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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers of the national media of khabar network, greetings to you, from tonight to wednesday, haval, this very hour , we will accompany you with the special debate program of khabar network in this debate on the most important issues of the country and, of course, the most important decisions. we will talk about the fourteenth government and the next president of the country tonight in the studio of two political activists.
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he accompanies us in this conversation and in this debate. mr. seyyed shahabdin tabatabai, along with mr. malik shariati mr. tabatabai, i greet you and welcome you in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers and good people of iran, in the hope that we will witness good and good for the country at the end of this week. thank you very much mr. shariti, you are very welcome . i would also like to congratulate you on the eid al-adha of ghadir kham in advance . i also honor the memory of the dear martyr raisi and his companions . mr. taba tabai, the next president of iran in the 14th government, what important decisions is he facing in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. you wanted mr. shariati to start because we asked the same age before the program and both friends agreed. your service
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let me tell you that there are three or four basic issues, but i think the most important issue is people's livelihood and the people's table, what we are dealing with these days, unfortunately, and what is not worthy of the people and has happened, this is what i will tell you first. and dear people, we cannot say that we can use a section of the summary of the presidency as a criterion, this is a joint product of different governments, and of course, in the last few years, unfortunately , contrary to the promises made , we did not achieve what was supposed to happen. i think this is the most important issue and the second issue is this anyway a way that we can define it in addition to this issue
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is human respect and dignity, what we promised to achieve for the people and unfortunately we did not succeed in that. i think these two issues can be addressed and there are some things. that people, at least when we talk and with different people who are still hesitant or those who want to vote, these are the two issues that i think are important, mr. shariti and mr. tabatabai declare that the issue of livelihood is the preservation of human dignity and respect. there are the most important decisions that the next president of iran will make from your point of view , which payment is the most important and with the highest priority, see if we want to talk about the theoretical discussion , as mr. tabatabai also said, i can also make a theoretical discussion and say that the priority in the country is the islamic republic system, the islamic revolution, the priority
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in culture. education infrastructure. of course, economic urgency means, as we say , cultural issues, education issues, issues that form and shape the infrastructure of society. from the discussion of education to higher education and various fields that generally include the discussion of teachers, these have more priority. but anyway we are now one we have an urgency that we have to reach in this. the chart of urgency and priority now has both urgency and priority, and the livelihood of the people is definitely more prominent in it. anyway, we have some macro-economic debates, and some debates must be presented on the table of the people, but i want to go beyond the theoretical discussion. use more. we are faced with reports that are coming out again today and people want to choose between the two next week at the end of this week. the approach of two
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records between respect for the people and arrogance in front of the people, they call between actually the servant of the people and the boss. people should make such a choice now well, unfortunately, now we are looking at the election headquarters, the conditions are completely clear, and those who have an 8-year record of ineffectiveness are coming back to the field today, and naturally, when you look at a decade, it is almost a decade, and the people felt and understood with all their heart. during the decade when mr. rouhani's government was in office, and now we can see that almost all the members of his cabinet are working and operating in medical offices. in that decade, our economic growth was almost zero, while the rate of foreign investment was negative. and the dignity of my people, which is under question, means one
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the simple task of explaining the basket of goods that should be given to people easily and could be done completely based on a system based on base technology systems, for example, and basic technology base. it was not possible, and the dignity of the people from the foreign sphere is also the same, that is, the government which, by the way, had placed its strong point in the sphere of foreign policy and the dignity of the passport. during those days , people still remember what happened in jeddah, saudi arabia, in istanbul, those three noble ladies who were being beaten, what happened to a 5-year-old iranian child in america , being handcuffed, they couldn't do anything to him, the plane our foreign minister to him. not giving gasoline and worst of all, this government introduced a representative to the united nations , which is no longer an official representative of the government. let us
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follow the path of shaheed raisi, god willing, we will be able to continue . please answer, we will keep time , not time, mr. teb. we have time in mind. it's good that i remembered one of the topics that mr. shariati is talking about now, and i want to say about amir al-mu'minin. i read the words of amir al-mu'minin , accept people with openness and gentleness and be one with everyone. behave as if you glance at them from the corner of your eye , or stare at them, or point someone out, or criticize someone, so that the elders in you do not oppress the weak, and the weak
