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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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with incredible prices, long-term installments and without advance payment in a large iranian mansion. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings to you, respected viewers, at 12 o'clock, we are at your service with some news. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with the head of the authorities and a group of employees of the judiciary this morning , considered the establishment of justice as one of the basic duties of the judiciary and added, of course, the establishment of justice. it is not an easy task and it requires courage. all the efforts
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of the judiciary should be aimed at creating justice with courage. of course, as i said, this is not an easy task. it takes courage. you should enter this category with courage. and without consideration he did justice. fair judgment and other. there is a need to act in such a way that the public opinion of the judicial branch recognizes the court house, the center of justice , which means that this is the issue and justice is done in the judicial branch without consideration.
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in another part of this meeting, ayatollah khamenei pointed to the good programs of radio and television in introducing the views of the candidates for the presidential elections and said that the candidates should avoid statements that make the enemy happy in expressing their opinions and programs. good tv shows are being made. and it gives familiarity to people about opinions and opinions to the various candidates, my advice is that these discussions that the candidates make together on tv or the statements they make, either collectively or individually, do not cause these statements.
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it is an important point that a candidate should say something to defeat his opponent that will make the enemy happy and not like the enemy's words . it is not permissible for the enemies of the islamic republic to make the system happy. it is not permissible for the words that are spoken to make the enemies of the country happy, the enemies of the system, the enemies of the people, and fiber coverage reached 8 million households. radio from a tenfold increase in fiber causes. nouri
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announced in the last three years and said: the rate of progress of the fiber plan for homes and businesses has reached 40 so far. according to mr. lajordi, with the cooperation of 10 communication operators, more than 300 groups are working in the field of optical fiber and it is predicted that 14 million households will be covered by optical fiber by the end of the year. the head of radio communications regulatory organization added: the number of subscribers increased. so far it has reached and doubled. today, on the 13th day of campaigning , the election programs of the presidential candidates will be aired on national media. based on this the program of mr. saeed jalili in the program without compliments from 20:00 to 20:00. one and five minutes on
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sima channel 2 mr. mohammad baqer ghalibao in documentary program 2 from 21 to 21 and 30 minutes on sima channel 2 mr. alireza zakani in documentary program d from 21 to 22 hours on sima channel 2 mr. seyed amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi they
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will present their programs in the special talk show khabar from 22:00 to 22:45 on khabar channel and mr. mustafa pourmohammadi in the documentary program d from 225:00 to 23:15 on do sima channel. god is great, god is great i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . hai ali al-falah, hi ali al-falah
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, hi ali khair al-amal. i invite you to pay attention to the continuation of the news section at 12 o'clock. special exchange program is broadcast live on tv every night at 21:00. by inviting experts in the form of a debate, this program examines the text and margins related to the elections. the view that exists in the world today for writing strategic and long-term plans is very different from what is in our country.
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it is different, the exchange with the presence of activists in the field of elections, i discuss political issues , the word program is used a lot. a program that tries very hard to speak without filter , everyone says that our program is like this, sir, but exchange is definitely one of those special programs that enlighten our minds about the political environment. debate is the format of program implementation. you can be a ridiculous idealist who we don't even know what to be. work should be done , the exchange will be broadcasted live on television every night at 21:00 for 120 minutes during the elections. neda hosseini, sed and broadcasting news agency. sick pilgrims
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are given priority to return from saudi arabia. the head of the red crescent society says that so far , a number of sick pilgrims have returned to the country with two flights. we are planning to fly to the islamic republic of iran as soon as possible to send other loved ones who need further treatment , apparently with the support of the people. the red crescent and the medical staff of the hajj and pilgrimage medical center will be sent along with them. alhamdulillah , the health of the others has not been a problem so far. alhamdulillah , they are all in good health. drug addicts and drug dealers in the country were arrested. the head of the country's anti-narcotics police says that 9 addicts and 400 drug dealers were arrested in this plan. in addition to these actions, heavy blows
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were inflicted on drug traffickers, including the arrest of 20 drug traffickers, the dismantling of more than 30 drug gangs in the country, and so on. the discovery of more than 4,500 kilograms of drugs was one of the achievements of this project, and the yemeni army unveiled tofan ik indigenous war boats . these boats have the ability to be controlled from inside and from afar, and for this reason, they are considered a type of shahpad to be shahpads tofan is one of the type of entharist and cap. its warhead can carry 150 kg of explosives. high maneuverability and speed
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, as well as camouflage , are other features of shahbateh one. thank you very much for being with us. after the position of leadership of the president, if the presidency is good, it is to serve the nation , rejecting and criticizing this side of the nation's vote, and he is with the help of god and following the prophet of islam.
