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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] we do this by taking action against action. this is our policy. what does it mean that we have now gone and made all these legal agreements ? it was agreed upon. do you remember john carrey in london , there was a discussion about why companies don't come? john carrey said that we are not the obstacle, they are. well, something really happened, didn't we hear that the head of the central bank, the head of the budget program organization said that we still haven't opened swift through. nothing happened to the central bank. well, we fulfilled all our obligations in one place, nothing happened there. based on article 6 of this law, we are given the opportunity to what does action versus action mean? i will give an example. let it be known, sir, if our oil is sold, it will be opened through the central bank of elsia. well, for example, we
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have to reduce 60% to 20%. no problem. we are doing that work within a month, let them do this work, we are a practical work, we are sure that we have to go the way that we can bring economic benefits to our people in this discussion , that oil is the same as food , so don't let it. we have a clear path. now in discussion look at your agriculture. well, we still have work to do. these are the places that i emphasize . in short, a strong decision-making manager must be aware, as hazrat agha said . let's give the execution to our elites , let the people of the government sit in their place so that they can
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do the work of supervision and regulation. no interference in the affairs of any department , our problems are rooted in the fact that we are in the 14th government , this is definitely the basis of our work. based on the question raised by our compatriots , how do you want to remove the sanctions , you will take the same method of action against action to remove the sanctions, of course, we have many other tools to do this. please ask the question of our compatriots. but our main priority in foreign policy is to do this . look, one day when a missile was about to be fired, it was not fired, only the words "death to israel" were
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written on the missile. did you subscribe to us again? it ended, but you are really true to your promise now the events that happened, how many opportunities did it create for us in its various dimensions, both in its economic dimension and in its authority in the field of national security. anyway, you look at the zionist regime at the same time that we were talking about the jcpoa. there are many compatriots, i want to get help from your excellency, i know some cases. in order to do justice to the content, you should give more explanations . please help me further. if the answers are such that i can answer more questions from the messages of compatriots and people, in the first part, you mentioned the issue of the villagers, i said that there are separate questions, saying that the villagers are very oppressed, no one talks about them , no one follows up on their work, what plan do you have for the villagers
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? it means that, in any case, someone is responsible here since the construction jihad actually went away and it became a debate. in a way , we have to say that the villagers, anyway, we have the village council there now, who are really working hard . we have the village council there. let's pay some attention to them, give them some formality let's follow. the village has housing, the village has health, the village wants services, the village is ready for your presence. if we take everything away from the village , if there is no job and it is not productive, then what is the use of the village , surely it wants communication. now, thank god , this opportunity has gone in the field of the internet. for example, in the field of tourism, our plan is definitely to try because the village is one of the places that there is no need for popularization anymore, it is popularization itself, that is, all
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the people in the village are active, all of them are themselves. they are working, we have to do this education for them, of course, they definitely need one in the center institutional reform is now in the program. the seventh letter of the government mandated in the first year of the center that you look at now, the housing foundation is doing something there , right now people in the village have a land problem , it is not really funny that a villager in his own village has a land problem for housing, the type of housing construction we have to be different there, the government is obliged to bring this plan and model to the parliament , but we will definitely follow our villages with employment and health, so that their work is done , their housing is settled, and we can actually make them self-sufficient and have an income that these are from the villages should not move to say that the law to increase salaries
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proportional to inflation has been passed in the parliament in the past few years . what did you do as the speaker of the parliament to implement this law and increase salaries proportional to inflation? in the assembly it is formulated not to increase salaries based on inflation. if the parliament approved it, the government would be obliged to implement it. well, look, in fact, let's divide this question into two parts. one is what we did in the parliament, and the other is what we should do in the government. first, the issue. what is going on here, why the security organization and all the army retirees kashri, why are the beneficiaries of the imam relief committee, why are the beneficiaries of the organization. why are the employees, why are the workers protesting? they all have a point, especially those who have a fixed income. they say that the inflation is going up, but our salaries
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are not going up as much as the inflation. what should they do? shouldn't we think about this for a solution? it causes inflation. i will tell you when the budget is adjusted. the government takes it , the parliament approves it. i have said many times in the parliament that this budget is not the government budget. this means that the economy in that year means the economy in the following years , what happens when the budget deficit occurs here, well, our monetary base will increase , liquidity will increase, inflation will increase. that is , where do we take from the people's tables? even when we raise the tax, what do we tax from? we don't tax from production, that is
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, it is not enough to take, we tax from peat. we have to think of a solution. yes , i believe that it was in the law, but in the sixth program, in fact, it is to stop it. salary increase proportional to inflation. yes, yes , it has been stopped there. we have not stopped this in the 7th plan, that is, it is seen in article 125 of the civil service management services law. if i'm not mistaken, the law says that we should do this according to inflation. yes, i promised our loved ones that we followed these discussions in the parliament. now, we
