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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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welcome to tandis brake pad, which adjusts itself, not when braking, due to the right choice of modern tandis brake pad. hi, 5 o'clock. the results of the survey of the radio and television research center about the first debate of the presidential elections were announced. this survey was conducted on june 29. how much do you trust news and radio programs about elections? a group goes among the people, where do you follow the election news, and a group randomly calls the people . calling you from the research center of sada sima.
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i got a survey, i want to have a survey with you . thank you for your cooperation in the city or the countryside how educated are you regarding the topic of opinion on the first debate of the presidential election ? we conducted 4 waves of field surveys and 5 waves of telephone surveys in this period with approximately 1200 samples. we do a survey , this is completely random. the results of the survey show the impact of the first debate. in this survey , 31.4 percent of the respondents told us that they watched or listened to the program of the first debate , and almost 27% of these people watched or listened to the program of the first debate through television. and the rest saying that this debate had a great effect
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on actually increasing their knowledge about the candidates, and 40% said that it helped a little, and 9% said. saying that this debate could not help them in their election. also, based on this survey, 918 respondents believed that the national media was able to observe neutrality and justice in the debate. regarding the evaluation of the performance of the national media in the first debate, there are 3 axes, in fact, the mastery of the presenter, observing justice and we asked neutrality as well as the topics and axis of the questions, which
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on average over 92% of the people said it was good the relatively good evaluation and liking of 936 points and questions of the debate show that after the first debate, the proportion of people who doubted to choose their candidate decreased by about 2%. the first deputy of the judiciary said that last year, with the introduction of the food system, more than 20,000 cases were handled in the field of production, as a result of which 141 companies returned to the production cycle. mr. khalili said in a speech before the sermons of friday prayers in tehran: in addition to helping the executive branch and
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corruption in the field of fighting economic corruption, the judiciary is also involved in dealing with economic disruptors. it showed hard. last year, with the report of the inspection of the whole country, 690 cases of economic crimes are being investigated. this action has caused a lot of property to. it was collected by the executive units and 40 percent of the government's demands were collected from some companies. according to
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the latest statistics, the guaranteed purchase of wheat has reached 4,800,000 tons, which has increased by 45 compared to last year. the fruitfulness of the golden wheat ears and the happiness of the farmers, we had a year full of pillows and the state of agriculture alhamdulillah, it's very good this year compared to last year, dry wheat is 3.5 to 4 tons per hectare and wheat is 7 to 8 tons per hectare. thank god. in the current crop year, 24,000 hectares of lorestan lands are dedicated to wheat cultivation , of which 47,000 hectares are irrigated wheat and 196,000 hectares are dry wheat. our forecast is that , god willing, we will buy 550,000 tons of wheat in excess of the farmers' needs, which
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is 10% more than the previous year. the use of suitable cultivars and the application of the expert recommendations of our colleagues have made us increase production on the surface. i planted approximately 16 hectares of sarang wheat according to the rains that happened this year, we harvested 6 tons, 5 tons, this year, we expect to harvest 7-8 tons . to monitor the harvest, we have trained 25 harvest monitoring teams with 4,50 experts in the province to monitor the harvest in order to reduce crop loss and waste. for
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the guaranteed purchase of wheat, 48 purchasing commissions have been established in the province so far. 90 thousand tons have been purchased . wheat harvest from the farms of the province. which started in gurmir areas from the beginning of june until the middle of september continues in cold areas. bahrami, sed and broadcasting news agency, khorramabad. introduction of lasting figures of cultural heritage in 1403 in this ceremony, the mother of archeology of iran was honored and the martyr president tamer was unveiled. it was in 1345 that he was accepted in the field of archeology. she is called the mother of iranian archeology, one of the first female iranian archaeologists. you have to preserve the ancient works yourself and teach others.
