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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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it is our duty that if we see that something is wrong , we should help it to be corrected, don't say now, let it go, then say , for example, this is a mistake. i remember some of these meetings , some of them would get very angry and shout . well, answer , say no, this word is this, this is something else. what you wrote in this text is different from what you tell people. very well, government. shadow, what you mentioned, you mean that you formed an organization and a combination exactly similar to the government board that we have. the shadow government
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is not a place for an organization, a deacon, a discourse , what does it mean for every person in the country. follow it, if it helps, strengthen it what is his help, if he sees an error somewhere, he corrects it, if he sees something incomplete somewhere, he helps to complete it. therefore, on this basis, i said many times that every university should be a government leader, and if i am in the government , i will be in charge of the government. by the way, i welcome that every university , as a shadow government , follows this process of correcting and confirming completion. if it is good, confirm it, if somewhere if there is a mistake, help it to be influenced. if there is an incomplete place, help it to be completed. this is what we started. this is how we told everyone who is prepared in a subject to have an ability to have a specialty.
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let's discuss, check the issue , check it yourself, let's work together, sum up, follow up. now this type of government's approach is very important . we used to present this during the previous government, which was our rival government, but it was not paid attention to. i didn't see it. but for example, in the government of martyr raisi, one of the important discussions was that every case that we presented to him, he welcomed it with complete so-called pleasure. he was following up and saying, sir, these discussions are important , it is good to implement them, that is , he saw this as an opportunity for himself, not to say, for example, now this is a what is your practical plan to make the banks comply with the instructions of the central bank? do you have a solution to make it easier for people to receive facilities? see, one of the great opportunities that exist now is the beginning of the 14th government with the new law of the central bank. you see , our central bank law has been in need of reform for many years
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and it has been stopped for several decades. fortunately, this law came to an end last year. why can the central bank play its role now? supervise the banks, therefore, one of the things that i really hope for, and what we are following, is that the central bank must implement this law seriously, that is, it should not be the model where, for example, banks can do whatever they want, see now. banks, for example, have several tasks that are very serious, for example, the creation of money that they are doing, especially private banks, well, creating money from people 's pockets. okay, people, it's not like the bank will say no, i'll pay for it myself from the people's pockets i make money, but
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i do as i like. one of the main debates is that the second point is that the same facilities that banks give, well, unfortunately, we see a lot of discrimination. according to the statistics, 50% of our people now never i didn't get an education. i remember one of our brothers, who is now your colleague in sed and vasima, once wanted to get a loan for his marriage in the 80s and 81s. i went several times and i couldn't get it from the end, that is , he had gone several times, it was 200 thousand tomans at that time, he said that i couldn't get it, and he said that it is more bitter than this for what i mean is that, for example, some of our friends who are in the bank, for example, told us why didn't you come to get your loan, it means to ask someone to ask someone not to give this much, sir, he couldn't take it in the end because what he didn't want had to be done, now i want to say then you will see that this list of bank facilities is very important, so you should
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do this in the direction of production, in the interest of the people, in the direction of solving problems. there is a big difference between patients in private and public hospitals . what will you do to solve this problem? see this one the important issue in the health system is that we had a serious study method that the services that should be given to the people, this accountability in the health system is not just about telling mr. so-and-so what the tariff was or what these are. there is health. one of the serious debates is that there are about 100 indicators that determine whether the health system is responsive or not , which means, for example, whether the patient's respect is maintained and the patient is given different options. whether it can be done or not, these are very important discussions that now have their own place in the health system i will say this, that is, for example
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, what is one of those indicators of good response in the health system , for example, you can even tell the patient that you have as many options as you can, now there are effects for him. tell me about each option, its economic effects, i don't know the treatment that he can choose. now this is a detail that is not the place to discuss it here. there was a serious difference between government and private sector. naturally, at that time, you migrated your capabilities to the private sector because he says how many times i can do here. let me tell you , unfortunately, one of the things that happened is that until 1982, these were the same. in 1983, within two years, these definitions of the private sector multiplied at once . it was during the ministry of our brother, mr. mezikian, that
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it multiplied once when you the definitions of the private sector compared to the public sector are natural, and that doctor prefers to provide services there. if i do not explain some topics in more detail. because we want more questions that you said, my questions are the questions of dear viewers, so that we can ask more from janabali, please ask mr. jalili what program you have to control the price of land in spite of the sanctions , see one of the debates that exist , because i brought it up in the first debate, i said
