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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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socio-economic should be developed, which i mentioned a little about the economic side, with the participation of the people, in the political side, when the people vote at the polls , and it ends, it does not end here. we have extracted the officials and we are following because we are abadani of progress. we follow the development and provision of people's needs relying on the constitution. the constitution has unique capacities that no one has paid attention to . no one should build a wall because now some people are interested in building a wall to separate the people. why do you separate the people? this is an injustice to the people . what is important is that we can please the people to monitor it. article 8 of the constitution says that the people are to the people, the people
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are to the officials, the officials are to the people, the most important thing is to give the people to the officials. let's make people look up to us at all levels down to the lowest level one villagers, people should be honored . i have packaged my institutionalization. in this context, i will present to you the framework that i have presented to you. in this context, i will give you a word about this issue in the department. i would like to tell you that privacy protection is actually the protection of people's freedom, security and privacy . the point is that we did this in the municipality in 2001. we gave 200 of our projects to the people to monitor. we did 1,462 elections, nearly 4,000 billion tomans, and we did more than 99% of them .
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was it good or not? in 1302, under the title of i am the mayor, we came, what did we do? we told the people to give their opinion . they gave their opinion. they supervise themselves , this year is going to end and we will serve them , so we accept the nature of supervision. people, this is a definite and mandatory thing that we will do in adina, for god's sake, in these years, the salary increase of workers, pensioners and employees has not been proportional to the inflation rate. and retirees should increase in a way that is in line with inflation . what is our plan to correct this situation and also to solve the problems of the company's employees? we have no way to untie the knot in their lives. this is their right, so today i calculated and said that we are according to
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according to the law , within 3 years, the pensioners' salaries should be equalized with the salaries of working people, and we should give them 90% of it. if it is real, what should we add and follow? let's do it, i have money. the money available in the country is lame , there is no money, lame tadbire, lame tadbire, when we came to tehran municipality, tehran municipality was in financial stress for two and a half years, it was in financial stress for 27 years, my income was in 2009, i had borrowed from the bank for 3 months, and now it has actually been paid. we have been a municipality for 33 months now, my budget this year, their budget is 30, our budget this year is 151 plus 18, 169.
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it is not at all comparable to each other, whatever budget we set, the budget of my first year was 137, the budget of the second year was 150% , we were able to realize the budget. he should follow up and return this to the people according to the right of the people. he should have financial discipline. therefore, in this regard, dear people , we will do the discussion of the equality of the washed-up people in the same first year. a second point in the same first year. we will do this task for corporate forces. corporate forces are in a great oppression. they have no job security. they do not have any suitable conditions. on the first day when we came to tehran municipality, i went to the night and had a head-butt with this gentleman. i went to the third area. i told someone how much you get paid, he said. one and 700. this belongs to the tower of 6 years, 140s, he said 1,700. to one i told him how much he said. i said 3 and 700. in that 700, he said that i work three shifts. it means having a car at all.
