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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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they are trying to put pressure on the import of chinese goods from an economic point of view, and in this context, i must say that china adjusts its foreign policy in such a way that it does not depend on these components, and in fact, those programs that have been defined for decades. and even if it is revised once in a while , in china, it continues them until under.
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it was recently done at the australian strategic institute, and it was actually done a few months ago . they concluded that more than d million.
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being a phd graduate in china in various fields of technology and these in various scientific fields including semi-media and things like this are active and specialized, and so this means that in the not too distant future , china will gain independence in many fields in terms of technology. whether it is technology or industry, this is the reason why it caused america's concern, and this british economist magazine also confirmed these chinese advances and actually wrote in an article that china has a scientific superpower.
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so these things are not something that can be said only in china and they have been mentioned in the international arena as well. china actually has important alliances and relations with it has countries like russia, india, brazil, south africa and others, and therefore the effort made by america to isolate china has not been successful.
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the government of malaysia has started the process of joining the brics economic group. the prime minister of malaysia, criticizing the dollar's influence on trade, says that his country
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will start a new era in the field of common self-sufficiency in the world by joining riks. the government of malaysia announced the official process of joining the brics economic group. the official process of joining brics, which has about 40% of the world's population and one-fifth of the world's trade, is rapidly progressing until malaysia being the 10th brics member can benefit from its economic benefits. a clear policy to join one of the emerging economic groups, which as the most important work vision of the malaysian government in the end of brics, has provided a ray of hope for creating balance in the world. the world is no longer unipolar because the colonial powers have been shaken and we are not forced to accept the discourse under their domination. by joining brics as a
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free and independent country, we can attract a lot of economic benefits by increasing the strategic importance of the straits of malacca, the connecting bridge between the indian and pacific oceans. the benefits that the belief of the experts will be achieved by being a member of a group that challenges the world order dominated by the economy of the western union. the unique influence and power of america and the west has been challenged by the role of emerging economies in the world today, and the malaysian government , understanding this important concept in geopolitical relations, has taken joining brics as a correct and logical solution. malaysia's joining brics is on the one hand to attract more chinese investment and on the other hand to stay away from western countries that continue to support this regime in the zionist regime's war against the people of gaza. malaysian government that dollar zeddaei
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has a track record of strengthening regional currencies in his trade relations with 9 member countries of the southeast asian union . he emphasized the expansion of commercial terms using national currencies. esmail pourache, cumber broadcasting agency. in america, the government plans to control the access of children and teenagers to reduce the harm of cyberspace, especially social networks. so far, more than 3/4 of american public schools have banned students from using smartphones. warning of the senior health official american government, the mental health crisis of american teenagers and young people has reached an emergency situation and virtual space social networks. it is one of the main factors in creating this situation. the head
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of american public health has asked the congress of this country to make the use of labels such as the warning labels that are installed on cigarette packs as warning labels of mental harm to children, teenagers and young people mandatory for social networks. slow down when teenagers spend more than 3 hours a day on social media. we are witnessing a doubling of anxiety and depression in them. must for changing this situation worked immediately. this situation is deeply worrying for me. warning labels can help parents understand the dangers of cyberspace. this sense of danger has caused the use of smart phones by students to be banned in 77 american public schools in different states of the country. in the last case, the application of the prohibition of use. smartphones in schools
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have been decided by a state law in the city of los angeles, california, the second largest school district in the united states. increasing levels of depression, anxiety, suicide and cyber abuse we have to deal with the negative effects of cyberspace on students. there are technologies that access the platform and networks. it disables social and allows the smartphone to be used solely as a phone. we may also decide not to allow students access to cell phones during school hours. here in the state of new york, the governor of this state announced that he is working on a bill to ban students from using smartphones in schools, and in less than 6 months, he will submit this bill to the state assembly for approval, and now in the rest of the world.
