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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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by the power of hazrat ahadit and underestimating one's own power and all material powers in front of god's perfect power and kindness to god's servants and good behavior to people , especially the weak ones who are always the forces on the scene of the revolution and their closest companions. and to maintain a firm position against enemies, opponents and ill-wishers, as well as to select colleagues and managers who recognize these criteria in them, and to test their steadfastness, strength of spirit, and perseverance of thought. in
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the islamic system, the thing that is strongly opposed is the infiltration of corruption. bad and false beliefs cannot be dealt with in this way in the islamic system, which improper action and immoral action and god forbid the infiltration and absorption of corruption are fought. and the thing that today, during the reconstruction of the country , government officials, second and third level managers in the government institutions down to the lowest levels must be careful to be aware of the danger of robbery. the influence
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of corruption is a serious danger and it is paralyzing. it is really paralyzing . corruption doesn't even say, first of all, i am corruption, that corrupt person who drags others into the valley of corruption, financial corruption, work corruption. illegitimate and unjustified appointments in the field of work issues is the one who encourages and slips people to this side does not say from the beginning that i have come to corrupt you, first it enters the field with a justified title with a small thing, then it is human and
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extremely vulnerable. humans are extremely vulnerable. you have to be very careful. and with the help of god and following the prophet of islam and the pure imams , peace be upon them. the power of the nation as a trust. it has been entrusted to me to take care of it like a pious and devoted trustee and leave it to the people after me, god willing. paris
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27 june 2018 maryam rajavi wanted by the police, the path of the french police forces to the headquarters of the hypocrites ends with the arrest of maryam and 165 main members of sh. what was the charge? maryam decided to eliminate some of her trains, to assassinate those whose lines she separated from her. one like this girl. they are the most executioners i think. 20 years after the attack in france, the headquarters of the hypocrites will be attacked once again, the albanian police attack their camp in tirana, the reason for carrying out terrorist acts in this country, the police officers only to implement the court order to seize some
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unconventional electronic devices. they had visited the camp, but the residents of the camp tried to prevent the police forces from doing their duty. pictures. published by the drone camera of the albanian police shows that the hypocrites burned the documents of their terrorist acts when they realized that the police were coming. the attack of the albanian police ends with the arrest of more than 70 hypocrites and the death of two of them. but this is not the last attack. one year later, in paris, on the afternoon of wednesday, june 23 , 50 police forces attacked mashar's headquarters. from this attack , only a few pictures came out. these are the same pictures that you saw. this was the most secret headquarters of the hypocrites in france. mashar's headquarters has three sections, an information section and spying by hypocrites to spy on
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iran's economic activities with the aim of renewing sanctions money laundering by the hypocrites to finance the terrorist activities of the 3rd group of tv studios to promote terror. the attack is carried out in the days when they say that maryam's condition is critical. 20 years after massoud is gone. 39 years after these days. i congratulate masoud and maryam with each and every one of our cells. when mehdi abrishamchi, one of the main members of the hypocrites, introduced his wife maryam to his friend masoud. the story, which was later heard in many stories , is getting hotter every time a news about hypocrites is published in the cyber space. may god protect the rajavi people, he said just a while ago he remembers that maryam was pregnant with masoud before marrying him. maryam rajabi did not go home.
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stays abrishamchi knew that he would not go home. i used to sleep behind masoud's room. being responsible for protection. mohammad javad reza soltani news agency. the former leader of the national party of scotland hamza yusuf radio says that as the first muslim leader in the western society , he has witnessed the poisoned islamophobic policies in the west. according to this politician , many muslims in the west do not want it. accept the fact that populism and demagoguery that has spread in europe has been revealed in the form of muslims' hatred of islam, a fact that is stated in the report islamophobic watchdogs, especially against muslim women
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, are quite visible in the west, including the uk. hatred of islam by muslims in britain is clearly going on, but it is mostly aimed at muslim women who, due to wearing the hijab, are the target of speech , etc.
