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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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a house, a logo of jahanara industries group. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers . it is 230 minutes and we are at your service with some news. tomorrow, the 10 km ghadir party will be held from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm from bozor rah imam (peace be upon him) to azadi square. the number of processions has increased by 30% this year, and a total of 2020 processions will be held. this party is supposed to be 10 kilometers at the same time in 300. to be held. also
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, this year representatives of the resistance front from lebanon, yemen, afghanistan and iraq are going to hold a procession in tehran. and simultaneously in five countries: brazil, india, pakistan, lebanon and afghanistan ghadir kilometer party will also be held. on the eve of ghadir eid, a wedding ceremony and dowry distribution for afghan couples was held in mashhad. this ceremony. the 7th empathy festival was held in mashhad with the support of afghan philanthropists living in iran and other countries of the world in support of needy families, disabled and terminally ill afghans. eid al-wilayat and celebration of seal and sympathy at the same time during eid al-ghadir and the year of the beginning of the wilayat of amir al-mu'minin , peace be upon him, the wedding of a couple and the distribution of dowry for 20 afghan couples in mashhad.
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disabled people and families of sabaaj patients. immigrant they were afghans, under various pretexts, we are trying to remove these families who have disabilities from their homes, and in the last two years, we have been able to hold seven sympathies with tonight. alhamdulillah , we also had a wedding for young wives. as i was from a disabled family, members of the afghanistan national futsal team were also present in this empathy ceremony in support of the disabled community and afghan migrant patients. dear afghanistan, we are present
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, you see the same number with happy lips and smiling and this is the result of sympathy and the same thing that the national futsal team did, that millions of people inside afghanistan and outside afghanistan were happy in this ceremony, more than 400 afghan benefactors living in the islamic republic of iran and european countries were really present. this celebration that i saw just now gave me a lot of personal motivation that god willing, in the following years
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, it has been decided to participate in the upcoming meeting in doha, afghanistan. provided that our conditions mean a meaningful meeting and issues such as the economic progress of afghanistan's achievements in drugs are raised. to receive important news about immigrants, to check and dealing with various issues of the daily life of afghan journalists in iran and to see broadcast reports. in this news section, it is enough
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to join our channels in virtual space at the address of sain mohajeran 230. you can also follow the afghan doctors in iran by referring to our website at the address related to afghanistan. the political deputy of the taliban claimed that the government of this group was formed by relying on the people. mr. mohammad abdul kabir, in a meeting with a number of scholars and elders of the taliban from different provinces, said: the caretaker government of the taliban relies on the people and the cooperation of the people with the political system. it will be the progress of the taliban. scholars and the ethnic elders present in this meeting also said: afghans want an islamic and stable government and they will not turn away from any efforts in this area. they also expressed satisfaction with the provision of public security during the days of eid al-adha. the spokesperson of the ministry of
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public health of the taliban has built 350 medical centers in the last 3 years in my country. afghanistan reported. mr. sharaft zaman amarkhel said: after the taliban came to power in afghanistan, efforts are being made to provide more healthcare services in the country. the spokesman of the ministry of public health of the taliban from the activities and services of tens of thousands of employees he informed about 5 thousand health centers in the country and added that according to the statistics of this ministry in 1403, about 6 thousand new employees in the speech department. they were hired by the ministry of home affairs. the taliban's national intelligence and information department announced the explanation of 7248 electronic id cards. the taliban's national statistics and information department announced that in the first 3 months of this year, 70,248
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afghan citizens were given electronic identification cards. this department explains this number of electronic identification cards through 76 centers. electronic and easy- to-use services were also explained to 18 thousand people throughout the country in the first 3 months of this year. it was provided from the distribution of electronic id cards. the general manager of foreign nationals and immigrant affairs of qom governorate announced the implementation of more than 80 educational, recreational and skill training programs in the top 10 immigrant centers of qom province in the excellence plan. mr. zarei at the poster unveiling ceremony. ta'ala said: the lack of coherent cultural, sports, artistic and social programs for children, teenagers and immigrant youth in qom province, throughout the year, especially during the summer holidays,
