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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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pregnant children under 7 years of age, elderly people over 65 years of age were appointed. later, the plan will be developed . we will take these children under 7 years of age to 15 years of age, but now children under 7 years of age will be placed next. ours, which the government is implementing right now, oversees the dental department, a package is overseeing free care for special patients of saab al-araj, there is free health care for 100 patients , which is for 100 people, medicine and outpatient services are also 50 they have to pay the percentage of the deductible and the tithes of 1 to 4 for pregnant mothers, children under 7 years old and seniors over 65 years old. what does it mean? i mean anymore
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old man and old woman, big dad and big mom don't need to be treated, that is , a pregnant lady, i would like to tell you that inpatient services are in the area of ​​inpatient services, because some of my friends will be looking for some questions about inpatient services. i have inpatient services , i would like to say that in our government centers there are our government definitions from the center. privately, we can also buy strategic services. buying strategic services will provide the possibility that, firstly, in addition to completing the coverage of the 6 million people who do not have insurance, it will be possible for us to provide supplementary insurance as well. we should have one resource package for 6 communities. therefore, i have seen all these resources for my expenses . it is mentioned in the upper part of this that what source is needed
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and where this resource should come from. therefore, the second package that exists, next to the golden subsidy package, is this health package, by the way. i asked my dear friends of our rival about the issue of the election. i said that your specialty is medicine. criticize this. criticize this because everyone should be considered as a specialist. for example, we are talking about this. the issue of gold subsidy with 3 dear experts who we had in the news roundtable we had about the economic field. we explained completely after those friends said that we accept the basics . we do.
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you answered the next question in a way in the first question about subsidies, but it is an important issue and it is also a question of the people, please ask mr. zakani, with this level of inflation, the cost of production , the cost of importing gasoline for the government, and on the other hand , irregular consumption by some and how to smuggle it plan the basic price of 150 tomans per liter . smuggling will be ruled out here . smuggling will be ruled out altogether. it is not the country. we save billions of dollars in this donation every year , because now there is a very stormy situation , and as a result of this situation, we are setting fire to some kind of banknote to warm ourselves . basically, there is no logic behind this. with this condition. practically, the market for gasoline fuel consumption is reached
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the people themselves and the people themselves can do the best way through thrift. the best way is that they can have their own facilities as a credit for themselves and it will be charged every 3 months and they can go and buy something and leave a business support and everything. they can do with it . the serious challenge these days is looking at the position of the presidency, as some say. the president should be a senior expert himself, and some people believe that he should leave the work to experts . what is your view on the role of the president in the administration of the country? the president must have an understanding. okay, because when the expert talks to him , he can analyze, i myself am very interested, i go to the table, that is, everyone knows that when i was at the research center, wherever i was, the expert who talks, goes to the table . i will categorize it, i will say that i understood it correctly, then
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i will convey what is in my mind, my understanding and my expression , and i will say that there may be this problem here , there may be this problem, its strength is one point. if someone does not have a correct understanding , experts have different opinions, with which opinion should he adapt himself now in the field of economics a common opinion is that both of you say that we create wealth, creating wealth is a good thing, but the first one says that i create wealth, but the overflow of wealth creation is done by giving to the disadvantaged in the society , whose voices are not heard. in the 70s, this ruler was in our country, was this the ruler or was this the ruler in the 90s? in our country , they say it very frankly, even so that the people do not speak to them. in 1972, the budget appropriations are a source
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of shame. they should do it in their homes , where did you get them in front of them in the introduction? the second program. go and read, sir, they say that we do not have the right to increase the speed of the economic change so much that the people eat his gears . hear this opinion. therefore , when inflation reaches 49% in 74%, what kind of handbrake will they turn back and cause the country to suffer? it became a disaster . another point is that the second type of view is that it says no , i am creating wealth, but i am making people partners in this creation of wealth at the same time that it is being created. people are making profit. people are growing . they have a fair explanation. this is the introduction to the seventh policy program of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution. this expert if i am not an expert, which one of these should i listen to? the dominant view in the world is the first point. first point. but what
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he wants from our revolution. in fact, it has been asked and what is the right of the people, this is the second view, the islamic view is the second view, so if someone has himself as someone, i say that it is long. i was in charge of the largest research center in the country , i was faced with all kinds of experts, or in the parliament, i was involved with different experts for almost 13 years, or anyway, the president must be an expert himself, but he cannot be an expert in everything, but the president must be comprehensive. ok till they can't hit him on the head, otherwise they will hit him on the head and the country will fall to the ground. mr. doctor, we have about 20 minutes of time. please help me to answer more people's questions . what do you do about domestic production? for our domestic production , we pay attention to the production chain. one of the mistakes that exists in the country today
