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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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ali, the leader of the faqih, will work hard in the future. in the case of his excellency , they have accepted this leadership willingly, but they are trying hard to deny its continuation. in spite of this letter and some private complaints of others, the imam, with a wise look and in defense of the republican system , continues his policy of supporting the elected people. the great leader of the revolution on march 25, 1959 called the president and the prime minister along with mr. khamenei beheshti hashemi rafsanjani mousavi ordvili bazargan to jamaran . issues a statement in which the constitution is emphasized as an inviolable standard for all officials. the leader of the revolution emphasized on avoiding any disrespect to any of the country's officials in the senate delegation.
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forms farah to review existing disputes. this delegation consists of mr. eshraqi, the representative of bani sadr, mr. mohammad yazdi, the representative of the opposite parties of bani sadr, and mr. mahdavi keni, the representative of the imam . imam khomeini is also the president, prime minister, president of the supreme court and president parliament. prohibits islami from any speech and defers the investigation of the divisive actions of the newspaper and radio and television to a 3-person panel . the 9-day holiday of 60 has not ended when the president openly targets the leadership of the revolution and it is not. on 11 april 60 , he writes in issue 503 of the islamic revolution newspaper that he has not done anything with the traditional leadership, because he has taken the fields of thought and action from him for two centuries. and still
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they take, and this leadership sometimes accepts resistance and surrenders. bani sadr also accuses his rivals of cheating and disregarding the law accuses basically. the three-member panel responsible for investigating the disputes of bani sadr leaders is the culprit of the march 14 incident . the president, however, disregarding this vote, makes the imam's elected board incompetent. imam is still trying to separate bani sadr from hypocrites and perverts. the leader of the revolution calls bani sadr the people's president in the week of may 60. will the president appreciate all this patience, guidance and compassion? today , each of you who are in charge of the work. when you look, you will see that this is what people are made of.
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you can see that there is someone who is so much in that period it has suffered from these people themselves. similarly , other people who are in these government bodies. contrary to public expectation, the president has intensified the attack on the foundations of the revolution and the institutions and pillars of the system without paying attention to the sympathies of the imam, while chanting the slogan of following the law , he ignores the constitution and other laws. imam's cup of patience is really full. everyone should be bound to accept the law, even if
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it is against your opinion, you should accept it because it is the majority and the decision of the guardian council that this is not against the law is not against islam either. this is the amount. nascent republic islamic days of hard work. and after the closure of the islamic revolution newspaper, he announced that he will inform the people of his messages through the notice tape. the president is trying to defend islam and the revolution and try to realize the goals of the people by making all his provocative and divisive words seem oppressed. imam's answer is tooth breaker. our fights are not for god. get these out of your ears. all of you in the mosque, take out of our ears that
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our fight is for god, we are fighting for the interests of islam , no, this is not the issue of words. i can't he played the fight between me and you and all those who are fighting, everyone is saying to themselves, give it to me, everyone wants what is all this power , i don't understand what power is at work now, this is the deception of the devil who has overcome us. this time bani s does not take imam's warning seriously and arrogantly thinks that the leader of the revolution, due to the country's various problems , is under endless attack by the enemies from taking the final steps. finally, imam, who patiently advised bani sadr and his supporters for months. he has finished
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and comes to the field with exemplary endurance and strength. the great leader of the revolution who has understood the scenario of bani sadr and the hypocrites for demonstrations and street riots , calls on the people and all institutions to suppress any demonstrations without permission. walking in the alleys and neighborhoods without the permission of the ministry of interior is a deviance and it is prohibited, and the law enforcement and security forces, the guardsmen, the basij and the whole nation are legally obliged to do so. god's duty to prevent these joints. bani sadr's continuous disregard for the imam's warnings and his disregard for the frequent advices and recommendations of the leader of the revolution about demarcating borders with hypocrites and deviants and separating their ranks from the enemies.