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, in england, in germany, in france, in america, it shows that this is a plan by a series of a series of politicians with the support of the media and a number of analysts in
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england believe that the inability of some western governments to curb the political, economic and social crises of their country has caused them to be unable instead of being criticized. they blame the muslims themselves and introduce them as the cause of all the problems of these countries. apparently , muslims are a convenient target in western countries. he announced that lebanon's islamic resistance is at the peak of preparation for a full-scale war with the zionist regime on land, sea and air. martyr hassan nasrallah at the ceremony honoring the martyred abu talib commander. referring to the quantitative and qualitative strength of the resistance, irshad hezbollah said: if a large-scale war is secured against lebanon,
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we will confront the enemy in all fields without any limits. we are prepared for the most difficult days, and the enemy knows that in the event of a large-scale missile war our sniper drones will hit all predetermined targets in all of occupied palestine and no where out of range of our weapons. it will not be safe and this will shake the foundations of the existence of the zionist regime. the secretary general of hezbollah said that all the enemy's beaches, ports and ships will be targeted in the mediterranean sea. setter nasrallah considered the cessation of the war in gaza as the only solution for a ceasefire in other fronts of gaza, including lebanon, and said: the battle in the lebanese front has caused heavy material, spiritual and psychological damage to the zionist enemy.
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resistance to the heights of al-jalil and in the face the expansion of the war has the possibility of the resistance entering galilee . he emphasized that the fighters of the resistance fight based on very accurate information and the drones of the resistance are flying. over the areas far away from the city of haifa , they took pictures of the sensitive centers of the zionist regime for hours, and what hezbollah published is only a small part of the pictures recorded over the city of haifa. we have used only a part of our existing weapons, and if needed , new weapons will be brought to the field, and today we have obtained all the required weapons. the messenger of god announced. which is at the peak of preparation to enter
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they didn't fight and we told the leaders of some resistance movements that they wanted to send troops to lebanon that we have more than the required force ready. the head of hezbollah also warned the government of cyprus about the consequences of using this island by the zionist regime's army. from the presence and exercises of the zionist enemy in the areas and landings. if this situation continues , cyprus will become a part of the war. the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah emphasized that the biggest unsolvable problem of the zionist regime is its inability to face the culture of martyrdom of the survivors of the resistance axis. seyyed mohammad hosseini, dahiya radio and television news agency south of beirut
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both development in virtual space and in terms of development by our own trainers. the history of our trainers who can transfer this history of ups and downs to the new generation with the pride of the islamic republic of iran and the ancient history of islamic iran. the national haycom museum committee reviews museums in 13 indicators every year, and the performance of each museum in each indicator
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is awarded the title of the best museum. in 1402, it managed to achieve the highest rank in the country in the preservation index, the goal of the establishment the national museum of children's art and literature is a center for the intellectual development of children and teenagers. the center was established in 1379 with the aim of preserving and introducing the works produced in the center during its years of activity. it includes five galleries. the beginning of the museum goes to the center's publications department , introducing the books published in the center, from the first title to the last title, in the introduction section of the center's theater center, theater puppets and children can see , and the visitors can see the replicas and animation sets that are in the center for the production of animation
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is kept in the museum as well as in the introduction section of entertainment the creators of the entertainment center that have been produced in the center during these years are introduced. well, the method is very important in this field of artistry. we have tried our best to use art , use history , use visual and audio beauty aesthetics, let's use it, and above that, the art of conveying a message, in addition to painting and visual arts, there are our instructors who can convey this to our children or teenagers. mendan is the audience of the national museum of children's art and literature researchers and artists are interested in the field of children and adolescents, and the main audience is children and adolescents
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in our country. we invite families to visit this museum . they should be present and see the very beautiful atmosphere of our museum with the valuable works that are in it. ahmed amin fard of radio and television news agency. yes, our recording should be the solution. what is the solution, so it became more specific , did you say no, why did i really doubt, sir, come on, i doubted you , you won't pack your bag, no, we will carry my bag. women, we regret that all these days and nights , the discussion of the election debates of the six presidential candidates is very hot in the election taxi, revolving around your expectations from these debates.
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all this, for example, we had a presidential candidate come on live tv and millions of my people saw thousands of promises and 100 promises, sir, maybe half of them were fulfilled. jamel, i'm still going. each of us has to work a few shifts in order to meet our needs. i am 27 years old now. i just got married, i'm looking for a house , and wherever we go, we can't live with our budget . i can see the inflation rate of 7.60%. i 'm seeing an increase of 20%. this year , the ministry of labor will look at the base. did you see the debate? yes, i saw it. you helped. you can talk. for example, one person was selected
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and helped to some extent, but we have to see the others . let's see the debate in rome . it is a debate. for example, for deciding who you want to vote for in the election, it has a lot of influence in the first session. take it later or rome, so you have to see exactly now , we have to continue to see where they want to go with their economic plans and they have to say a bit more in detail in every area. come on, give me time, sir, i will solve these problems in the first year , i will solve these problems in the first two years, please , sir, for example, we want to do this, this, this, for example, why do i know, it's expensive, because of the economy, i can't just talk about such and such. if i act , this is not good for the society. make promises that can be fulfilled. say , "i will do this."
