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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 4:30pm-4:59pm IRST

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let the world be your salve, open the path of childbirth like siavash alone, pass through these fires, let there be a fierce storm , my homeland iran, light a candle, make the name of god boil , break the claws of the devil, my homeland iran.
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bring the spring flowers to the heart of the trembling bud, to the winter's desire, to the struggle of the street, to the tormented soul, you will leave your soil every time . i see a dream in your eyes, the sun of tomorrow,
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iran, i kiss this flag with the love of my iran , shower the world with flowers.
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i want iran, light a prayer candle, make the name of god boil , be the claws of the devil, my homeland, iran. show the eternal name of the country, the hope of the country, in the sky like an eternal seal.
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all with one name shows the difference of every color and language. all with one name shows the difference of every color and language. all happy and violent to women.
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the eternal name of the country, in the morning, the hope of the country, you are in the sky like an eternal seal, you are a country. i am passionate and intoxicated , my flower is in the sky like an eternal seal, and my words are burning, which is your song. if this
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is my lawn, everyone is my country, my country is my country, my country is my country , all with one name show the difference of every color and language. violence against women is a disgrace to young iran, to the originality of old iran , to the shame of young iran, listen to my words, that we are all
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worthy of your love, make the world beautiful, the iran of tomorrow. we are building a tomorrow on the way to conquest . take this beautiful soil and raise it up . raise this border of iran's faith with this flag . you are the hope of the country. it is worth sacrificing life and body at the foot of your homeland. on the way to the peak, darkness trembles with our steps. you and i
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will be left behind. we will be left behind . we are on the edge of iran's voice, with every race and color, with the flag of syringe, the base of iran, with the cry of iran. stand up another way, i'll stand up again we are strong together. we have to write this flag on the beautiful history of this land, a new chapter , hand in hand, hand in hand, iran and iranians together .
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roaring like the sea and firm like a mountain , the land of honor and the cradle of dignity and authority from every finger of art.
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until the doomsday, eternal iran with the kind heart of the world,
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the kind land of iran. children
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an opportunity full of freshness and unwavering unity under the shelter of love and belief and the name of iran . the time has come for the hand of unity and unity of love and...
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filled with the freshness of unwavering unity under the shelter of love and belief and the name of iran, to face from farazmeh. the time has come for the hand of unity and unity of love and brotherhood to improve the soil of our dear motherland, we are equal, we are equal, we must make our homeland like another heaven of god
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. we are both a rebellious wave and a flame. our sea of ​​fire, on the way to your homeland, on the way to your homeland, from the generation of arshim, on the site of khushim khon siavshim, on the way to your homeland, on the way to your homeland , proud, proud, proud, always your flag is at the top and
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salute. let's cover the blood with the soil of the homeland, when will we think of dying
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on the way to the homeland, on the way to the homeland. we are standing , we are cold, we are blind, we are on the way to your homeland, on the way to your free homeland, proud, prosperous, always may your flag shine bright from the countless tulips of your heart full of hope.
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i breathe your sky, i breathe your sky until i die , wherever i go, before i leave you , i will tie your air to my chest, i will leave the world with me. he missed me and your alleys, everyone knows us because of your flag , the syringe that died. god, you are in one color, there are
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69 minutes left until the end of the legal deadline for voting. there is still time left for the 10th term of the presidential election, and the queues at the beginning of larzadeh mosque are more crowded than a couple of hours ago when we were talking. mashallah, the number of women has increased a lot . we can see the same in khairabad, zanjan, zanjania . installation in the centers of the provinces, we show the pictures, but our reporters, reporters of the written media, all say that all over the islamic iran, even
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the villages we have today , we can see the pictures through internet pictures, the wide presence of long pages, people are very open minded, this is a very important point. it is good, no fatigue, no sadness. you don't see people's faces and this shows happiness a good presence, as the supreme leader of the islamic revolution pointed out, on a day of political vigor and persistence. yes, the point you mentioned was from the words of the media. i was also watching cn, which had a quote and a sentence that said, "choice of voters." in iran , he will set a different path for this country , we saw in the news that the arab media are following closely. i am very grateful for your presence. they have extensive coverage in
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various arabic channels that exist and are covering in iran. we mentioned that in the early morning, about 200 local and foreign reporters , but according to the latest news , there are about 500 local and foreign reporters. the long pages of this awareness and this insight of this consistency of the islamic revolution and the islamic republic of iran are portraying and broadcasting in the world media this choice of the people. now look at the village of khairabad zanjan , we see a mix of different ages in the larzadeh mosque. we see the presence of children with their families the interesting point is that if the onbaris are constantly planning for the women. separate from the body of the islamic revolution and the islamic republic of iran . in the 14th term of the presidential election , we
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are witnessing the enthusiastic and intelligent presence of women in the heart of this political test . and without taking time, but it is very useful. now, i saw in the news that if you are inside the subway, it will take 14-15 minutes to reach the subway station. it is there if you travel in the subway and you have a national card with you or your birth certificate you can vote in your pocket or in your purse. today , if you are not far from this test, you can easily cast your vote very quickly and very quickly. it is much closer to you.
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the limit of your belief is that you will see the dream that was in your head one day.
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we will erase the spots from the geography map . we will erase the spots from the geography map. we will erase the spots from the geography map . the world also has sad days. today
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is good and sweet. yes, our old people are right. life has ups and downs. life has ups and downs . don't get tired. don't bear it. the life of these hardships is short . believe that we can do it. many good days are coming. look at the smiling sun . say hello to tomorrow. hello to the future. look at the
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smiling sun. say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future. it is the whole of iran who says that our face has become old after the revolution , the people are new, the cat of our plan has become a lion, the cat of our plan has become a lion, we are together with one feather.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. once again , the epic-making people of iran from the coasts of north to south and from east to west, everyone came today for a strong iran.


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