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that it is worth it if you want to do it, one of them is the debate about the sovereignty of rial. it is inside that you have to inside the money circulation of realito. second, in the discussion of the currency price , you have to organize the so-called currency exchange within your country. the first thing i said there is that you should have a horizontal budget . the sources of your expenses should be defined based on your priorities so that nothing happens in that if he wants to put himself inside , fortunately, today we have enough foreign exchange resources for almost all the main needs that we have, not only the basic goods of the conventional needs that the country has , but at this level, you have to correct this cycle and process, that is, if iran has places in front of it. take this now, because i explained it last night, so i won't repeat it so that we can use it here, but you asked a question regarding the sanctions
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, what is one of the problems that we have with the sanctions? from serious discussions and programs that we we are working method. and we think that it is completely feasible in the short term, it can be realized in the short term. in the short term , we have to form some transverse exchanges with countries that are ready to do this with us. as much as you can do these transactions through a bank , which in our opinion is possible in some areas, at least it is possible to do this, at that time there will be some corruption and some problems and some complications that will arise at that time. the price of the width will decrease. one last point again, in this matter, i think it is important that now due to the sanctions, we have some processes through the trustees, and we have made a detailed review of these processes
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, there are serious problems, sometimes the process is prolonged which will harm the market, we must find a way to take at least a few measures. we also wrote that it will be announced in the first week , god willing, that it will be followed. what is the plan so that the sale of their products does not go into the pockets of dealers? they also have plans to reduce the price of fertilizers and fertilizers and increase the costs of farmers. see, one of the main points that we have in our plans is that you have a view on the village and the agricultural work and the products that have been done for a while. for example, let's go to remove some more deprivations. once again, no, your point of view is that we brought this up . it is in our slogan that whatever the so-called a village is a cell of mutation. we say that if the country wants to find a mutation
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, your village should become a cell of mutation, that is, if we have 40 thousand villages with more than 20 households, this is every which one, if there is an economic jump, naturally , the country will also jump, what is the way for this now, we have many agricultural products, what is the problem with these products? their first issue is that it should reach the market quickly, especially the export market. one of the discussions we have is that if your village is confident, it means that it has a farming model. if the conclusion of the so-called contract farming is formed in this discussion, it means that the farmer whose product quantity and quality are characteristic can have peace of mind in this market. and it follows one of the weaknesses that exist now what's going on? we have many products in many villages. these can be collected in the form of a real sign, connected to an export market and even
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exported. then your village will become an environment. your village will become an environment that happens to have the best life and peace. economic growth and farmer's income will also increase. one of the discussions that we think is very important now is the quantitative and qualitative expansion of the village market. in our opinion , this can work a lot, even now by using the opportunity of virtual space that we have. happy today, most of our villages have this virtual space at their disposal there is the internet, and such topics can be used there to expand the internet markets, which can be done with the existing software, and one of the other topics is that why should not the value of decay be done in the village itself, that is, if it can be converted into a product. to an industry, to a product with more added value, the more it is there, it means that your village's added value
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will be more. the same point that i said, we are fine with shahid raisi himself , we had a long history of deep friendship with each other. alhamdulillah , his kindness was always there for us. we also had devotion to him, and i really helped the government. i told them that some of these things are done by friends. today, i think that the government needs the help of those who sit from the position of spectators and then help the government in this way . tell them about the strengths of the government. well, take this with strength. by the way, one of the same letters that we had written to him recently, during this time in these two or three years that he himself has been kind to me this year. we had regular correspondence with them, we had meetings , we had discussions, and
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we explained all the points that needed to be done in order to strengthen the government and help the government. we used to tell them the problems of the obstacles that were in the way of the government's progress . we used to tell them about some of the places where this defect existed. now i will say this because it was not discussed in the debate. there was a problem, the price was 200 once it was too much, i told them, they said, well , we need help to fix it, we sat down and checked, i said, i even went to the pass in the relevant intersection, for example, we looked and saw that what is being said is different from reality. the interesting thing is this. unlike before, shahid raisi welcomed us with an open face when we gave him an article . and he gave strict orders and followed up , then he said several times and then