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actually had a proportional adjustment in pensions , which is proportional to the position. the time of their retirement is based on their current salary that is one discussion, this is another discussion. we must have a compensatory policy to bridge the gap between inflation and fixed salaries, whether for workers, employees , retirees, or pensioners. let's assume that we have a 20% salary increase, the inflation is now 30%, and you have eaten 10%. this 12% must be compensated. in the plan we have now, i will definitely give it in the coming days so that our people know that we are 1012 the percentage between these is any hundred , we must fill this, definitely a part of the place of growth
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it is an economy that fills here , i am sorry that it should be. we will compensate them with this . there is a section in the field of livelihood that every person needs at least 1800 calories per day, and the compensation policy is proportional to the inflation. we will leave it to them. of course, let me say this . we are determined that our main and fundamental task is to control inflation , and i am sure that until this task will not take long, god willing, i will tell you about it later. first of all, people should help us with we must follow the priority of entrepreneurs and investors in economic growth, and most importantly , the savings that we have, the funds that we have in hand. ours is disappearing with bad management, with
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bad management, how can i say very brief decisions without a single order, this is how you look at what happened in the stock market in 2019 , these are the points, but anyway, these damages the government's decisions happen, well, it is not the government's responsibility to harm the people, we must be in the government. 14th, while we are controlling these in making decisions, we control inflation before inflation is controlled. it is definitely our policy to do this. let's compensate ourselves in these two ways that i said , the next question is almost in the same area and similar to the same issue, considering that mr. dr. qalibaf said in his own advertisements that the salary of the employee and the work of the employee and worker should increase according to the real inflation , please ask mr. ask qalibaf if the president personally has such authority. isn't it stipulated that the government's proposal
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should be reviewed in the parliament and other institutions and then approved? i mentioned that this was also stopped in the 6th plan of the labor law, but we did not stop it in the 7th plan, so now my law in the government must be this law. running i have emphasized many times that one of the current debates is what is the value of a piece of paper if the law is not implemented. i am determined in the government that, god willing , with the help of the people, we will surely implement the law. mr. qalibaf remains the subject of determining the duties of corporate forces. what did you do for the problem as the head of the singing faculty? this issue has caused discrimination and inequality among the company's forces, which include a large number. now , if you become the president, what decision do you have to solve this important issue? really look that we
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again emphasize that aware. mastery of a subject how important is being active in a subject and the power of making onions? look, i am asking you , my dear people, especially the corporate forces, to pay attention to what happened here. i said at the round table that we should really create first-class and second-class citizens between the corporate forces and the official forces . we have created an injustice. that the labor force is determined by the contract. these are mainly like this, they are really younger, more educated, more efficient in the same room, they have fixed contract work, they get lower salaries, and they don't have job security. but our dear, who is an official employee, gets more salary gira, he has job security, the benefit of that brother is more. in your opinion, for example, when you
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see this 4-year-old, 5-year-old, 6-year-old, 7-year-old working there , this is fair, look at it from the other side. they don't want to bring it, then they work inside the organization, they get a higher position, i can't say this, i'm really sorry. a type of slavery of the 21st century. well, anyway , the money that the government is giving, one per capita is being taken from there. well, that's it, my dears. we did the work in the municipality, we did it in a different way . if there is someone who wants to be a company that buys services for us, then why don't we have a company that buys services, that is, we work. outsource what we did in the police
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force. now they are issuing passports. the speed is better, the safety is higher, the government's cost has decreased , it has created an income for the government. driving license certificate, like us, once in the police force, due to the population and the expansion of the cities, we had to work as a force. discipline was increasing, so we outsourced him to the management of the employer. we did the law enforcement companies are doing the work of prevention, preventing perhaps more than 100,000 new forces from the police force . here is the decision. it has been corrected. this must be corrected. we approved the discussion of corporate forces in the parliament . now there is a discussion in the assembly. let me also
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say that it will not have any financial burden for the government. there is this financial burden right now, but with injustice and with a wrong method. in the election, you said that you would fill the refrigerators of retirees. are your other promises similar to this one? today, in the same meeting that you mentioned, we were speaking for the vacant seats . here, one of my friends had the same question. let me tell you correctly. there is a clip in one of the moments when he entered the election as a candidate. i said this for a minute, the video, yes , i apologize, what did i say there? i said that we see this as one of our problems, especially now that the pressure has gotten worse, that is, with what happened in the 90s, when our liquidity was 26 times higher, but our growth
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less than 1% of the tables became smaller, the refrigerator became emptier , i think i talked about this discussion in 1992, now it was exactly 1996, if it was 6 or 2 , i don't know exactly now. it got bad, i told them, well , i said this, it was a condition that i become the head of the executive branch to do this work, well, i didn't , well, naturally, it was not optional, but when i came to the parliament , we implemented the reconciliation of pensioners' rights this year, which has a financial burden of about 60 he had a thousand billion tomans, that's why i believed in the open-seated people, that's why i'm saying this now i will definitely do the inflation with my salary, and really, what is necessary for a retiree today
