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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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their gasoline, gas, electricity, and even this is connected to kalaberg, because some people don't have a car at all , they are supported by kalaberg. the number of kalaberg goods is more than the number of kalaberg items that we are giving now , which means that apart from food, hygiene and other supplies are also given to them. when will this card start working ? from the beginning of the government, i will tell you that we want to implement it step by step, because we have to deal with the inflationary effects of the story. but with a so-called schedule this is coming to an end. let me tell you , we have nothing to do with gasoil, except for the gasoil sector, because we have nothing to do with public transportation, electricity, gas, or production, that is, we don't want to touch the production area , then we will help them because we have production in the consumption area. we do this every year
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, it is given to these families, in no way does dehkabandi play a role in it, and we pay 100 iranian families, the good thing is that 5 billion dollars a year comes from the prevention of smuggling and the saving that happens. we will have money to invest in upstream oil and downstream gas petrochemical, which alone produces half a million jobs per year, means that it not only helps the family's livelihood, but also creates a wonderful effect on employment, which means one arrow and two signs, one arrow and several signs. on the other side , it creates the smuggling market and these and an honorable job for iranian families . the special effect of this card will be seen in the first year. we should be able to manage its economic effects . look, we have a patient explanation network. you
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this network does not understand the patient's explanation of the subsidies we give to the families. the subsidy should be given to zainaf last. we give any subsidy. we are starting with energy now, and then we will do the same in the field of currency. we now have 20 billion dollars a year , we give free medicine to i don't know, we give to agricultural products , we give to wheat. it doesn't hold people's hands. the best person to manage these people. like the education i mentioned. we are those studies. now we are giving it to the families , but we are not giving them authority. i will buy him a jizya. someone says, sir, my problem is housing . i tell him, sir, it's up to you. you tell me, sir, what path should i take? with your command , our families are smart , they think better about their wealth, and we have to do something so that they are our partners. look how much the price of gasoline will be with this card . i am going to tell you the maximum, because in the first year we will increase it
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by 30%, it will eventually reach 90% of the price above the persian gulf. there is, but because we have quotas, we keep them, and the price of quotas is someone else's which follows the consumption pattern , there will be no change in it, i.e. the 60 liters that we saw, the 60 liters and the 100 liters that we saw for cars will not change in any way. in the shahid foundation , how did you see this issue for the families? we did not face this issue in this way, that is , we did not have a goal for them in the discussion, not us in this field . dear martyrs, it was 3 tomans, now it is 15 tomans the average income of eisaar's martyr family has increased 3 to 5 times in these two years, which means that the growth that the government of martyr raisi
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has shown to this family is not comparable to other places from this point of view. there has been such a growth in various fields, saying that many people do not have equity shares, this is not justice, that the government invested in people and forgot the rest . do you have a plan for the survivors of swam adalat ? we have another program for the poor. the society plan is subsidy and tax, which means we have to implement tax on the total income. people are divided into three groups. this issue applies to all iranians. energy card is an energy card, but people are divided into three groups. there are some people whose expenses are more than their income. we have additional assistants there, up to the ridiculous amount of 12 million tomans that i mentioned , there are some people whose income and expenses are equal, there are some people whose income is more, so naturally they have to pay taxes.
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how do you want to identify this as a share of justice? i say it is a model of tax, financial organization, subsidy organization. taxes are implemented together. the tax organization has a tax credit for 85 million iranians. he predicts and he is based on the examination of the amount of income , expenses, because both expenses and income are clarified. first of all, the problem is not justice itself, because the government owns the property of the people . i said in the initial conversation that we are the companies that belong to the government, and the land that belongs to the government should be returned to the people. now, apart from the national oil company, the subsidiary oil company , the gas company, we have many other companies whose shares should be transferred to the people, but the management should be transferred to the people. now, the problem with equity shares is that the management has not been transferred to the people
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, we have to transfer the management of rome. they can manage themselves, unfortunately, the question is , what is your plan for the future? we will share with all the people who live in this dear iran from the property owned by the government. 100% of the population participates. then let's go, even with the same title , equity shares are given to others, now shares let's call it justice or call it any other name, now the law is called shares for other people, a lot of payments in the government of martyr raeesi, you know that all those who were given in the fourteenth year when they were the first survivors, the rest should also be given a lot of property, the government too. yes, other than him. in the same way, other assets such as land, we now have a lot of land, then for those who did not get land from the government, their share of the land should be clear before the government, sir, and they should receive the land . we martyred in the foundation, that is, us
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swami, because your question is probably whether you made a foundation or not, whichever question you ask , we have the property, for example, the fund thrown by the witness , it belonged to the ishargar family , we returned it to the kausar economic organization . that is to say, we give two types of subsidies , cash subsidy and wealth transfer, wealth transfer is also the same type, or we give families permanent wealth , so that instead of just giving them this month's money , they have a permanent income. the name of your government is family government, the position of the family and woman in what is your government? of course, we had a preliminary conversation . well, the family, which is the fundamental unit of society , is very valuable, the main center of human growth and excellence , people are complete together, iran is also the cradle of the family, that is, iran is a family, a family-friendly country, and the biggest social asset
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. it's a family, not a derogatory look to want to keep our wife in the post, not a sexist look to want her. let's take, for example , suppose that we have a look based on there should be western values, we look at women as mothers, as social activists, as a co-participator in the political, administrative and managerial fields . the motivation of our women is the feeling of creating a plan and feeling valuable. we have to create this for them. in order to do this , we have to do something. look, i said somewhere that our problems are guaranteed.