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he asked me again if this work was successful or not , these were the help that i think and i myself should be in the government. if i am in the government , i know that one of the things that is very important to me is that people watch the government shadow by shadow and tell it its weak points, its strength or its shortcomings, so that it can move forward with strength if it chooses a path. how is it with the people that if the administration does not solve their problems in a dilapidated city, how can they get their rights? see, one of the discussions that we have in our program is serious, we have stated this many times , it is the discussion of structure it is the administrative executive of the country . my argument is that the structure of its processes should be defined in such a way that these processes are services the example i mentioned many times, if we say, for example, in the holy defense, why was the process successful, it was because the commander there did not say come, he did not say go himself
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, he went forward first, then he told his troops to come. i believe that our departments should act in this way, that is , it is the department that should, for example, answer this question before saying, for example, if our farmer has a topical question, he should go and say, sir, now this is your right, now you can be here, for example, the product belongs to you. it can be given to you like this, that you should go to him, not that he will come, but no one will answer him at that time, what is the issue that you said , the discussion we are having is super smart government , what does super smart government mean today, considering the good human resources that we have and the infrastructure that we have , the opportunity to develop the virtual space that exists today , this possibility. he tells you that if your devices want to provide services to the people , there are interruptions in these services, and they have to go to the people. today, a mobile phone
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is available, you can send a text message to him to inform and these with technological facilities. cyberspace, which in my opinion is a very big opportunity, we say that one world is an opportunity, and this world is the opportunity of cyberspace, so this should take shape in the services of the people, dr. reilly , let them announce their position regarding the increase of salaries in line with inflation. it is a natural debate that maintaining the purchasing power of workers, especially employees, is both legal and necessary for the country's economy and growth. we are saying that this is an important discussion, that the balance of bananas with inflation, even in the policies announced by the leadership in social security policies, it is mentioned that maintaining power buying, especially from the weaker sections of the society, through that adjustment of the wages of the working people, the pensions of the pensioners , the regulation of the unemployed, this should be done, from that side
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, i say that we are one of the times when we say what is the growth of production, what is the most important part of the country's demand , domestic consumption, what is the necessary demand, economic prosperity if you think that due to the low share of wages in production and the need for the private sector to have a one-time demand, the benefits of maintaining the purchasing power of labor are greater than the increase in production costs, then this problem is the problem for me . salary in proportion with inflation, which is the law, it even has an effect on economic prosperity, so of course, this year, when the budget is closed, we believe that the government should pay attention to this , which can be an opportunity from both sides , it will reduce the problems and pressure of the people and the housing problem, which
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has become a wish, cannot be solved with slogans . it won't be solved in another year. look at the housing problem. now it's a detailed discussion, maybe it won't be explained in the next two or three minutes, but because housing means a place of peace. at least we have the discussion that can give peace to our people. i would like to say a few things . look, now, for example, the prices of houses in some cities like tehran are very high . if the price of building the same house per meter, for example, if it is 10 million 15 million now it is more or less , but the price of housing at one time is, for example, how many times this is, what is the reason for this difference, because if you build it , it will cost, for example, 15 million. now i have this number. land price well, we do not have land problems in our country one of the good discussions that was approved in the 7th program
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, you know that two tenths of percent was allowed to remain silent. land to be added to the country's settlements, this means that it is one of the opportunities of the 14th government that it coincides with the 7th plan and this 7th plan has been given such permission and it has been given the possibility that you, sir, can achieve the percentage that i have said. it is several times the size of a big city. you have the possibility to add to the housing, but the more important thing is that if you give a wife and use the land that our country is unfortunately in fortunately, there is no shortage of it, it can create very good power, but what is the point that is important here, i am arguing that housing is not just a dormitory. as i said, it is a place of peace, housing has cultural dimensions, it has architectural dimensions , it's not just that you can say what it was built
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for, know what it was. we emphasize the second point that is very important in housing. look , the housing issue is an important point that is not outside of the other purposes of your land and economy. why. because what do you want to do when you say, for example, a sea-oriented economy here? we said today that, for example, the share of the sea economy in that country's gdp should be, for example, 10%. now it is 2%. now, some countries that have seas similar to ours are 40 discussions. this is important. in addition to the housing, people should have a job and feel that they are progressing, not that they will be forced to get a housing and have a dormitory, and then it will be new. first, let his problems be far away from, for example , his hometown, far from economic places, not having a job, and if his children have problems again, this is what we are talking about.
