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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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it is a thursday day and the temperature in tehran will reach around 35 degrees above zero tomorrow. thank you and have a good night. tomorrow, wednesday, the 6th of july , the midnight of the city will be tonight at 23:14, the morning prayer will be at 34:00, and the prayer of the sun will be at 45:00. thank you very much for your attention. let's go to the special chat studio and join my colleagues in this group, mr. seifi ba. hello, thank you, mrs. khalji, and greetings and good times, and congratulations on the days and verses of your service, dear and respected viewers. welcome to the special news talk . before we start the conversation , we say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel 1 and invite you to join this conversation with us on the news channel .
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well, greetings, respect and congratulations again to you , dear viewers, welcome to tonight's special news talk, even though the 14th presidential election is at the top of the news in our country , still. the news of the developments in gaza is at the top of the news of many media outlets in the world, especially the developments in lebanon and the clashes between hezbollah and the zionist regime. hizbullah has carried out several other operations today , but different areas of gaza were also under the fire of the zionist regime's fighters today, according to news sources an hour before the bombing. buildings west of rafah
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. at least 10 people who were trying to find vital items were killed in the attacks of the occupying regime. news sources also announced that at least 10 people, including the sister of ismail haniyeh, the head of hamas's political office, were martyred in the airstrike on al-shati camp. another issue related to gaza. there was news that the zionist army radio announced that since the beginning of the war, 5,000 bombs had been dropped on the people of gaza. according to the zionist regime, 5% of these 50,000 bombs did not explode, and the zionists are worried about the access of hamas forces to them. landing of 10 american planes carrying large amounts of ammunition in the occupied territories. but the discussion was that
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last week american officials had warned that anyway, during those communications and meetings that were established with the united nations, the united nations finally announced that the arms sellers to the zionist regime may be in participation in human rights violations is actually a serious participation and can make them prosecuted . let's talk in the studio , we are at the service of mr. salahuddin al-qarrah, an expert on west asian issues, mr. al-qarrah. hello, good time . welcome and peace be upon you. peace be upon you. if you agree, let's start with this last point . the discussion of sending weapons is welcome. you are the zionist occupation regime. a week ago, the american newspaper washington post quoted two democratic representatives. congress from the decision of the white house to send
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one-ton bombs were announced to tel aviv, which made a lot of noise, then 10 planes carrying ammunition were sent to the occupied territories exactly 3 days after the un warned the arms sellers. now the question is, considering that the un had warned is it possible that arms sellers to the zionist regime will be prosecuted because of this?
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regarding the cessation of the war in gaza and specifically in rafah , recommendations have been made and adopted for the project of a ceasefire in the gaza strip by the court of justice of the international court of justice. he had recommendations to stop the war in gaza. all this advice and resolutions issued by international circles. in reality, it has not been implemented. because of
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the veto power that the united states of america used in the security council. stopping the war or stopping the export of weapons to the zionist regime.
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let's see that a large scale demonstration has taken place in europe, as we saw recently in france, an exhibition for arms and weapons was held where french demonstrators
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demonstrated and prevented the entry and participation of israeli companies there. this means this. that the people of europe are putting pressure in europe and america in this regard and are looking for a trial at the level internationally, but at the official level, this is unlikely to happen. a number of countries made decisions to try zionist criminals, but these decisions were not implemented, including the decision made in laha at
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the international level, which creates a cover for international circles, including the united states of america. they stopped their trial and the trial operation. it is unlikely to happen at the level of international courts now . very well, thank you for your explanation, mr. sahlahuddin al-qaraa, i will come back to your service again , we are in touch with mr. mossadegh mosadeghpour, an expert on political issues, mr. mosadeghpour, hello, good time. thank you, i also say hello to you , dear guest, mr. salahuddin qarad, and to the viewers, greetings to you
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, mr. mossadeghpour. to the zionist regime, but immediately 3 days after the warning of the united nations, we saw arms being sent to the occupied territories, in your opinion , according to mr. al-qaradan's explanations about the dominance of the united states over the united nations or international institutions, do you think that you according to the resolution and recent issues, is this possible? that arms sellers should be prosecuted by international institutions, yes, thank you very much, i think this issue has been raised many times, that is , there have been many protests in this regard, and the united nations has also monitored these statements, even the resolutions of the security council have been simplified. but it has not yielded any results because, as you said, the united states of america has complete control over the united nations and all international organizations, and
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it is preventing this issue. this is a gold war. individualistic government headed by benjamin netanyahu is more of a personal dispute than it is about the grand strategy of the united states of america to support. i am saying these things, i don't think that the desired thing will happen considering that he
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is also in the united states of america or i don't know if mr. mossadeghpour has arrived now or if there is a special law for this matter in international law that can be based on the current lawyers. according to the international laws, the gun sellers should be prosecuted or prosecuted. yes
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, it is 100% based on its provisions, and selling guns means that if it is different, they cannot tolerate it at all.
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all of them are in this direction, but we do not see any of them. they use it for some countries, but they deal with it harshly , like the islamic republic of iran , they deal with this issue harshly. mr. mossadeghpour is double-edged , in some of the americas, even the sale of weapons is one of their profitable businesses, and in meetings, and now that
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it is being published by the american media, he even strongly disagreed with some of the reports we were seeing. by sending weapons because they say that we have all our financial issues through the same export and trade of arms is being obtained . let me prepare a report of colleagues in this regard. let's see. let's go back to continue the conversation . the release of information related to the export of british weapons and military equipment to the israeli regime, information that was requested by a number of parliamentarians. and it was published following the pressure of legal and civil institutions. documents that show that more than 100 licenses out of 345 recent licenses to send weapons and military equipment to the israeli regime were issued after the israeli regime's invasion of gaza in october last year . a new legal action against the government
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followed england. he announced that israel's attacks on gaza can be a non-killing war crime and are illegal. however, the british government, regardless of these warnings, continues to send weapons to the israeli army. the leaked documents show that despite the legal opposition and massive protests and many months of popular protests against the zionist regime and support for this regime.
