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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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we can have two hands of the same mog in the same color at the same price . there is only one left of this mog model in the same color. that's why it came to serai taqofi at this price. i came to ask the same price for that refrigerator, which is very good . it is that this is a discount store and all the items here have a special discount in addition to the discounts of the iranian store. when will these purchases reach us? in the discount sarai big iranian sarai big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch tehran in serah afsarieh.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless him and grant him peace, dear viewers , i invite you to join us with the economic news. national guilds were also opened. on the pretext of national asalaf day , we went to economic activists about a national issue. the set of trade unions of atakaf are familiar with the importance of elections and the election of superior and better choices . these people who are present in this gathering today were able to win in three consecutive elections trust their colleagues. i think that the word "election" is very familiar to burgos.
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whether they have a plan, whether they want to destroy each other , the debates have become more specialized as they progress. we would love to hear snafu's concerns. you have to make decisions that are effective in improving the state of the country's market. they said about the importance of people's participation in the elections. certainly, it will have a significant impact on the future of the country. it seems to me that an executive director who is in charge of the president needs the support of the people. however much this the larger the crowd, the more colorful the presence
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better yet, the person who is elected has more power. less than a week before the 14th presidential election, trade unions and marketers, as the most popular part of the country's economy , are preparing to participate in the elections. asalaf will definitely play his unique role in the upcoming elections . bozor will participate in such a way that he will disappoint all the enemies . having a strong presence in all the elections. the july 8th elections will surely have a stronger presence.
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the minister of communications and information technology presented a report on the performance of the 13th government regarding the realization of the smart government. and presented the implementation of the country's national information network to the representatives. but in order to know more details, i am now talking with the reporter of sed and sima news agency stationed in the parliament hall. mr. peshbahar, hello to you. please tell me , the report of the minister of communications and information technology about the performance of the 13th government contained some points about the issues or concerns expressed by the members of parliament. thank you very much, mr. georgian. in the name of god . ok. you said the report that the minister announced
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in the public arena, it was mostly about the cities that are actually applicable and a part of it has been implemented , mentioning about the national information network, which grew by 20% when the 13th government came into use, now it has reached 65%, and mentioning that 99 in fact , the devices are actually connected to the national information network and some of the explanations, both in the field of the internet and in the field of government and smart, are being implemented and have been successful . concerns of the honorable representatives in this meeting, i talked with mr. tariqpour, the honorable representative of tehran, who before this is in the industries commission and they have comprehensive information on the issues related to the national information network and the smart government. mr. aghapour , please tell me about the concerns of the representatives, what are the main axes to be expressed here, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most
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merciful. and i would like to congratulate the deha velayat and eid al-fitr ghadir kham, the main concerns of the honorable representatives. it was related to the weakness in the communication infrastructure and the network, which was used to receive e-government and smart government services , of course, unfortunately, in the 90s, we saw an 8-year delay in the development of the network. as you mentioned, and mr. minister, we did not make progress in reporting , fortunately, during these two or three years since the beginning of the 13th government, this work has accelerated from 20 % to more than 60%, which is definitely related to the february report. in these four or five months , more progress has been made. the biggest concern is that, god willing, this infrastructure
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will provide the capability and capacity in a way that facilitates receiving services, that is, people can go from their homes to their workplaces without needing to travel. this service. about the internet report that a few days ago, mr. wazir dadan said that the capacity of our international internet is more than needed , because you know, anyway, this is a matter of economy and the amount that is bought from abroad should be given to the users. it should be transferred so that it can be paid for. this process continues, i hope that god willing, we will see more hidden gangs and more education to receive services. thank you mr. taghipour. mr. gerji , considering that we don't have time, i just announce that the parliament will have a public meeting next week. i am at your service. thank you, mr.
