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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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20 islamic republic a republic means that the people, the general public, enter the field in an islamic manner , which is important in this field, it has many manifestations , the most important manifestation of which is the election and the appointment of the country's officials. this means that the islamic republic, in the true sense of the word, is a republic. is. the language of enemies is not short. in every election where participation was low. the tongue of blame of the enemies of the islamic republic and envy of the islamic republic is extended. to blame . when participation is high. the tongue of the badmouths
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is shortened, they cannot blame, they cannot be happy, the enemy will not be happy. i have a high participation, that's why, the first element of the public's participation is not to be lazy, not to ignore it, not to underestimate it. participate in all corners of the country , participation is not only for the cities , not for the big cities, in all types of population centers, villages, districts , people should participate in the elections so that the islamic republic will be proud in the world . and as for the
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second point of choosing a weapon, choosing a weapon means what kind of weapon is the weapon of the person who first and foremost believes in the fundamentals of this revolution and this system ? believe in this way, this is a boss our late president believed in the literal sense of the word , in the true sense of the word, in the true sense of the word . his republic, which
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met with us regularly, was completely palpable . it moves with faith with its heart and soul. one, it must have faith. the second is that it should be efficient. and colleagues , use it well, and now i will say a sentence in this regard, the ability to work, the joy of work , along with a firm belief in the principles of the revolution, this will lead to qualification when this qualification exists, this person can be with these qualities.
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use all the capacities of the country. i have written here a list of the country's capacities. if i want to explain the city, it will take a long time. we have many facilities in this country. of course, some of these features are natural. some of them have been gradually created and produced in these years after the revolution. however, governments are not uniform in using these capacities, some governments do not really use all these capacities , some governments use them well, and this 13th government was one of the governments that did well. used these capacities, if this government had continued, i give a high probability that
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many of the country's problems, mainly economic problems , would have been solved. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. the youth is a young, educated population. in the countries of the region, now in the world, i don't know much about everywhere, but in the countries of the region, no other country has as many educated young people as we do. iranian intelligence and inherent talent, this is one of
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the capacity of the country's huge mines, not only oil, not only gas . when i said that our population is about 100% of the world's population, but our important basic mines are 45% of the world's , which means how many times the population is this capacity. these should be used, geographical location , we can be a means of communication between north and south and east and west of the world. that the next government can do this right, this is very important for the country, the long blue border with the open seas
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, the seas of the south and the north, the number of neighbors of the big bazaar , the 80 million bazaar area of ​​the country of tunb. railways and roads and throughout the country, which is one of the great privileges of our country, which has been done over time in different governments, thank god , the technical capabilities of our men and our youth in the matter of housing, in the matter of roads, in the matter of dams in various centers of competence the country's industries. in making all kinds these equipments are all the infrastructure, these are all the important capacities, these are the infrastructures of the country's development, free trade zones, if they are used correctly, not the way they
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were used incorrectly over time, these free zones or special economic zones should be used correctly. these are among the opportunities of the country's cultural and civilizational development. these are all among our important possibilities. this is also one of the rare cases, maybe in terms of performance and appearances, and some of them adhere to it they don't show correctness to sharia and sharia, but religious and islamic faith
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exists in a strange majority of people in the country. well , these can be used for the development of the country, if our governments can use these capacities, god willing. the one who has the power, the weapon , the one who has the ability to use these opportunities and these capacities, he is one of the ten . well, now some politicians in our country think that they should hang on to this power and power without hanging on. some people think like this or imagine that the progress of the country cannot be achieved by such a famous big power they say that all the ways of progress
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pass through america, no, you can't do that in america, american men die in america. pay attention , these people who have their eyes outside the borders of the country don't see these capacities, when they don't see, when they don't appreciate it, naturally they don't plan to use them. man has these capacities within. he will be able to see, understand and recognize the
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islamic republic, by god's grace and god's success, so far it has shown that without relying on foreigners, without relying on foreigners and even with the presence of foreigners and challenging aliens can go on and on. the islamic republic has shown this. in the future , the iranian nation will not allow others to write its destiny. takbeer allahu akbar. allahu akbar. allahu akbar!
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either they are delusional or they write that this means building a fence around. it is the country and this lack of communication with the world, not forever, i have always believed in communication from the beginning, as long as some of these gentlemen lived in politics and revolution issues, in the country's affairs, pay attention to communication.