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hashemi rafsanjani introduces the cabinet of his second government to the parliament with changes compared to before. 16 ministers in the list proposed by hashemi in their posts they are collected. the parliament also approved the 22 ministers proposed by the president after the deliberations of the representatives. and only noorbakhsh cannot get a vote of confidence from the parliament as the minister of economy. the parliament's negative vote for the minister who is the main designer and architect of the economic policies of the hashemi government, in the analysis of some experts , is considered a sign of the representatives' attention to the negative impact of some of the economic policies of the hashemi government on the people. the president assigns noorbakhsh to his economic deputy and then to the head of the central bank. the second term of
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hashemi's presidency has reached the half when the publication of an article with attaullah mohajerani's signature on the need to continue hashemi's presidency for another four-year term raises a wave of astonishment in the political community. the opponents believe that a certain political current seeks to make hashemi's presidency permanent. this plan needs to amend the law. gradually, the season of the seventh presidential election season is coming and political groups and parties are starting their activities for this period. the faction known as the left and similar groups are trying to take over the government with some kind of reconstruction. despite the fact that there is a lot of time left for the election, some groups are talking about light as a candidate. he introduces himself. the defense of values ​​group, which
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is known as the third and independent movement in some fields, later nominated rijiri for the presidency. seyyed mohammad khatami introduces himself as a presidential candidate on the 10th of bahman 1375. khatami is a member of the militant clerics' assembly. the announcement of khatami's candidacy is welcomed by the movement and groups associated with the left. the open and hidden fronting of groups and parties shows that the election is going to be tough. the ministry of interior appointed 2 june 1376 as the day of the election announces the registration of candidates from on the morning of thursday, may 4th , it will be done only in the ministry of interior according to the law, and we will not register in any of the cities or abroad. by the end of the registration period for presidential candidates,
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238 people will be registered. after legal investigations, the guardian council confirms the qualifications of four candidates to hold the post of the president of iran . seyyed mohammad khatami, ali akbar natiq nouri, mohammad rojahari seyed reza zavarei. advertisements for the candidates of the seventh presidential term will begin on the 20th of may. the mass volume and different contents of advertisements in a new election environment in the society created and surprised some people. negative and destructive competition has increased significantly in this period. ayatollah khamenei , on may 31st, in a meeting with a group of asra families
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, considers the people's movement to participate in the elections to be a special opposition of the enemy and expresses his satisfaction with the people's readiness to participate in the elections . it is a great popular, national and islamic test, try to carry it out with the same neatness, purity and cleanliness that is desired by islam, leader of the revolution. he likens the election to a sports competition and is a fan of the candidates they don't want to create an atmosphere of opacity. electoral competition is one of the most serious tasks of a nation. and there is no joking aspect in it. and it is very new, but
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it is similar to sports competitions. in the stream but they don't associate this effort with ugly actions, inappropriate actions , those who are moral people, people of understanding, don't let the election atmosphere become cloudy, advertise for each candidate for themselves, their supporters advertise for them, ayatollah khan. khamenei considers launching a happy caravan in the age of ashura as a trick and deception of the enemy and emphasizes that even if the photo candidates should be raised in this trick, people and candidates should not be deceived by the enemy. a few days ago, on the day of ashura, some people had organized a happy caravan in the name of supporting khatami. it makes some things the enemy. everyone
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should pay attention to this. some things are not related to insiders. for example, the caravan of happiness. in the age of ashura, this is not related to the revolutionary and muslim people, this is the enemy's work . now, let them take the photo of an election candidate. your fan no, what are they in favor of? those who are religious and spiritual people and these things have nothing to do with it . maybe even those deceived people who boarded the bus in the streets and those ugly sights set off, maybe they don't know what is the matter, they are being moved by a hand. give it to
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ruin the atmosphere, to make people uncomfortable. in order to make the election seem like an inappropriate thing for religious people, to spoil the faces. the leader of the revolution reveals the enemy's desire and plan for after the elections and explains the enemy's and perverts' project to induce fraud in the election pays. in recent weeks, the enemy has tried in every way to evaluate the results of the elections as predetermined and make the people sensitive. and disappoint. some words inside the country have given them an excuse. they have been planning for this for some time. rumors of election fraud. and bringing up the syrianness of the elections. making a joke, making a joke, putting it in people's mouth. of course, some people