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he was born 88 years ago on ray street in tehran. his siblings were doctors, but he became an archaeologist. one day we will run out of oil will be. but ancient works, if they are protected, this is the best asset of this country, it is the lasting face of the cultural heritage, mrs. dr. fakhri daneshpour, dr. fakhri daneshpour, is one of the people who was introduced last night as the lasting face of iran's cultural heritage , as well as dr. abdul majid arfai, researcher and linguist, dr. ahmad jalali. cultural director dr. mahdi, archaeologist dr. mohammad mansour flamaki , architect, restorer, engineer, ahmed mantazar, architect, restorer , engineer, behrooz vajdani, anthropology and music researcher, late dr. sadegh malek shahmirzadi,
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archaeologist, were other lasting figures who in the third the course of introducing the lasting figures of cultural heritage was appreciated. they are unique personalities. which in a way connect us to the roots of civilization and birth certificate of this country, they provide communication between generations, we have to increase the heritage literacy of the society, a memorial will be presented by mr. minister at the beginning of this ceremony, as well as by tamer raees the martyr president was unveiled in the presence of the brother of ayatollah martyr raisi in the third edition of the lasting faces.
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the first presidential election in iran has three main candidates. he does not know him very well. ahmad madani, minister of defense of the bazargan cabinet and governor of khuzestan, and abolhasan bani sadr, who came to iran with the imam and has enjoyed a lot of fame in recent months through numerous speeches and televised debates. of course, the first presidential seat in the history of iran has other aspirants. najir dariush forohar, kazem sami, sadegh tabatabaei, sadegh khalkhali, and sadegh qutbzadeh, finally, after intense competition of candidates, more
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than 14 million people from the vocabulary of conditions on 5 bahman 1958 , that is, less than a year after the victory of the revolution, went to the polls. sarari in the system the religious revival will take a real shape. the counting of votes shows that dr. bani sadr has been able to surpass other competitors by obtaining about 76 votes and relying on his choice brings a certain vitality to the society . the ceremony of revoking his sentence will be held in tehran heart hospital due to many reasons, people's hope to solve the problems of imam's completeness. well, the world is a mess. i am from mr.
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the nation and the religion are the nation. i swear by the holy qur'an that i will be loyal to the constitution. four days after bani sadr's election, imam calls all groups and officials to support the president. i i request from all the groups from all the different hands that in this time that one of the men of the nation has voted for him, others should not back down,
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others should help the country, your country is your own. two weeks later, the imam assigns the elected president of the nation to the commander-in-chief. in this way , bani sadr will enjoy military powers in addition to country powers. dear mr. bani sadr , president of iran, at this critical stage that needs the concentration of forces is greater than at any stage. your excellency , on behalf of this side, towards the general command of the armed forces, in the order that the constitution of the republic islamic iran has determined that you will be attributed. it is hoped that with the competence of your excellency, the affairs of the country and the army and the armed forces will be conducted in a proper manner and according to islamic standards. in the process of formation of various components of the new islamic system, some institutions and organizations became incompatible with each other. this issue, along with the lack of institutionalization
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of the islamic and revolutionary mood , has created new problems in the society. in addition to the structural situation, the country's political environment is gradually witnessing the emergence of some differences and the formation of a kind of political bipolarity. on one side of this safari, the groups perverts, including hypocrites and liberals, try to influence the president's inner circle to guide him. politicians to protect the trust of god and the people, that is, the system. islam is calling the same way that all the hands were raised in the beginning that we want islam and
