the electricity spokesman of the country said that during the broadcast of the debates, electricity consumption increased by 700 megawatts.


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