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is that the production chain is divided into sections , affecting the links that are lacking , for example, you want to produce. chicken, you have a supply, you have a production, you have a processing you have a distribution, you have a consumption , you have an export. if you have a lot, you want to export . if you come as the government , close the whole chain with a cooperative, with a network of military elements of a public company, close a cooperative . tell me, i will tell you this much from you . i want meat from you. i want chicken. an equation: multiply 2 by 4, multiply 2 by 24, then he is in the chain of people. look, when people become themselves , they know better than the government what to do in their own economy. understand that people divide
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how much effort the producer has put in and how much effort the processor has put in stretched in fact explaining how much to consume if this f this fry. look at the process and connect it with a chain. production jumps. it jumps . for example, what is this for, for agricultural items, for livestock items ? regarding the use of mines today , there is an injustice in the country. mines are a unique capital for the country, but today with a number of, for example, 120 hemti, for example, they are getting their heads together. in general, a large number of oil mines are on foot. it is very big, on the other hand, these same mines want machinery, so each of these points requires attention to the
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blind knots of that point, and we need to untie the knot. for example , in tehran, our mines are valid 30 to 70 percent below the market price. our fields. the ingredients are actually fruit and tarbar and we came and followed these . it became scarce, 65 tomans per kilo. we went to buy it from the farmer . we said how much do you want to make a profit , if you are satisfied, give me a kilogram, i am very satisfied, we bought 10 thousand tomans from him, 7 thousand tomans , in fact, the expenses cost him 17 thousand tomans , that is, a quarter of the price that was in the black market. sometimes brokers charge 400 dnd on food. we draw on facilities, we draw on why the producer shouldn't make a profit and why the consumer shouldn't
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actually be stable and make a profit. our plan for the whole country is to help the chain and then commit the chain to provide services to the people. do it and then we have you in management we break the management and give the local management based on the principle of the constitution to the councils and municipalities so that they can provide services to the people on a large scale. every term, candidates come and give slogans and programs. but after the management period , many problems still remain. why? how can people trust slogans and promises? people are usually expected to express their vote and go to the ballot box. but after the fund, people forget about it. religious democracy should flourish in political, cultural, social, and economic aspects, and i am a little concerned about the economic dimension i said with the participation of the people. in the political aspect, when people vote at the ballot box and it ends
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, it does not end here. based on the principles of 8, 9, 25, 26, and 27 of the constitution, we extracted a popular model of monitoring the officials and we are following it because we are abadani, progress and we are following the provision of people's needs by relying on the constitution. the constitution is one capacity. it is unique that no one has paid attention to it, for example, about tribes, about religions , about i don't know. why do you separate the people? this injustice to the people is what is important. what is important is that we can please the people to monitor us. it is important for us to prohibit evil. article 8 of the constitution says that the people are for the people. the people are for the people. the people are for the officials. the most forgiveness of the people to the officials is if the people are to the officials. we are making a new system to
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make people look after us at all levels, even the lowest level of a villager, people should look after our institutionalization. that's it it is at your service, i would like to tell you that protecting privacy is actually about protecting people's freedom, security and privacy. here is the point that we did this in the municipality. we came in 2080 and gave the project to the people to monitor . we did it, the people themselves were monitoring and saying whether it was good or not . what did we do? we told the people to give their own opinion
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we did it ourselves, we gave our opinion, one million and 35 thousand people will participate, if the people see honesty in their participation, they will monitor themselves , this year is going to be over and we will serve them, so accepting the nature of public monitoring is a definite and mandatory thing that we have in adina. we will make it for us , god willing. this year, the increase in the salaries of workers and retirees and employees has not been proportional to the inflation rate. can you increase the salaries of retired workers and employees in a way that is in line with inflation? oh you we have no way to untie these people's lives, this is their right, so today i calculated and said that according to the law, within 3 years, we have to match the salaries of the retired with the salaries of the working people, and give them 90% of that. i
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told my friends, we are committed we will do this comparison in the first year of the government, about 17,75,175 , it wants money, of which 75 is in the budget. . when we came to tehran municipality, we spent two and a half years in tehran municipality you were under financial stress for two and a half years. you were under financial stress . my income was 27 years old. i had borrowed money from the bank for 3 months. he had paid his salary. now, in fact, we have been in the municipality for 33 months, my budget for this year is 30, our budget for this year is 151, plus 18 for 169 , it is not at all comparable to each other. whatever budget we put, my first year's budget is 137, the second year's budget is 150. we were able to realize the budget.
