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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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the struggle they were doing, the work that some shia elders did later, the work that imam rahal of the iranian nation did in this period of time to create the islamic revolution , is all for the sake of making the imamate dependent on the government. political and this will lead to the spread of islamic life in the society. this islamic life means what kind of islamic social life. what does it mean? this can be found in the qur'an, in nahj al-balagha and in hadiths. in this model, there is liqum al-nas, which means
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justice. in this pattern, there are ashda alikfar. it means demarcation with the enemy in this pattern has it. it means kindness. believers and people together. these are the main lines. any of these that we have neglected and will continue to neglect, and the earth will remain, there will be a defect in the islamic way of life. in this pattern, loved ones against us. it is notam, it means that
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the ruler of the society understands the suffering of the people with all his heart, he feels it, the quran says , your dear ones are suffering, the prophet is suffering, this is from the ruler's side, from the people's side. and my people obey allah 's messenger and obey my commands. people also accompany , obey, help, and seek guidance . there are thousands of clear lines like this to explain islamic life. items or maybe thousands. the case
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can be found in the qur'an, in nahj al-balagha, in safiha sajjadiyyah, and in many hadiths, and it exists. this meaning of ghadir ghadir actually presents the struggles of islamic life for the continuation of the history of islam. what happened next in the case of ghadir is another matter. this is the meaning of ghadeer. the meaning of ghadeer is the continuation of divine and islamic sovereignty. in order for this government to be able to continue that outstanding and advanced model of islamic life through imamate. this meaning of
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ghadeer is not different for shia and sunni, all islamic sects use this let's look at it with this eye that is the liquid of unity. let's not use ghadeer as an excuse for shiite-sunni fights. this point is related to ghadir. and but about. if the mind of an ordinary human being can see that sun, look at it and stare at it, is it possible, not beauty?
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we do not know the rank of amirul momineen. words are said, an image may arise in our mind , but we can't really understand the true brain and the meaning of that clear truth that amir al-mu'minin is his manifestation, ordinary people can't understand it , imams understand it, the prophet himself understands it. ok. so how can we learn from amir al-mu'minin , in the words of amir al-mu'minin himself, that nahj al-balaghah , praise be to allah, was compiled and is one of
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the great blessings of god for islamic societies. this nahj al-balaghah is not exclusive to shia, the greatest explanation of nahj al-balaghah by ibn abu al-hadid sunni, written in the last century by the famous egyptian scholar muhammad abduh , describes nahj al-balaghah, which means that nahj al-balaghah is not only the property of shiites. it is the property of all muslims . it is a great thing that we learn from this nahj al-balaghah that we look at, as well as the verses and the qur'an that we look at we can get the dimensions of amir al-momenin's character to learn. i
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will now share a short part, which means that it may take years if someone wants to sit down. let him talk about the virtues of amir al-mu'minin in an hour and a half and 10 hours, when he does not finish his meals. now we will say a few words. abi talib is also an enemy. to hide from one's friends , one's enemies, to hide because of the enmity of one's friends , to hide because of suffocation, fear, to hide not saying that despite the fact that both enemies hide and
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friends hide, the virtues of amir al-mu'minin fill the whole world. who is a great person that those who do not believe in his religion write books about him , write several volumes of books, this is for amir al-mu'minin , this is only for ali bin abi talib the messiah . hindus talk about him, buddhists talk about him, sunni muslim brothers who are not shia, but they completely accept amir al-mu'minin , they write books about him, they talk about him
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, the virtues of this honorable man are these. amir's personality. first of all, certainty is the certainty that keeps a person following the path, pursuing a goal , what is he?
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this meaning about feeling towards humans. not only towards muslims, not only towards his own followers, but also towards humans , there are several cases in which his feelings are at their peak, in his approach and interest, and i will present one case here to inform the prophet that the evildoers of shami are definite.
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if a muslim man dies of grief from this incident , he is not to be blamed, you can see his feelings being towards the members of the society is at the opposite point of this feeling towards each individual. if a muslim man dies because of this zeal, because of the sadness that the syrian evildoers will enter the house and assault muslim women, if he dies because of grief, it is obvious that he is a mother.
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regarding the issue of justice, which is not at all about the justice of amirul momineen. this man's speech is indescribable. now i have quoted a sentence from the holy prophet . he says, "by allah, hasak saadan, if they give me the most severe tortures , they will kill me naked on thorns, and
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what tortures will they give me in this world?" it's safe for me, but you should see someone, sir who says this, this person who is in charge of a government whose east and west are many times the size of our current iran, that is, the country ruled by amir al-mu'minin, who is the ruler of that vast country
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, including egypt, only syria was separated, which was separated by muawiya, and the rest are all under the government of amir al-mu'minin means that this population lives in iran, afghanistan, and iraq. whatever injustice happens in this country, he says that it is heavier for me than being tortured all my life, this is the justice of amir al-mu'minin. i said that it is impossible to talk about the justice of amir al-mu'minin at all , it is a heavy issue, and there are enough strange signs there is something strange about justice, the justice of this great abra , this is at the top about being alert in front of the enemy , again at the top, let me say a sentence from nahj al-balaqah
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, he says that by god, there is no such thing. it turns out that there is no more danger if the enemy sings a lullaby, they will fall asleep, amir al-mu'minin. the caress of the enemy and the lullaby of the enemy do not make me fall asleep, that is, this vigilance in front of the enemy
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was at the height of another point about the people. god's mercy, god's knowledge, god's knowledge , how much right does he have over humans, he says that the same amount that i have a right to you, you have a right to me , the people of the islamic system, these are now a few. sit down and say that elections, democracy, democracy
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, etc., iran, the islamic republic of iran, learned from westerners, the approach and interest is western, the government is popular in the language of amir al-mu'minin, now there are many verses in my quran from which you can understand this meaning. in terms of respect, according to people, this is at the height of fal taqf.
