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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:25pm IRST

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where is the problem, let me give you an example so that you can see what a great effect the implementation of financial discipline can have . the first example is the meitringer problem. every year, we have billions of dollars in leakage and waste in the production and sale of oil and gas. a few billion dollars. at the beginning of the government of our dear brother shahid raisi, a survey was conducted. this review was submitted to him. it was also approved by the oil minister of the government. they state that yes, what is produced in oil, in oil products, normally has 2 to 4% impurities. that is, if you produce 3 million barrels of oil a day , they say 2% to 4% of it is in the name of teh ship, pipe bottom, tank bottom, truck bottom, refinery bottom. it's a distraction, you hear the news a lot
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, for example, it is said that 60 million liters of smuggled gasoline were discovered today, how is 60 million liters discovered , 60 million liters, unless it is a tank of gasoline or two tanks, where does it come from and how much is this figure? a country whose main source of income is oil revenue produces several million barrels of oil and gas per day. does 2% to 4 percent know how many billion dollars it will be? a few billion dollars. now the question is, is it related to such an issue that causes the waste of a nation's resources, while how many billions of dollars and thousands of construction projects can be done, is it not enough? shouldn't it be this way? this means that within 5 years, one time...
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something close to several billion dollars. now our discussion is how to achieve this. by the way , it was given to our dear brother shahid raisi in the order that he gave this on the way. the seventh letter is development, but it is important to implement it, those who have billions of dollars per year will definitely resist if we do not pay attention to financial discipline . many of the country's resources can be wasted under various pretexts and titles. another example it should be mentioned about the financial discipline of the country's foreign currency spending. you know that we have indirect incomes and foreign exchange expenses. therefore , we must have an accurate horizontal budget. why did the story of debash tea happen? because financial discipline
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was not taken seriously over the years. if financial discipline is prioritized, i repeat this, if it is prioritized by the government, great blessings will follow. and i will make this a serious priority of my government. in this regard, we have worked out a list of financial discipline priorities and have a clear plan. one of those topics. current discussion topics rule of rial if you want to organize your economy, if you want to prevent indiscipline, the first condition is that you have rule over the rial, which is the official currency of the country. another example of financial discipline is the issue of banks, for example, the facilities that banks provide to their customers. where does this facility
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go? in what direction does it go? why some people, 50% of the people, have never taken any facilities from the banks, instead of some people, 10% of the people, the bulk of the facilities have been allocated to them. these are the things in a disciplined financial system finding accounts. the second priority that our government will pay attention to and sir. an important chapter that i will pursue seriously in all sectors is the comprehensive and all-round participation of all individuals and strata of people in the development of the country. if we talk about the growth of 8. we are seventh in the five-year plan, this growth is 8. how is it obtained? i believe it can be achieved, even more so, for the ability to manifest.
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the opinions of all our people, we have hundreds of colleges in the country whose job is to hold classes and take exams. if we talk about the growth of 88, what is the contribution of universities in this? this is both the university's right and mission it is a university that can play a role in this great mission in this historical mission for the leap of the country. if we say, for example, the employment of foreign exchange, two main issues contributed. what better place than universities . we have millions of valuable students, scholars and professors who gave the best of their lives for science and knowledge. shouldn't this science and knowledge be used in the path of the country's leap and progress? if we have this program for this new school year, this program will start.
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universities must have a mission so that they can contribute to the economic development of the country in the growth of eight year. the advanced of the country can participate in the economic leap of the country. this is what we will follow. our faculties have this capability. university of tehran, mashhad, all our universities must find a mission, in order to be able to play a role in this country's progress, which i am sure they will play in the best way. i remember that in 1996-197 i went to one of the relatively deprived cities, where i heard that a person who is now looking for fraud came with a promise of profit and collected their money from the people. karde
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had collected 980 billion tomans of money from the people in that relatively deprived city . can't the government provide a platform for the people to invest their money in a correct economic path? let it be safe and in the direction of the country's development, and whatever the profit is, it should go to the people's pockets. these are the things that can be done. third, economic drivers. at a moment when the order of the world and the west asian region is changing, we need decisive decisions more than any other moment. if not other countries for several decades. we are lagging behind. examples of these opportunities that for i will tell you about the production of wealth and the economic leap in front of us. a sea-based economy. you know that countries similar to ours, in the north and
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south of us, have the possibility of exploiting the sea. countries that are similar to us and even have fewer beaches than us benefit from the blessings of the sea many times more than us. the development of the sea-based economy is one of the priorities of my government, which of course is part of the policies announced by the supreme leader this past year. today , the sea is a rich resource for generating wealth and playing a role in new international developments. many of the country's economic issues can be brought under the umbrella sea economy. saman dad, from the production of aquatic products to the construction and repair of cargo and passenger ships and other industries related to the sea. the second point is villages. one of the important opportunities that our country has today is the establishment of an economic leap from the villages themselves. i
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said this. every village should be a country's mutation cell. today, we have more than 40,000 villages with more than 20 households. if i say this , the conditions that have arisen in the world today, the conditions of cooperation, the conditions of economic interactions, the conditions of foreign relations are very strong and strong with many countries. what our dear martyr mr. raisi did in they followed up well for two or three years. those who say that we cannot have economic relations without some agreement or without some issue, they even claim that we cannot manage the interior of the country . today, many countries proudly
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claim with us that they want to have strategic economic relations. very big and valuable opportunities today. it is provided for our foreign relations, especially in the field of economy. i am one of those things that i pay attention to this is that i will not allow the partial views in the administrative executive structure of the country to become an obstacle for strategic decisions for the useful and profitable cooperation of the country, but the leapfrogging priorities , why do we say that we are in a historical opportunity to know the world and know this opportunity it is not just about knowing the political trends, a deeper step should be taken. technology is changing the political face of the world. unfortunately, in the last two or three centuries
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, we had historical negligence in the turning points of technology and science. we have not been present. during the qajar and pahlavi eras, unfortunately, there was a scientific progress everywhere it has been the cause of increasing the power and influence of countries and governments. these were absent. but this is not the case today. today, our nation, our youth, our scientists, our scientists' companies are at the point where they participate in the frontiers of knowledge. today, we not only have to ignore those neglects, but we also have to be ready for a leap. today, the financial trends of history have had many ups and downs. he has had great adventures. we are not just one country in the world. we were and are a civilization and a culture.