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that these three dimensions should be seen together, i.e., housing should be seen from the perspective of macro-economics and economic drivers, as well as the architectural and cultural perspective. we have about 3 minutes, god willing, to bring the discussion to a good point . . we listened to the authorities and bought shares instead of dollars and after 4 years of investment , we are still in heavy losses and we miss the original money that we have invested. it is true that they say that governments should be helped when, unfortunately, this is the case there was a problem in the stock market in 2009. i wrote a letter to the president and we explained the details of 22 issues, and by the way, we also said that people are suffering here, they are suffering, you are suffering here, the policies that are being implemented are wrong. and we reflected on those cases , i also said that we did not look at whether the government is our friend
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or our competitor, this is what people are suffering from , you have the duty to give this service to the government , this so-called error correction, so that this pressure can be removed. people, let's take a look at what i want to say about this, there are some important points even now, i believe it is low. in fact, the stock market should be a symbol of the real economy of the country. this is the capital market, so what becomes important is the primary market. the secondary market is to help the primary market, not to become a speculative market. this is a point. the second point that we think is very important here is that the government should support the shareholder. ran khordi is starting to operate in this market, and this is valuable by the way. the other side says, sir, i want to come here, i have some small capital to help the country's economy, this is an opportunity for the government.
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it should not make him sit in the so-called black soil, what are the decisions of creation and unnecessary interference, these things that cause this problem, one of the things that helps , in our opinion, is because they can do this. the thing to do is that you should be able to have that stock insurance that if someone comes there , as they say, if he buys a car , he is insured, so that you remember if he gets damaged, this is the issue of stock insurance, which we discussed at the same time with the stability council. we suggested that the insurance capital market and the central bank should work together to stabilize the market and prevent we have one minute to form together from the decisions of creation and the hours that hurt them, and to ask about your operational record. what is it? we see you as more of a theoretician than an operative . if the president should be an operational person and the reason for people's hesitation in voting for you is that he does not have a practical record, please see your practical record
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. this question is asked a lot, now by some people. we don't have enough time. yes , the discussion that jaja is about, i am the one who entered the work of implementation from the lowest barrier, that is, i entered the government through the newspaper, i registered, and we were selected. we entered from the expert. what happened there? all around us, there were threats in our east, in afghanistan, in our west, in iraq, but something happened that not only these threats were removed, but we also went to the nuclear talks held in saddam's palace in baghdad. what does this mean that you these threats? what you left behind turned into an opportunity. thank you dear viewers for your company and good luck in the next program.
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if today our words are heard in the region and the world , it is because of your strength. to join the chele khemat campaign , it is enough to do something for the people and send the number 8 to 123 39.
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dear and respected retirees, we have an appointment here in an hour. they told us that everything can be done in installments . yes , it is with the price. if you like it or not, then give me 5 flames, i'll go and see if you have a toman, give me a handle. no need to go to the bank.
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your message, o imam of independence, is the role of our lives , the martyrs wrapped in the ears of your fleeting time , and remains in the hands of the islamic republic of iran.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello nazarjis, it is a story about the increase in people's participation in the upcoming elections has it. the information given and announced by the minister of interior does not have any concerns about the integrity of the elections. according to mr. vahidi , nearly 180,000 people are active to ensure the security of the elections as predicted.


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