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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 5:30am-5:54am IRST

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golestan shaarra, which contains four poets, and next to it we have other products, such as the products that we pay a lot of attention to this week, ghadir products and ghadir flags. it is time that many people have not paid attention to it. let's mix your interest. the distinction of the hoda chahar exhibition with the previous periods . do you have a message for parents to express and buy these iranian islamic products? well, unfortunately, we do not have this comprehensiveness in one place in the markets of iran, where such producers gather together and families with any kind of taste, they can make their purchases . the hijab activists association decided that this exhibition would be held last year.
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our prices are much more suitable than in the market because we are without intermediaries and we produce and bring anything from our own manufacturer for sale . darren to use . people's opinion about iranian
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islamic clothing exhibition , the variety of products presented was really high and satisfactory, and now we have come here for the first time in the exhibition. i think there is room for development for both my daughter and my children. there is also the pull, the same ability exists in the country, there is some support . we have really seen this exhibition held in the city, and often i see people are happy , they go to this exhibition with satisfaction . after the prices, how were the prices? it means that it is cheaper than the market . it is a bit cheaper than the quality, which
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i think is good quality, that is, the quality of the fabric is good because we produce it ourselves. i was looking at clothes and such. i thought the quality was good, it has a beautiful design, it is attractively designed, and i think the price is more reasonable compared to the market price. did you see these clothes? did you like them? now , for example, the variety of colors. yes, i really liked it. i thought i was beautiful. it is very good that such an environment has come for us who have always had a problem choosing clothes, and considering the conditions that have unfortunately occurred in the society, the clothing market has gone in a direction where it has always been difficult for us to choose, now this exhibition can be very effective, the prices are almost i looked at the surface the city of prices was very reasonable, the demand of iranian islamic clothing producers from the future president of the domestic producer. he would like
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to be supported, now if it is possible to give them long-term loans with low interest, and now in the discussion of taxes , the taxes that are taken from them, the price, i.e. the percentage of the tax, should be such that eventually that domestic production also tends to fall into the current arena. production of domestic products and cheap brushes, as the famous saying says, we have a budget problem for mass production and we have demand for both production and fabric supply, which , for example, has cost us sales, now we are very we are not big, but in return for the sales of the producer, we can get a loan without exchange so that we can start mass production , we can put more women under our cover to produce our work and my work is all our work.
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we have a permanent sale of hijab products in tehran and other cities , if this platform is permanently available to the producers in the form of a market or a complex , it will be easier for the people to access them and the producers will be able to get the products at a better price. people make appointments. ahmed aminfard radio news agency. here, we dug and equipped 73 wells . the volume of water was very high . we reached the water at a distance of 50 meters
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. there were about 105 kilometers of water transmission lines from these wells . from the month of august 1402, the water desalination project was launched . since the order of our president, everyone has been working for 9 months . it has reached the stage of operation and start-up . it was a very difficult task to prepare this equipment. that we will do the work with delay, desalination, the biggest desalination plant. coastal the world produces 400 cubic meters of water at night, 40% for the people of sistan and 60% for the city
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of zahedan. we had prepared to say that he will come this week , mr. raisi's place was really empty because the honor of this water softener was really because it was their order and their efforts and follow-up, their place was really empty, but there is a lasting plan in the name of mr.
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raisi and in the name of those witnesses. the servant said that god willing, if i come this time. you, father, behind the work of our managers, this threat and this let's turn the problem in the region into an opportunity with action until this guy doesn't do it, but
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he won't do it. he was a very good person. it was us who is the witness of god's grief that my back is broken. in the name of allah, the most merciful, according to the regulations
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, how many minutes should the presidential candidates talk to the people ? i am circumcised and present my petitions to our beloved nation . first, i take this opportunity. in order to serve our beloved imam and honorable leader our great honor, which is dearer to us than our lives , i would like to offer my greetings and thank you for the prophet -like, decisive, path-breaking and sometimes miraculous leaderships that they had for the nation, and i
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have always benefited from them in these 4 years as an official. i think the most important manifestation of people's participation in the administration of the country is the presidential election, or at least one of the most important , what do people do in the presidential election? this is the person who appoints the prime minister . this is the person who appoints the ministers the prime minister and the ministers are the rulers of the country. they are running iran and they are practically in charge of the country's executive and carry
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the president who is elected by the majority of the people's votes . anyway, according to the law , a person becomes president with few votes, but a president who cannot speak for the people cannot rely on the people. ok. he cannot say that people want. as the imam said, it is a religious duty. it is a political and moral duty. i want to emphasize i want all people and individuals to fulfill this political and moral duty and this islamic duty. vote for whoever you like whoever you read . 4 years ago, in the middle of that year, when the elections were held, what was the state of our country? if i want to summarize in a few sentences, i must say that on that day , we had a country that was literally
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in chaos, the economic situation was extremely bad, and the situation of the land reserves became an impressive and terrifying situation that i will not forget in the first few weeks. when i was chosen and took this responsibility, one of the responsible brothers came he gave me a statistic that really hit me like a hammer. our oil exports were the lowest in the entire era, maybe our oil exports were around 300,000 barrels per day, which is nothing at all. it is worth noting that for a country like ours with these resources and the dependence on oil that
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was not made for us, it was really terrible. the security of the borders, the security of different regions of the country, even the security of the cities was in a very bad shape. people were everywhere. they felt unstable , incompetent and incompetent anti-revolutionary, rejected and hated like jackals howling from around the world through radios. and the loudspeakers provided by the global arrogance are howling and constantly chanting for these people, and they are looking forward to two or three months from now when they will return to this country. they made promises and emptied the hearts of the people and made the people look even more illiterate.
