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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm IRST

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a workshop as wide as iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, we are at your service at 4:00 p.m. with some news. the second election debate with the title of justice-oriented service of the government will be held today from 20:00 to 24:00. according to the secretary of the election headquarters , the main axis of the second debate is economic, but it also includes the social sphere. it has three general sub-headings, one of which is policy-making in subsidies, elimination of deprivation and fundamental, which
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will be discussed today. the main topics and sub-topics have been provided to the candidates so that they can attend the debate with preparation. other candidate debates the presidential elections will be broadcast on july 1st, 4th and 5th. debates from channel one and simultaneously. they will be broadcast on khabar do sima network. elekht and iran radio channels also broadcast the debates at the same time. the debate of the candidates for the presidential election is broadcasted on the salamat sima network for the deaf. the meeting of coordination and consolation of participation in the presidential elections was held in the ministry of interior with the presence of representatives of election candidates.
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in this meeting, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said that due to the legal restrictions and the short time until the elections, the voting method in the july 8 elections it is like the previous periods and it is not held electronically. as mr. eslami said, each election branch will have a verification machine, which will be done with a national card or birth certificate specifying eligibility or not, and voting will be done with a paper ballot. countdown to a selection. people each have their own characteristics to choose, a fateful choice that determines their own future. we all make choices in life that may not please others. i do the right thing by myself. how good it makes someone happy. not much i'm sorry, i'll do whatever is best for me
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i know that i want to do something, i think that this is really the right thing that i want to do, if it was right, all the people in the world would go to that side and tell them not to do this, i will do it, and sometimes our choice that determines our destiny is the enemy and there is a malicious person, the name of the malicious person is roshe, he does not want a good deed to be done, we know what is the name of any good deed, the enemy will be upset, they will continue that work more aggressively. the enemy cannot make anyone decide for me. i am the decision maker. what do we have to do with the enemy? we do something that is the weapon of our country. our leader accepts do i have to do something when it affects me and my country. in the fateful days ahead of us, foreign media advertisements have increased to reduce participation in the 14th presidential election. i do not think that in such circumstances we witness this. let's hope that
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there is a wide presence and moderate participation . a large part of the people no longer have the motivation and desire to participate in the country's affairs. the advertisements that have been met with the people's response every time. because the fate of our country is important to us, we participate in the election blindly. we do it with as much enthusiasm as possible for god's sake, we do our good work with maximum presence at the voting booths.
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it is a righteous act from you in any society , voting and registering your opinion as the people who live in that government is a 100-year-old and desirable thing . it is an absolute duty. it was put into operation today with the presence and order of the acting president. the 37 -kilometer caspian port growth railway was built with a credit of more than 30 thousand billion rials and its daily value is estimated at more than 60 thousand billion rials. this is the latest rail plan. it is a part of the sea-to-sea railway crossing that connects the southern ports of the country with the northern ports establishes gilan province and provides the possibility of mixed load exchange from iran for the region. by exploiting this plan
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, iran's commercial and trade exchanges with the countries of the region and europe will increase. the head of the rahor city traffic police announced the implementation of the plan to clear the impounded motorcycles until ghadir eid. colonel tuiserkani said: with the order of the traffic police chief, compatriots whose motorcycles are in the parking lots due to traffic violations can release their motorcycles by claiming their ownership. according to this police officer, the owners of these motorcycles can be fined pay yourself in installments. and meteorological organization for some areas. the country has predicted showers, lightning and strong winds in the afternoon and early night . in the eastern half of the country, strong winds will lead to the possible rise of dust and decrease in air quality. hello
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dear compatriots. during the next hour and tonight, we witnessed rains in the northwestern parts of the northern slopes of the zagros, the southern slopes of elbert, the southern slopes of the caspian sea, the mazandaran mountains of golestan. we are in the northeastern parts of the country. today, the intensity of the rains caused the flooding of public roads and the rise of the water level rivers and canals can be seen in the heights of alborz for the heights of alborz provinces of tehran and mazandaran. in addition, in the northern parts of north khorasan province, the rains are very intense, which causes flooding of the roads , the water level of the river and canals rises, so we recommend that our dear compatriots avoid being on the banks of the river and canals. another phenomenon that can be seen during this period is the strong winds in the southern slopes of alborz, the central areas of the eastern part of the country. in some hours, the wind speed increases and in this areas with strong winds cause dust to decrease air quality and reduce visibility. thank you for
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being with us. a workshop as wide as iran, house to house, all together
