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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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i will mention one paragraph again, phase 11 of south pars, i think that more than 10 years of the engineer's suspension in east and west remained. in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the most merciful and the most merciful, dear viewers of the network. we start with news about arman and chosen iran programs . special arman election program every day at 17:00 on quran ma'arif sima channel. the section
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is repeated the next day at 11 o'clock. explaining and examining the views and approaches of each of the candidates for the presidential election on cultural and educational issues and quran is the subject of this program. the selection of iran program is broadcast live every night at 23:00 on the egogh network. serve the people. expressing the indicators of a balanced and efficient president from the language of the people is the subject of this program. the results of the survey of the radio and television research center about the first debate of the presidential elections were announced. this survey was conducted on june 29 with a sample of 1,289 people from all over the country. in this survey, 31% of the respondents told us that they saw or heard the first debate program. approximately 27% of these people
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were through television, and the rest were actually up to 31% 31% and 14% of those who have followed through television radio or cyberspace said that they saw or listened to this program, approximately 47 % and 46% said that this debate had a great effect on actually increasing their knowledge of the candidates. farewell to the 41-year-old football star. zlatan ibrahimovic's show is repeated every day at 11:30 on the radio. this show deals with the sports biography of zlatan ibrahimovic, the saudi star of the football world. marjan sadeghzadeh,
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my beloved president of sed and sima news agency, special election program radio jovaneh, in this program, different groups of people , especially teenagers, young people and students , comment on the characteristics of a popular president . greetings, you are very welcome. especially , my popular president program expresses the characteristics of a popular president from the perspective of an expert. business owners, students and young people in my beloved president program. what can be influential in our view and in our choice , there may be some doubts or economic issues that are very important for the employment of young people , housing for young people, and that people's livelihood depends on the choice that they make. what they are doing may be affected and issues like this, well, we will go to the economists , the representatives of reviewing the duties and powers of the president
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in the constitution, expressing the people's requests from the future president is one of the other parts of this program. we have a road map that shows us how to get a president who has the characteristics of weapons to be a weapon. and we also have reports from people who think that a good president and a popular president should have what characteristics . considering my age, as an 80-year-old, i think that what is the state of my future? naturally , i am looking for someone who thinks about the future of the youth of his country .
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broadcasting, we are with you from radio javan with the special program of president mehboob menu. at the same time as the presidential election debates are broadcast on one channel, viewers can watch the other view of these debates live by referring to the ara channel on tv. let's go together to the third debate of the 14th presidential election cycle. let's see from another frame. the second frame. behind the studio of the presidential candidates' debates mobile unit deployed. this mobile unit uses five cameras to capture moments and scenes.
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we try to give different and attractive reactions. because now i have 131 cards, i am limited to react. we use different reactions here. more attractive images, in this way , the audience sees both the debates and the reactions from the lens of the cameras of the second frame, in terms of content , it is the same content, that is, there is nothing extra, everything that actually happens in the studio and can be seen from the main frame is the same here. in terms of image, well, it can help him too understanding the audience of the article that was raised. the second frame is one of the programs prepared by the vice president of the virtual space of the national media for the elections. alhamdulillah, following the launch of the candidates' exclusive studios, the candidates received a good reception. respected candidates
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appeared in the studio 5 times. we had 65 special programs that were produced for 220 minutes. basically, in these studios , the views that were on the television screen on the live and recorded content of the studios exceeded 2 million minutes, and the views that were on the television screens of the candidates in the form of millions reached millions. and as we get closer to the elections, this will definitely increase and people will be able to see fragments of the experts' videos or the candidates themselves on their tv screens. programs that try to take a different look at election campaigns. if you want to watch the second frame of the debates, you can
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watch the ara network as your guest. sahar zwanati of sed and sima news agency. i am talking about the second frame of the debates with mr. mohammad erfani. it was a report, but where did this idea for the second frame come from, how did it become operational at all, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful dear viewers, well, one of the important things that has been emphasized in the transformational period of the broadcasting organization is the use of new technologies in the programs. and to be able to better convey the message of the programs to the audience, definitely, in programs like debate , the margins of the debate
