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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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tolskoya is also targeted in the indian ocean. according to yahya saree, these two ships were targeted due to the violation of the ban on entering the occupied palestinian ports. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces said that we once again warn the companies that continue to cooperate with the zionist enemy. they will be targeted regardless of their destination. the number of victims of an attack on a synagogue, a church and a police station in russia's dagestan rose to 20. some media are reporting the possibility of an increase in the number of victims due to the deterioration of the condition of some of the injured . yesterday in the city of darband, dagestan, armed men they shot at the traffic police checkpoint and then attacked a synagogue and a church . so far, no person or group has claimed responsibility for this terrorist attack, and no further details about it have been published. the american government
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wants to control and limit the access of children and teenagers in order to reduce the harm of cyberspace, especially in social networks. so far, more than three quarters of american public schools have banned the use of smart phones by students. the warning of the senior health official of the american government is the mental health crisis of adolescents. and american youth it has reached an emergency situation and social networks of virtual space are one of the main factors in creating this situation. the head of american public health has requested the congress of this country to mandate the use of labels such as the warning labels that are installed on cigarette packs as warning labels of psychological harm to children, teenagers and young people for social networks. .
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when teenagers spend more than 3 hours a day on social media, we see a doubling of anxiety and depression in them . we need to do something immediately to change this situation. this situation is deeply disturbing to me . warning labels can help parents understand the dangers of cyberspace. this sense of danger has caused it to be used in 77 american public schools in different states of the country. students are banned from smart phones. in the latest case, the implementation of the ban on the use of smartphones in schools in the form of a state law has been decided in the city of los angeles, california, as the second largest school district in the united states. increasing the level of depression, anxiety, suicide and cyber abuse from the negative effects of cyberspace on knowledge it is students who have to deal with it.
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there are technologies that disable access to the platform and social networks, allowing the smartphone to be used solely as a phone. we may also decide not to allow students access to cell phones during school hours. here in the state of new york, the governor of this state announced that he is working on a bill to ban students from using smartphones. and will send this bill to the new york state assembly for approval in less than 6 months. ali rajabi, radio and television news agency new york. the government of malaysia started the process of joining the brics economic group. criticizing the dominance of the dollar in international trade, the prime minister of malaysia said: by joining the brics, his country is starting a new era in global common self-sufficiency.
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the most important work priority of the malaysian government in the end brics has provided a ray of hope to create balance in the world. the world is no longer unipolar because the colonial powers have been shaken and we are not forced to accept the discourse under their domination. by joining brics as a free and independent country, we can increase the strategic importance of the strait of malacca, a bridge between the indian and pacific oceans. attract many economic benefits. benefits
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according to experts , it will be achieved by joining a group that challenges the world order dominated by the economy of the western union. unique influence and power. america and the west have been challenged by the role of emerging economies in today's world, and the malaysian government, understanding this important concept in geopolitical relations , has taken joining brics as a correct and logical solution. malaysia joining brics on the one hand to attract more chinese investment and on the other hand to stay away from western countries that are in the zionist regime's war against the people. a region in it has commercial relations with 9 member countries of the southeast asian union. now, by supporting the brazilian government's critical position against the us dollar
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, he emphasized the expansion of commercial interests using national currencies . lithium left 22 dead in south korea . eight people were injured in this incident that happened in a city south of seoul. most of the dead are foreign citizens, including from china. korean media reported that most of the fire was contained, but the exact cause of the accident has not yet been announced. south korea is one of the biggest producers of lithium batteries that are used in many products including electric cars and laptops. it is used to welcome iran's booth at the beijing international book fair. on the sidelines of this fair, a meeting was held as iran's cultural day with the presence of iranologists and students interested in iran. 6th
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electoral district in iraq for iranians to vote on election day. in this country , the holy cities of karbala, najaf, baghdad, kazmin, erbil, sulaymaniyah and basra are considered to host presidential election funds. will