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it doesn't matter at all, the important thing is that someone has a plan , is careful to follow up and return this to the people according to their rights. therefore, in this direction, dear people , who are watching the discussion of the sameness of retirees in the first year we will do a second point. in the first year , we will determine the duties of the corporate forces . the corporate forces are in a great oppression , they have no job security, they have no proper conditions . on the first day when we came to tehran municipality, i went to the night with this gentleman. region 3 i told someone how much salary you get, he said 1,700 , 1,700. then i told someone, how much do you charge? he said, "i didn't see any coordinated system at all . i went to pakfone four night area. i saw how much you charge, brother
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. he said, 'i have 1.500. i will get 1.500. i will come and sweep. we now have 1200 floors.'" their salary is 12,400 floor salary, the more they work , the more we give them, the more they are entitled to, our green space costs 4 tomans, 3 tomans, now it is 12,800 floor salary, and the more they work, the more we give them, there is money, the rights of the people must be paid, and for them, we have guaranteed, for example, these their salaries will not be paid until the 18th and 19th of the next tower. now we have put it in such a way that on the first of the month, if they don't pay , their money will be reduced in reverse until a certain date is reached, we will pay the money ourselves . the first thing we should do is to have a good job security for our dear companies. in 1400, you said that only 15-20% of the country's problems are related to sanctions
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. is it still possible after 3 years of executive experience in tehran municipality ? in the same period , let's sign a memorandum of understanding with china for 13 billion euros , let's sign a memorandum of understanding with china for 13 billion euros. we have accepted them to invest in our country. we have accepted that saying, for example, in zabale suzmon, which is now progressing by god's grace, 70% of them have to invest for 15 years, we came, they agreed with them to become our partner, the boycott is cruel to 1% , the way to boycott is to make people from inside the country, first of all, don't
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beg the boycotter. like someone who is your enemy , beg him to tell you what is wrong with you. someone, in fact, let me tell you that among those who did not give sanctions , he took a happy soul from china and brought it back to shahid raisi. this was the zeal of shahid raisi. but we didn't make our own vaccine until we got it. aliens won't run to us in 2087 it is nuclear medicine, as you said, molybdenum is the basis of a major part of our radiopharmaceuticals, i.e. , radiopharmaceuticals, molybdenum, is produced by us . tegnidium is a large part of our consumables. in fact, it makes up 70-80% of our
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consumables in 2087. merciless, after three months, we are young here. what are they doing in your building? now they are begging us , they are giving to us, so we have to take big steps for sanctions, and we have to act internally. on the other hand, the whole world is not just a few countries that have different methods with us. for investment they have also been doing it for two-way communication and interaction with two-way money since 2007. in fact, it is customary in the world and in the country, and this is not a fundamental problem, but 1% is too much for me, so that no one scares us with sanctions and in the middle of the sanctions, we are in trouble. don't forget from the hole of sanctions to the bigger well , our big cities, especially tehran , are facing serious challenges, from air pollution and traffic to damages. social issues and lack of housing were brought up in the plan to transfer the capital to the division of tehran
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. what is your opinion about this? pathology about social damage since 1400, we camped in mennito, we left, but today in your tehran, farahzad valley is full of addicts, it will be turned into a 54-hectare resort, which will be reopened these days. in midon shush and midon harandi, you do n't see 200 drug addicts on the side of the street , you don't see 1000 drug addicts in ko sangi. it was because of the human perspective, we felt that these are our brothers, the important sisters of my parents they are our son. it was an honor for me. i went to a place where there was a girl who was really the same age as my daughter. he was working and told me that i was sleeping in the street for years. this is what you did. i came back to life. this is our great honor, or