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has led to social harm and sometimes social tensions. . the general director of atab and foreign immigrants affairs of qom governorate said: holding religious courses, quran education, edicts and call to prayer, art and sports competitions, including children's leisure programs. adolescents and young immigrants are in the excellence plan. and the meeting of organizing the hair was held at the foot of ataba. director general of medical affairs and foreign immigrant affairs of tehran governorate said: this meeting is in continuation of announcing the call and registration of processions and religious delegations in tehran province and with the aim of checking the number of processions and the available capacities to provide better services to hosseini arbaeen pilgrims. mr. heydari said that we are trying to organize planning and coordination with other departments by identifying the capacities in tehran province citizens to provide proper service to the pilgrims of aba abdullah. director general of press affairs and foreign immigrants affairs of tehran governorate stressed:
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we are following up on the issues faced by the immigrants during arbaeen in the past years within the framework of the laws in order to minimize them with the cooperation of other relevant agencies. thank you very much for your attention and cooperation with this news series . may god protect you. in the final days leading to the presidential elections
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of 1364, a strange thing happened in the political history of iran. for the first time, the president of the first term. will not register in the second term of the presidency to name seyyed ali khamenei because of problems. and he did not want to participate in the second term because of the differences of opinion in the first term of his presidency, but in the meantime, with the message of the imam, who considered participating in the elections as his religious duty, he participated in the elections once again . after several years, we are alive, we must participate. if, god forbid , your non-participation causes any damage to the islamic republic
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, know that those of us who have done this wrong , god forbid, are responsible on the 8th of shahrivar , 1360, after the explosion of the prime minister's building. by the hypocrites and the martyrdom of mohammad ali rajaee and mohammad javad bahnar, the president and prime minister at the time, plunged the country into an unprecedented situation of political instability. a strange situation that could be fatal and terrible for a young revolution. the day after the explosion, on the 9th of shahrivar, there was a council under the name of the provisional presidential council. with the presence of mr. hashemi rafsanjani, mousavi ardabili , mahdavi keni, it will be formed to
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lead the governor until the new elections. on wednesday, 11th of shahrivar, the council proposed mr. mahdavi keni as the interim prime minister to the parliament in a statement , so that he can manage the affairs until the elections are held. take away the parliament also approved this proposal with a majority vote. 169 people voted in favor. four people voted against, four people abstained. we congratulate our dear brother mr. mahdavi keni and the respected members of his cabinet for this trust of the islamic council and we hope. that this trust remains strong in the future. finally, on saturday
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21st of shahrivar 1360, 13 days after the martyrdom of the then president and prime minister, the ministry of interior published two separate notices and ordered the holding of mid-term presidential elections. for this period of elections from among the people who mr. seyyed ali akbar parvaresh, seyed reza zavarei and hassan ghafouri fard entered the election campaign after the approval of the guardian council. of course, other than these three people, there were other names in the election. seyyed ali khamenei, who, despite his inner desire , with the consensus of the majority. the central council of the islamic republic party as well as the teachers' community of qom seminary
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entered the field of competition as candidates. the elections were held with the attendance of nearly 17 million people, that is, 74 participations, and his excellency mr. seyed ali khamenei won the majority of 95 votes after shahid rajaei. he became the third president in the history of the islamic republic i want all those whom this nation has brought to a position with their own efforts to do all they can to serve these oppressed people and serve these poor destitutes and serve this poor people. spend milk now, his presidential term
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had started after the unsuccessful term of bani sadr, which was associated with the vote of political inadequacy, and after the short term of shahid rajaei, which ended with assassination. while still the presidential structure in the true sense of the word. it was not formed in iran. that's why , in the first step, he focused part of his efforts on structuring the office of the president. and the kurdish presidential institution gradually formed the presidential office with several advisors and working groups. the third government began its work in a situation where the country was involved in an imposed war, and therefore most of the government's activities were related to solving war issues.
