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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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rahman al-rahim, dear viewers and listeners , we are next to our brother, the carpet weaver, the commander of the fifth division of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, i would like them to explain a little about where this is and on what day and time it was made by rose, in the name of allah, rahman al-rahim, la hawla wala quwa ela. by god almighty
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, this is almost our own border strip , the former border strip where the iraqis used to be stationed . we saw a series of buildings here. these are the machines. please tell me that these are facilities that we built before the war and that the iraqis used these equipments. it was for the location of the iraqi army, which means moql he was the commander of the iraqi army that fell into the hands of the fighters this morning.
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and because i learned this specialty with baitul mal , i have been flying in iranair for 15 years. in the game of elections, we used it very badly. it is a different discussion, but it is an example of revolutionary work, and hezbollah means that is what i mean. the commander in chief is sitting on the table. he is the commander
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of an air force. i understand that if i don't have expertise, i don't have the right to talk to my subordinates. you said you are also a pilot. what are you flying with now? i am currently flying with arbaz at huma company. yes, at huma company with arbaz. that is, with or without a passenger, sir naturally, with the traveler 100.
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yes, i am alone with my god and my martyred friends, who i imagine , i see myself in the first days of the revolution and before the revolution. until today, i do not regret my past for a moment, nor do i really feel that i have a single bit of the path of the imam and the martyrs and the beliefs with which i went to the front and the revolution. today
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, there has been a change in my being, i don't feel this way, you may say now, dad, i'm talking nonsense , but i believe in one thing. there is really no failure, dear what's in the middle? in the second year of 2083, when qalib was brought up , apparently you want to come to the elections , they made a case, but in the first half, you go and look at the minister of interior, mr. khatam. the carpet weaver came to
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the political line of the special court to put people, to put badisti makers. out of 9, the third time out of 9.
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you have studied, whatever you have done, now the rights of the people are on your shoulders. accept what you can, do it, but if it doesn't work out, dad, don't do this, let someone who is better than you take it. our mother's class always complains, in short , three times, and this time, three more times, my father has been with four sons. 5 of us were in the front, we belong to him, this is my father, the servant of god , you are in targaba, at the time of prayer, he has his own mosque. when they say that he went there, he took the loudspeaker and said to everyone , mr. khlaiq , you have seen the life of baqir. her daughter is me who
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says i am a warrior but i am a father in my lady's family since 16 years. the third jihadi camp went there a week ago, because the highest number of girl suicides is there, do your work he says hello, ali, sir
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, how are you today, sir? what today , when were you awake today, sir? prayer from prayer, yes. sir , have you ever been in an elevator? a lot means
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we have not weakened our morale, nor will our morale weaken. we are the leaders of the revolution and the martyrs and imams . how are you, mashallah, my cruise is eating
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, what is your name, what is your name, uncle jon, dastana marstana, completely iranian, iranian and farsi, real name, hello, hello, how are you, how are you, number? we are not selling everything , we are not selling everything. one of the gatherings that we had for cinema fans , the honorable mayor, based on the request of the cinematographers, promised
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to build the azadi cinema, and we are now in the azadi cinema, according to your orders. i laughed and said, well , i talk too much, it won't be done, well, we had intercourse , it passed, and after a long time, maybe four or five months later , i would pass in front of our tray of freedom. i looked at it, for example, it says above, for example, 650 can be interpreted. the truth is, i got into a special state that , lord, is it possible in this country of ours? there should be a movement, but a man wants to do something like jihad . it's important that you don't take it and we left everything. it's a government office. you can't
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leave this tunnel. the mission was 11 years away. it was 40 % progressed. i came one day and posted a sign saying that in 9 months, 60% will be finished. one of the ministers was a friend of mine. he said to me, sir , it is obvious that you are not a political person at all , you don't understand. i said, "how come you wrote here? did you think about it later ?" he said, "dad, go do your work , take this sign away, don't bother yourself for about four months." after that, he wrote me a letter and said, "sir , what kind of war are you fighting like this, dad? i am looking at it like this
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, but this will definitely not happen." but today i have to say that the person who caused the missile to spread to such an extent and his name was not mentioned anywhere and is still unknown and today with our freedom of action we can
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bring him up, mr. dr. qalibafe. the islamic republic must change its confrontational approach to a competitive approach in the world arena, and if it does not do this, it will make a mistake. we have an approach, an interactive approach, a competitive approach, a confrontational approach. well, we play a role in afghanistan, but then when they sit down and make a decision, we say no, we will not participate at the negotiating table. let's do it. well, sir, they are negotiating at the table to divide the benefits. we will do the work . we are not in the division of the benefits that we need to influence. we are going to the desert. so what does that really mean? today we are competing in the syrian scene . today we are competing in the palestinian scene. we are competing in the latin american region. this competition has a rule of thumb: play with the game
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we cannot do whatever we want outside of our own international community. let 's not gather here gentlemen. you are here mr. qalibaf who is both a manager and a doctor and dear , but we know him by the name of baqir . i would like to thank him for my part. testimony to friends.
