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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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from june 28th to july 5th, chain stores of afog koresh , which is iran, is the largest producer of niro motor. cycling in iran. in the name of god. hello , dear viewer. it is 8:30 p.m. tehran time. boss.
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the judiciary information technology and statistics center announced the issuance of 20,000 sana codes to foreign nationals. kazemi fard said that this statistic is related to two years and some journalists do not know how to obtain the sana code. it took us almost a year to interact with the ministry of interior and... services related to nationals we will receive the foreigner from the ministry of interior and we will provide them in all the judicial service offices and in all our judicial authorities. now , wherever they go , they will provide them with comprehensive information like the national card where you have a code. the information of those people will be inquired from the ministry. the country, apart from these people, who must have a senate to receive food services, as i told you, 14, 40,000 people
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last year, now last year, leave it to me, about 200,000 people, so far , have received the sana code, many of them still do not know about etowa. i got them from the food authorities if a case is submitted to him, they will definitely be asked to go to the senate to receive a 12th grade school with the educational standards of the general department of medical affairs and foreign immigrants of kerman governorate. and with the cooperation of the refugee organization in the region of kerman's labor plain, ahades was established. director general of affairs of foreign immigrants of kirwan governorate said that due to the residence of atba and foreign immigrants in dasht kashan area, in order to benefit the students of foreign nationals, the construction of a school in this area was on the agenda. mr. khuzaripour added that the industrial area of ​​dasht zahtakashan with an area of ​​49 hectares in
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kilometer 12 of the zangi abad to kazem abad road has 36 brick kilns. on the occasion of the decade of province, a number of clerics, missionaries, cultural and artistic activists, some of the first pilgrims, and some less privileged families of mashhad province immigrants were consecrated. this trip with the follow-up and assistance of service centers. the registration of astan quds provinces was carried out, the general administration of foreign nationals and immigrants affairs of semnan province and some khayran provinces. afghanistan is on the path to self-sufficiency in the required products . the spokesman of the ministry of industry and mines of the afghan caretaker government said: 121 factories have been put into operation since the beginning of 2014. abdul salam javad akhund zadeh added that 217
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production machines have also been imported. afghanistan striving for self-sufficiency. establishment of 121 factories in different sectors in the current solar year in afghanistan. since the beginning of 1403, 121 new factories have been built, which imported 217 machines to afghanistan. this is despite the fact that last year, 1412, 6014 new factories were established and 1998 machines were imported into afghanistan, which indicates the increase in investment and production in the country . meanwhile, the afghanistan chamber of industries and mines he says that if more facilities are given to the industrialists in the country, the domestic industry will witness significant growth. fortunately, this year we
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saw an increase in industrial investments in afghanistan, heavy industry, light industry, as much as the building of afghanistan's industry is very effective in providing energy , distribution of land, and also the import of related goods , which has been prevented or increased , these are very effective. it is both for employment and for the economic growth of afghanistan . afghanistan is supplied by the products of the domestic industry in the country, manufacturing plants.
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according to the statistics announced last year, 614 factories were established and 1998 machines entered the country. this issue shows the increase in investment and production in the country. sama hosseini of the sed and broadcasting news agency. after about a decade , herat municipality has started the construction of cinema halls in these provinces. herat municipality officials say. this five-story hall is supposed to be built in the next five months at a cost of 14 million afghanis in the center of herat city. herat cinema hall was destroyed about a decade ago due to the development of the central road of this city was. the art of cinema in herat
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is more than 100 years old. afghanistan women's chamber of commerce and industry announced that it is trying to provide better services for working women. well done in this country. according to the announcement of the chamber, in recent years, women were trained in various artistic fields and now they earn money in different parts of afghanistan. support for female entrepreneurs by the afghanistan women's chamber of commerce and industry. according to the officials of this chamber , they helped 80% of women in various artistic fields and more programs this year. in order to support them, they have room programs capital trading is an afghan prostitution for these women so that they can find other ways to bring a halal alimony to their home because they lose their business or the work they do in the government.
