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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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it has been 16, 17, 1400 years of believing that nashad shababi will be better in the future. we have to help, then support. we have designed a smart card under the name of family smart card for the vitality of families, for the cultural element of the theater, go to the cinema, go to the cinema, have fun, of course. this step is kekani, it means that whoever is lower in the deka, they get more support, if they are women , they get more support than their toys, the different areas that the government supports. he can invest himself in this field and make serious investments in this field. we have a plan for him. tourism is one of the driving areas in the economy. what is your plan for the development of the tourism industry according to the capacities of iran? in the 7th plan, this is the 17th paragraph of the 7th plan of our work. well, we have a lot of capacity. religion. we are in the world
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and we are ranked fifth , we have increased by two ranks in the government of shahid raisi. the government of shahid raisi came and canceled the visas of 30 countries. 3 and a half billion people can easily reach their tourism goals with a single ticket in iran. we must take the place. halal and family-oriented tourism model in the world beshim means anyone who wants to have a chaste place . alhamdulillah, we have both religious areas and
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millions of people who are active in handicraft industry . the handicraft industry that is being established at the entrance of every city, whether there is a store or a place of production , is itself an attraction for tourism . good things have happened in this area. we hope that we can do more development in the government of the family, the government of the people, and the salaries of government employees and pensioners will be increased by 20%. becomes and 40d inflation is the question do you have the authority to solve this problem and what is your plan? first of all, unfortunately, the growth of inflation, for example, if we say that prices have doubled during the year 11, wages have not increased by 8 times, we must do this according to the price of inflation and even more like the same thing that again, in the shahid foundation , we did it if the increase in payments was more than the inflation rate. let's do a small thing, it should be equal
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, because equal is proportional to the inflation rate, it should be called equal , so that this law will be amended, and this law should be equal, not the labor law, article 41 of the labor law. the fact that every year the salary of the employees increases with the rate of inflation, the people who receive handouts is proportional because it is said that it is a little less proportional . it will make a big difference in a decade . your plan to change the status of the company's employees. in the 9th and 10th period, once the corporate forces come to change the situation, we must take this task seriously. if we need a force, it must work directly with the apparatus itself. if we don't need it, we must do it . it is the government's desire to
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make these loved ones responsible and eliminate this feeling of discrimination they should go and get job security. don't think that it might be resolved every year . what is your opinion about the national housing movement? what is the government's guarantee so that the national movement does not reach the fate of housing in the 10th and 11th governments ? we have a serious plan. we are supposed to build one million housing units a year , now two million, 600 thousand housing units have been created in the government, maybe 330 thousand hectares. the horizontal development of the city, finding 2 million plots of land, now ready for housing construction, look at the determination of the other government, look at the housing seal that was started in the 9th and 10th governments , because of the lack of belief in the 10th and 11th governments, the government was shut down. shahid raisi, you can see the same houses that are being opened and operated. it is important for a government to believe that it has a duty to provide housing for the people, and we need to stop this belief. it is that the government should
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seriously intervene, we will do this and we will reach the result, god willing. the law of converting the status of veterans in some government departments was not applied to the lowest contracts. what are you going to do about the transformation of the situation of ishar gran , we have 218,000 people in these 3 years, the situation of the number changed before this government, nothing happened with the follow-up that the foundation did with the support that the government gave. in private companies, we have a problem. god willing , with the power that the president has, i promise that all these private companies that are dependent on the government will be brought into line and this work will be done. what should we do ? what is your plan to solve this problem? one of the places where our policies should
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be changed in general is the agricultural sector. in the next 5 years, with the same trend, we will have to spend 90 billion dollars on imports or agricultural institutions or agricultural products . let's say, while this flow does not reach the farmer himself, 15 to 20% of the income of the crops the farmer reaches and our farmer is left with the basic subsistence level. you must return the working capital of the added value to the farmer and we must make the farmer rich. it is necessary that the subsidy be given to the final beneficiary and we give the farmer enough resources and facilities to move around. let us strengthen , create coherent cooperatives, shorten the rings so that the wealth reaches our dear farmer himself. look now, especially in these days, when it was a good year , many of our dumpers destroyed their livestock , our nomads, in the same way, our resources are 450 thousand we have billions of tomans in this field as subsidies we want to give a part of this, we should
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give livestock to them, we should give them an allowance for the restoration of the pastures , so that they can collect their livestock so that this work is done well, we have a plan that is in the government of martyr raisi, of course. in sadad, perhaps we have prepared transformation, which we will certainly do in society, of course, we have to use it and transfer technology. look, we have 18 million hectares of arable land, with this 200, with the same amount of water we have, we can support 200 million people. let's give food, but technology reform must happen, our technology in using soil and water must change this again requires investment, which is our serious pamphlet in the government, especially what is in the question of our countryman.