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iranian people's art is a big choice. with the islamic revolution, a long rise to revive this civilizational role created. today again, after hundreds of years , with the help of us, we have personalities who approached the frontiers of knowledge. and in some fields. we are in the first to fifth ranks in the world. from ibn sina to kazemi ashtian. we came from khwaja nasirs to shahid shahriaris, from kahramis to fakhrizadeh and from sarbadharan to qasem soleimani. and today we are at a historical turning point. in the last century or two, every time we have wanted to make a leap, our foreign enemies have tried to stop us. unfortunately, they took some currents from inside with them and
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took them to their service. amir kabir, your great move he started, but an atmosphere was created against him and finally he was martyred. now we are the ones who , instead of enjoying a lot of non-priority tasks , we have to understand the priorities of the woman and make calculated choices. we must take responsibility to take the burden off the shoulders of the iranian people. we want a comprehensive and inclusive roadmap. we need a role-playing government that defines a role for each and every iranian people in the country's progress and leap, and now is the time to play a role. now there is a world of opportunity ahead of us to make up for the backwardness of several hundred years in a few years. now there is a world of opportunity ahead of us
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it is ours to leap into iran with a great jihad. now it's your turn to blossom the opportunity with the great jihadi of a world to make iran jump. a world of opportunity, an iran, the leap of every iranian, a glorious role in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. we went around the park and invited mothers to join us, this time we made a date instead of handing out food. we started right away , the next steps in other neighborhoods can
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start from home, from this children's games and drawings that we used to take to the park, for example , we made crafts for them with colored paper with the iranian flag , and other mothers who were in the park. for example, they see well, there are some children who make colored paper with the colored paper of the iranian flag and they come and they actually participate . then, little by little , we would start discussing, for example, what do you want, and of course , we had seen the children's votes cast in the preparation, and the same discussion would start, you would see the votes or not, and we would start. the teas that were side letters had words instead of side sugar to say to the wives who may still be hesitant to come. remember, you used to tell me inefficient politicians for not voting for good people. on the matter between you and me, if we don't stand alone , our right vote can be effective, but if we don't vote
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, the enemy will be happy, then what will happen to the country that haj qasem said was a sanctuary? in a conscious and free election to achieve a better life. the strength of women's hearts moves generations forward. they are the founders of change. some of the mothers who gave their names produced posters, stories and audio content . being a woman means motherhood. lady, today you have an exceptional role in whatever role you are, sister girl wife, mother, grandmother, can you make a stream , except for the hot market of hashtags and virtual conversations , there were also face-to-face meetings, especially among the more experts
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, let's review the latest state of the election debate together. my duty as an activist is to start from myself. to start my family and all the layers around me, each of the women and even the men with whom we can interact and even get involved in solving doubts, whether it is to encourage them to increase participation , women definitely have an impact, besides the fact that half of society is the educator of the other half, i think i think the best thing to do is to check the questions and answers more carefully and reach a certainty before voting, madam. just as the supreme leader pointed out that the election is usually more comprehensive, detailed and detailed, just as the supreme leader also pointed out that we must have a complementary saga to participate in the elections here, this is actually the challenge of a strong presence. i request from you that we are women who
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have to build the future of iran and our country and we can build it, in short, mothers. maidan, as they say, started a complete saga from the same day those who heard that this epic election is a complement to the saga of chasing the martyrs and they remember the day they heard that dear ladies and gentlemen, you can play a role . your most important role is inside the home . mothers can play a role. children and spouses to be active in the field of elections. do proper research. women look more precisely and delicately than men in some issues of recognizing people, strategies and trends and
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find some points. in recognition electoral candidates can play a role at the base of the funds both inside and outside the house the story of these maidan mothers continues in the creation of the saga of the complement of badraghah, motahra mehrabi of sed and simagarane news agency. the work of harvesting wheat from the cemetery of meros city has started. this year, due to good rains in the beginning of this year, wheat has a good yield. the average harvest per hectare is about 4 tons , but our wheat harvesters in sistan harvested till 6 am . they are harvesting wheat from 8 am to 11 pm.
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josh experts by combines. god willing, we expect to harvest nearly 33,000 tons of wheat from this level, nearly 10,000 tons of barley, and god willing, nearly 400 tons of rapeseed and deliver it to the qele office in the active shopping center. and the work of buying wheat in all wheat-rich cities, especially herat, merost, barkoh and bahavad, which
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has the highest level of cleverness in these cities , is the city of merost. if today our words are heard in the region and the world , it is enough for you to join the chele khemat campaign with the intention of the martyrs of khemat. people, do something and send the number 8 to 1023 39.
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along with a dedicated parking space suitable for shopping in all. zed mills, mills ruby project, special for businesses , mills credit institution, you bought a truck
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, you bought a truck, you found a treasure, i didn't find a treasure, so what are these things? you are serious about buying, dad, i was joking, you were joking, no, when the discount is good, there is a wide variety of items, designs as you wish. it was you , you didn't buy all the dowry in one place, why buy in installments, as you wanted, the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh.
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