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i work 3 shifts, then i told someone, how much do you earn ? he said, "i didn't see any coordinated system at all. i went to the four nights pakune area. i said, 'how much do you earn, bro?'" he said that i have 1.500 , i will come and sweep at night. we give him more money yes, people's rights must be paid, and we have made a guarantee for them, for example, they will not pay for their rights until the 18th of the 19th of the future tower. we will pay him the money, in fact , we will also take the coefficient for the work contract, we will tell the worker that you are late, so the company or rome, i promise
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to do the first assignment in the year, we will have a good job security for the company . country's problems is it related to sanctions ? is it still after 3 years of executive experience? tehran municipality has the same opinion, believe me , it's less, believe me, we were able to sign a memorandum of understanding with china for 13 billion euros in the same period. at a rate of four and a half weeks , they will invest in our country for up to four years. we
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have agreed that, for example, in the language of suzmon, which is now progressing by god's grace, they will invest 70 for 15 years. 1 percent is the darkest way to boycott khansa first of all, don't beg the embargoer like someone who is your enemy, go beg him, tell him what poison he gave you, go tell me, for example, if i heal, he will give you more poison, but he will give you more poison. the degree of lifting of the sanctions until we did not make a vaccine against corona, no one gave us a service, in fact, from those who imposed sanctions on us, they did not give their lives to the efforts of shaheed raisi rooh. he took it from china, he brought it himself, he followed it, this was the zeal of shahid raisi, he followed it, but until we got our own vaccine, we didn't make our own vaccine, foreigners don't care about us. in the year 2087, nuclear medicine is what you said that molybdenum is the basis of a major part of
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our radiopharmaceuticals, i.e. radiopharmaceuticals, which are used by us, instead of techensium is produced . so cruel, i am so cruel , after 3 months that we, our youth, made you here and they were able to do what they are, now they are begging us , they are giving us money, so we have to take big steps for sanctions, and we are embarrassed inside, on the other hand , the whole world is just there are not many countries that have different methods for capital putting them for two-way communication and interaction with two-way exchange money since 2007 is actually customary in the world and in the country. and this is not a fundamental problem, but it is too much for 1%, no one should scare us from sanctions and in the middle of the sanctions , don't throw us into a well bigger than the hole of our sanctions , our big cities, especially tehran , are facing serious challenges from air pollution and from traffic to
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social damage and lack of housing, the plan to transfer the capital to tehran was discussed . what is your opinion on this? first of all, about to the pathology of social harms , we made a camp since 1400, we left the ego behind , today in tehran, you don't see farahzad valley, an addict. you don't see 200 drug addicts on the side of the street, you don't see a thousand drug addicts in kusangi, all of them gather with the pride of entering the camp, and now there are less than 20,000 people in the camp. i am being recruited to return to society. this look was because of a human look . we felt that these are our brothers. my sisters, my parents are the daughters of our son , it was an honor for me. i went to a place. there was a girl who was really the same age as my daughter. she was standing . she was saying poetry, writing poems, she was working. she told me that i
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was sleeping in the street for years. what you did, i came back to life and life, this is our great honor. a prisoner who is a child of the period. he should be in prison for the rest of his life, even life imprisonment we talked, he came out, he is working , he is proud of us that he has 7,200 children with four heads , we are currently teaching them in 33 schools , we have 200 of them, we are finding talent, what strange talents are there in them, so the social harms of doing this work the honorable government made an effort to provide us with housing from 327, so that it can be looked at. i also told mr. raisi's last meeting that if we encourage the worn out and inefficient urban environments, the people themselves will be intoxicated.
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they build it themselves and there is no need for the government if he wants to intervene, the government is coming to intervene , he should leave this principle aside for the land and for the preparation and for those who don't have it , they can do it there, the government should help, and then we will help them in the field of transportation. the public report that there is a revolution in tehran is happening now, this year, the day it came. i said that mr. dr. vahidi, you should allow us to bring transportation facilities for the whole
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country. this servant of god said, "i think you should give us this permission, or are these our serious policies, the one you said to get out of tehran i suggested this myself, and i said in the government that if the government agencies move the capital from tehran, what does it mean? they have been saying their words for years , this is not far from the mind. there are up to 400 hectares up to lekhd where you can go and settle there, we will build it for you and then we will actually give you your buildings . respected executive. he became the trustee, and we decided to help him settle down and move this work forward
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. you had a hint about housing, but since it's been a year, of course, our time is coming to an end for his plan to house tenants who are under the burden of rent and constant stress. it has been done and to fix the unfavorable situation, build and sell the people who are causing the price increase, please let us know within 5 years, we will open the knot of people's housing life by the grace of god. and now the same tehran municipality , tehran municipality, we just today wrote a mobile letter for 27,000 units of land, 27,000 units and make 27,000 households of tehran municipality own houses and it will continue like this , for education, for university professors, for the military and law enforcement forces, and for the people, for the people , this is the procedure we are following and
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i am ready for it every day i have to answer people where they are every day, some candidates run away from their past , i am not running away from the past in any way, where was i during the war, where was i after the war, where was i at university, where was i at majeds , what did i do, what did i not do this is completely clear. the second point is that i have a definite plan, and thank god i have an aristocracy towards the issues of the country , i definitely consider myself a weapon compared to the other dear candidates they are respectable to me because i told one of them that day that i will not let him go, in fact, he is gone
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, my dear, this way and that, no, no, i will not let him go . it means that each of the candidates sees himself as superior and tries to win by himself, it is a natural thing , so this is a matter. we are strong until the end by god's grace, but the final requirement is the necessity of the country and the islamic revolution , we are strong by god's grace, god willing. thank you very much, dr. rezakani. thank you very much excellent and thank you for your attention , dear viewers, have a good and peaceful night until the next program, god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, the first case of tonight's program is dedicated to the most important issue these days regarding the gaza war , which is the possibility of the zionist regime attacking lebanon , what caused hezbollah. we will discuss this issue. fan resistance will fight without rules, without rules, and without a bishop.