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today, we are seeing a report from english sky news about the challenge of the homeless. trevor is a 53-year-old black man who is homeless. he says that he often sleeps on park benches and like other homeless people, he is afraid of sleeping in a tent. i don't want to be in a tent because it is dangerous, people may set the tent on fire , they set the tent on fire, yes, that's why no one has a tent , it should not be closed and the door should always be open so that we can escape from it. for trevor the shocking story of life on the streets of london is different because after a decade of homelessness. says dilapidated britain is facing a housing crisis.
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the kreis foundation runs this homeless center in brent, northwest london. this is the first time that this center allows filming of their performance. this center is very busy. in the last 6 months, visiting us for support has increased by 40-50%, which is a very high rate. recently, we see more elderly people , people around 50, 60 and 70 years old who had an unsafe place to live and can no longer stay there and are looking for a safe place. alarming new figures show last year's homelessness it increased by 13% in old age. about 14,000 elderly people are homeless or at risk of homelessness. when i look at last year , i see that only 9% of the clients
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were over 55 years old, but this year this figure has reached 20%, which is unbelievable. just this week , i had to confirm the stay of a 70-year-old homeless client who had spent the night outside. so we are in the middle of a crisis and we ask whoever forms the next government to take this seriously and we all have to do something about it. i will start the sumo case with a news, wikileaks announced kurd: his homeland is australia. in an agreement with the american judicial system, asanesh is going to be sentenced to 62 months in prison tomorrow in a court session on the island of saipan, australia. the length of time
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he has been imprisoned in england so far. assange then receives his release order. and it ends a 15-year dispute. julian assange, the founder and director of the whistleblower website wikileaks , was prosecuted for espionage in 2010 due to the disclosure of thousands of secret documents of the us government. check the release of assange with them i would like to thank my colleague, our translator, mr. jalili, for translating the communication we had with hong kong. good night, god bless you.
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if the election of that president is effective, voting has no effect, why not? it is also beautiful, provided that you choose correctly, even one vote has an effect , voting is the best thing, i would like to decide for my country , because anyone can be effective with their vote. the role of one person to vote is very influential because
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it is our country, it is our government's duty to act. we were always ready in the scene , we are in the demonstrations, we are in all the problems of the government why do i have a role to vote for, but for the future of my children, i thank you, god, for the future of the young people , only the president should choose who thinks about our young people, who thinks about the people of iran, and let's work hand in hand and protect our lives, our society, and let's build our country. we all pray to god that our country will prosper.
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because people really have a lot of problems, so far he has given us this experience that there is hearing. don't be a president, i want to be motivated when he comes, i am 20 years old, iran needs jovana , we should vote for a president who will benefit the people .
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great city of discounts, there are both discounts and prizes here you should come and see our special and amazing discounts on all products. and another exciting news is that every day we have a 100 million tomans prize, both a discount and a prize. shahr farsh, shahr home appliances, my name is khoda mohammad hosni from
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varamin city, the winner of the second round of the washlen lottery, one apartment unit, one car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary, the winner is fahima abbasqali from qom city .