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do not despair of your justice. the other thing, if we want to talk about it , and the people these days are demanding and demanding from all the government and from the governing body, and rightly the discrimination, which, anyway, this past week, dr. the issue of justice, if we want to address it more precisely, is the elimination of discrimination, and i want to talk tonight about that circle that is tight every day. wet and instead of going to the root of the problems and dilemmas , the easiest thing to do is to come to a point
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in time. just because they said, why can't it be from the 3-year record of the 13th government? he criticized the late president, the late mr. raisi , who is innocent they were humble and people-oriented, but there have been incidents in their government that need to be criticized . this is the discrimination . when mr. shariati's friends and associates want to criticize the 13th government , they point out that the government of martyr raisi, no matter who comes, should continue the way. if the government of martyr raeesi is as if it was a flawless government anyway, if all these events
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had happened very well , what is the total amount of people's dissatisfaction and this volume of dissatisfaction really doing? kurdish people in the streets and markets are criticizing, serious criticism they do what we do, denying the reality , denying the reality makes people angrier. denial of facts is important from all sides, mr. shariati, i believe that we should criticize ourselves first and then we can make corrections, make real corrections , it is the denial of the facts that has brought the matter to this point, and i have a question, what about the late mr. hashemi rafsanjani, even above hataki's criticism of slander, everything is allowed. in fact , everything is allowed to be said about the rest of the presidents from the official platforms . allow this space for criticism away from immorality
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and, as the leadership says, to spread mud fairly. our main goal is to solve the problem. to solve the problem, we must clearly and transparently first understand the problem and problem and then solve the problem, not because i got mr. tabatabai , let's go to mr. shariati. we have already mentioned the issues. internally , we have 4 minutes to go to the maghrib azan on the horizon of tehran to find out whether we should reform the internal structure and strengthen the internal power or not . together , you can see on friday, now we have the seventh plan, which is about to be announced, and almost rail and road construction in the next 5 years, we have the country there, the president who comes should be prioritized. do it, because usually the plans
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have more approval both in the government and in the parliaments. now, of course, we had a government that did not believe in the plan at all. mr. rouhani did not give the sixth plan to the parliament. there is this opportunity for each of the people , i ask that names not be mentioned, but if you mention names, the opportunity is reserved for them in the media to answer this criticism, we cannot deny that mr. khatami, mr. rouhani, mr. ahmadi nejad mr. hashemi, take the name of mr. hashemi now. talking about being the president of the country, the governments, yes , the governments, being the heads of the government or official officials of the country , we can name them and quote them. yes, if it is destruction, i am telling the truth . i don't believe in the plan to hit the media anymore, it's characteristic that the parliament came and wrote the program, anyway, the program is necessary. we have an educational justice field when we look at the year 1982 and
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it was like this from 1977 until the year 1982, it has been like this for several years in the country of the assistant exam in the islamic republic. the correct answer is one space ahead, the party goes to study specialization without studying , then it became clear. there was a person who was a presidential candidate during the ministerial period. well, he leaves the work to the experts. actually, when we leave it, this is how it happens. it is called leaving the work to the expert and himself when you interfere. it doesn't happen, it's important, we talk on the ground , theoretical debates, general debates are good for university training sessions, we are talking about near elections and people want to choose , anyway, my criticism, mr. tabaqat, can you criticize me, you, the parliament, review me. you see, i had a lot of issues that were in my field, the field of energy , and i had the sharpest criticisms against the ministers of my field . for example
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, i even had a speech about the then oil minister. i worked, i say criticism support is different from revenge. we are now taking revenge on shahid raisi. in some of the conversations that friends give advice, this respectable candidate who you are now a supporter of, came on tv and said, "which period is the period of misery?" the 60% inflation that was handed over is at least 40-40. we don't accept it. negative investment has turned positive in the country. now , after 3 years, the economic growth rate has come from zero to about 57 %. it should reach 8. we still have a lot of work to do. many of shahid raisi's works in the government are still unfinished. i believe that it is stopping many i have corrected the mistakes, but the work is not finished yet, and god willing, it should be completed. at maghrib azan, tehran, after the azan , we are with you with the continuation of the debate, in the name of god, the light
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, in the name of god, light, in the name of light , god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that there is no god but allah. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i bear witness that there is no god .