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in the development of expression, let them overtake each other. for example, the party adds an option to its programs, one of them will be better or better , so that this challenge is good, not to approximate each other's statements. let all young people get married easily. well, in the next debates, talk about this . yes, it's good. now talk and act. i'll get off a little further, don't hurt your finger . have a nice day, sir. we are guests . this is the election taxi.
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know the value of these people, these people come to the polls in the most difficult conditions, do something to make their conditions a little better, god willing, mr. mukhlisim fidadsham or ali farzad, don't be tired. after sleeping for four hours, don't you want to sit behind the wheel of my character's driver? these days, when the election marathon is nearing its end, the war news market is approaching. in any case, it is not a bad thing to concentrate our attention more than before so that, god forbid, we are not among those who are deceived by fake news
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. there are various recipes in the world to distinguish fake and real news. to read the news in full and not just read the headline or a part of the news , checking the authenticity of the news is also very important. different methods are another way that can be very effective. the identity of the person who gives us the news is also important. he must be truthful and confident and have a good record of publishing correct news. in the midst of this busy news , we must be careful not to fall into the trap of republishing news. that is, the news that is labeled urgent and is spreading very quickly does not necessarily mean that it is true and can be trusted. it is necessary that a background of issues. we should also know the day so that we can analyze the news a little for ourselves . the most important thing is to know the stance of the media and the people who publish the news so that
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we don't get involved in party issues . you can't fool us easily. the great work of the people on friday is firstly the principle of participation, secondly the type of participation and the type of choice that we hope the almighty god will guide all our hearts and the hearts of the people of iran so that you can appear in the best way in this field. plenty of opportunities in the country. we need to take advantage of these opportunities , don't get tired of strong, active and productive people. this strength
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is gained from the support of the people of the president, if the presence of the people has a favorable quorum. and if the president is elected with high votes, god willing, this will make him gain power and be able to use these capacities properly. there are some facts that should be looked at above and beyond political jokes. suppose, for example , the funeral of our beloved martyr soleimani. well, there was a big incident here. the issue of political connivance and political mockery was no longer an issue. everyone participating in such elections is not a question of political merit. everyone should participate
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. everyone should be present because the social system of the country needs this presence. some of those who express doubts about this participation in elections. that the weak sections of the society , the deprived sections of the society are hesitating or discouraging , i know this. the issue of livelihood, housing issue , and employment issue have not been met. well, the country's officials should really address these issues, and they should address these issues , so they are complaining.
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they say that they will not go to the elections. now, for example, what is the use of participating? in my opinion , their complaints are valid, but their decisions are not valid. put these arguments, but the point is that this is not the case. going to the ballot box and getting angry with the ballot box will not solve the problem. this if the problems are solved properly, they will be solved by people going to the crowd, let's all go to the polls and vote for a person who we believe can solve these problems , he will solve this problem, but what we say we have complaints, so we don't vote. in my opinion, this is not true. this is an
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important point. therefore, i accept the complaints , but i do not accept non-participation because of these complaints . summer wave summer wave with exciting prizes every day 8 prizes of eight million tomans will be given to 8 people this summer at the mashhad blue waves sports complex. you can win this prize at mashhad blue waves sports complex. my head is gone. i will take it
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our lucky winner of 100 million tomans today is number 123 849. discounts in the city's big festival. let's get a special benefit on all products and in addition, just by being in any of the branches of shahr farsh and shahr home appliances , you can participate in the daily lottery of 100 million tomans. i love you so much that i don't even let a hair fall from your head. hello
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, sarai bozor irani . 5:00 p.m. and we present the news of this hour. the national center for cyberspace, by launching a headquarters system , made it possible to use artificial intelligence assistants for the people and the election headquarters of the presidential candidates. the built-in system allows people to answer their questions about each candidate individually.


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