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they are their own families. many women entrepreneurs are asking the authorities to provide an opportunity to sell their products and organize more exhibitions. in the sales market, we have more problems, and the exhibitions for us should be cooperated at least in the rent section for us , in the exhibition section for women, and so on. we also need the market for creating an exhibition , we need raw materials, and the challenges that are facing us are the lack of permanent markets. it means that someone who is new to the world of business or to the market will find it difficult to find his way. our request from the islamic emirate is to increase the number of exhibitions and reduce the cost of exhibitions
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so that all women can share a room. trade and industry with. afghanistan has previously reported that more than 9,000 women are working with work permits across the country . important news about immigrants to investigate and deal with various issues of the daily life of afghan citizens in iran and to see broadcast reports. in this news section, it is enough to join our channels in virtual space at the address of sain mohajeran 230. you can also
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follow the more detailed news related to afghanistan in iran by visiting our website at the address. the end of this news section. in the last days leading to the presidential elections of 2014, a strange thing happened in the political history of iran. for the first time, the president period
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first, he does not want to register for the second term of the presidency. seyyed ali khamenei did not want to participate in the second term due to the problems and disagreements of the first term of his presidency. but in the meantime, with imam's message that the minister will participate in the elections. he participated in the elections once again knowing his shariah. if you want to declare your life in front of the world , to say that we are alive after several years , you must participate. if, god forbid , your non-participation causes any damage to the islamic republic , know that those of us who have done this wrong , god forbid, are responsible. 8th of shahrivar
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in the month of 1360, after the explosion of the prime minister's building by the hypocrites and the martyrdom of mohammad ali rajaee and mohammad javad bahnar, the president and prime minister at the time, the country was in an unprecedented state of instability. politically sunk. a strange situation that could be fatal for a nascent revolution. the day after the explosion, on the 9th of shahrivar, a council under the title of interim presidential council will be formed with the presence of mr. hashemi rafsanjani mousavi ardabili mahdavi keni to guide the incumbent until the new elections. on wednesday , september 11, the council
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proposed mr. mahdavi kenny as the interim prime minister to the parliament so that he can carry out the affairs until the elections are held. the parliament also approved this proposal with a majority vote. 169 favorable votes. we congratulate our dear brother mr. mahdavi kenny and the honorable members of his cabinet for this trust of the islamic council and we hope that this trust will continue in the future
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. export for this period of elections, among the people who registered, mr. seyyed ali akbar parvash, seyed reza. sawarei and hassan ghafouri fard after confirmation the guardian council entered the election campaign. of course, other than these three people, there were other names in the election. seyyed ali khamenei, who, despite his inner desire , stepped into the field of competition as a candidate with the consensus of the majority of the central council of the islamic republic party and also the teachers' community of qom seminary. the elections
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were held with the participation of nearly 17 million people, i.e. 74% participation, and his excellency mr. seyyed ali khamenei became the third president of the history of the islamic republic , after shahid rajaei, with a majority of 95% of the votes. i want them to do their best to serve these poor people and serve these poor poor people and serve these poor people . now his presidential term is after bani sadr's failed term, which
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was associated with the vote of political inadequacy, and after the short term of shahid rajaei, who was killed by assassination. the end had begun. while the presidential structure in the true sense of the word had not yet been formed in iran. therefore, in the first step, he focused part of his efforts on structuring the office of the president and the kurdish presidential institution . gradually, the office of the president was formed with several advisors and working groups. the third government. in working conditions it started when the country was engaged in an imposed war and therefore most of the government's activities were related to solving war issues. in general, the activities of the third government revolved around these issues. drafting the bill of presidential powers, reducing the government's responsibility
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and handing over affairs to the people. handing over the lands owned by the people and handing over the state industries to the cooperative sector , joining the workers in the factories, expanding and developing non-oil exports, reducing the country's reliance on oil income, and moving the country's cultural policy towards cultural independence. mr. khamenei also founded an initiative during his presidency. that later, he was welcomed by other presidents in the following periods as well. the provincial trips of the president in the third government were followed seriously and in these trips he tried to solve the local regional problems of the people.