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god bless god, god is great, there is no god but god your prayers and prayers are accepted by continuing the debate on khabar network with the presence of mr. taba tabawi and
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mr. shariati from political activists . we are with you for one minute and 20 seconds of your opportunity in the last stage there is still time before the call to prayer, thank you mr. tabatabaei for talking about dignity and i want to remind the people, i think they remember that at the beginning of the government of shahid raisi, we had a corona for the general public, we had reached 700,800 deaths per day. and it was said that we cannot give vaccines to the people until such and such issue is resolved, fatf is not resolved, so and so issue is not resolved. let's almost solve this, which means practically health. people were taken hostage. but this government came to work and introduced vaccines in a short period of time . making vaccines inside each other and alhamdulillah, today we are talking to each other without masks. some countries are still involved until long after iran . in the field of foreign policy , it was also said that until such and such issue is not resolved, we cannot establish relations with countries, we cannot sell such and such. for example, in my field, i will say
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that there are many ships and gas intermediates in the persian gulf. not to say we can sell this government. one point just for now, because the foreign policy is given as an example in the foreign policy of mr. rouhani's government, mr. raisi's government , which one do you recommend for the future government ? first, let me say something to the dear people . and their meat and bones were understood in different periods and they can make a good comparison . mr. shariati , i will only make a brief reference to him, i will pass because the topic is an old topic and the person who first made this claim later came back and announced that i went and checked and this the claim is wrong from the beginning , see the repetition of some cases, i said again that we want to speak fairly , and our most important point is that morals are
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sacrificed for current party interests. it's more important for people to see that instead of fighting and instead of repetitive content, all of them have been answered . let's move forward to the future to solve problems when something is revealed to a person who has claimed it himself. he denies it this time and says that this was not the case, so we have to deal with it again. that we have our hands for the issues that we want to share with the people and plans and ideas let's say it's empty. i am asking you for this meeting. leave it to me, the nation, to turn it into issues that are useful to the people. if my medical doctor says , according to the experts and experts, it means
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that he does not want to come and say that i will create a job with a million tomans, or that he will say that i will produce a lamborghini. when he says expert , he means that he does not have the illusion of expertise in all fields. therefore, he cannot say that i produce the spare parts in the basement of the house. friends talk about production or similar topics anyway their mind goes to these trivial issues , an expert is needed here. if you want me to remind you, what does expert opinion and expert consensus mean? i refer you to the government of mr. khatami, the reform government. that mr. bizikian continues the way he wants to continue, it is the way of mr. khatami's government. in mr. khatami's government, the consensus among economic experts and
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experts in the field of economics reached there . there was only one period during this presidency when the currency became a single rate, which means the same discrimination that we in the field of economy, we mention it only during the presidential period , and it also belongs to the reform period at that time, this change was lost. this was done with the help of economic experts of all currents and tendencies. if we want to deal with different issues, if we want to work with national unity, if we want to make a sentence with expertise and knowledge, well, let's go back to that government, get a model, an economic model, the reform government made a political slogan. but the economy is in its best condition and stability. economic and growth rate mr. shariati's growth rate and what you said, economic growth and these things can be felt on people's tables, not written on paper
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, read for people, if you talk about vaccines and corona, let's remember the people in mr. rouhani's government the trend against mr. rouhani's government is the signing of letters by those who are now candidates. saying that we will not buy a vaccine, saying that we will not buy a vaccine, and then the 13th government that came to office, its most important honor was that we succeeded in importing a vaccine, within a week or two weeks, all these relationships can be done for the vaccine to be imported . if we are going to speak fairly , as i said, i agree that some problems and issues are the common product of all governments. none of us who are sitting here can from below let
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's shoulder the burden of the issues that have arisen and not hold back. but i can say with pride that mr. dr. medzikian belongs to a government that has had events that have never happened before or after . this is where the medical doctor can also hold his head straight. relying on the experts and specialists, i will move forward and consensus is created here , and agreement is reached when the experts of a field sit together and come to this conclusion. let's not confuse the two issues, mr. taba temin that i didn't get my answer, what is the central idea