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i will think about war, god willing, to further investigate the possibility of a military attack by the zionist regime
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we will go to lebanon to beirut to see mr. hossein. hossein pak, an expert on lebanese issues, let's talk. mr. pak, hello , good evening, my dear compatriots, and good to you. i am at your service. thank you. send messages to zionism. first, let me share a good news that happened moments ago to all my compatriots. moments ago , hezbollah fighters targeted a vehicle of the zionist regime in the north of occupied palestine in the town of al-muttallah. the killing and wounding of five zionist soldiers
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was such a surprise to the regime that it had to fire more than 30 white phosphorous bullets at the two towns of khian and kafarkala in southern lebanon in order to withdraw the wounded and dead. shoot, hizbollah's operational circle in recent days has come as a surprise to the regime. if you ask me what situation we are in now, i will tell you that one day after the start of the al-aqsa storm operation, in less than 24 at the time of hezbollah's operation in the north of occupied palestine, the enemy was caught by surprise this caused the enemy to spend a large part of his army's energy, almost a quarter of his ground force , i.e. more than 100,000 personnel and caution
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on the northern front, more than a third of his air force , and more than a half of his navy. this front should concentrate what would have happened if it had not happened, that is, if hezbollah had not entered the field, the enemy would have used all this power in gaza, and it certainly could have had a greater effect on that front, but by taking the enemy by surprise, hezbollah would have accomplished two things. this attack was directed towards the northern front of keshon ii. if hezbollah launched this attack on the 16th day of mehr, that is it would not have started on october 8th, the regime would have launched a pre-emptive attack on the lebanese under the pretext of confronting the resistance groups, and well, these two big goals were achieved in the beginning. thank you for both this news that you shared at the beginning and the background that you told about the incident. let's go to this video that hezbollah released and the warning message of seyed hassan
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nasrallah that he announced in his speech was placed at the beginning of the video, then a series of pictures. what message is this going to send to the zionists ? allah, it was released last night at 12 o'clock local time , the most important military and economic targets in the zionist regime , including the headquarters of the ministry of security of the zionist regime , the headquarters of the army command, the headquarters of the army general, which are located in the karyot triangle, in the north of tel aviv. the regime's business through the gas field in the north of occupied palestine , including its working field, which the regime is currently extracting gas from this field
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, let me tell you the other targets depicted in this video are the regime's military industries, including the rafale tank factory. hai merkava ro for i think the goal is produced by the zionist army. the reason behind the broadcast of this film was that on the first day of the war, all these goals will be achieved with the help of god and the strength of our resistance. we have a proverb in the arabic language that says that the winner in the war is the one who has the information. now the resistance showed the enemy that he has detailed information about the most important political, military and economic targets of the enemy , which will all be targeted on the first day of the war. had published that apparently to
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it was captured by the hoddh drone. let me tell you that the hoddh drone humiliated the regime's radar and air defense systems in such a way that it flew for hours from southern lebanon to northern occupied palestine . the regime's economic, political, social and military goals are in haifa, which is one of the three important points in the occupied territories. that is, if you consider a triangle, tel aviv, haifa and quds, all the important points of the regime are placed in this triangle, hizbollah bank exposed its goals to the enemy in one of the sides of this triangle, the most important message of this operation. hadhod contempt for radar detection systems and the enemy's air defense was such that pahvad was able to go and do his job and
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return safely to lebanon. mr. pak, let me explain this in your words . in the pictures that were published from haifa by pehbad hodhod. the enemy's missile defense systems are clearly threatened by hezbollah , the iron dome systems, which are for short-range missiles and rockets, the dawood slingshot system, or dawood's flakhan , or dawood's catapult, which have the same meaning in three different languages. for rockets they are short-range, and arrow or pikan systems are for long-range missiles. they are on hizbollah and threatened their location. this means that if the zionist regime wants to launch a ground attack, in addition to the fact that
