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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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i also have to say that the existing geopolitical policy and the existing geopolitical reality do not allow the united nations to resist this wave . you mentioned the performance of countries . let's talk more about this. liberal democracies in the west frequently criticize other countries in the world for human rights issues. even under the pretext of human rights, people of other countries are sanctioned , but now we see the highest level of violation of human rights, which is genocide and war crime, with the killing of more than 37 thousand people, they are still going to israel. we know that the governments of france, england, germany and canada are the best in this field . what does this performance mean for you in the world?
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they are helping this terrible genocide. they see this genocide happening. but their reaction is that they mediate and facilitate by providing weapons with diplomatic support, as well as ignoring international laws and weakening international laws and weakening the credibility of the united nations, and they really have.
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you were the special rapporteur of the united nations on the human rights of palestinians last year. israel is going now. what do you think? they fought in gaza for 6 months. now they are whispering. maybe you should ask for
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it to come true, that is, a single jewish country from the river to the sea, that is, from the jordan river to the mediterranean sea, and they are implementing this illusion. this project requires that not only they forcibly evacuate gaza from its own inhabitants. the goal
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is to make the west bank uninhabitable for the palestinians and annex jerusalem illegally to israel. and...discrimination against palestinians, the palestinian residents of jerusalem , those who are under pressure and live there, until finally the netanyahu government, in fact , this is the campaign that the netanyahu government wants to carry out, and it
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will eventually lead to the final nakba and this there is a solution that they designed for their own success and they want to shut the palestinians out.
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which we are facing at this point, because you say that israel, with all its military superiority, with all the support it has had from america and other western countries, has not yet been able to defeat hamas , militarily, it has not yet been able to defeat hamas. now, what if he wants to defeat him politically, and we see that hamas is actually more popular than
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they should boycott israel from a cultural point of view . there are even talks of banning them from participating in sports competitions. civil society groups are active in this field in israel. he has put himself in a much weaker international position with what he has done and he has put his enemy in the region in a situation where israel's enemies have now come to feel that
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israel is not invincible, it is not invulnerable. and it is possible to defeat israel, this is another defeat it is for the israelis. they also have the problem that netanyahu is a leader who cannot accept defeat and accept the reality, and this is a dangerous issue in relation to iran and other countries. well, they actually have enemies like this, they have lebanon, hezbollah. darren and them. in fact, their existence does not allow israel to be able to focus on itself and in fact to be able to damage that axis of resistance, and
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this is a big failure for the efforts that israel's campaign in gaza is actually involved in this gaza. and... actually enemies there is another one in that region, the israelis, in fact, by doing what they do to their own image in front of the eyes of the jews all over the world , i mean to weaken the state of israel, and this is actually an experience that has actually happened to the people of the world. people in
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consideration of all the experiences and knowledge you had during this. 9 decades ago , how do you see the end of this war? you asked a very difficult question at this point, because at any moment , especially if israel changes its focus and tries to shift its focus from gaza to lebanon, it means to go to lebanon. probably iran. well, this actually causes us to see that america is under the pressure of the elections and is going through a difficult time. now they
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are supporting israel, but supporting israel's next actions can be difficult , that's why america he is trying to implement the ceasefire quickly, and on the other hand, the israelis want to do something to eliminate the leaders of hamas , and in this situation, i think that the war will continue for the time being if the israelis want that goal. to destroy hamas, to determine for themselves the continuation of the body, well, really the conditions at least it will be very difficult for the palestinian people . thank you, professor pak. thank you for being with us in this conversation. i was also happy that i was happy to be with you. thank you for your questions and i hope that my questions were useful for you
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. thank you for my answer. in the rest of the world today , we have pictures of the latest public protests against the genocide in gaza, which is being suppressed in some european countries.
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let's take a look at the short news of the world. the french nuclear company's license to operate in
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niger's uranium mines has been revoked. niger officials say the french company did not perform as expected. the ministry of mines of niger sent an official letter to this french company and announced that it can no longer operate in uranium mines. it is estimated that there are about 20 thousand tenanium in these mines. niger , a former french colony, is cutting ties with the country. the american nuclear submarine arrived in the port city of busan in south korea to participate in a joint exercise with this country and japan. the heads of these three countries agreed last year to hold exercises every year. they say that the recent exercise is a response to china's dangerous and hostile behavior in the waters of rahi china sea dispute. south is held. south korea summoned the russian ambassador. moscow
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has signed a new military agreement with north korea , which south korean officials are protesting. in this agreement, which was finalized last week during putin's visit to north korea. the possibility of sending russian weapons to its ally in case of war was mentioned. south korean officials also announced that they are considering sending weapons to ukraine. the swindling of ukrainian, belarusian women, the house of traffickers in spain was discovered and destroyed. the spanish police, in cooperation with the european union agency , found a network active in the sexual abuse of women in almeria. discovered and destroyed. smugglers deceived ukrainian and belarusian women with false promises of residence and employment in spain. the flood crippled the lives of tens of thousands of people in china. monsoon rains have caused landslides in southern china.