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iranian people of every religion and ethnicity are preparing to participate in the presidential elections. pilgrims and the house of god who are present in saudi arabia are from the countrymen. they want to participate in the elections on friday and choose the best. at the same time as other members of the iranian nation, the iranian pilgrims also visited iraq. they announced their readiness to participate in the presidential elections. according to the coordination that has been done, all pilgrims have national cards with them and they are ready to participate in the elections . even in iraq, special arrangements have been made for this matter in other countries pilgrimage cities such as kazmin, karbala , najaf ashraf have placed funds so that the pilgrims who are present here and are not in our islamic country can express their feelings here and organize this saga, god willing, we will all participate in the elections for our destiny. our children
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, you will participate, god willing, i am 100. it is both our right and our duty. in iraq, every day dozens of iranian pilgrim caravans go to the holy cities of karbala , najaf, samar, rah and kazim. for maximum participation iranians residing in iraq will provide us in the elections in this country. we have 6 constituencies and 23 branches , 6 of which are represented in erbil, sulaymaniyah, baghdad , karbala, najaf, and basra, god willing. they will receive votes from the people, and we have two types of voters. here, iranian residents will vote, as well as pilgrims from high schools, which i hope will be with you. . as always, iranians
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will be present at the polls excitedly. the election headquarters has provided donation boxes for all the holy cities in iraq , including in the holy city of kazmin, where donation boxes are supposed to be located on bab al-morad street and in hosseiniyeh. martyr sadr should be appointed for people's participation in this decisive election. jalal khaledi news agency of the holy city of qazabiin. thank you for being with the world today. good night and goodbye.
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it was the turn of one of the candidates, the candidate of french words, which these days is sometimes called instead of the candidate, this time it was from the presenter of the
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tv program that had all kinds of french words for the european cup of nations. technology instead of technology, but with the new technology that the core and ar recognized instead of video referee or video assistant referee and basically vr , and what did the goaler do, instead of the goalkeeper, well, golra they must have a very high ability . add nostalgia instead of memorable or memorable . this game is very nostalgic for many football players, or twice the tournament in the recent tournament .
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you bought a truck of equipment. you found a truck of equipment . you found a treasure. i didn't find a treasure. so what are these tools, jangzi, my daughter? you bought them all at one place. are you serious , dad? you didn't buy all the dowry at one place, why buy in installments, as you wanted, a large iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only branch tehran, in sarah afsariyeh, the big festival of eid until eid in the horizon of koresh, what about thousands of goods from 10 to 30
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% gift, can it be done from 28 khordad. until july 5 , chain stores of oghok korosh. does your washing machine work? yes, it works. we were heavier when we washed by hand. you didn't buy household appliances from the city, did you? unfortunately no. unfortunately, what is no? buy household appliances from the city. why? because i have quality , discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts, and a prize every night, a winner of one hundred million tomans .
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the final days leading up to the presidential elections of 2014 were a strange event in iran's political history fall it is the first time that the first term president does not want to register for the second term of the presidency. seyyed ali khamenei did not want to participate in the second term due to the problems and disagreements of the first term of his presidency, but in the meantime, with the message of the imam, who considered participating in the elections as his religious duty, he once again participated in the elections, if you want to express in front of the world live to
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say that we are alive after several years, we must participate. if god forbid that your non-participation should cause any damage to the islamic republic, know that our members who did this wrong god forbid, we are responsible on the 8th of shahrivar , 1360, after the explosion of the building. a prime minister at the hands of hypocrites and the martyrdom of mohammad ali rajaee and mohammad javad bahnar, the president and prime minister at the time, plunged the country into an unprecedented state of political instability . a strange situation that could be fatal and terrible for a young revolution. the day after the explosion, that is,
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the 9th of shahrivar, the month of shura under the title. the interim presidency will be formed with the presence of mr. hashemi rafsanjani, mousavi ardabili, mahdavi keni, to lead the interim president until the new elections. on wednesday , september 11, the council announced mr. mahdavi keni proposes to the parliament as the interim prime minister to lead the affairs until the elections . the parliament also accepts this proposal with a majority vote. 169 people voted in favor. four against votes, four abstentions, four of us