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the enemy's airports will be immediately targeted and the enemy's air support capability will be destroyed , hezbollah's drones can easily target targets that are practically even ground support for the regime will be a difficult task, meaning that these systems will be targeted first, and then the attack missiles and drones of the islamic resistance of lebanon will be targeted. you can target a target in the occupied territories . i think that they are taking measures. today, the english newspaper telegraph also
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had a mischief inside lebanon and published a rumor. what is the other party doing? let me tell you , the zionist regime has been helpless on this front for 8 months , what does that mean? that is, they cannot cross the red lines of resistance, but resistance can do so whenever it wants the mite crosses the enemy's red lines and inflicts serious blows on him. when the regime fails, it turns to external pressure to disrupt the internal environment. lebanon, the incident that happened today, of course , the media of the persian gulf countries, including sky news arabic, al arabiya and hadath, also tried very hard to promote this news. the news was that hezbollah hid some weapons at rafik hariri airport in beirut, of course, immediately the minister of transport naqul lebanon
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invited all foreign and domestic reporters present in lebanon and said that you can go anywhere you want in beirut airport. secretary-general in their last speech, hezbollah said that what was needed in terms of weapons in lebanon has reached hezbollah, and even new weapons have reached hezbollah, and the war between the wars, which the zionist regime has been trying to resist in syria for years, using the excuse of lack of weapons. they said that the war was futile and that what is needed by the resistance is reaching hezbollah through its own routes, and hezbollah does not need rafiq hariri airport to transfer weapons. well, some countries the border of the persian gulf also issued an announcement not to travel to lebanon and ordered their own citizens to leave lebanon, which is also in this direction. it can
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be analyzed if i know of at least three similar incidents in this 8th month, and some european and persian gulf countries have done this in the previous times in order to hit the income of the lebanese people in the summer season. christmas, when people go to lebanon, they usually do this, but hezbollah's art is to keep the war away from people's daily lives. and the zionist regime wants to destroy this achievement with these actions , which, god willing, will not be successful. thank you for a report. we wanted to talk about it as well . the associated press had published it and said that if israel attacks lebanon, the experience of the syrian war will be repeated. he was referring to the fact that, like the syrian war, resistance groups from different countries, from yemen, iraq, syria, pakistan, afghanistan .
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they will reach south of lebanon, something that was not possible in the gaza war because gaza was under siege, but if israel wants to attack lebanon , the existing land borders there will give the opportunity to the resistance groups to reach the border directly. . your analysis is about this report what is the question? see the answer to this question, especially in the last lecture. we can find the speech of the secretary general of hezbollah. he said that we have trained armed forces as much as a full-scale war in lebanon, that is, hezbollah cadres, and even more than we need in a full-scale war, but mr. baradar's enemy has advantages over the resistance front. in these two fronts, the north and the gaza front, it
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is, for example, its spy technology or, for example, its fighters, which are not at the disposal of the palestinian and lebanese resistance, but the resistance has a special power that disables this advantage, the power to surprise the regime. he should know that if he is stupid and attacks lebanon , there will be surprises for him all over the region. will regret i think that the resistance forces throughout the region will engage with the regime from other places without the need to enter into conflict with the regime from southern lebanon, and this is one of the surprises that the regime will face and definitely after this. the forces will not come. mr. pak, thank you for being with us in this conversation. thank you , stay healthy. i want from all people. that in


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