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it seems to you that you have the right thing to say . tell me not to be silent. he consults later . give me some advice when you want. there is something that comes to your mind. consult me. people and the influence of people on the fate of the country says that when you want to be against anyone, no matter how small you think, or you can ignore him
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, this is not the case with the fate of the country. if it is ineffective, it means that the smallest members of the society, the poorest members of the society, the most helpless members of the society can also be effective in the destiny of the country. death to israel, death to desire, death to israel, now these are some corners of amir's personality. if we want to talk in normal language, we should say that the character of amir al-mu'minin has, for example, 100 dimensions now
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a few days after you, we said using your own words that noble and we saw that amir al-mu'minin is at the top in all these dimensions. no, it only has these dimensions, at the top, in these dimensions, now, it is the noble worship, the noble sincerity, the noble charity, the noble generosity, this is exactly what i said, if anyone wants to talk about this, it is not a matter of one hour or a few hours, it is days and months. and he has to sit and talk for many years, so in his words, this honorable man
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can show other dimensions. learn al-balaghah fortunately , good translations of nahj al-balaghah are available. everyone should read nahj al-balaqah and see what amir al-mu'minin teaches us, what he teaches us and what he tells about himself. what amir al-mu'minin expresses is the highest embodiment of all these values ​​in the words of other imams, peace be upon him. this. this pilgrimage on the day of eid ghadir today is a famous and detailed pilgrimage of imam hadi, peace be upon him, with an authentic document, which
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is in the mufatih of imam hadi , peace be upon him. they say i have an analysis that we will not pay much attention to now. in this pilgrimage , hazrat refers to dozens of quranic verses and compares them to amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, imam hadi , peace be upon him, after those who say all these things about amir al-mu'minin, it is maybe 10-12 pages. in mufatih, after all this, hazrat says hazrat hadi, peace be upon him, addresses his venerable grandfather , so what is yayat al-madah, and the one who praises you
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cannot describe you, it is not possible, after all these words, 10 pages about the commander of the faithful, that is imam hadi, peace be upon him, who himself is a noble imam of the throne. . salam is his blessed name and the praises that
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have been said about this honorable person are available to all of us and we repeat them, but this is not enough. amir al-mu'minin is a teacher. we must kneel and learn. everyone must learn. markus must learn , high level managers must learn, people like this lowly servant must learn, people must learn , we must learn. we have to learn this way of life in the society, of course the revolution helped, the revolution created a transformation that was completely oblivious before
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they were. nation of iran, we are all revolution, may god's mercy be upon the imam and the honorable, may god's mercy be upon the pioneers of this revolution, many of whom became martyrs . let's go, we have to try very hard. well, this is about ghadir and amir al-momenin . a few words about the election. dear brothers, dear sisters, it is very important. in 3 days, the iranian nation will face a test. elections
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are always a test. now, in a sense, more than ever, 40 days of almost missing a good boss the president is popular, people are interested in his past work , people also love him and his funeral was held in millions all over the country. at the same time, around 40 people are holding an election. it is very important in the world. apparently, this rarely happens. the iranian nation has this courage. so, we hope, god willing, that the iranian nation will be proud of this election
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. what is the pride for? there are two things to be proud of , firstly, limited participation, secondly , the choice of weapons is important, high participation, which we insist on, is because it is the most important effect. high participation is the pride of the islamic republic. sir , since the moment it was formed, the regime of the islamic republic has had fierce enemies , they have tried to do everything they could against the islamic republic, until now they are constantly making plans . thank god
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, we were able to expose some of their plans so that it can be seen what they want to do . the islamic republic has an enemy. one of the things that will make the islamic republic win over its enemies is the election. pride of the republic is islamic god is great, god is great, god is great , khamenei, the mercy of the beginning of america, death won death, do not curse the time of death to israel, the participation of the people is the essence of the
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islamic republic. the islamic republic of the republic means that the people, the general public , enter the arena with the islamic way, which is important, this arena has many manifestations , the most important manifestation of which is the elections and the appointment of the country's officials, the people entering the arena. this means that the islamic republic is a republic in the true sense of the word, the language of the enemies. in every election where participation is low, the tongue of blame for the enemies of the islamic republic and the envy of the islamic republic is shortened to do.


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