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we want the islamic republic. god, the blessed and exalted , provided and granted. from there, one person will say one thing and one person will say something else, and the government will be divided against the parliament and the parliament will be against the government. and they all fall together. it is possible that the grace of god has taken away blessings through the disbelievers to be a week after the imam complained about the differences between the elites and the politicians, the officials of the 27 june 1959 regime signed a pact for cooperation and unity in the house of shahid beheshti. the core of this covenant is the constitution, and it is stipulated that from then on, every official
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shall act within the limits of the constitution and his legal powers and duties. the agreement of the authorities of the system has a short life because bani saad published the tape of a private and confidential meeting of a member of the islamic republic party in the newspaper under his management, the islamic revolution, on 28 khordad. ayat in this reckless private meeting against the liberals among others, bani sadr has spoken. the members of the islamic republic party do not agree with parts of ayat's words regarding the imam's recent statements regarding cooperation with banisad. imam to prevent the increase of bluff disputes. it reacts and criticizes the role of newspapers in the political inflammation of the society. if islam today, god forbid , they should be harmed. this is the fault of all of us. a certain class is not responsible. kolkam and
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kolkam are responsible. you are all responsible. a little later , bani sadr's conflicts with the majlis for the selection of ministers escalated. parliamentarians to rajaee's prime ministership he is willing, but bani sadr is not willing to obey the vote of the members of parliament. the imam, who cautiously predicts the consequences of the resumption of a so-called religious national government, says decisively. mr. president, people who will benefit our islamic society. if it is useful for our teacher, he should prepare and introduce it. that is, he prepares the prime minister , he must be a person who has all the qualities that i said , because the essence of all qualities is to be a scholar. bani sadr ignores the recommendations of the leader of the revolution and continues to isolate and marginalize.
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the imam is patient in parallel with his determination on the basic principles tries to deviate. prevent the first elected president of the nation. in this framework, the leader of the revolution every now and then praises some of bani sadr's sayings . it seems that imam ruhollah's approach is heavy and indigestible for some properties. now the president is at the top. he refuses in every meeting that he is invited to. and in any city they ask him, he dies and guides the people without a single fear in his heart, because he knows the nation from himself and the nation knows him from himself. the president is a brother with edna, a person who
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in iran. after the conflict of several months, the majlis bani sadr finally, muhammad ali rajaei, the person trusted by the revolutionaries, becomes the prime minister. the imam's support of the majlis was quite noticeable in the case of rajaei's election . a few days after rajaei's election, bani satr's helicopter crashed while returning from the border strip near islamabad, but the president was not injured. see the imam by sending a letter of salvation. honorable mr. bani sadr, the president, may god protect him, the rescue of his excellency and his honorable companions from an accident which according to the custom should be disastrous is a sign of god's grace for the progress of the islamic revolution. this miraculous provision is the reason why you and your companions in
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serving the islamic country is sincere and you will be sincere. thank you for the great blessing of your second life and devote yourself more to serving islam and the islamic country. the second anniversary of the bloody incident of 17 shahrivar has come. bani sadr, whose deviant and eclectic groups actually manage him in the circle of misinformation , targets all institutions and institutions with a special pride and attacks them, and incites inflammation and tension with sharp and reckless words. brings to public opinion. this minority wants to take over the government. to crush the opponents of the government and get them out of the way an obstacle to implement your plan.
