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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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the co-referee of videoye sepahan reached the final match with the victory over golgohar sirjan of egypt and defeated aluminum arak in the semi-final and the football of the european nations cup with saud of the host team was followed to the next stage. in the continuation of these competitions, last night from group 1, the host germany defeated hungary 2-0 with the goals of jamal musyala and ilkai gundogan. with this win, the germans became the first with six points.
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and in the second group, croatia drew with germany. tonight, spain and italy are in the same group , and from group c, slovenia is playing against serbia and denmark is playing against england. thank you for your support. and today, thursday 31 june 13
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, after the leadership position of the president, if the presidency is good, it is to serve the nation, reject the criticism of this side of the nation's vote, and reject them with the help of god and following the prophet of islam. the elections of the fourth presidential term will be held with peace and welcome of the people all over the country. next friday, khatib juma of tehran considers the defeat of the enemy's actions in the process of holding elections as the result of people's presence and activity.
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only these people are paid with these numbers, that is , for the list of work like this, some workshops that want to serve bags from their masters. this way they list and get paid, now get them. after all, these poor displaced people need to eat something. we are not sad that now the americans are giving their money to our hypocrites, after all , whatever the hypocrites are in iran, it is better to eat something there than to die there from hunger, maybe they will fall into corruption and self-dealing less. the islamic council considers the re-election of mr. khamenei as the result of the nation's intelligence.
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the friday imam of tehran, mr. khamenei, is such a character that we either don't have or have many like him in our country we have very few people who have been on the scene of struggle for almost all of their lives, from the time they reached the age of duty until now, and during the taghut period , they are constantly in prisons and exiles, and their heart, expression, writings, actions, and thoughts he has always
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been a light for us and his performance during his 4-year presidency was the best document for our nation, and that is the point. let them know the good and alhamdulillah with the appreciation of the people for this act that they have seen in these four years of the presidency, which we had no other expectation than to choose this person and this has caused the anger of our enemies, the president. today, he opens up about that private meeting with the imam and says about the reason for his presence in the election contests: i had a serious decision not to participate in the elections, the imam ordered me, they told me that it is necessary for you as a shari'a ruling and a shari'a obligation. the imam obliged me to
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participate in the presidential election. before the election, i did not want to narrate this story from the imam's words so that it would not affect the election. may the election move you as usual, but today you, the people of iran, should know it as a shariah obligation , as the fulfillment of a duty without any other motivation other than the shariah obligation and the fulfillment of duty. i have accepted this responsibility, and this responsibility, which you people voted for today , is heavy on my shoulders with this high volume of votes. on the 10th of shahrivar, the guardian council approves the presidential election and issues the presidential credentials. on september 12, the president and the cabinet will visit imam on the occasion of government week. ayehe saadat, everyone is present to celebrate the government week
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, let's become honorable mostafa alai. and let us benefit from the meeting of his highness and the support of his highness. in this meeting, the imam considers mizan to be a service to the people. the amount of serving a country is throughout history, this country has been oppressed, and especially in recent centuries , it has been really oppressed and is still oppressed. serving this country is now valuable and serving. they are also valuable. all you have to do is find a servant . find a servant to the country of islam. not a servant to yourself. ayatollah khamenei
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considers the greatest responsibility of the presidency to fulfill the demands of the people and they express an actionable model for all current and future presidents. i am in those programs that radi. and they go on tv and interview people, that's all i was listening to the programs and people were asking me what do you expect from the president, sir, when the audience opened their mouths and said, i am expecting this, my heart was pounding, i felt like please, please. please allow me to speak. god , please allow me. you didn't see all these statements that people were saying in those microphones. i listened carefully and felt the great expectations of the people from the president . what does it mean that
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he is the only person from the executive branch who is chosen by the people themselves? who should meet these expectations? people who want security, roads, housing, jobs , job prosperity, trade, domestic products, the rest of the things that people wanted, which you all know and you all know. maybe you yourself said some of the same things. the president does all these things. these tasks are the responsibilities that the president entrusts to them by electing government officials. this is the biggest responsibility of the president, which is
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to elect a capable government with academic qualifications, capable of working and ready to do this. nation united with determination up and a steady step from a 90-year-old man. for the newly matured teenager to rush to the ballot boxes for the fourth time to determine his destiny and shake the gossipers and dreamers and choose a noble person from the lineage of the prophets to serve islam, iranians, muslims and the nation, and this responsibility he put the burden on someone who
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served the nation, islam and iran honestly and with commitment and insight for four years in this position, and this was after the services he had done before and after the revolution, may god bless him. finally, on the day of eid al-ghadir, the ceremony of revoking the sentence of the fourth president of the country will be held. imam khomeini called the office of the president sensitive and dangerous. haj ahmad khomeini reads the verdict. now, in accordance with the opinions of the great nation and familiarity with the position of commitment and service of the respected scientist mr. hojjat al-islam,
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i appoint agha mellat for the end of the current term and assign him to the position of the president of the islamic republic of iran. with a realistic view and using his four years of experience, the president explained the root of the country's problems and the way out of this situation relies on the inner strength of the faithful. says the root our problems today are our economic dependence outside these borders and the uniqueness of our income from oil, the lack of an all-round economic program, and the tendency towards another government. one of our problems. a serious and comprehensive struggle must be done
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. the main reliance should be on the faithful, sincere and caring forces of the revolution. this is the emphatic recommendation of the imam , god willing, by god's grace, our target will be our nasab al-ain, which is not used as part of the elements of the believer, especially in the main and basic ranks. imam khomeini, in addition to his message of condolence to the pious masters, urged the authorities to always be sensitive in preventing embezzlement of the treasury calls for economic corruption. i used to draw the treasury account. a light was on, a candle was lit. and someone came and wanted to talk to them. you silenced them and said that this is the property of the bait-ul-mal. you want to say something else
