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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to half day news. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution emphasized the importance of broad participation in the elections and the choice of weapons. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, anyone who is interested in the islamic system and a strong iran should participate in the elections. high participation is one of the factors of overcoming enmities. the leader
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of the revolution's advice to the candidates is that whoever imagines that it is impossible to work without the grace of america, he will not be a good manager. they have an angle with the last revolution. candidates' efforts in the fifth televised debate for attracting the people's votes at the same time as the widespread reflection of the fourth debate, the peak of the activity of the presidential candidates and campaign staffs, less than two days before the end of the advertising opportunity, i will definitely participate in the elections for the love of my country and vote. if there are more elections, our security will be more stable . if i vote softly, if i don't clear my duty
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, my duty will be clear for me. ghadir is serving.
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in the name of god. o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate. we are at your service with the legitimacy of the news section at 14:00. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution this morning on the eid al-fitr of ghadir, in a meeting with thousands of real compatriots , has listed ghadir as the foundation for the continuation of islamic rule and the continuation of the islamic life model, and by pointing to some of the virtues of the amir. believers, peace be upon them, emphasized that the islamic system is popular and believe in the influence of the individual presence of the people in the destiny of the country , we have learned from our master. hazrat ayatollah khamenei also pointed to the very important elections on friday they considered the preparation of the people and the choice of weapons as the reason for the pride of the nation and the islamic republic, and by explaining the characteristics of the candidate for the weapon. the members of the nation
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were called to attend the polls and emphasized that everyone is interested in a strong and proud iran and everyone who believes in supporting the regime should participate in the elections. the leader of the revolution congratulated all the people of iran on eid-ul-akbar, and the muslims of the world called the public celebrations of eid-e-sharif ghadir in public streets a very good initiative. they read and the unbelievers' disappointment in defeating islam is the very prominent interpretation of the qur'an on the subject of eid al-ghadir and the declaration of the caliphate and governorship of amir manan against salam was counted. he considered the continuation of the political rule of islam in the light of god's command to announce the succession and imamate of the commander of the faithful from the blessed words of the prophet
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, may god bless him and grant him peace, as the reason for the disbelief and added: the continuation of islamic rule and politics, which manifests in the imamate, the continuation of the spirit of islam is. supreme leader the revolution considered the position of imamate as one of the most important aspects of divine prophets and higher than the position of mission, and added that in the mission of prophets , they express god's commands to the people, but in the position of imamate, the prophet makes god's commands flow in people's hearts, thoughts, actions, and actions. khamenei continuity of sovereignty islam in the light of imam qamat and wilayat was considered as the reason for the continuity of the islamic life pattern and said: the goal of the 250-year struggles of the imams, which some shia elders also followed later and continued in the present era with the efforts of imam rahal of the iranian nation
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, was the rule of islam, which led to to the spread of islamic life in the society. in explaining the main lines of the islamic model of life, he pointed to the justice of the infidels and the understanding of the hardships of the people on the part of the ruler of the society and the companionship, obedience and help of the people to the islamic government and added that ghadeer is the foundation for the realization of these lines of excellence in islamic life and with this looking it can be a source of unity for all the differences of islam and it should not be considered as a point of difference between shiites and sunnis. in the second part of his speech, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution emphasized the virtues of mullah motaqiyan: the eyes of wisdom and deep thoughts of man
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are not capable of understanding the spiritual beauty and rank of the mullah, peace be upon him, and at most he is able to draw a general picture in his mind , but it is possible with reference nahj al-balagha, which is one of the great blessings of god and is not exclusive to shiites , learned the basics of criteria and methods from the amir of the faithful and got to know his virtues. citing nahj al-balagheh, they added that being certain and free from a particle of suspicion and doubt, being sensitive to each and every one of the people with every religion, indescribable justice, not being deceived by the enemy's outward ways, and being completely vigilant in front of him are among the most prominent virtues. imam ali bin abi talib (peace be upon him) was listed. ayatollah khamenei also
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called a deep belief in the people's government and the mutual rights of the people and the ruler among the virtues of amir al-mu'minan and said: "complete people's nature: we have learned the islamic system from our master and quranic verses, but some people wrongly call it a republic." islamic elections, democracy and democracy learned from westerners. he gave importance to the words and advice of the people, while the knowledge and wisdom of the imam, peace be upon him, was connected to the divine reservoir, and emphasized the presence and influence of the individual people , even the weak ones. most of them considered the other two virtues of the imam, peace be upon him, in the fate of the society and the country, and added: nahj al-balagha is a mine to discover and understand many different aspects of amirmanan's personality, and it is appropriate that people, especially the youth