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the landslide caused the death of at least 55 people and the lives of more than 5. it affected 5 thousand people. the economic damages of this incident are estimated at 800 million dollars. the national weather service warned at least 113 million americans. do not underestimate the consequences of rising temperatures. following the intense heat in america, which is described as the heat of history, the use of electric coolers has greatly increased and energy consumption in texas is at an unsustainable rate. the tunisian president fired the country's minister of religious affairs after dozens of tunisians died during the hajj due to extreme heat. the number of pilgrims who died due to the heat in saudi arabia has reached 126 people, half of them egyptians, 98 indians and 40
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to 50 of them tunisians. and now the second and final case of tonight's program, in which we want to investigate the possibility of the zionist regime attacking lebanon , in this regard, we will go to beirut to see mr. seyed mohammad hosseini, reporter of sada vasima news agency , let's talk mr. hosseini, hello, greetings to you and dear viewers, mr. hosseini, what do the latest developments tell us about the possible attack of the zionist regime on lebanon. we are on the verge of the end of the ninth month of the war in gaza and the northern part of the occupied palestine, i.e. lebanon, and we are in critical conditions and days, in the sense that the zionist army in gaza
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has not discovered any military achievements despite the extensive destruction of the gaza strip, and now it is at the end of its work. it has practically reached and it cannot fight there anymore because there is nothing left and at the same time the palestinian resistance in gaza. there are still casualties from the zionist regime's army . now there is a debate within the zionist regime to declare the end of the war in gaza in some way , and the issue of northern palestine and the northern front, that is, with lebanon, is raised and threatened. in recent days, the officials of the zionist regime have taken an operational form in the field in preparation for the possibility of this attack, but after the unprecedented positions of the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah last wednesday, who emphasized and threatened that any large-scale war by the regime lebanon's zionism will cause
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lebanon's hezbollah to operate without any rules and regulations to enter this war, the authorities of the zionist regime have faced a very difficult dilemma. now netanyahu must either accept the ceasefire in gaza and at the same time in south lebanon, which will be a clear declaration of defeat for the zionist regime, or he must enter into an unprecedented risk-taking. to become an entity for the zionist regime and attack southern lebanon. if this attack is only at the level of an exchange of fire, it will not accomplish anything, because just as the zionist regime will be able to destroy residential areas in lebanon, hezbollah , by the zionists' own admission, will be able to destroy the areas.
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attack a wide area of ​​the zionist regime, including sensitive military and security centers and other areas of this regime, and destroy these areas with the various missiles that hezbollah is using . yes, this is a very difficult situation for us this year. we are in 2024. in 1982 , the zionist regime attacked lebanon under the command of sharan and reached beirut very easily and occupied beirut . in 2006, it could not even reach the litani river in the south of lebanon. the battle that hezbollah is fighting against the zionist regime, if it launches this large-scale attack, it is possible that this is the essence of its existence diet in fact with a very serious challenge. lebanon also pointed out that it is possible that in a large-scale war, if hizbollah forces enter
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occupied palestine, mr. hosseini, one of the former leaders and former officials of the zionist regime, has stated that attacking lebanon is israel's suicide since the beginning of our war. netanyahu and some current officials talked to each other about lebanon, but they could not take any action against him. is it possible that these recent movements are the same as the previous ones or not? this time, the story may turn out differently. you should see the possibility of this attack as a serious possibility he knew and hezbollah prepared itself based on this possibility. but this possibility for the officials of the zionist regime and for the existence of the zionist regime with all the wars. after the 3rd war of 206, we have my voice. what is the difference? the difference
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is that after the victory of 2006, hezbollah after the massive victories in the war with the takfiris in syria and hezbollah in the urban war against. he has gained experience and the combat power of hezbollah in terms of quality, the types of weapons it has, and the limited power of hezbollah, which, as nasrullah said, is much more than 100,000 troops. hizbollah, these also cause the zionist regime to face a serious problem . it has a maximum of 40,000 real fighting forces, which are 40,000 people in the gaza strip in the last 8 and a half months
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. they have been involved in various areas of the gaza strip and they are tired forces. now in the last eight years on the southern front of lebanon. in fact, they are involved with the regimental military , they are very, very few, and this is one of the tactics of the bully that in this limited battle, by reducing the number of troops and the quality of troops that it has in the border areas with the areas close to the border, it will act in such a way that it will hit the c regime the most and have the least casualties among itself. god willing, with this fundamental difference that hezbollah now has the power on the ground and in the air to enter
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the occupied north of palestine, then the story in the occupied north of palestine will be completely different from the discussion of hafto mektor in the occupied south of palestine. elah is the entrance to sain in the north of palestine. acre cities haifa is something that remains in existence. for example, the next point is that the conflict with hezbollah may activate other fronts, that is , if the conflict with hezbollah is in the form of a full-scale war, thank you to lebanon , mr. hosseini. thank you very much for the explanations and analysis that you gave us from beirut. presented well to the end. we reach the world today. good night, god bless you.
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