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our message is that palestine should be freed, any aid to israel should be stopped immediately and peace and justice should prevail. fresh legal action against british arms shipments to the israeli regime emerged after the campaign against the arms trade revealed that the value of british bombs and weapons sent to the israeli regime in recent years, including after the invasion of gaza, has reached more than half a billion pounds. mojtaba ghasemzadeh, sed and broadcasting news agency, london. mr. qara, our other guest, mr. mossadeghpour , also believed that this, considering the current atmosphere in the international field, exists in international organizations, one cannot
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hope too much that it will stop the arms sellers, who are in any case . by sending weapons to the occupied territories , they are actually participating in a genocide, should they be prosecuted or not? he tried them, so in your opinion , what is the solution now, what should be done, yes, by grace, there is a way to prosecute the traders for the issue of arms trade at the international level, the issue of arms trade at the ordinary level. and at the official level and the cover that is given to them and they support them , it is actually done by the united states of america and by the western countries that trade weapons . at the official level, there are laws in these countries that sell weapons in places in in fact, it is forbidden.
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how these weapons can be traded through unofficial means is a question . this happens through traders in different parts of the world. us official parties or the authorities of the united states of america actually support this arms trade. at the international level , there are laws that prevent mass killings from happening in some areas. to sell weapons, but the official parties in the united states of america and europe act to sell weapons and sell these weapons. the issue
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of banning the sale of weapons is a very complicated issue in areas where the united states of america and the west apply their own policies. they do this and sell weapons. but in other areas they don't want this to happen and so on they sell weapons where it is in the interest of the united states of america. anyway , they sell these weapons wherever it is in their favor, and they do not do this wherever it is not in their favor, and this is the policy of the west. let's let them know , especially the situation in the north of gaza, which
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is reported to be a disaster. so far, more than 44 palestinian children have died due to malnutrition and hunger in the gaza strip. countries that prevented aid from being sent to gaza.
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in fact, they took out a number of children who in the north of the gaza strip, they were in nasser hospital to be shot, and the zionist regime prevented them from leaving despite the fact that some of the patients had cancer. and an english institution also announced that many children in gaza have become orphans because of the crimes
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committed by the zionist enemy, and this issue can be examined from the human side and from the other side that those who help the zionist regime for committing these crimes means that we have two views , one is the image of humanity that is in front of the world, and the other is the other image of these crimes it is committing crimes against humanity. very well , thank you, mr. mossadeghpour. you have my voice. yes, yes . one point that is often seen in the news related to the case these days is the mutiny of the soldiers of the zionist regime. hearts has recently reported an increase in mutiny in the zionist army. report of this media. dozens of army reservists have declared that they are not ready to return to gaza even if they are punished. considering the support that america and the west
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have for the zionist regime, do you think that this regime can succeed in the gaza war considering the problems it has? of course, not 100 means this is the truth it is true that the reform army has failed at the intelligence level and at the operational level. in other words, he was not able to achieve the desired goal as he wanted, that is, the israeli army failed again at the tactical level, and as it was said , he could not defend the existence of israel, the ostracized israeli regime, netanyahu or the army itself, because in this matter now that they have taken the initiative , they are taking some measures.
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the world is not able to do it and has many problems in an uncertainty of work. a strategy is working, well, of course, these soldiers cannot, there is no incentive to continue the war they are afraid of this war considering that they are seeing that they are being sacrificed regularly , they are being killed, they can't do anything against the resistance, and i mean
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, they are lost. thank you very much for your explanation, your participation in the special news discussion, we have about a minute, we have a minute and a half until the end of the program. well, the recent news from the zionist regime was from the orders of its commanders and the pressures of the war, then the rebellion of the soldiers of the international regime. protests of students according to all how do you see these future issues of war? examining the future of war is that the resistance is actually facing the abyss of the zionist regime. it has brought it closer and
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has drawn it closer, and this is due to the continuation of the conflict with the zionist enemy, which has increased the differences within the zionist regime, for example, the issue of the resignation of the members of the war cabinet and the differences between beningans , who announced that netanyahu is a strategy and a strategy for the day. after declaring war and being a member of the war council or the war cabinet , he mentioned other contradictions. do you remember about the reserve soldiers of the zionist regime who almost two days ago, a report was published in israelium newspaper about the reserve soldiers of the zionist regime. without the knowledge
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of their commanders, they have left this regime and this crisis has increased there, it shows that the resistance operation and al-aqsa storm operation have been successful and prevented the actions of the zionist regime to a large extent , and the decision is in the hands of the palestinians. thank you very much, mr. salah. al-din al-qara, an expert on west asian issues, as well as mr. mosadeqpour, an expert. political issues that accompanied us on the phone in this program, but we have special thanks to your companionship with the special news talk tonight, we hope that it will be used by you dear ones. have a good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. tonight, we will have three cases in our program. in the first case , we examine the recruitment crisis in the zionist regime and the cancellation of the haredi military exemption against mr. sohail kasrinnejad. in the second case , we will examine the release of julian assange after 15 years to mr. matthew alfed from england. in the third case, with mr. andrew long from hong kong, we will review the report of the bloomberg news agency, which is quoted by


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