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revolution. june 20, 1360 causes the leader of the revolution to remove him from the position of commander in chief of the armed forces of the islamic republic of iran. bani sadr, who is completely delusional, and two days later, in a statement, he calls people to openly fight against the islamic republic. the hypocrites officially declare an armed struggle on june 27 . clashes have spread in tehran and every day there are fierce clashes in tehran. with the continuation of bani sadr's incitement, the islamic council takes action based on the constitution and approves bani sad's incompetence on 31 khordad 60 after enlightening discussions. imam khomeini too based on this historical resolution, bani sadr is determined from the presidency. bani sadr flees to paris in women's clothing along with rajavi, the leader of the terrorist group of the hypocrites, and marks the end of his career. a few days later, imam khomeini, in words
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that are full of annoyance , talks about his heart-burning words in private meetings with bani sadr and implicitly expresses regret for his fate. i repeatedly told this mr. abul hasan to come and get rid of these corrupt groups and these hypocrites , don't lose your dignity. they destroy, and this ignorant young man, who could not understand what islam means
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, brought himself to ruin. in a sort of historical summation of the bani sadr case, the leader of the revolution reminds all the politicians and politicians of the past, present and future in a thought-provoking speech that ignoring the compassionate advice of not demarcating borders and giving authenticity to those around you can be deviant. cause a fall. if you had listened to the advice that i gave you that day when i was sick in the hospital, you would be like this today. it wasn't and i didn't want it to be. today i am one of the words that is the basis of all human troubles i warned, that the love of the world is the whole line. all the errors
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that were issued from us. on top of this, if he listens to this word, he will be happy. you were ten and you had trampled on sensual airs, it could not have been like this , o messenger of god labik or messenger of god, the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon declared resistance in a position. islamic lebanon
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is at the peak of preparation for a full-scale war with the zionist regime on land, sea and air. at the ceremony honoring the martyred abu talib, the senior commander of hezbollah, sadan nasrallah said, referring to the quantitative and qualitative strength of the resistance: if a large-scale war is guaranteed in lebanon, in all fields and without any we will fight the enemy as much as possible. we are prepared for the most difficult days and the enemy knows that in the event of war. they considered the solution for a ceasefire in other fronts to help gaza, including lebanon, and said that the battle on
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the lebanese front has caused heavy material, spiritual and psychological damage to the zionist enemy, and the zionist residents of jigodad represent the role and influence of this front, which prevents the enemy from winning. it has been in gaza. the enemy is worried about the advance of resistance survivors to the heights of galilee, and in the event of the expansion of the war, the possibility. there is resistance entering galilee. he emphasized: resistance fighters are based on very accurate information fighters and reconnaissance drones of the resistance flew over areas far away from the city of haifa and took pictures of the sensitive centers of the zionist regime for hours , and what hezbollah published is only a small part of the pictures recorded over the city of haifa. he used only a part of our existing weapons. and if needed, new weapons will be brought to the field, and today
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he announced that all the required weapons have been obtained, the combat forces of the resistance have reached the number of more than 100,000 rosbande fighters, who did not fight at the height of preparation to enter the field, and to the heads of some resistance movements that demand the mobilization of forces when they went to lebanon, we said that we have more than the required amount of ready forces. hezbollah's secretary general also warned the government of cyprus about the consequences of the use of this island by the zionist regime's army. we have detailed information about the presence and exercises of the zionist enemy in the areas and airports of cyprus, and the government of cyprus should know that if this situation continues, cyprus will become a part of the war. the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah emphasized that the biggest unsolvable problem of the zionist regime is its inability to face the culture of martyrdom.