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someone will be found on the day of the parliamentary elections. he comes to the parliament at dawn and says that ghalib brought 60 billion tomans with a sack of money and explained that he would reject the change of investigation. make it clear if i did something, tie a rope around my neck, let's get out of this parliament, i will reach , we will tell the people, people, look, this is justice for a speaker of the russian parliament, i did this and he is sorry. the session of thursday, june 8, 2019, mr. dr. mohammad baqer qaf , i swear by 233 almighty, the 11th assembly of hope, waiting for the people , this proposal has problems, determining
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the employment assignment of teachers, solve the problems of this hard working group , the general plan of facilitation. issuance of business licenses was approved with 23 knowledge production jump plans of the foundation, the end of voting was decided with 27 laws of population and excellence. the family, the amended article of the nizam bill, image 227 , was approved by the vote . he is a revolutionary. even now, after 3 years, i am repeating the same thing. unfortunately, the arena for mr. qalibaf's opponents is very narrow. it has happened many times that a patient lost his life due to arriving late on this dirt road. the issue of hijab these days
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has become the main issue of all those concerned and sympathizers of the islamic system. imam hossein i have three children. i went and sold my refrigerator to provide for my child. mandatory adventures means that conditions. which i have here it forces me to go to another country far from my family to live a normal life. i can't work for my country. there are unemployment problems here . there are water problems. what permission do non-merte headquarters have to interfere in the economic issues of the capital market ? why should we send them? in front of the parliament, 20 people hold two flags , our petrochemical and steel industries are so-and-so, we see the literature of some officials. people get really depressed. people say, "dad, for example, someone comes and says that 93 thousand billion tomans have been misappropriated in such and such a place ." who wants to measure the hidden effect of this in the hijab? i
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am saying this for islam because sistan is protecting iran and protecting islam. from the students to the common people , in addition to the statistics and organizational reports , there is a need for functional and executive reports , there is a need to explain the results. the government is obliged to provide free education facilities for all the nation. they don't have many tents. they sleep in cars at night . they know 20 people who sleep in cars at night. come here.
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you see, you are a lawmaker, you are a technician, you are a civil engineer, you are a security person, you know these concepts better than all of us, but why do these things happen , mr. doctor, because we did not manage them here, you assume the government's helm in the month of august , you will get the first report that what is coming to your table is that the budget deficit is much more catastrophic than what you thought. i am sorry . give me anything to the one who had a party . i am prone to give nothing to god. come, look, i am a prisoner. i am bleeding. come, look. i have nothing.
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there is service and he found this success with pride he took over the discourse of the islamic revolution and started the work, and the work remains half-finished. there is no doubt that this path has strong and proud points that we should be proud of, and there are projects, there are laws, and there are opportunities that are half-finished, and we must move them quickly along this path. today, i am here to present to you the 7th program that has been prepared. i do not want to say that the program is flawless, but this program
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is definitely a document that can be our national covenant , and we can all work together determinedly. of the 60 rulings only for we wrote the private sector, but we didn't write this law to do something else later , we wrote this law to implement it and find economic stability in the country within 5 years. we are not saying that we will solve all the country's economic problems . i was in the parliament to ask for forgiveness. you know that the parliament does not have the problems of the executive branch . today, you know that there is a sea of
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​​problems in front of us. as a servant, i also know the great opportunities of this country. i have no doubt that we will overcome these problems. we do not have the right to remember people. whether it's the world or religion, we managers are obliged to religion let's move the world forward together and this is in our power . as children of our revolution, as children of fighters, as an iranian , i will take this seventh program in my hands, i will follow it up , i will demand it, and i know this as a national covenant. and this is the way to achieve the country's economic stability. peace be upon you and god's mercy. finally, i need to say something from my dear brother mujahid, dr. mohammad baqir qalivan.
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how can i help you? we can have two sets of the same color, the same price . there is only one set left of this hair style with the same color, that's why it came to the salon at this price. in the discount sarai big iranian sarai big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch
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in... sarah afsarieh, my name is khoda mohammad hosni from varamin parandeh, the first place in the second round of the vashel lottery, one apartment, one car, one billion rials cash cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary won. fahima bosqali from qom is the second winner of the second edition of the washland wrestling lottery. i am shamea zamani from the city of kurdistan . i am the third place winner of the second race of washland. it is possible to buy in installments. yes, it is with the floor price . i said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check.
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installments without checks, without zamel, without prepayment without the need to go to the bank.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimroz news. the political competition of the presidential candidates in the noisy field of advertising, the election campaign programs of the candidates continue simultaneously with the national media in provincial trips and public gatherings. the transparency of the positions of the group and political organizations by declaring their support for us , we will surely participate with intelligent presence in the student elections , the first vote will be chosen by someone.


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