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how was our cultural situation? we did not have a university. there were no students in this country. the work of higher education, which is the foundation of the country's future. it was shutting down and completely stagnant. of course, brothers and useful and dear elements were planning to build the future of the country, but that day we had nothing. state of war it was really a sad situation. 10 15 our city is under fire. the direct artillery was the enemy. ahvaz is great, ghazful is brave and resistant, amdi mashak, there are many other cities that are under the enemy's cannon fire and the enemy is beating them. it was such a situation. the government was a government of instability. of course, shahid rajaei's cabinet are good brothers. but
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with the cabinet of shahid bahoner brothers. it was good and dear, but with the martyrdom of art , this cabinet was shaken. after our honorable brother mr. mahdavi became the prime minister , there was a change in his cabinet. again, with the change of the cabinet, there was a state of instability , of course, the election was considered an announcement of a change of the cabinet, and the ministers did not know how much more they would want. it was later that we came and introduced the cabinet , but the ministers who came did not really know that they would stay for one month , they would stay for two months. it will take two months. i don't remember. one day, one
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of the country's law enforcement officials came to me in a rush . he was traveling. from isfahan or where? qom had heard a news, he came back in a hurry, he came to me, in short, the news was that you will not be alive for another month or two, such a state of instability, such a state of instability, a rupture, a disorder in all directions, the enemy was ruling the country in our land. there were thousands of square kilometers in the possession of the enemy . it was under the occupation of the enemy. this was our situation 4 years ago. today, you look at the state of the country that day. america had put us under economic, political and propaganda siege. it pressures us from all sides. today america admits that we are under political siege. reagan declares clearly it is threatened by iran and several other countries. this means that america
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is under a spiritual and political siege and pressure is being put on this great world-eating and domineering policy. on that day, even the third world countries did not give us any credit. let's go , they welcome us with open arms. communication with us is a good thing for countries and governments. they are proud and welcome. today, we are a stable country, and today our people feel in a peaceful and stable system. the officials also feel it they pretend that they are doing their work . our revolutionary institutions and our government are established. the ministries of housing know their own work. the revolutionary institutions know their own work. the policies have been drawn . no, it is possible that some of our policies are wrong, they need to be revised, they need to be reformed, we do not claim
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that we are infallible, but, thank god, the procedure is correct in the war of that day. 10 15 iraqi cities were under threat from iraqi artillery. today, 10 15 iraqi cities are under threat from our artillery we can hit 10 to 15 iraqi cities with cannons, that is, we took back our land , we penetrated inside iraqi territory, today's military superiority is with us, in these 4 years, it has become such a situation . analysis of anti-revolution and global arrogance, now anti -revolution. i can't even mention policy makers and political institutions.
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and this is the situation we are in today. i can say briefly that the achievement of these four years is a very valuable achievement. of course, this is not about me . to work, especially the dead our dear ones are more in the fronts where the most pride belongs to them. they spend this art and we were able to do it thanks to the support of you people and thanks to the sacrifice of those warriors and the tireless efforts of our loved ones at our levels.
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on august 2nd, 1360, the second presidential election was held in a situation where the first president of the country, against the people's trust , took the path of confronting the constitution and the islamic revolution, and the result was political incompetence and dismissal from the presidency. in our opinion, all institutions, populations, and organizations have the same thoughts and opinions , it is appropriate for everyone to sit together and exchange opinions. so that the votes of the people with our committed faith
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are focused and i hope that this time we will be able to succeed in electing a new president with good votes with the support of the overwhelming majority of people who strongly support the islamic integrity of this revolution. with the dismissal of bani sadr , the anti-revolutionary group of the hypocrites, which had lost its window of influence to power , declared armed war against the islamic republic in june 1360 and carried out the largest terrorist operation in the headquarters of the islamic republic party in haftar. this security crisis was formed in a situation where 10 months had passed since the war was imposed on parts of the south and west of the country under the occupation of the regime next iraq was located. in this situation, the country prepared for the second presidential election and the newly established guardian council
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protected the qualifications of 4 out of 71 candidates. abbas shibani, ali akbar parvesh, habibollah asak oladi muslim and mohammad ali rajaei. in those days, candidates' election speeches were like this. i announced my readiness to accept the new responsibility as the impersonator of the imam, the son of the nation and the coordinator of the three powers. this was rajai's election photo. an official available to the people who considered all his glory and honor to serve the people. rajaei in the second election. on the 11th of august
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who took the presidential order from the hands of his imam , sought refuge in his god from the temptation of the soul and the burden of responsibility . by god, a kilometer long eid ghadir celebration will be held in tehran from the intersection of damavand bozor street, imam ali road in the east to azadi square in the west, 10 kilometers long.


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