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what are you looking at? we provide them with services, we have given them 300 , and the second 300 is being added. a prisoner who has a short term should be in prison for the rest of his life, even life imprisonment, we talked, he came out and is working. we have 720 children in front of us, now we are teaching them in 33 schools , we are finding talent in 200 of them, what a strange talent they have, so the social damage was done. 327 has left us in the field of housing, housing can be looked at in 2 ways, as i told mr. raisi's last meeting, if we encourage the people and housing in the worn-out context and inefficient urban environments. they build it themselves and there is no need for the government to intervene, the government is coming to intervene, it should leave this aside for the land and for
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the preparation and for those who don't have it, until they do this, the government can help them , and then we will help them in the field of public transportation, which has a revolution in terran. now you can. this year, the day i came , there were 860 buses in circulation this year until february, thanks. let's quote for the whole country that this servant of god said, i think that you should give us this permission
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or not, so these are our serious policies. device it is not very meaningful for the government to move the capital from tehran. they have been talking about it for years . however, if the government agencies are concentrated in one part of the city, like the south of the city, or another part, two points in rome, i suggested to the government. then, in fact, we will give you your buildings, and in the last meeting, mr. mansouri, who is the respected executive vice president, was in charge of this, and it was decided that we would also help you settle down. let's go ahead with this work. you mentioned about housing, but since there is a question, of course, the time is running out for their plan to house renters whose backs are bent under the burden of rent and constant stress, and to fix
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the unfavorable situation of build and sell, which causes the price to rise. what are they? please be brief. within 5 years , people's housing will be opened by the grace of god , and now this same tehran municipality, tehran municipality , we just today wrote a mobile letter to get 27,000 land units for 27,000 units and 27,000 households. tehran municipality let's own a house and it will continue like this for education, for university professors, for the military and police forces, and for the people, for the people , this is the procedure we are following, and through rental housing under the condition of acquiring or selling a meter. and his development to take over the entire property , we create added value for the people , we did this in tehran, it can be done for the whole country as well . it was also asked about public reporting, which
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you answered in the previous section. maimonen or the possibility of a coalition and consensus in favor of one of the front candidates do they have the revolution? look at my record . i'm 45 years old and i've been in the revolution every day. i'm ready to answer the people where they are every day. where was i after the war ? where was i at the university? where was i in the parliament? what did i do and what didn't i do ? this is completely clear. the second point is that i have a definite plan and, by god's grace , i have an aristocracy towards the country 's issues. respected, because i told one of them that day that i will not let them in in fact, he is gone, our dear, here and there, no, no, i won't let him. it means that each of the candidates sees himself as superior and tries to win by himself
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. may it be for the good of the country and the islamic revolution is strong by god's grace , god willing . thank you very much, mr. dr. rezakani.
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seraphs is fast, fast, fast. the only tehran branch in sarah officer with unbelievable prices, long-term installments and no down payment in a big iranian house, mom , don't say anymore, please, i love you so much that
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i won't even let a hair fall from your head. hello , what do you suggest for my daughter's hair loss? parjang black garlic shampoo. black garlic? yes, we also have black garlic. during the millard reaction, which is a natural reaction, garlic turns into black garlic, which is rich in antioxidants and prevents aging and hair loss . prajak black garlic shampoo. we should say hello to nature again. does your washing machine work? yes, it works. we used to wash by hand, we were heavier don't buy from home appliances, no, unfortunately , no, unfortunately, no, why buy home appliances at all , because it has quality, discounts, discounts
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, discounts. also, the prize every night is a winner of 100 million tomans, shahr farsh shahr, home appliances. in the name of allah, the merciful. the first energy sweepstakes lottery will be held tomorrow, the manager of this project announced the news and said that subscribers who reduce their electricity consumption by 15% will participate in this lottery. 100 million tomans and 15 thousand 10 million.


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