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with optimal electricity consumption. let's bring the flow of life to the whole of iran. with you, iran is clear. find out quickly why afsarieh and i'm sorry . don't make a mistake. sirah, the great iranian sarai, the only tehran branch in afsariye sarai, with unbelievable prices and long-term appointments and without advance payment in the sarai. great iranian, hello akbar, mr. mas, i want
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to tell you about my father's eyes, your father's account is very creditable. i pay with tara credit tara has a lot of credit with us, tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans for everyone. don't hurt your hand, put them in the fridge, why did it get ripped off, this is how it was from the beginning, unless you bought household appliances, unfortunately, no , unfortunately, no, why buy household appliances, because it has both quality and discount, discount, discount, not discount , discount, and bonus every night. a winner of 100 million tomans, shahr farsh shahr, home appliances.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers , dear compatriots, hello, good night. welcome to the special news talk tonight, on the third night of the second stage of the special news talk on the elections, in the first six nights. the candidates of the 14th term presidential election were discussed about the seventh program and at this
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stage tonight and the previous nights that we were at your service and in the coming nights, the respected candidates will answer the people's questions in a 45-minute interval . information provided through wazir nevis khabar network and through the sms system of khonas. from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm , we received more than 10,000 questions from the messengers of the young journalists club in various social fields, the rights of pensioners, teachers, etc. therefore, god willing, during the breaks of the program , i will ask our guest tonight, mr. saeed jalili, who is a candidate for the 14th term of the presidential election. join us with tonight's special news talk.
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hello dear viewers. as i said, tonight, on the third night of the second stage of the special election news interview, dr. saeed jalili , the candidate for the 14th term of the presidential election , is with us, mr. doctor . hello, good night. how are you, mr. doctor, you are good , alhamdulillah, the advertising gods are good now we are trying our best. anyway, the field of elections is the field where people should be enriched for what we believe, what
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we planned, what we want to do , as we get closer to the election day, the volume of advertising programs increases. it can be normal , finally, we have to make more efforts to change the views we have. anyway, if we have worked on issues for 10-11 years, this is a good opportunity to explain this to the people. people are now on the verge of a choice. they are big, the more insightful this choice is, the more informed people are about it they can have a clearer and more accurate look at their own future. today, there was a meeting of women and girls . we came from there. it was good. it was a very good meeting . in any case, about half of our population are women. we have a discussion that one world is an opportunity, one iran is a leap. . if we believe this, then a major part of our opportunities are women, or
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a major part of these opportunities should be carried by women, and if we want to make a leap in iran , we must pay attention to this great opportunity. let's have a plan for him so that he can attend the most if you want an answer of one or two words , please tell me what was the most important demand of women today from your excellency. by the way, this was the discussion that their role should be seen. in continuation of our slogan, we have a discussion that every iranian has a glorious role. well, half of the population of iran are women. that glorious role must be defined. anyway, women have different titles, sometimes they are wives, sometimes they are mothers, sometimes they are daughters , sometimes they are sisters, sometimes there are important social roles that they have . in some places , women are the guardians of the khan. note that this large capacity to move come on, now i have a lot to say about this debate
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because i believe that one of the privileges of the discourse of the islamic revolution, religious thought, is that it definitely puts the woman in her place, that capacity that should be activated in the society when it can be done in the best way that the family the center of which is the lady of the family can be a safe environment and provide this so-called peaceful environment in such a way that the wife's children and others can and the lady herself has a role. mashhad, doctorate in islamic studies, majoring in political science, records, secretary of the supreme national security council, representative
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of the revolutionary leader in the supreme national security council, member of the assembly expediency discernment council. member of the foreign relations strategic council. as i said in the first part of the program, in tonight's special news talk, that is, in the second stage of the special talk , we will ask the people's questions from the respected candidates, and what we have received from this morning until 2:00 pm, the people's questions from mr. jalili. i will ask mr. doctor , based on my duty to respect the trust , i will read the same text
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, the verb and subject may be changed or some aspects may be changed, but anyway, i will read the same text from mr. jalili. ask his opinion about the conversation hi, what is the consultant of one of the candidates about you and the government of shahid raeesi? well, now this debate is good in my opinion, from the point of view that this dear viewer is asking this question. and people have to choose like this, the good topics are that it makes the views a little brighter , it makes it more transparent. when the embargo on the sale of iranian oil was formed, some people said that we can't sell oil anymore, and then really, the effort that is now either to have it or not to have it was that they said that our oil sales have decreased once and that's when we we said no, this oil can be sold, and it's not like mayesha is an active enemy , he can do whatever he wants, we have power, we