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according to this muslim politician, many in the west do not want to accept the fact that populism and the demagoguery that has spread in europe has been revealed in the form of muslims' hatred of islam, a fact that is clearly visible in the reports of islamophobia monitoring organizations, especially against muslim women in the west, including england. hatred of islam by muslims in britain is clearly going on. because of wearing a hijab, the speech and behavior
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of anti-islamic muslims are targeted . this year can be called an election year because almost half of the world's population is involved in elections. in a number of countries, especially in europe, candidates and parties voted for insulting anti-muslims are busy. polls about the upcoming elections in england also increased. the former leader of the scottish national party, referring to the upcoming elections in england to determine the representatives of the house of commons and the next government of this country, says that the labor party will probably win in these elections, but the reform party led by nigel farage, according to the opinion polls, even from the conservative ruling party. work has also surpassed. nigel farage
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is the same person who considers muslims as the fifth pillar of the enemy in this country. what we did in england, in germany, in france, in america shows that this is one of them the side of a series of politicians with the support of the media. a number of analysts in england believe that the inability of some western governments to control the political, economic and social crises of their country has caused them to blame muslims instead of condemning their own incapacity and
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to introduce them as the cause of all the problems of these countries. apparently, muslims have become an easy target in western countries . mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the london broadcasting agency. as soon as we found out it was a suicide , i was 100% sure it was a scam. he got angry and finally got his life. only a few months of time matt and adrian suddenly lost their father. our father was a very optimistic person. he was always like this. they took away his optimism forever. i met them at adrian's house in northern virginia. dennis
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jones was a photographer, guitarist and a loving father. but from
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i worked in the sexual assault department for 9 years . nowhere have i seen people suffer more than in pig butchery. west is a deputy district attorney in northern california. he specializes in cryptographic scams, which are called pig butchery. we lost more than 5 billion dollars.
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in 2023 in 2023 and this year. the past 38 has become more when the crime rate increases by 38, which is a subject that should be paid more attention to. by creating fake queues on social media, fraudsters spend months gaining the trust of their victims and then convince them to invest in digital bandwidth through serious websites. these programs claim huge profits until the money suddenly disappears from the criminals' pockets. they are gangs based mainly in southeast asia. cn research in 2023. show many fraudsters are actually victims of human trafficking themselves, like this indian man named rakesh, who
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was forced to pretend to be a russian woman in cyberspace to target americans in this protected complex in myanmar . they gave us a lot of money. i took on the role of a russian girl. i had to scam people by using a fake profile of a russian girl. we need to prosecute some of the people who are running these operations in southeast asia . this law enforcer in america says they are still even a scammer. not arresting either although the us secret service had a better chance of recovering some of the lost money. we have been able to recover millions of dollars, but
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this is still a small percentage compared to the amount of money that is transferred abroad. scammers take over social media pages to lure victims. tech companies such as meta, matchgroup and coinbase say that in an effort to spread awareness.
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putting together what happened, he says that these are basically evil people. i don't know if such people exist or not. he ended his life in a situation where he was thinking about his family betrayed this was unbearable for him. in early march, matt adrian and sister laura plan to hold a meeting to help their father. the plan was that he
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give me water.
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dear and respected retirees, we have an appointment here in two hours. they told us that everything can be done in installments. yes, it is with the floor price. i
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said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check. if you want it or not, then give me a five-flame, i'll go and see if you have a toman, hand it to me, i want to pay in advance, he dare not ask for advance, sir i don't want a guarantor here, i didn't go to the bank , gentlemen , there's no need to go to the bank, a special purchase for dear retirees , social security from shahreh household appliances, purchase installments without checks, without guarantors, without prepayment, without the need to go to the bank. i took care of my dance, he was injured, bring a statue pad for the gentleman, hello to the statue pad, which wears itself , not when braking the disk. the
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right choice of modern brake pads , the head of the statue, and the sunset of the sun.
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islamic republic of iran. in the name of god. god bless ali muhammad and ali muhammad and ajl farajham, dear compatriots, hello , good saturday morning, welcome to this news section . in the third round of the election debates, the national media hosted six presidential candidates. in this debate, which started at 20:00, lifestyle was the first focus of questions from experts and people. the candidates were in the second part of the debate questions about the verdict.


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