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solving people's problems, especially economic problems , is the fundamental concern of the leader of the revolution. imam, who is realistic and at the same time an idealist of the ummah, believes that political disputes and controversies as secondary and unimportant issues practically do not give the authorities the opportunity to deal with the main issue, i.e. solving the problems of the people. the leader of the revolution tries to unite the officials around the axis of work and efforts to solve people's problems. what do you disagree about? what is the inheritance that you want to divide , do you disagree? all these young people have given their inheritance to you, which is different from each other do it and mess up like this and create corruption like this. we have a nation like this , so clean, so good that they support their government in all matters, they support their president
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, they support their parliament. the nation is upset about this, and not the nation . for several months, the western and eastern parts of the islamic republic have been subjected to an all-out attack , and the people are busy defending islam, the revolution and iran with all their being, despite these differences. officials are apparently inexhaustible. the mutual backbiting has caused some officials to consider every move and word against them and immediately react to it . the imam, who has consciously understood the properties of this disease, wisely seeks a cure for it. why should we celebrate the islamic state? why should we organize the parliament? i will serve all these. from
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that president to me, and all the bodies that follow are now working. don't take comments as pessimistic. and hatred in your heart. everything they bring to the parliament in the form of a plan or bill is to remove the president. the assembly is getting ready to give a firm answer to this allegation, but imam nasayah prevents the representatives from doing so. political alliance creation. imam's warning advice has a special difference with his previous words, just like snakes and
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scorpions bite and they don't understand or they understand and want to bite. god forbid they understand. god forbid that he knows these things. may god forbid this country that a day comes when i feel a duty. i advise them to be calm. i advise them not to bite each other and do not claw at each other. take this country forward all together. imam's warning of inflammation it has reduced the political situation a bit, but due to bani sadr's special view on the power and continuous efforts
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of the group and elements that have gathered around him and in the president's coordination office, one should expect something new every day. imam chandi later considers influential people as one of the causes of current disputes. pay attention that those who go to the president as benevolence and say things about others are devils in human form and in the form of devils and those who go to the government components, go to the prime minister , go to others. and criticize the president do these too sheikh. in the form of a human and in the character of satan bani sadr, even though he is in the position of the president, he is sometimes depicted in the picture.
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it questions the institutions of the system. in a ceremony organized by 30 political groups led by nationalists, the president attacked and slandered the pillars of the system on march 14, 1959. this government is the government of the tyrants, the government of the slaves, the government of nonsense , the government of ajil baddeh, and...
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people, act out of love until they are completely expelled , so that we have to follow our actions and our words, they are running away. they say this back we have already said, why did you say that you are playing a game in this way, with the intention of killing us on the lawn of the university? there was also another sister, and she was stabbed in the eye with a knife, and now i think it is mustafa khomeini in the hospital. they get their rights, bani sadr tries to show his popular base in the ongoing disputes by showing his popular base, but seeing
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the pictures of 14th of march and his practical confrontation with the imam makes his sincere fans and different strata people gradually come out of the hypnosis of his eloquence and eloquence and come to their senses. the arrogance of banisadr and his supporters in the bloody chaos of march 14th has greatly offended the people and the scholars. in response to ayatollah golpayegani's telegram, imam khomeini emphasizes that anti-islamic evils will be dealt with. if imam khomeini stands against deviance like a solid mountain when he feels duty, but it seems that imam khomeini continues to follow a patient and enlightened approach in front of the president. this method of the imam and his efforts to not separate the president from the line the revolution has created ambiguities for some of imam's companions. ayatollah beheshti, who
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is most involved in the propaganda of anti-revolutionary groups of bani sadr these days , writes a confidential and detailed letter to the imam on 22 esfand 59, i.e., a week after qilafa 14 esfand. referring to the imam's tolerance towards bani sadr and the president's divisive and power-seeking actions, the head of the supreme judicial court in this letter writes: "master and honorable leader, the duality existing among the country's managers is more related to the difference of two views than it is personal." to be with all these circumstances, it has been a long time since i thought about this your son and some other brothers have gained strength that if you know the administration of the islamic republic by the owners of the second vision at this point in time, we should focus on the same tasks as our ambitions and not witness the loss of forces in the course of this corrosive duality. ayatollah beheshti adds that in the recent efforts of the president and his like-minded people, this point is well evident to remove the issue of the leadership of the jurist.
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they will work hard in the future. in the case of his excellency, they have accepted this leadership voluntarily or by force , but they are trying hard to deny its continuation. despite this letter and some private complaints of others, imam ba a wise view and in the protection of the republic, the system continues its policy, which is to support the people's choice. the great leader of the revolution, 25 march 1959, the president, the prime minister to his companions. mr. khamenei, beheshti, hashemi, rafsanjani, mousavi, ardabili , bazargan calls to jamaran. in this long meeting, the imam hears different views on the events of march 14. imam saati later issues a statement in which the constitution is emphasized as an inviolable standard for all officials. the leader of the revolution while emphasizing on


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