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repeat them unknowingly. i have to say the rumor that the election will be rigged is a rumor from the enemy. compassionate words of the honorable president particle for direct object. foreign radios, taking care of unknown and inappropriate things, even some analysts and insiders out of negligence, taking care of what is going to happen . manipulate people's votes in elections. inshallah , it will be done with complete perfection, both the officials who are there are reliable officials, and i will not allow the issue of the election
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to be disturbed even a little, god forbid. what did the first stage do in the second stage? he is the legitimate president of anyone. each of these four people are men. the president will be legal. hashemi rafsanjani invites all those involved in holding elections to be trustworthy and impartial. we should trust the diagnosis and vote of the majority of society without any worries . the best epics. there are places where the majority of people are consciously present. the candidates' tv ads start and the candidates
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follow their competition from the tv frame. within a short period of one year, build and sell. 100% investment, 200% profit investment, of course, it is not possible to invest in a factory in industrial or agricultural work. axis of development. in a country like ours, it will be the government. it does not mean that the government is in charge of everything. let's go back to the same security and stability that we need in our regulations. the first solution is for government companies to have an approved plan for their budget. every front has a trench and our presence is the presence of all people to fill this trench. people should participate in the elections because this president should make their country prosperous internationally, surely the presence of people
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has another importance, it shows its own special effect, it is the religious and national duty of everyone to participate in the elections. let's review it in such a way that we have to take tax from the one who needs it, reform the administrative structure , which really needs an administrative revolution, and we have to
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deal with corruption seriously wherever it is found, anyway with this young society. the talent that exists in iran is an important principle of placing young people and nurturing young people for the success of our youth. we have needs , we have demands, and our reasonable demands must be provided through educational institutions and broadcasting, as well as through other means. he knows people's problems and tries to solve them politically and socially. we believe that a culture can be confirmed . those who vote and participate in the elections must have enough information about the candidate they want and know that they are from some cities.
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there are news about the destructive behavior of supporters of different candidates. at the height of election campaigns, some groups question the integrity of the elections and try to create sedition and chaos in the elections. people's awareness is the most important factor in controlling the situation. we expect the person who is elected as the president to
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consider himself a servant of the people. whatever is needed for the religion and the world of these people , do it within the limits of your authority and your legal authority. the day after the election, the minister of interior will announce the final results of the presidential election. seyyed mohammad khatami with kasab 70% of votes with 20 million and 78 votes have been elected as the 7th islamic president of iran . in this period. 29 million 76 thousand 70 votes are cast into the boxes. messrs. natiq nouri, zvarei, and remhari are placed in the next rows . ayatollah khamenei, the 7th of khordad, in a meeting with the representatives of the islamic council,
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called the large and enthusiastic participation of the people in the elections a great divine blessing and a bright star on the forehead of the iranian nation. these people they are slandering people's rights , they are slandering democracy in the world, they are slandering freedom , they are killing this and that, they are accusing everyone. let anyone who is not aligned with them criticize them, accuse them of voting for themselves, and these are their elections. how many people participate in them? the elections of the two terms of the american presidency, the british elections , the elections of the european countries, none of them, not that much, not even close to this. the leader of the revolution describes the vote in the elections as a vote against the system and points to the media propaganda of the enemy to show the people's votes upside down. everyone blindly voted for the system. of course, advertising
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enemies' media tried that they might be able to achieve this same victory as usual, no matter what is good in islamic iran, they are trying to make a fault out of him, saying that this election is a protest, what kind of protest, who did the majority of 20 million people vote for , the president's slogans what is an elected president? social justice is going towards islamic and revolutionary goals. it is following the commandments of the great imam . this is opposition to the islamic system. these are the slogans of the islamic system. people like them . hashemi rafsanjani, the seventh term election he considers the presidency to be a manifestation of establishing the credibility of the islamic republic and to the efforts of the enemies.
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it pays to doubt the will of the people in elections. before the election, they said that the election was not real. the government interferes, the government interferes. they take out the one they want from the box. hundreds of journalists poured into iran to find the weak points of our elections. seeing a huge crowd of nearly 30 million. population


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