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big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh. the fifth and last debate of the 1403 election at noon today it was held from 12:30 p.m. on the topic of making the government more efficient. hello, i would like to welcome you all. first , mr. amir hossein ghazizadeh hashemi, referring to the root and immediate solution of economic problems, promised to take 14 executive actions with strength and speed in case of obtaining the votes of the nation. to follow the transformation of the status of the corporate forces will be implemented for all the borrowers of the executive government. as many of you know, today with the establishment
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of intermediary companies between the government and employees, both the government's expenses have increased due to the overhead costs of the companies and the issue of job security and discrimination towards employees has been created. we will fix this. 3 we will facilitate the marriage of young people by creating a credit of one billion tomans for marriage, housing and employment, and by creating financial incentives in the short term and solving the root economic and social problems in the long term, we will open the way for the marriage of more than 11 million young iranians. we will four we will leave iranian families' share of electricity, gas, and gasoline equally to them, regardless of their economic needs and tithes. we will not allow cheap energy into the mesh pockets. according to the widely used illegal print smugglers, the next person is mr. alireza zakani, saying that for justice and a fair explanation of the country's facilities and the creation of wealth
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has come to the stage with the participation of the people . i will distribute the energy subsidy among all the dear people of iran. each person will receive a subsidy of 20 million tomans per year at today's prices. and gasoline will return from 3,000 tomans to the same 1,500 tomans, and people will receive their needs in the fields of electricity , gas, and gasoline. the prices will not change, but gasoline will become cheaper. people will receive this in gold credit. and this gold credit at any time at the price of that day will receive the racket of smuggling, the racket of energy disharmony, the racket of harming the environment will all be dismantled, in addition to the fact that the general public
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will become rich. 95% of people benefit from this plan . next, mr. saeed jalili informed about his two main priorities in providing and employment and said: villages can become the cells of the country's growth, the structure of the villages should be able to provide their job security. it should guarantee that our villagers should be able to have their job security guaranteed so that they can achieve the tasks related to the development of the village well. one of the problems that existed at the macro level is that despite the fact that we 27. our employment and gross production are formed from rural areas and agriculture and these issues, but the facilities we give to these are 6%, but the general budget of our country is 4%, this is what we should do. it must be improved, how will it be improved? i will talk about a few issues that we have 9 implementation plans for issues such as watershed operation
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, modification of the cultivation pattern, expansion of flower houses , integration of land, use of new irrigation systems in qanavad. and now such detailed discussions should be discussed. i mean that if we say that every day up to one cell will mutate, this should be taken into account. let's be our market when our farmer should not have any problem in marketing his agricultural products. also , mr. mustafa pourmohammadi, referring to the radio and television survey of the people who said that more than 73% of the country's problems are in the economy, said that he will present 4 priorities and programs urgently. you endured long years of sanctions and threats with great patience . what happened to you in these years? waste of opportunities and dreams, you didn't want much , to live with dignity without fear of tomorrow, i am worried about the honorable people of iran, like thousands of fathers who
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have jobs in their hearts for their children, mothers whose hearts are full of passion. they are moving their loved ones, i am also angry with them who, instead of shaming their creditors , sat on the branches and cut the branches in the name of religion , they have targeted the people's faith. in front of you, they talk about opportunities and growth. also, mr. mohammad baqer qalibaf announced the implementation of a protective shield to reduce the gap between inflation and salaries. he said: we can provide 200 meters of land with a residential permit to every family. carpet weaving is known to all of you. i am a workaholic, not a tension person, not a quarrelsome person.
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these fights are nothing. there is no fruit, these tensions have no fruit, it does not create any opening, except that it disappoints our people. i want to be a servant, i want to be a strong manager and senior executive, i don't want to be a speaker. the day i joined the police force everyone remembers that the police force was involved with everyone, from the people to the rest. the first thing i did was to get him out of the tension and war with the people and the groups. i took him out in the shortest possible time, the trusted force of my people , all these five priorities that i said were my tradition and my work culture as your servant. i will definitely schedule everything and i will not waste your life to be indebted to you in this world and the next. amerd
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and it can be said that problems can be solved by trusting experts. if we ask the people what problems should be solved by the president, the overwhelming majority of the people will answer economic issues such as inflation, disproportion between income and expenditure, unemployment, instability, policies, the state of banks, unjustified taxes and other such issues. they refer to in the next step, the issue of politics he will mention foreign affairs and communication with the world and social and cultural issues, but honorable people of iran , if you ask me , what is the most important thing that the president should do? i say that the most important task of the president is to answer the question why these issues are not resolved. the existence of problems is normal in all societies. what is not normal is that the problem is not solved and they remain for a long time. i will tell you why these issues have not been resolved. and
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with the continuation of the status quo. it will not be solved. the election of the 14th presidential term will be held on friday, the 8th of july, and one day before that, there will be advertisements candidates will be banned. sajjad wahabi of sed and sima news agency. hello, dear viewers, have a good time. welcome to the football magazine. garrido became the head coach of press police. press police club officially announced that juan carlos garrido of spain will take over the leadership of tehran reds in the upcoming season.


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