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. what should we do with the muslim bait-mal ? what is the duty of the governments with the muslim bait-mal? history is for those who are dependent on the government. which does not occupy the treasury as much as possible. speculations have been heated among government officials for the appointment of the prime minister. first the minister has a very noticeable inclination towards the state economy and the president does not like this intensity. finally, after many struggles. on the 14th of october, the newspapers
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announced the introduction of engineer mousavi as the prime minister to the parliament after the inauguration ceremony. four days later, the inauguration ceremony of iran's fourth president will be held. i saw their inner life with the neighborhood we had and with the poverty that ruled their lives. and even today, he is the president and the first person in the country after the imam. i see that neither the spirit is different nor that life is different, and god is such a blessing it gives to few people in the history of mankind. today, we have such a president in our parliament for the inauguration ceremony, and here is another point that
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i want to say. their literacy level. he was either higher than them or equal to them, they are not ready to use such titles even in scientific matters that belong to the clergy, it is their own, and god has blessed this republic with a pious, scientific, anti-political personality in every way. i am the president. at in front of the holy quran and in front of the people of iran , i swear to the almighty god that
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they will be the guardians of the official religion of the islamic republic of iran and the country's constitution, and all talents. and to use my competence in the way of fulfilling the responsibilities that i have assumed and dedicate myself to serving the people and surveying the country, promoting religion and ethics, supporting the right and expanding the justice system of the president, referring to the necessary tools of this position in the constitution. it expresses the act of swearing only in their use. the constitution itself has specified the tools necessary to fulfill this oath, if they are the tools it is possible to follow this oath and the most important of those tools are the ones that are originally 12, 12, 100
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, 3, and 3. it has been mentioned that i am a small student and one of the disciples among the hundreds of students of the dear imam and i have no claims, but with these tools i can and i have the power to fulfill this responsibility. on the same day, more than 200 representatives of the islamic council wrote a letter to the imam and declared their support for the president. it is said that on october 21, the islamic council will review mirhossein mousavi's candidacy as prime minister. the prime minister will state his government's plans. finally, with 162 favorable votes, the parliament favors engineer mousavi for the third time. about the ministry
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of health. dear minister of health, he is only trying his best in health. but the treatment of the sick has been forgotten. the administrations are weak and the honorable minister has no authority over the home ministry, and the committed and sincere forces and available facilities are not used properly. it is natural for me to agree with the members of the government and cabinet of our honorable brother jaram, mr. engineers mousavi. not only with the entire cabinet, but i agree with a strong and decisive majority of the cabinet, in some of our departments, in some of our current home ministries. the forces of hezbollah are oppressed and oppressed . for the ministry of interior, mr. mohtashmi's example is like a skilled driver , but with a level 2 certificate, they want to
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put him in charge of driving a bus full of passengers . it will move, but there is a high probability that both the driver and the bus and its passengers will be killed in the first round. it is necessary to avoid possible losses. the islamic council gave a vote of confidence to 22 of the ministers proposed by mr. engineer mousavi, and two of them did not receive a vote of confidence. on the 24th of october, the leader of the revolution, in a meeting with the members of the parliament, confirmed the same they consider the government's support necessary for the country's progress. now it is a fact that the parliament has given a vote of confidence to the prime minister and these three situations that
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have occurred in the parliament, namely the abstention vote, the dissenting vote and the affirmative vote, were all because they recognized this matter. there is no question about that, the question is whether from now on the opposition wants to disrupt the government, wants to act according to its western order, or whether reason dictates that the situation is against this now. the one whose opinion is that it was not acted properly and it could have been acted better than this should be guided.
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khordad 99, government officials to the 11th parliament, just sir. they reported that we cannot sell oil. in 1990, our oil exports , that is, the income from oil, was 17 billion dollars , while in 2018, less than 20% of this figure, which i mentioned, became the former minister of economy after the last the meeting of the government board at the time said that the situation of oil revenues is not favorable. in the
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kurdish year, the martyred president presented a different report to the parliament a few months after the 13th government took office. the issue of selling oil and increasing revenues has been successfully pursued, minister. he also announced a 40% increase in oil sales the country's oil revenues have more than doubled, which is the result of increased sales and price increases, but more important is the collection of oil revenues in the 13th government, which has made a significant jump compared to before, and the money is being collected regularly. officials of the ministry of oil said that the reason for this success is the activation of economic diplomacy, especially in the field of oil refining abroad. for the first the decades-long dream of naf industry experts to acquire extraterritorial refineries through
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active energy diplomacy has come true. the special focus of the president and the minister of foreign affairs is shahid in this area the country was venezuela. we have cooperated in various fields in the past years. and we are witnessing various major fronts of cooperation between venezuela and iran, including in the field of energy. in the field of oil, gas, petrochemical plants. according to the officials of the ministry of oil, such measures have been followed in other countries to increase oil sales. the fact that our exports increase, the export of oil and gas, and the fact that
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today's report of the oil minister to the 12th parliament, which has just started, shows that 600 new oil sanctions have been imposed in iran during this period, which were unsuccessful. today, our oil exports compared to the beginning of the government people have tripled. whatever government is assigned in america, they cannot stop the cases. ruqiyeh hoyda of the news agency. radio
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8:59 am
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both the discount and the prize every night a winner of 100 million tomans shahr farsh shahr home appliances good morning. ok, dear and respected compatriots , the railway connection of the persian gulf and the caspian caspian railway, with a length of 37 km, today, with the presence of the official iran and the republic of azerbaijan are put into operation. the acting president of iran, the special assistant to the president of russia and the deputy prime minister of the republic of azerbaijan attend the opening of the rushd caspian railway. construction of the growth railway. kas one


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