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congratulate the trust of the islamic council on our dear brother, mr. mahdavi kenny, and the honorable members of his cabinet , and we hope that this trust will remain a source of power in the future. 60 13 days after the martyrdom of the president , the then prime minister of the ministry of interior issued two separate announcements ordering the holding of presidential elections they issue the midterms of the parliament. for this period of elections, among the people who registered, mr. seyed ali akbar parvaresh, seyed reza zavarei and hassan ghafouri fard entered the election campaign after the approval of the guardian council. of course, other than these three
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people, there were other names in the election. seyyed ali khamenei, who, despite his inner desire , stepped into the field of competition as a candidate with the consensus of the majority of the central council of the islamic republic party and also the teachers' community of qom seminary. the elections were held with the attendance of nearly 17 million people, i.e. 74 participations, and mr. seyyed ali khamenei won the majority 95% of the votes became the third president in the history of the islamic
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republic after shahid rajaei. spend on these squatters. now the presidency. his republic began after the term of namuf bani sadr, which was associated with the vote of political inadequacy, and after the short term of shahid rajaee, which ended with assassination, while the presidential structure in the true sense of the word had not yet been formed in iran. that's why he took part in the first action focus your efforts on construction. he presided over the office of the president and the presidential institution, and gradually the office of the president was formed with several advisors and working groups. the third government
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began its work in a situation where the country was involved in an imposed war, and therefore most of the government's activities were related to solving war issues. in general, the activities of the third government revolve around these cases. drafting of the bill of presidential powers, reduction of government tenure and transfer of affairs to the people, transfer of agricultural lands to the people and transfer of state industries to the cooperative sector, expansion of worker ownership in factories and developing non-fatty exports and reducing the country's dependence on oil income and pushing the country's cultural policy towards cultural independence. mr. khamenei also
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established an initiative during his presidency, which was later welcomed by other presidents in subsequent periods. the provincial trips of the president in the third government were followed seriously and in these trips he tried to solve the local regional problems of the people. domnule predsenije, garda de onoare constituită în cinstea sosirii duwêne. reform
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the political system during the eight-year presidency of seyyed ali khamenei. foreign policy and diplomacy iran had become more active. one of the indicators of the development of foreign policy and relations was the president's trips to different countries to develop relations, which started in the first term of the presidency and developed in the second term. he traveled to syria, libya and algeria in the first term of his presidency, and to asian and african countries, pakistan, tanzania, zimbabwe, angola and mozambique in the second term. ayatollah khamenei, during the 7 years of his presidency, which was parallel to the war, spent a large part of his foreign negotiations with the military delegations, which had the mission of mediating between iran and iraq. allocated. during this period, he is the chairman of the council.
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it was also great support for the war. this council was formed due to the special conditions of the war in 1365 ah and in order to use the country's facilities as best as possible in the service of the war and to take effective measures in mobilizing forces and facilities to meet the needs of the war fronts. of course, the presidency of ayatollah khamenei was not without borders. the selection of the prime minister for the government was an issue that caused his dissatisfaction in the government from the very beginning. engineer mousavi, with his left-wing background, believed in the government's full ownership of the economy. while verse allah khamenei to involve more people in
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the economy. he emphasized the establishment of cooperatives and the transfer of factories and industries to the private sector. if we mean the freedom of economic activities in such a way that those who have the power of economic maneuvering are free to produce whatever they want and supply whatever they want. they can explain whenever they want, sell as they want, consume as they want, this is definitely not the opinion of islam. along with economic freedom and private property, which is granted to all members of the society, islam also requires the strict supervision and control of the governing body over all of these. knowing means
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the government must be careful not to abuse these freedoms. the ups and downs of mr. khamenei's presidency, which began with the martyrdom of rajaee and early elections, and continued during the war. in its end, the kurds were also accompanied by the death of imam khomeini, so that in this way the third government would end its work and ayatollah khamenei would become the leader of the islamic revolution after imam khomeini by choosing leadership experts.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time . welcome to the football magazine program . i congratulate you on eid al-fitr. be a viewer of tonight's show.


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