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of ​​medical governments, what should people tell me so that they really know, because we didn't hear anything , i said all i said was that experts should give their opinion, but then you don't listen, the first person in the country is not relevant, the person who later regretted it. he is forgotten or passed away and cannot come. don't say , there is an official report about the assistant exam of the parliament, and the report has been published. well, you were a person who regrets that the parliament does not move forward with people. the work in the country does not move forward with people . there is an official report. now people can search . you can't put hats on people anymore. you can't put hats on people at all. see the second point, mr. doctors. they always say that the work the reason for messing up a meeting of the radio station on what topic in their cultural round table is the one who was fired that
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was in that program. and threw the microphone with the person who had fired them, both of them are members of the medical staff. people have quarreled with each other and it works like this . when we give the work to an expert , we tell anyone to come and work in our headquarters because of the vote . the result is that people have to see an ugly scene on tv that has nothing to do with the people , nothing to do with the system. no one has anything to do with my rival at all . he doesn't even have anything to do with two people in his headquarters . the third point
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, sir, don't distort the fact of the corona vaccine. sir , they said that americans and englishmen should not be imported . that letter is also related to them. later, we also made a chinese vaccine, which means we should not make people suffer. let's make mistakes, we won't distort the published letters what should be the issue? the fifth point of mr. khatami . you gave an example of khatami's administrations. if you really defend everything that happened in khatami's administrations, and now to say that all those who are members of the staff of mr. bizikian and in mr. rouhani's administration. the khatami government is responsible, not the khatami government. in my opinion, we should also accept the responsibility of crescent, which means something that happened almost now because of the way i worked , and i think this sfo code that was brought up in the debates, people can refer to it , it is in the media and search for it. i wonder what happened, the country was hit by more than 50 billion dollars khord suffered losses and it started in mr. khatami's government and he was the oil minister who was both in mr. khatami's government and in mr. rouhani's government and
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he continued this path and caused this damage to the country. and the last point of nahj al-balagha , they read nahj al-balagha a lot. hazrat amir has a letter to kamil bin ziyad. we know kamil. after all, among his special companions, kamil's prayer is what a character he is, in fact, with piety, modesty, and a good character, but he tells them that you you can't be a manager, you will return to the bridge and in fact you will become a path for people who want to oppress people in our workplace, we look at mr. he is a good person, now there is a problem. it has, but its problems are not that many, but it will be a bridge that an inefficient government that caused problems for the people for 8 years promised the people that it would create economic prosperity. mr. rouhani came to work with this promise and said that i will create such economic prosperity that you don't need a subsidy, what happened to the end? well , if you really can't continue your work with the letters of several people who write letters, you really shouldn't be a candidate in the next round. i came to work for 4 years. so why again?
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i am a candidate. they are wasting people's time . in my opinion, these are issues. yes, mr. rouhani, yes, did mr. rouhani run for office now? if someone wrote a letter, not 10,000, are they saying that i got 18 million votes? the letter of 10,000 people against 18 million votes has any effect. they should run the government. this is not the way to run the government, i believe in this. one minute you still have a chance, very well, look, i made a request to the future and a successful experience that can be used, there is no problem, put a program on the radio and television, friends, it's like in these 3 years, they still haven't been able to talk about mr. rouhani's government , every time we sit down. facing the future, today there is a candidate, ask questions and say. facing the future , facing the future, the reform front and the reformists
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have a specific candidate in the elections. my name is dr. masoud bizikian. until you come to speak, the first sentence is not finished . it's like let's come you see, we don't have time, we really don't have time to do this, because one has to sit down , write a program, talk to people, sit down and see if a certain person has come to a certain headquarters. i have found my report card . in addition, when you say yes, he proudly says, because i repeat again, he has no illusions of expertise, no illusions of absolute knowledge, and no illusions of expertise. if this country has reached this point , it has been reached by people who are all delusional about everyone. you can express your opinion anywhere and the matter has come to this, you say that the foreign policy is completely clear.


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