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in general, the activities of the third government revolved around these issues. drafting of the bill of presidential powers , reducing government tenure and handing over affairs to the people, handing over agricultural lands to the people and handing over government industries to the cooperative sector, getting workers' ownership in factories, expanding and developing non-oil exports, and reducing the country's dependence on oil and fuel income. giving the country's cultural policy towards independence. the cultural status of mr. khamenei also established an initiative during his presidency, which
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was later welcomed by other presidents in the following periods. and it was the season of people's local regional problems. garda de onoare constituită în cinstea sosirii duwêne, vă pozêtre onorul. during the eight-year presidency of seyyed ali khamenei , iran's foreign policy and diplomacy apparatus had become more active. one of the indicators of the development of politics and relations the foreign trips of the president to different countries
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were for the development of relations, which started in the first term of the presidency and developed in the second term. he traveled to syria, libya and algeria in the first term of his presidency, and to asian and african countries, pakistan, tanzania, zimbabwe, angola and mozambique in the second term. ayatollah khamenei during the 7 years of his presidency, which was parallel to the war, devoted a large part of his foreign negotiations to negotiations with peace delegations that had the mission of mediating between iran and iraq. during this period, he was also the head of the supreme war support council was. this council
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was formed due to the special conditions of the war in 1365 ah and in order to use the country's facilities as best as possible in the service of the war and to take effective measures in mobilizing forces and facilities to meet the needs of the war fronts. of course, the presidency of ayatollah khamenei was not without borders. the selection of the prime minister for the government was an issue that caused his dissatisfaction in the government from the very beginning. engineer mousavi with his leftist background believes in tenure. the whole state was in the economy. while ayatollah khamenei wants to involve more people in the economy and create cooperatives he also emphasized the transfer of factories and industries to the private sector. if
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we mean the freedom of economic activities in such a way that those who have the power of economic maneuvering are free to produce whatever they want, supply whatever they want , distribute whenever they want, sell whatever they want , consume whatever they want, this is certainly not the opinion of islam. in addition to the economic freedom and private property that has been granted to all members of the society , it has also deemed it necessary to monitor and control the government apparatus on all of these, which means that the government apparatus must be careful not to abuse these freedoms. era
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the ups and downs of mr. khamenei's presidency, which started with the martyrdom of rajaee and early elections , and continued in the midst of the war, in the end. he himself was accompanied by the death of imam khomeini so that the third government would end its work and ayatollah khamenei would become the leader of the islamic revolution after imam khomeini. i didn't know that something
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would mess up everything here. the dirt was so thick on the floor of the assembly line that when you walked on the pad maimonde's place in 2086, with a non-expert and illogical construction , the company went into a downward trend and the production was zero. and our voices did not reach anywhere. the title of head of the judiciary to iraq closely with the issues and problems in hebco company, put this heavy document in place . finally, the sun rose and someone was found who listened to us, the company stood up and alhamdulillah, production flourished. difficulties.
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if it wasn't for the follow-up of dear mr. raisi, it would not be clear what would happen to our future, probably i
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would be unemployed now or i was looking for a job, they are facing problems, i think they are all solvable, no organization has the right to import a product from abroad that this product a completely standard face it is being produced inside the country. every promise he made to us was fulfilled . god bless them, if it wasn't for them , it wouldn't be known what our situation and the situation of the personnel of this company would be, well, they weren't going to come, except for their plans, hebco was not the company, we felt that they should come to see their achievements when mr. raisi when he came here, the conditions of hebko really changed . to thank mr. raisi, he got out of the car again, came to our arms and came to us we love raisi, we love tabko from the charity of
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this great man, haidara, and thousands of young people are taking pleasure from him. they used to say that a fish is fresh whenever you take it out of the water. what does that mean ? it is never too late to start doing what we have not done. now , a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern
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. spend 5 minutes once. check all the common electrical appliances in your home, for example, lamps can be made of this if it turns into this, no, yes, and their consumption will be 90% less than before, part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used, i.e. in ready-to-use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwave chargers, computers, tvs , etc. there are electrical devices that consume electricity even when they are off, and they should be unplugged when we don't need them. indeed , sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamps. if you get used to it, without electrical appliances take them out of the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them. in the end , you will see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but we have also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country.
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sarafs, saree afsarieh, sirah afsarieh, beware of the mistakes, sirah afsarieh , the largest iranian store, the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh, with unbelievable prices and long-term contracts
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. hello, this is the city of home appliances, the city of big discounts. come and see our special and amazing discounts on all products and great news also, every day we have a prize of 100 million tomans. both the discount and the prize of shahr farsh shahr of household appliances.
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hello, welcome to news 21. the start of the fourth election debate an hour ago. the programs of the six presidential candidates in the field of domestic and foreign policy are in the judgment of the nation. four days before the 8th of july and the rising election fever, people are talking about the choice of weapons. definitely
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participate in the elections.


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