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our killing pattern must be changed , it has many stories. what is your plan to improve the business environment? see economic growth 8. it is not possible without private sector investment. the serious money government is earning salaries now because it has all its resources, but it has no investment . what should we do and stand behind him? how can we open up the political issues ? we must prevent high inflation, we must control price instability and renti-rom licenses, we must
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control this work that the government must do, these five or six things, and we promise to our friends that we will do all these things within the first 3 months. in the field of authorization, the government made a serious entry into the site. we should also do the things that we should decide once and for all, for example , to cut off the export of tomatoes and onions and destroy our own producers, this is not the right thing to do. we can market let's control and not blame the domestic producer. this example you gave goes back a little to the previous question about mossad keshavar. we were talking about the various jobs that we have , the production activities that are different in the country , what do you want to do for them, maybe there are obstacles in their way for their production, this is for all issues, that is, now our industry , our mine are caught in the same situation. the example i
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gave is in the field of agriculture, for example, we make a decision regarding a certain item, the export of which is prohibited, or for example, the issue of the same contract that we don't know what to do. we have to contract a part of the exports with a lower value , just like what we did in the so-called domestic industry . we have to exempt them and move on. for big products , let's create an organized official market where the price of the product is clear based on the product and demand. send a message asking if you are sure you can fulfill the promises you make. what is the executive guarantee of fulfilling the promises ? i am documenting all these promises to serve the people as a commitment letter from the government . i will announce to the people that these are my commitments my dear people, according to this commitment and the media. monitor the people, monitor the critics, monitor. if i don't do it myself, 4 years later, if
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i were to live, i will not be a candidate. for example, the promise that was made in advance was to solve the problem of the stock market in 3 days. therefore , it was a fallacy that i made, my friends, in my opinion . do you believe that the stock market is the market of expectations ? no, this was a promise, your excellency, or yes , i will tell you later how it was redefined in the country. and it turns green, for example mandatory intervention in the definition of the feed rate in the petrich feed rate, the government intervenes once and says, sir, i will not interfere based on the world price. it is clear what will happen to him, or the composition of the supreme council of the stock exchange, which was not beneficial at all, or the people
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are not present in it. the market is the future, which means there are people they buy the future, they look at the economic trend , for example, the oil and gas industry is growing in the world, gold is growing, whatever is in this field, they trust him, they go and buy the same thing that you say, three roses can do it themselves. show it , yes, because it is about rebuilding trust. look , when you correct your methods, the trends will become normal. now, the trends in our capital market are not normal. hey, they are constantly interfering and meddling , which means that the problem of the stock market will be solved in 3 days . there is now, because the mistrust has deepened , it may have just happened at that time. we had really calculated that time plus
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, if i am not mistaken, 60 hamat was still in the money market at that time and we could take those resources to the market stabilization fund and keep the market up by buying and selling slowly. unfortunately, those sources have been removed from the market, that is, the performance guarantee of your actions and promises . what did i say? i am announcing it as a letter of commitment to the great nation of iran, and i mention that the people should watch, the media should watch, if i don't do it, i will at all. i will not be a candidate, regarding the transparency of the expenses of my election headquarters, please please explain, although you can see that i am not on billboard and i am not in the virtual space, because this presence in the virtual space of instagram, twitter, and even internal networks requires tens of billions of tomans of money, which i do not have. since i am not indebted to anyone, of course, in my political process, i will tell
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you that they are at your service. they are giving us a place for free. that is, my presence on tv, for example , tehran municipality has provided 40 to 50 billboards . i am a slave everywhere for free, even sometimes our friends in our headquarters say, sir, i am giving financial aid sir, my headquarters is in the heart of iranian families , because the government is my family, every iranian family is the heart of iranian families, women and men, girls and boys, my headquarters is mine, because after all, manabah wants to write articles, they can be printed for free or by yourself, yes, the articles not to that extent , our friends are so called to help , many of them are digital, which means that it doesn't even have a lot of investment, but in general, it is almost the cost that because the creditors
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have special expectations after you as the president, we are running out of time last night. the debate sometimes came to an end you will participate in the elections, no one has come to step aside. i would not have stepped into this field if i did not know weapons . i came based on my religious duty. until now, i feel that i have a duty to stand because i do not want to limit people's choices. ok, finally, people should have variety in their choices. they can say it with any specific dog . i said this several times . i don't understand the reason for repeating the question by the single on tv, because almost friends always ask if it is based on what our friends tell us on tv, sir. if you cancel , make it clear for us, no, based on where it is it is repeated in the media and in the news.
