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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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where is your love connected with all your foundations, that the world has become my glory, i want to sacrifice the courage of your heart, my child.
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o patient hero of iran until the resurrection, eternal iran with a kind heart, a kind name, a kind world, a kind land.
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let's travel with kindness and purity, an opportunity full of freshness and generosity, under the shelter of love and belief and the famous name of iran.
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it's time to raise the hand of unity and unity of love and brotherhood to improve the soil of our dear motherland . an opportunity full of integrity and unwavering unity under the shelter of iran's love, belief and name.
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it is time for unity and unity of love and brotherhood in order to improve the soil of our beloved land, we are equal , we are equal, we must make our homeland like another paradise, god's .
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we are both a rebellious wave and a flame . we are on our way to your homeland. your flag has always been at the top and a bright warning . your heart is full of hope. your name is proud. my life is devoted to you
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. on the way to your homeland, on the way to your homeland, we are both standing , we are blind, we are on the way, on the way to your homeland in the proud and proud free country, your flag
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is always at the top and bright. spokesperson of the election headquarters, bismillah rahman al-rahim, let's go to the election headquarters of the ministry of interior, mr. eslami , greetings. with respect to the dear viewers of the respected media present in the hall , i will read announcement number 24, while thanking the honorable nation for always being on the stage of islamic iran, and thanking all those involved in holding elections in the constituencies
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across the country, with regard to the calls received. upon request to renew the period again . thanks to the country's election headquarters, well, the election is in 2 hours at 22:00, mrs. imamin was renewed, always in enduring epics such as the epic of holy defense and others. the epics that the dear people of that country created with their own presence are still creating another epic and another golden leaf in the book of memories of the islamic republic, recording the history of
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the islamic revolution. well, islamic iran has always been the basis of work, the basis of the work of the revolution and the basis of the work of the system. holy islamic republic of iran and today how much the sweet people of iran shined at the voting booths and according to the announcement of the ministry of interior, the spokesperson of the headquarters mr. islami's election. mr. eslami pointed out that, according to the calls received, since this morning in the national media , we have brought the evidence of these calls to the attention of each and every one of our good compatriots in the affairs of islamic iran in the frame of the khabar network and in the frames of the various radio and television channels of the islamic republic of iran. akhs rai are very active, a blessing to the executive agents and of course to the supervisory agents, a special blessing to all my colleagues. i am good for the children of reporters who
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have been stationed in mosques in various special places since this morning. they are also very hardworking all over the country in the centers of the province. they have these pictures they are recording and recording since july 8, 1403, god bless all executive agents and noble people of iran. your islam is so good. you are on me, i breathe your sky , i breathe your sky until i die. wherever i go, before i am away from you, i will tie your breath to my chest. i will go anywhere in the world with my semen. all of us are known by your three-color flag, which
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your men made one color. when you know that you can untie any knot, no matter how it is, you break the cage, you fly
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, you don't get tired, for us, fatigue has no meaning. our story is love love has no boundaries, we will go higher than any dream , higher today wherever we are, tomorrow we will be higher, tomorrow higher.
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believe me, we will reach the place where the limit of your belief has been. you will see the dream that was once in your head. my friends , we will stay. we will erase the black sword's enmity. light in the name of god, light on light in the name of god, light on light
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in the name of god, light of god, god is great, god is great, god is great , god is great. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that allah is the most high . hai ali al falah hai ali al-falah hai ali khair
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al-alam. hai ali khair al-amil, allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no theater and worship. dear fellow countrymen
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, we are in sync with you from the special studio of the election program of the national media of the khabar network. the time of the islamic republic of iran started at 6:00 p.m. , and it was the time of the law, and the ministry of interior extended this deadline once until 8:00 p.m. and the second time until 10:00 p.m. due to the long screens and the widespread presence of people in special polling stations throughout the country. the country has extended the presence of the images of the beloved people of isfahan page south, which was one of the frontrunners in the elections of the islamic council, shiraz, fars, yes , we can see gorgan, golestan, north khorasan, and the people of malijar village, gilan, as well as the dear gilanis , today, like our other good provinces
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, the edges of this province are shining and another golden leaf is shining. the book of the islamic revolution is registered. the recording of this birth certificate is due to the hand of mr. seifi. it is a very good picture and a frame from which our colleagues have been hunting the moment since this morning. there are always elections all over the world passionate when it is held in any country, in any case , it shows the presence and willingness of the people of that country . which we are seeing with these long screens that exist and people
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are still standing in line to vote, it naturally demands that this election. it will continue to be extended and voting will be done by 10:00 p.m., god willing. this is a point that we and the foreign media have been talking about since this morning. there are those who participated in the election today . many of mr. seifi's family pictures came to vote and vote. for example , it was very difficult for parents to come with their children and babies, but they did it with love and passion. say that everyone is a part of building a strong iran. good luck to you who are from the land of iran. greetings to all of you, dear compatriots!
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from the beginning to the end, the presence of people from the sides
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of arabandt, greetings to alborz and bandat, greetings to the sky, fage with mount dabandt, greetings to arvand, greetings to albard and bandat, greetings to the house of thought, mount damavandt, question the government of love and authority. a bright tomorrow ahead of a kind servant of cheerfulness and conversation. together we will establish an export for this homeland
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. you will prepare honor for yourself together. the width of your arvandt, salam al-mard and alvandt , greetings to the sky of feke, with the mountain of damavandt, zalam, fahnai arvandt. greetings to al bard and your band, greetings to the sky of fake with mount damavandt, greetings to you arband, greetings to alborz and bandet, greetings to the sky of fake bah dama and bandet, greetings to the width of your arband, greetings to alborz and your band, greetings to the sky of fak with mount damavand, greetings
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, come and tell me from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window of the spectacle . tell me, from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window to watch may magdeh sing with me again about that spring that is not there , a happy dream in the name of diyar, to the feet of patient iran. staying with hope for its people, telling its flag to give a kiss, iran, the heartbeat of my soul, iran , your pure name is on my tongue. come and tell me that from the dawn
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of tomorrow, open a window from tamasha to majdeh , sing with me again, from that spring that is not a dream, and dawn will come again to the light of our hope, a dawn bright from the loving breath of our martyr. a dawn from a bright presence from distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope and its soul from joy, you are iran, my soul, my heart, iran , the name of pak, my language is iran. it is printed in dollars, dear
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, greetings to you, dear countrymen, at 20:00, we are at your service with some news .


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