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, he really wants comfort and peace on friday night when he can. don't worry anymore about what they will say in your refrigerator, and i will say this today, with the explanation i gave in the discussion of retirees , something will definitely happen, god willing, and this capacity and possibility exists in the country, with a correct and definite management, to say that our shares in the stock market all officials became less valuable day by day. against the promise of action you are going the same way. look , the stock market has not followed a good path. we had many meetings in the stock market
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. today's stock market, 50 million people are in the stock market, of course , some of them. the statistics of equity shares are not very active in the stock market. they are all equity shares, aren't they our citizens , not from the point of view of whether they buy and sell or why they don't have equity shares? if it is owned by them, why is it not managed by them? against the shares of its owner it's okay if he doesn't have a manager, if that manager makes a loss, the owner should take the blame. what does this really mean? this is worse than this acquisition company. we are talking about exactly the same thing. a series of collections, a series of companies came to be evaluated and
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entered the stock market. up to 300d, that is, 3 times the amount of investment, the profit was given today. where is the stock market today minus four? what is the situation in this situation, in the situation where the bank interest has recently for some projects, unfortunately, the central bank has guaranteed up to 30% interest for long-term deposits, so do you think that a stock market that does not earn 10% interest or 55% interest should be in the bank. the stock market is booming, the stock market has a primary market, a market. secondary, if the secondary market is not managed properly, the primary market, which is the production cycle , will find this problem when the government supplies petrol. and the petochemicals gas feed makes a decision once. i canceled it in the parliament because when
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the cost goes up, the profit goes down . these problems are due to the fact that our economy is not predictable. let's take the preference width of 420 , what are the bases, why not 4300, why not 320, on what basis. we do not control the sea channel we do not pay attention to the secondary market, these problems are found. of course, the stock exchange institution itself also has problems. there is a problem with portfolio management, there is a problem with brokers, these are serious discussions . can you tell me how long you would like to reach a conclusion on the stock exchange issue if you win the elections? it
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is not like saying 3 days, 3 months or 6 months, this is a working process. as i mentioned in the way it wants to be, how to get it on the way , this upward trend must follow its own path and there should be few fluctuations, and this is the place where the economic growth with me, i think we can definitely achieve this stability in the first year. god willing, so that we can achieve those works in the field of productivity in institutional reforms and especially in the sector of accountability and non-interference of the government and entrepreneurs in this direction, it is necessary for one languages ​​to carry out management reforms , we say from javanese. we are all justice what are we going to do about this issue, this debate was examined in the parliament in the commission, it came in the approved document
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, it has become a law, it will definitely be implemented, but it must be corrected in the way that i said, that now when we say popularization of shares we want justice or now we say investment , we want menmada before the money is really eaten or we want their shares, we really want more. we want their thoughts, we want their thinking, we want their creativity. if they themselves get involved here, they can definitely do it with a lower cost, with more accurate decisions and so on better, you can also talk about productivity when we talk about economic growth, this growth of our 88 is certainly 2.8 tenths to 3% with productivity, 5% is 5. the percentage is in the field of investment. this productivity , which here is mainly management and elite science and knowledge
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, if we pay attention to this, we can do this in the field of investment as well . we have less than two minutes to say that everyone promises, but later. they don't do it, how can we trust that you do it ? it's true, i have one function, tell me, i was in the past , thanks to the grace of god and the help of people, wherever i was, every promise. i made that promise, i fulfilled that promise, my track record is clear, and my life has been like this wherever i have been on this path, and i believe that this capacity exists in the country , surely with the help of the people, with the help of the elites, and i can say with confidence that the capacities we have are wasted.
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god bless you all. you are the main one of this field, if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power. to join the chele khemat campaign, it is enough to do something for the people with the intention of the martyrs of khemat and
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send the number 8 to 39 123. this is the water wave sports complex with 60 water slides exciting, the largest wave pool in the middle east, two wild rivers, mashhad blue waves sports complex . how can i help you at the shrine of imam raouf to serve the pilgrims and others? we can have two hands of the same color and the same price. there is only one hand left of this hair style with the same color. that's why it came to the store at this price. wait, dad, i came to ask the same thing about the price of that refrigerator, which is very good , because this is a discount store, and all the appliances here
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, in addition to the iranian store discounts , i also have a special discount. when will these purchases arrive? whatever you buy right now , it will be delivered to you in a moment, attractive and unbelievable discounts at the discount store sarai
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boghor irani. now i'm telling you, let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now let's calculate the cash balance. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. it can be 16 million tomans, so installments and fees should
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be calculated on the basis of this amount. meanwhile, pay attention to the fees of the installments. must be from scratch. until it is finally 1 percent, the city of household appliances , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers, we are at your service at 17:00 with some news. the spokesperson of the government announced the approval of the bill proposed by the council of ministers to reform the organization of the automobile industry. according to mr. bahadri jahromi, this bill is to support the import of world-class cars and facilitate in this field. according to the spokesperson of the government


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