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, read nahj al-balagha and learn from it. learn unique lessons. the leader of the revolution in the next part of his speech: to the very important presidential election they spoke and said that in 3 days, the iranian nation will face the important test of elections, which is more important than ever. he considered the holding of elections 40 days after the loss and funeral of a good, well-loved, hard-working and interested president to be rare in the world. he expressed his hope that god will make the iranian nation proud in this election. this is that the most important effect of participation is
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the glorification of the islamic republic, mr. nizam of the islamic republic from the moment it was formed, the enemies of sarsk. he did everything he could against the islamic republic until now, they are still busy making plans , and i have told various things about their plans, i talked to some of them, thank god, we were able to reveal their plans so that it can be seen what they want to do. one of the things that will make the islamic republic win over its enemies is the election of this election. the good participation of the people should be seen in him. this
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liquid is the glory of the islamic republic. god is great. god is great. god is great . supreme leader of the revolution referring to the fact that whenever the participation rate in the elections the lack of language of criticism of the enemies against the islamic republic has been raised. they pointed out that whenever the participation rate in the elections was high, the language of the slanderers was shortened and they could not blame and rejoice , so another reason is the insistence on participation. the above is that the enemy should not be happy. ayatollah khamenei
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called on the general public to participate and avoid laziness, disregard and underestimating the elections . may the islamic republic be proud in the world. the supreme leader of the revolution in expressing his characteristics. that he is the one who first of all believes in the fundamentals of this revolution and this system from the heart, ali baisarat and ali certainty, as we mentioned in the words of amir al-mu'minin , he should believe in this way. our late president believed in the literal sense of the word
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, in the true sense of the word , in the true sense of the word. . it moves with belief, one must believe. second, if it is efficient, it is followed day and night it is good to have the ability to work. hazrat ayatollah khamenei added that a person armed with these characteristics is capable of all diverse and abundant capacities. the number of countries to use for progress. he
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did not consider the previous governments to be the same in using the country's capacities and said: the 13th government was one of the governments that used the country's capacities well , and if this government continued , i would have given a high probability that many economic problems would be solved. the supreme leader of the revolution in expressing the important capacities of the country said: the large number of young and educated population, intelligence and natural talent of iran, huge and diverse mines, geographical location, long water borders, high number of neighbors, large regional markets, 80 million domestic market, climatic diversity, rail and road networks, technical capabilities of young people in housing, roads, dams and industry, free trade zones and heritages. culture and civilization are among the capacities of the country. he added: people who are truly believers
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have a very important capacity, even if some of them do not show proper adherence to sharia. some politicians in our country think that they have to depend on this power and that power. you can't get ahead of the country without hanging on to some big famous power some people think like this or imagine that all the ways. progress passes through america, no, they cannot. death to america. death to america. those who look beyond
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the country's borders do not see these capacities. these inner capacities enable him to see , one of the reasons is that when the eyes are not outside, a person can understand and recognize the supreme leader. emphasizing that the islamic republic has traveled the path of progress with the help of god without giving a piece to foreigners and in spite of their musings and challenges, they said in the future as well. with the divine power of the iranian nation, it will not allow its destiny to be written by others. supreme leader of the revolution referring to the illusion or misinterpretation of some
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people from emphasizing the use of internal capacities to fence the period. they said: "from the beginning, we were looking for communication with the whole world, except for one or two exceptions, and by the way, in governments like shahid raeesi's government, which strictly adhered to the foundations, the country's international relations were strengthened." he called turning a blind eye to foreigners as the meaning of courage and national independence and said: despite these two components, the iranian nation is capable. and character and it shows its power and its respect in the world will increase. at the end, ayatollah khamenei gave two important advices to the people and candidates. the advice to our dear people is that
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we said that iran is strong and proud. this is the slogan of a strong iran. it has a lot of fans. the fact that iran is strong is not just about having all kinds of missiles. alhamdulillah , we have all kinds of missiles. we have all kinds of them. it has economic dimensions. one of its dimensions is the participation in politics and elections. this is also a sign strong so everyone who is interested in a strong iran should participate in this election. everyone believes in the necessity of supporting the islamic republic system.
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it should be doubled. that's all, with this advice and our offer to the people, the supreme leader of the revolution said in his next advice to the candidates for the presidential election, i say to these honorable gentlemen , make a promise to god that if you succeed. and you managed to gain responsibility , do not appoint your agents and agents from those who have an angle with the revolution, god is great, god is great , god is great.