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once upon a time, south africa was a country where racial discrimination prevailed we broke up with south africa, then racial discrimination disappeared, we established our relationship, our relationship is good. the thing that causes the break of the relationship should be destroyed. we believe in communicating with the whole world. we also have a connection to hamdallah. in some governments that strictly adhere to the fundamentals, such as the government of shahid raisi, worldly connections were strengthened. our international relations were also strengthened. this is why we say that we should not look at foreigners, it
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does not mean breaking the relationship, it means national courage, it means the independence of your nationalism, if it has national courage. may you have national independence, the nation of iran , show the world your character, your ability, your independence, your power of progress. he will be respected in the world much more and higher . thank god. thank god, this is how it is . people will find more success. well, our petitions are over. i would like to give a piece of advice to the people , a piece of advice to the esteemed presidential candidates. the advice to our dear people is that we said that
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iran is strong and proud, this is how the slogan of a strong iran has many supporters. the fact that iran is strong is not just about having all kinds of missiles. alhamdulillah, we have all kinds. it is useful and useful, but it is not only that. strengthening has various dimensions, there are scientific works , there are cultural works, there are economic works. one of its dimensions is that participation in politics and elections is a sign of strength, so anyone who is interested in a strong iran should participate in this election
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. pay attention to our advice to the people and our advice to the election candidates. make sure that if you are successful and you can get a responsibility, make your people and agents one of them. he did not see that they have an angle with the revolution. allahu akbar, allahu akbar, khamenei, the living center of merck in america, merck in england, merck in the arabs and
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infidels, the death of israel, the one who has the slightest angle with the revolution, with imam rahel, with the islamic system, he is your pain. does not eat he will not be a good colleague for you. the person who is attached to america and imagines that without the grace of america, it is not possible to kill it step by step. the one who ignores the strategy of religion and sharia pay attention, he will not be a good colleague with you. choose someone who is religious, sharia-like
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, revolutionary-like, and believing. if you, the honorable candidates , make such a covenant with god, know that all the things you do for the election will be good. we hope that god almighty will give you success. let him reveal himself to all of them and all of us, and at the same time, everyone is free , ready, ready, ready, ready, ready.
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the world has sad days and good and sweet days yes, they are right, our old people say that life has ups and downs, life has ups and downs, don't get tired. bear with patience that the life of these hardships is short, believe that we can, very good days are on your way, look at the sun that is laughing, say hello to tomorrow
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, hello to the future, look at the sun that is laughing. say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future of the first chalchelli of iran. who says that our face has become old after the revolution, the people are new, the cat of our plan has turned into a lion, the cat
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of our plan has turned into a lion, together with a flag of our heart , we closed the homeland, our opponent. there is nothing in the world, as long as we are together, look at the sun he is laughing. say hello to tomorrow. hello to the future . look at the sun.
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i voted for derbe because i am indifferent to the fate of my beloved country, iran, and my compatriots. since the beginning of the revolution, we have been at the ballot box and will continue to be. we voted for iran . because i am loyal to my country, for my system, for my revolution, i make decisions, the future of iran is very important to me, i will definitely participate in the elections, wherever
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there is an exam, just like us, i will participate in these elections for my country, because participating in the elections is a duty of tuition because i have the right to vote. to for the sake of our leader, for the sake of our youth, in the future of the country, and we, the youth, have an impact on the future of our country, we make a decision, we want a strong iranian.
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it is foreign to the elections to see how many people show up in the elections, the ways of the country's progress, the national unity and the presence of the majority in political and social issues , including the elections . i hope that we will make the right choice, may god help us. the limit is your belief. you see a dream that you once had in your head. we are imam khamenei because of you. we are jealous. zeal there are three other matters. entire i participated in the elections with pride. i may not be the first in this election, but i am one of the first. god willing, for a strong and prosperous iran, friday is the foundation of the fund. are you ready to get a president? he was like mr. raisi
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. the ballot box is blind to the hearts of our enemies . we will definitely cast this vote. our promise is that on july 8, at the ballot box , we will participate in the elections, god willing, and we will continue the path of our martyred president. we are higher than any dream . today, wherever we are, we will be higher tomorrow. higher tomorrow.
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and the only branch in tehran in serah afsariyeh. hello, i am here to introduce you to the cleaning agent for your door , but i said that i must try it myself first. do you want to start by seeing the stain for a few days, and it will remove the stain ? washing clothes around you, cleaning and spot b
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discount discount discount nine discount both discount and prize every night a winner of 100 million tomans shahr farsh shahr home appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers. hello , have a good time . welcome to the economy and market news. the first loading of the rosh caspian railway line with 60,000 tons of transit was carried out.


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