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peshbahar, for being with us in the public hall of the islamic council was. dozens of industrial projects were put into operation with the presence of the acting president in the ministry. the minister of mining industry and trade said that 126 large national projects are ready to be opened, of which 26 projects were put into operation today. about 5563 jobs have been created with the opening of these 26 projects worth 60 investment . mr. aliabadi also announced an 8% growth in the production of all kinds of cars last year. according to the likes, car production will grow by 27 percent. the demand for electricity consumption reached more than 73 thousand megawatts. the spokesperson of the electricity industry, stating that this amount consumption
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shows a 10% increase compared to last year. he said that this increase is not only alarming, but also makes the task of all of us more burdensome for the optimal consumption of electricity. he said accordingly. i am with the deputy director of tawanir coordinating , mr. zubihi. greetings to you, mr. zubihi . considering the increase in electricity consumption in the country , how can farmers , in particular, participate in the electricity consumption management program? dear viewers, as you mentioned. well , the electricity demand in the country reached 750 megawatts in the past few days it shows a growth of over 10% compared to the previous year . one of the major sectors of consumption in our country is agriculture. we
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have more than 230 thousand agricultural wells in the country, and these agricultural wells are based on the licenses for them. they are starting to extract and use water . more than 90% of the licenses issued in the country are allowed to work in the hot months. for example , june, july, august and september are 19 hours or less. this means that during these months dear farmers are allowed to have 19 hours of water harvesting and 5 hours of agricultural wells. take them out of the circuit. based on this , the load management program has been set up in this area. arrangements have been made for these loved ones. if they manage the load for 5 hours , they will have free electricity consumption for the remaining 19 hours and
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a free electricity bill will be issued to them. in addition , in order to encourage the loved ones to use electricity optimally, arrangements have been made using modern systems. irrigation and reducing the amount of electricity used to harvest water to the extent that between 10:00 am and 10:00 pm have a reduction in electricity consumption compared to last year in a stepwise framework subject to incentives there are those that the number of these incentives can be more than 2,500 tomans per kilowatt hour. we have made an estimate that if the farmers decide to do this, they can get up to 10 to 11 million tomans per month. in any case, they should have rials and generate income . in addition to all this, this year
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, based on the license issued by the ministry of energy , respectable farmers are expected to build solar generators near their agricultural wells or in other areas where they get a license anyway. 80% of their consumption power , if they have solar generators, is from the management the load is waived. i hope that with the help of all dear ones , we will be able to pass this year with success, god willing, and provide the possibility of using electric energy for all our dear compatriots. goodbye god
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in the name. in memory of god, i greet and respect you, dear viewers of the khabar network, for the next few days , we will have an increase in water and rains in the northern parts of our country. we have for the northwest of the north al bard slopes in the north-east of the country should have rain, lightning and wind. due to the rains, there is an orange level warning in ardabin province , areas of east azarbaijan province, northern parts of west azarbaijan, the highlands of zanjan,
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ghazvin, alborz, tehran, semnan provinces. , mazandaran, golestan, parts of razavi khorasan and north of north khorasan, the rainfall is at such a level that the possibility of water flow, overflowing of seasonal rivers, spot and local floods is predicted. we expect strong winds . therefore, we request to avoid staying on the banks of rivers and climbing to heights should be avoided . there is also a possibility of hail and falling rocks. for monday , we will continue to have rains in these areas . the rains will be more widespread in the west of the central regions of the country. we will also have rains . the orange weather warning is still valid in terms of we will have a slight decrease in temperature in the northern coasts of the country. thank you and may god protect you.
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mr. jalili, good time, welcome to without compliments. salam alaikum, to serve you and all our dear people. hello , thank you very much for the question. repetitive, but tell me in one sentence what happened in the election field in any case, we think that this field is an uncompromised field, a serious field, a field that, in any case, according to the understanding and understanding we have of the country's conditions
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, it requires the country to make a leap in the next 4 years. however, knowing the issues. to have a plan is to be noble to the plan , to set goals, and these are some things that can achieve that goal. if you want to be critical of your past performance, what is that? in the first six months of the cartoon, what group or groups? they are criticizing your performance and for what action , my point is that if we want a success to be formed, this is our slogan. we believe that one world is an opportunity, one iran is a leap, and the next thing i need is that every iranian has a glorious role. this means some of
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your monopolies. you have to break some discriminations , you have to put aside these things that exist , we have to cross some political spaces. this is one of our capabilities that has been grounded for this reason the issue of complimenting the country cannot be managed with compliments . one is the issue of showing the country . the other issue is that some relationships. it is wrong in some relationships, especially political ones and of course in the executive structure formed over many years that these should be changed. well , doing all these things, surely there are some people who benefit from these discussions , so maybe they will resist and be upset. listen , if you, for example, want
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to break the monopoly in an economic field, if you want, for example , to get rid of some wrong political relationships and employ people based on merit, then of course some people will not like it, and it is a question for the people that all governments want to go in this direction, but we see that nothing very special happens , is it because of the compliments or not? the determination of the president, the president must know what he wants, what goals he has set and what is necessary. it may be a wrong cultural and political atmosphere. the things i said should be taken care of so
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as not to overwhelm us. during your tenure, see that this happens a lot in the field of political work you said, for example, i remember when the jcpoa was brought up. well, as a person who read this , we had some serious criticisms about it when it was brought up in the 6th session of the parliament. friends who sometimes criticize the jcpoa, like us, say that the criticisms are correct, but now the atmosphere in the country is a space where the people love the jcpoa, don't say that , i said no, our duty is to tell the people honestly at the same time. there was also a discussion. one of the newspapers made a headline, for example, some people said that, for example sanctions will be completely canceled with jcpoa on the first day. we said no, it is not possible . unfortunately, many of these will remain. as you can see
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, they remained 8 years later. some of them have been intensified, and those who are not according to jcpoa, for example, one case was that people it is outstanding. you have to check this in the surveys that exist. i hope that people will think the same as what we are. what would you say if you want to remove the doubt that people have about you? this is the same doubt that we are fueling in this way.