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on america death to those hypocrites and infidels, death to israel, the one who has an angle with the revolution, with imam rahel, with the islamic system. well , if he imagines that without the grace of america , he will not be a good partner for you, step by step. he will not use the capacities of the country, he will not manage well. the person who ignores the strategy of religion and sharia
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, he will not be a good partner with you. choose someone who is religious, religious, and religious the revolution should be full of faith in the system. if you honorable candidates make such a covenant with god, know that all the things you do for the election will be good. if you have such an intention, if you make such a covenant with god , election works will be done. a good deed will be rewarded by god almighty.
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the last election debate of the candidates for the 14th presidential term is being held. in the fifth debate, the candidates explain their views and economic plans. the fifth and last debate of the six candidates for the presidential election from one khabar 2 community channels. radio iran and the system tv is playing. eternal name, and we want you, the narrators
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, to hear your presence at the ballot boxes in all the cities and villages of your presence. the country's election excitement has been engulfed in less than 72 hours to the 8th of july. compatriots say that they have their own motivations to go to the polls
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. i am voting for the people of iran. to be healthy in the pride of my country , i love. i will definitely participate in the elections and i am voting. i am a teacher. i am voting because i love iran. god willing, i will participate in the elections . i will vote. the border residents are awake and will prove with their votes that they love the islamic republic of iran. the people of dalanda, the people of ashairim, join us to vote. the highest executive in the country. we have to vote. the more our participation in the elections, the more stable our security will be. don't let us choose for you. choose for yourself. our participation in the future
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, god willing, will create security. as a first vote in the elections, it will be correct in my future. we will definitely participate in the elections, we will try to choose the best . i will participate 100 times in this passionate election. we will definitely be and we must be, god willing, we are strong. elections are a necessary sharia and nationalist matter. participate in the elections and elect the right person. our people should also go to the ballot box on the 8th of july and cast their votes. i will vote. for the sake of my leader, my country and the future of my children. our duty is to participate in the elections and finally make a decision for ourselves for our country .
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we participate legally, we and our family definitely participated in the election, not that i participated as a servant, but all my family friends and family members participated in the presidential election . if i vote softly, i will definitely participate. july 8 , god willing, at the foot of the red boxes. the deadline for the advertisements of the candidates of the 14th term of the presidential elections is coming to an end, and the candidates are supposed to go on provincial trips after the last live television debate. arrangement of images of candidates
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with. based on the timing of the events, most of the pictures are from the candidates' headquarters to the news agency broadcast has been sent. the rapid round of propaganda programs of six presidential candidates in less than 72 hours until the end of time. the advertisement of mr. mustafa pourmohammadi gave this video to sada and sima news agency. the administration of the country should use all the capacities in the country. now , there is no taste like ours. it's okay, but you artists don't use artists unless they accept us as artists. you are players. do they accept all of us? athletes, you know, go on to become champions. they accept us as footballers . they accept us as wrestlers. all artists accept us
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. yesterday mr. saeed jalili appeared among his supporters in tehran's imam hossein square and warned against going back. 11 years ago, they came to show me what the result was. weaknesses can be overcome with courage, not that he has not yet come to work . they say that if so-and-so comes to work in so-and-so in a few months, then what is the answer ? our dear answer is martyr qassem soleimani, who said that mr. trump is a dusty opponent in may last night too. from
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mr. jalili's fourth debate. he went to his supporters who had come to the street. this evening mr. jalili is going on an election trip to kerman to go today's world war is a war of wills. mr. seyyed amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi published this article along with a video in cyberspace. also, mr. ghazizadeh hashemi said about raising the social quota and gaining people's satisfaction and trust in his future government. a hundred topics. we promise to identify and find quick solutions for them so that within a year and a half the problem can be reduced to a large extent. consideration should be given to people's satisfaction. we will not let people lose their heads again.
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mr. zakani wrote with this. along with the video of a documentary, a clip of this documentary has been sent to seda and sima news agency by mr. zakani's election headquarters, and the export of 25 years of gas to sharjah is one of the many interesting cases during the administration of mr. zangan and mr. this word along with a video content of the debate in the active virtual space. ask the people why they don't accept us, why the elites are leaving the country because of our ruling behavior , because of the do's and don'ts we have, because we think common sense is our plan in everything. we have them who are not feeling well anymore, they don't understand, so we have to write a plan for them, and don't say anything , i will order them to obey , i will take them to trial and make their lives black.


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