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a person does not grow out of it, our youth should study until the age of 30, then go to the army, then at the age of, for example , 34, five years old, naturally find a job and go to work. so, how can we expect who will form a life, who will have children, when this family will form their love , there really must be a revolution in the mechanisms of the country's administration to solve these issues that are left over from the 100-year-old taghut era. the problem of our economy will not be solved until this system is reformed, our culture and our social problems will not be solved until these things happen. let me give you an example. now, for example
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, many women are not studying for social presence . we have a teacher problem. why should we use the capacity of women who are mother-oriented and are very interested in being in the field of education, and the teacher's plan? we should use the empty opportunities that they have because they can't, sometimes they may be available to us. we at the shahid baz foundation started before me . we have a group of family advisors , trusted advisors, the main ones, these are dear ladies , wives of martyrs, wives of veterans, sisters of martyrs in their families. isar shahadan, who are our liaisons, and their families, go and take care of the martyr's foundation . i mean , these creation of opportunities for this extraordinary human force for women
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fills and solves many of our mistakes, mr. doctor, we have a time of about 16 minutes to go down, if you help us, we can speed up to we can answer more people's questions, increasing the vitality of the society is an essential need in the society, but due to economic problems, entertainment and free time have been removed from the portfolio of a large part of iranian households. your solution what to solve this problem? yes, unfortunately , the surveys that have been done in 16 and 17 years, 1400 believe that nashad shadabi will be better in the future, we must help, we must support, we have designed a card under the name of smart family card for the vitality of families for the element of theater culture. go to the cinema, go to the gym, have fun, of course , this is kekani's ladder, which means that the lower they are, the more support they get. if they are women, they get more support than their toys. different things that the government can do with its support in this area and the investment it has made in this area. seriously
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we have a plan for it. tourism is one of the driving areas in the economy. what is your plan for the development of the tourism industry according to iran's capacities? in the seventh program, this is the seventeenth servant of the seventh program. we have a lot of capacity. we have 27 historical buildings and textures of the world register. we are in the first 10 countries of the world. in area 24. we have the title of world registered rituals and customs, and we rank fifth , we have increased by two ranks in the government of martyr raisi. and reach their tourism goals, we must become the brand of halal and family-oriented tourism model in the world, that is, anyone who wants to have a chaste place , from the capacities like alhamdulillah , we have religious fields, we have history, we have environment
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, we have health, it is necessary that iran let's reduce fear in the world and advertise. now , the budget of the ministry of tourism is 250 thousand euros. this is 40 million euros and 40 million dollars a year. if we spend on advertising , it will return 10 times and 100 times. our country is one of the things that we can do very well. let's give art is our craft now we have one and a half million people active in handicraft industry. fortunately, in the government of shahid raisi, we received foreign exchange contracts. this helps a lot in sales and export, and these handicraft houses that are being built are at the entrance of every city where there is a store, a place of production. ok, it is an attraction for tourism. good things have happened in this area. we hope that we can do more development in the family government, people's government , employee rights. the question is, do you
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have the authority to solve this problem and what is your plan? first of all, unfortunately, the growth of inflation, for example, if we say that prices have doubled in 10-11 years wages have not increased 8 times. we must do this according to the price of inflation and even more than what we did in the shahid foundation, where the increase in payments was more than the inflation rate . what is needed is that we make a small amendment to the law so that it is equal because equal is proportional to the inflation rate, it is said to be equal, so that this law will be amended, god willing, and this law is a plan, not a labor law , article 41 of the labor law, it is equal to the fact that every year the salaries of employees if the inflation rate increases, the people who receive handouts are proportionate because it says that the proportion is a little less it makes a lot of difference in a decade. your plan is to change the situation of the company's employees who have been waiting for years. now, we
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have 33 million tomans in shahid niro foundation, we spend 5 to 10% of it, and we give it to a company with superiors . discrimination has also been created in the human resources. this is really true. it is not possible to change the situation in the 9th and 10th period. we must take this task seriously. if we need a force , it must work directly with the government . if we do not need it, we must do it. it is also possible that these dear ones are tain they should do their homework and get rid of this feeling of discrimination. they should also get job security . what is your opinion about the national housing movement? what is the government's guarantee so that the national movement does not reach the fate of mehr housing in the 10th and 11th government? we have a serious plan. 330,000 hectares of land has been created, horizontal development of cities, 2 million plots of land are now ready for