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are very much noticed by both the people and the media that reflect the different dimensions of this debate, and the design was designed in such a way that we we made suggestions to the election headquarters, and one of them was the use of the second camera and the second view of the debates , now in the debates because of the restrictions that yes, as mentioned in the report , it is not too far out of that space, but again, if these nights are debate nights, well, i have two more rounds left, if the audience watches the ara network on tv , they will realize that, well, some of the reactions that the candidates have a picture of their faces when they address each other, or when one is talking and the other is writing notes for the next round, or different frames of what is currently being broadcast on the network, in fact, first tv
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, that is an attraction. and it has a special feature that cannot be seen in sima itself, in fact, in channel one in fact, technically, given that, well. the duration of this debate is long. as a rule, a number of frames are shared, but the artists and videographers who stand behind the second cameras. there are six cameras that actually capture and reflect the scenes from the ara network . for example, 50% different frames are different and we can see from there, for example, suppose that i said those reactions when he addresses. let's assume that we don't see the host's frame, or i think that in last night's debate twice
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, for example, behind the scenes, a committee actually oversees this program, for example, we saw the media headquarters itself, in this frame, the reaction is more visible. the ones that exist or when there is an exchange of views and it creates a different frame work, but anyway the content of the debate is not lost. yes, not completely , mr. irfani. technically, how was this possible ? was it very difficult? it is a mobile unit
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and you can see how many cameras there are again, no, we have already seen in many programs, let's say, channel 4, that if two people are talking to each other, there is a second camera that is there at that moment, for example , it shows the painting that is being drawn in the corner of the stage or for example, but in general it has in fact, the frame of this output is actually published here, the only difference is that it is being directed by a different director , that is, a director who is independent from the director who is giving the main debates . there are definitely difficulties in coordinating between the two. it can be done anyway in this environment like this one. that we we are at your service now. you are in an environment . you know that this kind of setting between the cameras
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means that there are 8 main cameras that capture the entire main debate and 6 cameras that capture that doubling is actually the cameras that are in the service of these people has its own difficulties , the vice president of cima has really worked hard, with a coordination with his friends, this work is being done very well , and his tv directing skills are naturally much more difficult. what a football series, we had entertainment programs on tv, which is a significant number. it also has an audience, that is, when a serial is aired, those parts
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the interesting thing is that they have better dialogues, the dialogues actually have a so-called virtual space that can go viral , they are actually presented quickly, that is, with an interval of maybe less than a few minutes from being broadcast on the air, or, for example, in football, the goals that are scored or the incidents that it happens, this is presented , which mostly has a significant number of visits. we have more than 100 thousand visits in football matches. sometimes, well, this happened during the last 1400 years of the presidential election . this period is also the same, of course. if you remember, we prepared a report this year from the reflection and extension of the content of the organization in the virtual space, well, the honorable president of the organization presented this . to the media and it was a significant number for them. well , this happened in this period as well, that is, now in
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this election, we see that the content that the organization is working hard on in the various programs that it is doing is quickly reflected in the virtual space , the news agencies that have channels in fact, the messages of domestic and foreign media are reflecting this , and it is interesting that, for example , it is reflected in social networks with a higher number . there are candidates, maybe it's not very good now , it will definitely be published after the elections, for example , one week when i was looking at the extension of the organization , i saw something close to 400 million views . actually , it is deducted from a candidate in a really specialized conversation or in the debates, it may be repeated, but the consumption can be
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checked and we give it, or for example, the first debate is about 29 million. this has been consumed in the cyber space , of course, we have checked in a period of two or three days, some of these are extended their consumption is still the issue of extending the content of the organization in this period, it was done with better planning , that is, we made a plan , there was a good interaction with other vice-presidents of the organization, and in this way , before, during and after the program, several programs have been implemented. but for some programs , it is only a part of the fact that we have a notification before the program, especially with the vertical frame, which is the professional frame of the virtual space, for example, the program without compliments prepared by friends of the news, or the conversation program with the candidates with the representatives of the candidates.
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it will be broadcast again on news 21, maybe for an hour or two before it is played in the vertical frame. this will reach the audience in a one-minute package, that is, we have already started this extension, we are informing about it, and we will tell you during it, there are many programs during them, in addition to being notified, it means that you will sleep at the same time. it can and will be uploaded that television has an essential role here, the first narrative about it will be created in the virtual space, which means they are making an action stream about it.