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domnule predsenije, garda de onoare constituită în cinstea sosirii dőwőe vă pozőtő onorul. during the 8-year presidency of seyyed ali khamenei, the foreign policy apparatus and d. one of the indicators of the development of politics and foreign relations was the president's trips to different countries to develop relations, which started in the first term of the presidency and developed in the second term. he is in the first period
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presidency to the countries of syria, libya and algeria and during the period. he traveled to asian and african countries, pakistan, tanzania, zimbabwe, angola and mozambique. ayatollah khamenei, during the 7 years of his presidency, which was parallel to the war, devoted a large part of his foreign negotiations to negotiations with military delegations, which had the mission of mediating between iran and iraq. during this period, he is the chairman of the supreme support council. there was also war. this council, due to the special conditions of the war in 1365 ah and in order to use the country's facilities as best as possible in the service of the war and carry out effective measures in forces and facilities were mobilized to meet the needs of the war fronts. of course.
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ayatollah khamenei's presidency was not without borders. the selection of the prime minister for the government was an issue that caused his dissatisfaction in the government from the very beginning . engineer mousavi, with his left-wing background, believed in the government's complete control over the economy. while ayatollah khamenei wants to involve more people in the economy and create cooperatives. he also emphasized the transfer of factories and industries to the private sector. if we mean the freedom of economic activities in such a way that those who have the power of activity they have economic maneuvers, they are free
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to produce whatever they want, supply whatever they want , distribute whenever they want, sell whatever they want , consume whatever they want, this is definitely not the opinion of islam, islam is on the side of freedom. economic and private property, which has been granted to all members of the society , has deemed it necessary to closely monitor and control the governing body, which means that the government body must be careful not to abuse these freedoms. the ups and downs of mr. khamenei's presidency, which began with the martyrdom of rajaee and early elections, and
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continued throughout the war. he himself was accompanied by the death of imam khomeini, so that the third government would end its work in this way, and ayatollah khamenei would be led by the choice of newsmen. he became the leader of the islamic revolution after imam khomeini. i vote to light the lamp of hope for people . in my opinion, the president should be someone who moves the train of the country's progress on the track of success.
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my elected president must be precise in his work. my choice is someone who has few mistakes and is intelligent. i will vote for someone who has clean hands. my choice is the one who does not hinder the movement of production wheels. i will vote for someone who is of the same color as the people. the president should be like be a compassionate nurse. i vote for someone who will make iran golestan. my choice is the one who will burn the nation. i choose someone who
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cares about our youth. my choice is the one whose account is correct. it is important that the president thinks about the people's table. i will vote for someone who can extinguish the fire of division. we vote because in the school of haj qasim, the islamic republic is a shrine and every voter is a defender of the shrine, so we will elect a president who adheres to the blood of martyrs. this epic election. complementary to the saga of badragheh shahidaneh, this work is complementary to what you did before in badragheh martyrs.
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to join the chele khemat campaign, only the intention
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of the martyrs of khemat is enough. do something for the people and send the number eight to 123 39.
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great festival of eid tae. what's going on in afoq korosh , can you deliver a thousand items from 10 to 30% from 28 june to 5 july in the chain stores of afoq kourosh, my name is khoda mohammad hosni from bramin city, the winner of the second round of the vashel lottery, one apartment unit. car device , one billion rials, cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary, won from the city of qom, the winner of the second winner of the second round of the washland lottery, i am sami zamani i am from the city of kurd, the third place winner of the second washland sweepstakes. washland is a land full of prizes. here is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store, where
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you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety, then at an unbelievable price. take long-term orders to your home for free, just like that . sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah. the majority there is a flower for iran. niro motor, the largest motorcycle manufacturer in iran. don't
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let your hand hurt. why was this hand removed from the beginning? it was like that, didn't you buy some home appliances , unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no , why buy from shahr home appliances, because it has both quality and discounts , discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts, and prizes, every night a winner of 100 million tomans from shahr farsh shahr home appliances.
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with the hot election news, 4 days before the 8th of july , face-to-face and city-to-city advertising of the candidates has reached its peak. people have put the plans of the candidates under the microscope in their struggle to choose a worthy person. as a first voter, i am very happy to be able to participate in the elections. i will definitely participate in the elections. because my own destiny.


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