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housing construction, look at the determination of another government, look at the housing project that started in the 9th and 10th governments. due to lack of belief in the 10th and 11th government, the government of martyr raisi was closed. you can see that the houses are being opened and operated. it is important for a government to believe that it has the duty to provide housing for the people, and we firmly believe that the government should intervene. take it seriously , we will do this work and we will reach the result, god willing. the law on conversion of the status of martyrs in some government departments was not applied to the lowest contracts. what will you do about the conversion of the status of martyrs? nothing had happened before this government with the follow-up that he founded, with the support that the government gave , we have some problems in private companies , and god willing, with the power that the president has, i promise that all these private companies that
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are dependent on the government will be brought to line and this work will be done. it means what to do, it means to change the status of listening to the law, what do you want to do? many of the benefits are dependent on the government , which means that if it does not implement it , your honorable president will have to say goodbye to him. what is? one of the places where our policies should change in general is the agricultural situation. in the next 5 years, with the same trend, we will have to spend 90 billion dollars on imports or agricultural inputs. we can do agricultural products, while this flow does not reach the farmer himself, 15 to 20% of the income of the products reaches the farmer, and our farmer is left with the basic subsistence level. we must return the capital to the farmer and make the farmer rich. the thing is that the subsidy
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will be given again for the final benefit and we will give the farmer enough resources and transportation facilities. make him strong let's create coherent cooperatives, shorten the circles so that the wealth reaches our dear farmer himself . look now, especially in these days, when it was a good year, many of our dumpers destroyed their cattle , our nomads, in the same way, we are wasting 45 thousand billion. we have money in this area , we subsidize a part of it, we should give them livestock, we should give them alms for the restoration of pastures, we should leave it so that they can collect their livestock so that this work is done well, we have a program letter that in the government of martyr raeesi, of course, you we have in our possession the prepared sadad tafalgh of shahid raeesi, which he must have of course, we have to transfer productivity and technology. look, we have 18 million hectares of explorable land . we can feed 200 million people with this 200 million hectares, with the same amount of water we have, but technology reform must happen . our technology is in the use of soil. and water must
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be changed, which again requires investment , which is part of our serious program in the government, clearly what was raised in the question of our fellow countryman, the issue of importation of agricultural issues, which is produced domestically , we must transfer the importation . the benefit of the domestic farmer, which domestic farmer in what round sometimes it will take at least four to five years, because human food can't be changed quickly , but we have to transfer the process and reverse it. the plan we have will take up to five years to complete, once it has domestic production. it also needs for example, we need to import wheat now, we must first change the way we grow wheat, genetic modifications must happen , our cultivation pattern must change , there are many stories , what is your plan to improve the business environment? economic growth 8. no investment
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the private sector is not possible. the serious money government now earns salaries because it has all its resources, but it has no investment. we must open up the khosi sector and stand behind it to work. how can we open up the political issues? we must reduce the effect on the market , both domestic and foreign . we must amend the burdensome regulations. we have to control the instability of the renti-rom license price . we have to control the government's five or six tasks. license area and so on. the government made a serious entry , we have to do other things as well , to make a decision at once, for example , to cut off the export of tomatoes and onions and destroy our own producers, this is not the right thing to do, we must be able to deal with the so-called exchange, supply and demand. internal and regulation between import and export
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, so that we can control the market and not harm our domestic producers. this example you gave goes back to the previous question we had about masad agriculture. are in the country for what do you want to do, maybe there are obstacles in their way. this is for all issues, that is, now our industry, our mine are involved in the same issue, the example i gave is the agricultural area, for example, we make a decision regarding a certain item, its export is prohibited, or for example, the issue of this contract, we don't know what to do. a part of a level of exports with a lower value should be contracted out, like what we did in the so-called domestic industry , we did the handicraft industry. then let's exempt them and go to big products, that's an organized official market let's make the price of the offer