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let's see the report about it and then continue our conversation. look at what exists in the world today to write strategic and long-term plans with that it is very different in our country. the exchange with the presence of activists in the field of elections deals with political issues. this word "unfair program" is used a lot and a program that tries hard without filter. everyone says that our program is like this, sir, but the exchange is definitely one of those special programs that enlightens our minds about the political environment. debate is the format of the program. if the program is not executable
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, it becomes a ridiculous idealist that we don't know what to do with it. exchange during elections. one of the important issues about actually the competition space this is the election, especially the presidential election. there is a lot of news based on the intelligence of the candidates or their plans, and the issue of the election itself is given less attention. this is actually the rush
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that took place to hold elections in 20 parts . most of our efforts are to focus on the main issues of the election, for example, the issues that young people see about the elections, so the debates are more theoretical , you can even say that it is more theoretical, but sharp edges and those really serious edges that can be discussed about the election without wanting to enter the space of whether these are red lines or not. it is talked about openly, it is more honest and open, it is easier to talk . before and after the debate , we have this round table, we have these discussions, and as a rule, we invite the representatives of the candidates there
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, the format of the debate is more serious, but on the rest of the nights, most of the nights, for example, now it is mr. ali's specialty, for example, about our advertising documentaries. until the i think we have talked about it for two programs now, and you talk about the technical events that take place or the effect that it has on public opinion, without trying to involve the audience as to which is better or not. which is worse, the issue of the ethnic groups, the issue of the youth, or the social issues related to the election , the effect of the election on people's lives, maybe a little less, mr. mudaghq , talks about the effect of the election itself on people's lives, and then participation and actually participation for us. it is very important and i will mention it again considering the large volume of the radio and television antenna today, i would like to ask you, of course, in
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the little time that is left , what will happen to this network after the elections? we are trying to extend it in the virtual space and... well, it can be seen there, the ara network itself is actually designed in the news environment of the virtual space and its connection with the external official media. as it has been active since the election of 1400 until now, it will continue from now on, god willing it will be active and, god willing , it will serve the audience with its good programs. thank you very much for the conversation we had and the answers we gave
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. we have reached the end of this news section. regarding the necessity of such a workshop. i have to say that it is one of the most important events that besides the comfort and financial facilities that we should consider for the coaches , we should consider such issues because there are serious potentials in relation to these people that in such meetings in addition to exchange of ideas experience can be realized and these capacities should be used in such a way that it is on the way to the formation of creativity. the training of kanon trainers definitely helps to improve the level of education of children and teenagers
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and makes the children progress and show creativity in their works. the interactive point is that such programs should be held continuously for 100 days. among the traditional integrated and discipline-oriented approaches, there is a very important approach, either aesthetic knowledge or the observation of works of art, which we do in the program and workshop and artistic experiences that are held in the collective and somehow in it. art educators are those who are engaged in the field of art education. we can observe and this effect on the creativity and expression of creativity of young people is very evident in this kind of workshops and art meetings
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, it causes the development of art and the emotional, psychological and social aspect of the student, the teacher becomes a teacher with a different idea and technique for his own learning. he chooses whatever he wants. if they are up-to-date , they can transfer what they have to the children and educate them, and make the children more up-to-date. this workshop and this exchange of information and experiences is better if it continues and must be periodically to be held holding training workshops for center trainers, in addition to a very positive exchange of experience between center trainers, can improve the quality of the workshop and increase. the creativity in the workshops
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of the members is also very positive, the workshop that was held was very good, we were able to exchange good experience in this face-to-face workshop. we are very good and it can be very useful , user ahmad aminfard of the sed and broadcasting agency. you are the main one of this field, if we are talking about today
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is the blue waves sports complex, the exciting blue, the biggest pool. the wave of the middle east , two wild rivers, the sports mashmoah, the blue waves of mashhad , near imam rauf's shrine, to serve pilgrims and fellow pilgrims. irani grand palace, the only tehran branch in afsariyeh, with incredible prices and long -term bookings, without prepayment in irani grand palace what's up with the big festival of eid until eid in the horizon of cyrus?
11:00 am
a thousand items from 10 to 30% can be delivered from 28 june to 5 july in the chain stores of afogh korosh. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , you will join us on the news section at 11 o'clock. the minister of economy said that the highest amount of foreign investment in the country in 17 years was 2.8 billion dollars and it belonged to the year 2016 , which reached 5.5 billion dollars in 1402. .


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