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they ask this question in every program we come to. i think this is too much. very well, thank you very much, mr. dr. qadeh hashemi, thank you for your presence, thank you for your attention and companionship, dear viewers, good night until the next program , in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to
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the world today, in tonight's program , we will have a special communication and conversation with professor richard falk is a professor emeritus of princeton university and a former un reporter, but according to the routine of today's world program, we will start with the latest news on palestine. the most important event of the 260th day of the genocide in gaza the bombing of the palestinian refugee camp was on the gaza coast. we see the latest images of palestine, including the bombardment of the ashati camp.
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the target theme in these moments is the complete destruction of this missile strike .
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the israeli air force is carrying out an air raid on madinah al-khaiyam. at this moment , two missiles were fired by the israeli air force , targeting the middle of al-khaiyam city, specifically the western quarter of this city. i see.
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this is very catastrophic and not only for gaza but for the meaning he gives to international laws and for countries , he has been a law professor at harvard university and nearly 40 years at preston university. in addition to teaching, he
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is also known as the un special rapporteur on palestinian human rights for 6 years, as well as the head of the european mediterranean human rights supervisory board. well, our conversation with professor richard falk, retired university professor. painston and the former reporter of the organization, let's start, professor farak , your face and name in iran are almost known to our viewers, which is mostly because of those 6 years. since you were the special rapporteur of the un organization on the rights of palestinians, first of all, i would like to thank you for accepting our invitation for this conversation. i also thank you for inviting me and i am happy to be with you. thank you. your character has several interesting aspects at the same time. as a harvard graduate and a princeton professor , you have a prominent legal personality. you
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were a special rapporteur for the united nations, and besides all this, you are an american jew who could not understand the cruelty of the israeli government against first of all, the palestinians are indifferent to this human dimension let's start with more than 260 days of generation. the crisis passes and we still see new images every day that israel has destroyed a residential area and the bodies of children are pulled out from under the rubble, and the whole world sees this, like the attack this morning on the ashrati refugee camp . how do you feel when you see these images ? did you get used to these images? look, i don't think anyone can get used to seeing these images and these images of these
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extreme barbarities that we see that we see on tv and these crimes that are actually being exposed. it puts our eyes and this feature of this genocide in fact. it should be live and directly in front of the eyes of the people of the world, so that they and the people understand what is happening, and while the genocide is happening, the people of the world will also know about it and see it. after these pictures, the rest of us can actually see those who live, those
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who lose their loved ones, and understand the real conditions that arise after the genocide , and it is really shocking that we have this. we see it, but there is no basis in fact. at there is no reality or even in law that we want to be silent against these genocides based on that , but we see that this is happening in the west, the westerners themselves, i mean the western governments that help and facilitate this genocide for israeli and this is really a terrible show that he has in front of the audience. or what happens ? you mentioned the views of the world about the world , the current world order and the international institutions, in their presence
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, in front of their eyes. accepted, but israel does not implement it, or the international court of justice ordered that israel not to attack the snow, but this order could not stop israel, or the international criminal court has not yet been able to finalize the arrest warrant . you yourself were a professor of international law. un special rapporteur, if these institutions can't stop the massacre that is happening in front of the eyes of the whole world, then what's the point? look, it 's really disappointing that we see the actions of the un and this court, and
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we shouldn't actually blame the un for in fact, it is geopolitics and geopolitical conditions that have made the united nations unable to prevent these actions and atrocities. it has been that no country can
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act on its own, but unfortunately, due to the veto power that exists and the sovereignty and influence that some countries have on the united nations , the united nations cannot fulfill its legally defined duties. do so we should not expect that when the interests strategically, one of the top five countries of the council. their strategic interests are endangered, we can no longer expect the united nations to act impartially because they do not allow the one whose interests are endangered. issue them, but in
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the process of implementing them, if the structure that was defined for the united nations in 1945 was flawed from the beginning, your professor taught international law in the best universities in the world , you were not disappointed in these few months, what you said in the classes you used to say that none of the things you taught in the classroom can stop the victims and the perpetrators of genocide. i am realistic enough in the world of politics to understand that this copying is happening in some form.
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when it conflicts with the strategic interests of a large country, the united nations will not succeed in stopping that genocide. therefore , when stopping that genocide is to the detriment of a country , it is an important country, so that country will definitely not allow it. genocide should be stopped now, no matter how much the united nations want to be able therefore, in recent years, we have seen a lot of talk about the responsibility of the united nations and the main countries to maintain international peace and stability, but i must say that the
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existing geopolitical policy does not allow the united nations to resist. in the face of this current wave, you mentioned the performance of countries, let 's talk more about this. for years , liberal democratic governments in the west have repeatedly criticized other countries in the world for human rights issues, even under the pretext of human rights of the people of other countries. sanctioned they do, but now we see the highest level of violation of human rights, which is genocide and war crime, with the killing of more than 37,000 people, and they are still arming israel . obviously, we consider the governments of france, england, germany, and canada to be leaders in this field . what do you think of this performance in the world? it has a meaning.


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