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i heard a couple of doubts. for example, one of them is that mr for example, if someone wants to be in this position, is it executive or not? an important discussion, of course, in my opinion, it is a question, but then the more important thing is that we should know. what is our definition of an executive director, who is at the head of the executive branch? does it become an executive director, for example, a project , for example, a construction project, does it become an executive job? no, this is not the case . and without this decision that you made, did you reach the result or not and what process does it go through without this, and this in this process which is going to go through to reach the result, will the people see the result of the work or not? now i am from that side, because i entered the executive branch from the lowest level
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, that is, we were hired through the newspaper , we went abroad, we became an expert, then the deputy head of the department, then a the term of the director general in another place, then the deputy minister in the ministry of foreign affairs, means i want to say that i know the process of what is happening in the administrative executive structure. i know what path he takes when he reaches that target point , what are the obstacles in front of him, and there is another point that sometimes comes up. i don't know. recently, they say, i heard this, it is finally being brought up in the spaces, that yes, for example, they are a group, for example, a package, for example, jalili, for example, the people around him are a limited number of people, no, it is not so. i said that during these 11 years that we were working under the title of shadow government , our office
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was open to thousands, perhaps more than hundreds of young people, the director of fazlai university, the agricultural workers , and we happened to be in different working groups of the same type. a new policy. we followed the leveling of the topics of how to do the real political work. besides, for example, we have more than 140 trips to the parts of the country, i only visited farm workshops and factories and knowledge-based companies and different places, attending different assemblies and these in many cities and villages, which are familiar with capacities . yes, for example, if being closed means that we for example, in some of these political circles , lobbies, i don't really believe in this
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, i don't even think it's very useful sometimes, i know that this is the discussion, if these are closed, yes, one case or for example to give an example, i remember once a person who is famous now may have known sir, someone has a job for you. at that time , when i was in the security council, i was the secretary of the security council . for example, there is a very important discussion about a security issue. i said, ok, now we'll give it a time, and if he really said that much, this is a national security issue and it's urgent. i said, well, finally, if this is he is a respectable person, and when he came, for example, i expected a person to come, for example, settled down, for example , to raise an issue, for example, in the matter of national security, which has an urgency, i saw a young man. there was blood and so on and i said, "well, please, first of all , i was very young, then i saw him and he said, 'you.' today, you have a meeting with a foreign delegation
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. i said, yes, you can recommend us to this for economic work. well , i put it out. if it is closed, it means that it is important for security, but i said that, yes, we have closed it. i said it out. go out, i must have come, the person who recommended this, for example, what if they say that the person is closed ? the other side comes very easily and says, mr. jalili, what do you think? when are you going to retire and what are your plans for leisure after being in charge? look, now in this shadow government, as i mentioned, this is not an organization, as i said, it is not a machine shop. for example, say, sir, what is this discourse?
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this is that every person has a duty to the extent of his ability and capacity, whoever is interested in the system is in the country , is in the revolution, is in progress , is in the people, this is his duty is to follow the developments shadow by shadow, in general, the government the shadow means that the shadow follows the shadow he did not do something wrong, help to correct it if god forbid. something like this is good, but it is incomplete , help it to be completed, so there is never a retirement , this is never the need for this thinking, this discourse is that you must have a responsibility , that's why you saw me in these years in the governments too. we were not present, but we always did this work to the extent of our situation. now, because the work was within my personal capacity and within the capacity of the working groups we had, we said to do this work, we will give it to the governments, now if
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they accept. it was good that it can be used well, we have done as much as we can, and i have to say that i have said this many times , that's why if i am at the head of the government , one of my requests from the people is that they have this view of the government. do you have sufficient legal authority to perform your duties as the president in iran? yes, according to the knowledge that we have in terms of the study that we have in the country's top documents, in the country's constitution, in the powers and laws that exist, i believe that the presidents have no obstacles and no lack of authority to perform their legal duties, and they have enough in this. the term structure the islamic republic, especially for the president , has been given these powers, which are the duties of the law. that
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they are asking him and based on that, people should do the voting program for him, without complimenting your fans , i think that the field of elections should be a field of competition for service, so i would first of all ask those who do me a favor or a favor. we have enough words to say positive things about what should be done, what things will help in the economy, politics, culture, so that they don't waste their time for things. this and my piety, i have said many times that no one should ruin his own hereafter because of us after all, this world is passing. how many days have passed ? friends who are criticizing or opposing us now, they also
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criticize or oppose things based on a so-called benevolent view of the country. i usually try to listen. if it's right, then let's see what their points are. and now, sometimes, if there's any bad manners, let them know now, god willing. and at the end of the sentence, if you have something with the people, let me know . i'll repeat this again with our dear people that we we are now in a very sensitive situation we are at a historical moment, fortunately, not a threat, but an opportunity. that if we make a right choice, by properly managing these opportunities , we can make a leap in the country. thank you for participating in without compliments and answering the questions. please, good luck, god willing.
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thank you very much. thank you and all our dear people for bothering to listen to this program . al-mohammed and ajl farajham, hello, have a good day. the efforts of the election candidates to present the program and get elected and the election talks that the people have to choose and choose the efforts that will meet in the ballot boxes in 5 days for the people to choose the way to run the country.


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