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can, we have ways, we have young people , we have work, we can do it, so an effort. a lot of good and valuable things happened in mr. raisi's government, and by the way, that plan of the enemy was fulfilled, that is , today you saw that about two weeks ago, the us foreign minister in the senate officially asked him, "well, iran has 2 million barrels of oil, and he said, "yes, they can." they are doing this to circumvent the sanctions, so this is a different approach that follows it has been done, people can judge here , now that this work is being done, i heard it said . yes, no, this is because america didn't want it. well, if america itself didn't want it , first of all, america should not say that because iran didn't want to, iran was able to send oil. this one shows that, in my opinion, it's humiliating to not believe in your own power, your own abilities, which is your enemy. he admitted that the side says yes, iran can
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bypass the sanctions and said that some time ago, that is, after the government of mr. raisi and this successful movement was formed, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs the united states came and officially said that the maximum pressure strategy , one of which was the embargo on the sale of iranian oil, said that it has failed miserably, the side says this, this says no , now you are something else, now the problem is too much. let people see different approaches, now everyone finally expresses his opinion , people. for those who judge, for example, look at another example, which is the confession of the american foreign minister himself, some time ago, the spokesman of the american foreign minister, who says that there was a huge failure. the united states has come, for example, it has told russia that it is an immediate threat and that it has been defeated. accordingly, it has told it that
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, for example, its oil should be embargoed. russia is now selling its oil, which means that the countries that are hostile to someone who is not passive, now also about russia. let's say no, biden didn't want to , he is selling his oil, no, this seems like a kind of disbelief in itself, or you think too much of the other side. it should be active, not that, for example , if he wants so-and-so, one of those points that is very important for our people to know in this field is that this is what they should do when he came, well, it was your time for 9 months. well, why didn't you sell oil when you were the one who didn't want it? well, it was you , why didn't you reach the level that it is now ? i want to say this because we have said this many times. correct analysis. let's first describe the scene correctly
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, be realistic, see the facts accurately, and not discuss based on a series of fantasies and romantic views. which was brought up because it is about the martyr government my dear beloved people, mr. raisi said that yes , i have heard this for 3 years. well, it was a bold move. yes , these 3 years, people did not use their interpretation well. no, people today are judging the same period as you said with this path. we can have these successes, for example , a time was promised, in 1992, when we come, for example, both the economy and santiago are spinning , what happened to santiago, which went from 19,000 to 3,000 with that restriction and that button that in my presence, what happened to the economic issue, the dollar became 3 tomans, the sanctions that were 800 were reduced to 30 tomans. 1500 to more. it has increased even these gentlemen themselves were sanctioned at the same time. i want to say that it is important that the people can make a decision . i think this is a good thing to bring up
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and show the approach. if you compare these 3 years of misery, or when you look at it, you will see that the growth of the country was zero, the negative years were 7% on average. how much did shahid raisi rushdo increase this country later in these 3 years? how many percentages did people compare? this is the oil index that they say should be. he didn't want you to see that he has reached the point where they are saying 2 million . of course, we now have more than 1.5 million to sell, and we have the possibility of up to 2 million. if we have the production, we can do this. by the way, it is good with these topics. let the boat become clearer for them to see the facts better, the romantic discussions, the views that some people have the same ideas, let it be clear which one is closer to the reality, based on
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the point you mentioned that, since there is an opportunity for elections, the facts should be clarified for the people. i have a question for you, sir, based on the same issues raised by some of the same people, regarding the period of responsibility of your excellency, when you were responsible for the negotiations. i don't want to go into details, what do you think is their goal in questioning that type of negotiations? anyway , everyone has a point of view, the point is that negotiation is a tool, it must be used, but the main goal is that goal. what is defending the rights of the iranian people, protecting the interests of the people, retreating, not retreating in the path of the country's progress, you must maintain these things, for example, if they say, "no, we will not negotiate." it is only so that, for example, we reach an agreement, if that agreement does not provide the interests of the nation , if that agreement makes you, for example , the facilities that you have, the capacities that you have, the opportunities
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that you are scientists created and you want to ignore them. and the things that happened, this is definitely not the defense of the nation's rights , but negotiation is a means to defend the nation's rights . this is what i said many times that the world should not be hindered by a few countries, the world is big. there are 200 countries in the world, there are many opportunities , this is our motto, one world, one opportunity, one gift it is foreign policy, and especially at this point where we are now, we have many opportunities in the world , and by the way, if our economy wants to have a leap, god willing, we say that iran needs a leap, what is it to have world markets and today to in our opinion, there are very good conditions for this leap in iran, similar to the question i want to ask. there are also public questions about which i will clearly and explicitly ask you to tell me what you will do as the performance of your excellency in the position of being in charge of the negotiations.