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clear based on the offer and demand. message whether you are sure you can fulfill the promises you make . what is the executive guarantee of fulfilling the promises? i will document all these promises immediately after the selection . as a commitment letter from the government , i will announce to the people that my commitments are the people. my dear , according to this tradition and the media, monitor the people , monitor the critics, monitor. if i don't do it, four years later, if i were alive , i will not be a candidate. for example, the promise that was made in advance was the three-day issue of solving the problem of the stock market, so this is why there was an article that making friends with the market is the expectation of the market, not this promise of yours . how was it redefined in which the market
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trusts and returns and turns green? when he intervenes , he says, "sir, i will not interfere . i am dealing with him based on the world price. i will return to the last chain of payment assistants." they do, and when the person who invests, it is clear what will happen to him, or the composition of the supreme council of the stock exchange, which did not benefit at all, or the presence of the people in it. they don't have it, i will put seats for them , they see that there is a management stability, they are paid attention to, so they trust. look , the capital market is the market of the future, that is, people are buying the future, they are looking at how the economic process is, for example, the oil industry and
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fix the gas in the world and the trends will become normal. now the trends in our capital market are not normal. he is constantly interfering and interfering. it means that the three- day promise to solve the stock market problem is still there. now, because distrust has deepened, it is possible for him. it just happened when it happened, it will take a few days now, not now now i can't, for example, if i wanted to , we had really calculated that time plus that time , if i'm not mistaken, 60 hamat was still in the money market and we could have taken those resources to the market stabilization fund by slowly buying and selling the market. let's keep it, let's keep it high . unfortunately, some of those sources have been removed from the market. what is the executive guarantee of your actions and promises? i said that i am declaring as a letter of commitment to the great nation of iran and i mention that the people should be observers, the media should be observers, if they do not do it
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, i will not be a candidate at all regarding the transparency of expenses. hey, your election headquarters, please explain because you can see now that i'm not on billboard and i'm not in the virtual space, because this presence in the virtual space of instagram, twitter, and even internal networks costs tens of billions of tomans. he wants money , which i don't have, because i am not in debt to anyone, of course, in my political course, i will tell you that they are at your service because they give us a place for free everywhere , that is, my appearance on tv, for example , tehran municipality has provided 45 billboards. yes , to everyone. candidates, giving for free , making available, i am a slave everywhere for free, even sometimes our friends in our headquarters say sir, i say financial aid sir. we are my headquarters in the heart of iranian families , because the government is my family, every iranian family is the heart of iranian families, women and men, girls and
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boys, my headquarters. i mean, it doesn't even have a lot of investment, but in general , i would say that the expenses i have spent up to now are close to zero, because i didn't have a political supporter and i don't want to be indebted to anyone with time. you will be present until the end of the election. no one has come to step aside. i found myself in this arena if i didn't know weapons. i also feel that i have a duty to stand up. because
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i don't want people's choice to be limited, people should have variety in their choice, they can choose any specific series. tv tell us, sir, cancel it, explain it to us , no, based on what is in the media and in the news , really, they are doing it in every program, in my opinion, this is very good, right, very good, thank you very much, mr. dr. ghazizadeh hashemi, thank you for your presence, thank you for your attention and companionship, dear viewers, have a good night until the next program, god bless
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you. how can i help you? we can have two hands of the same color, the same price . there is only one left of this hair style with the same color, that's why it's at this price. he came to serai taqofi, dad, i came to ask the same thing, the price of that refrigerator is also very good, because there is a discount here, and all the accessories here are in addition
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to the discount. sarai irani also has a special offer, then when will these purchases reach us ? whatever you buy right now, it will be delivered to you instantly . what an incredible discount at sarai. discounts of sarai bozor irani, sarai bozor irani, in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh, don't hurt your hand, put them in the refrigerator. why did this hand get torn off? it was like this from the beginning . didn't you buy household appliances from shahr? unfortunately, no , unfortunately, no. why buy household appliances from shahr? why , because it has both quality and discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , discounts, and discounts. every night, a winner of one hundred
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million tomans will be awarded from shahr. man. home appliance city. hello, please accompany us with the news at 17:00 . followers of monotheistic religions to participate in the 14th round of elections. presidential announcement they prepared. in the meeting that was held with the presence of leaders of monotheistic religions in east ashur church , it was emphasized the necessity of the presence of all strata of people in this important event for the election of the president of aslah. representatives of minorities.


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