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i think in that direction in defense of rights we had people, see how many major works we did . one of them was once saying that you should not have a single centrifuge. when we handed over the work to the next government , we had 19,000 centrifuges, that is, we took over in a situation where everything was suspended. it was closed and even the other side told them that now you have to destroy it, now they have reached a situation where 19,000 centigrades have our nuclear rights, the things that were discussed. that we had a million so-called patients for whom medicine had to be prepared, and that medicine required 20% fuel, so we we told them to give it, when we ensured that it was not given, and this is a power. you see, some issues are so-called signs. if he can break your embankment, if he has the right, for example , he will take you. at that time, i always said the defense of nuclear rights. it is not just the defense of the nuclear right, it is the defense
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of all the rights of the country. why, because if, for example, the enemy comes and takes khorramshahr, then see , then there is no resistance, then he comes, he takes hoizram, then he does not see that all your cities will come, as we saw later , when they leave, even all these achievements are abandoned and then they say, well, this santoja we will collect the materials that have been produced , we will put the button here, what did he do , he completely left the agreement, then what happened to the economic effects. the sanctions increased, they were supposed to lift the sanctions, the sanctions increased, so this is very important, as you and i saw, it was not over yet, and then they entered into the issue of missiles , so now let's talk about your missiles. my point is that this is important. that you can defend the rights of your nation, the interests of the nation, so why do they say don't change history, what are they talking about, this is exactly what i'm talking about we say that one of the very good debates in the elections is that this history should be seen beautifully
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, and at what point it should be seen. the rights of the nation were preserved. at what point were there serious retreats from the rights of the nation? at what point were these rights of the nation ignored? after that , what did we get for it? i just said that the party withdrew completely, even though they even agreed to the same agreement. at that time, we had all the problems with him. he performed even more than what was necessary. he performed 15 times. the agency announced what the result was . came out then they say, well, it was trump who came, which one should you return? for 9 months, your time preserved all of them again and added more sanctions. my argument is that the country's advanced path should not be burdened by one or two powers, which are the biggest difference. they are with you. by the way
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, there are 200 countries in the world that have a lot in common with you. these are our neighbors, see what relations they have with turkmenistan, now that they are in their own place, what was all this with tajikistan? at one time, other countries saw that relations had been reduced to a minimum. in some places, the relationship had become really negative , but shahid came and restored them one by one . then he started to export the same things that they said, no economic work can be done until the world becomes so-and-so. on the day of his last trips what was shaheed raisi to pakistan , sri lanka? the round of technical services for the young engineers of this country , which both creates employment and brings prosperity, it also shows the capabilities of the nation and strengthens friendship with countries close to us in the 17th and 12th governments. your excellency's presence in the supreme national security council continued. reviews what response did you get regarding this performance? yes, we have the discourse that we have under the name of the shadow government, which i have said many times, this is a discourse
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that you, every government. when he comes to work , he should be elected by the people, and you should help that government. one of these help is that if something goes wrong, help it be corrected that day. at that time , we had hired a detailed screenwriter for national security . we read all these matters word by word and sentence by sentence. balmera it seems that this is not you. some of these sanctions will last for up to 8 years. some of them will last for up to 8 years. the same sanctions that i am saying will last for up to 8 years. it was this month of last year, after 8 years , you saw it one day before that date. the union of those european countries announced that neither of us will keep the sanctions . no, but


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