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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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the vote of the people of iran along with the national honor under the flag of the islamic republic of iran today, the voice of pride and unity of a great nation rose from the ballot boxes. the people respect us and this election is definitely a victory for the people , they are not entitled to any fingerprints, they should appreciate this people , the leader of the revolution, the enthusiastic participation of the people in the elections is a factor of honor and dignity. the country in the world is the durability of the
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islamic republic and the consistency of the islamic republic and the dignity of the republic islam and the reputation of the islamic republic in the world is stopped due to the presence of the people, the widespread presence of iranians at the polling stations, the headlines of world media news, cnn , america, said about the national unity and inner strength of the iranian nation: the two candidates for the us presidential election.
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biden's comment on trump's inability to counter iran's missile power in targeting the american base in ain al-asood. during trump's time, iran attacked the american forces, causing brain damage to some of these forces, and trump did nothing and only said that these forces only got a headache. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful dear mohammad and ajl farjaham, hello , dear viewers, dear compatriots , welcome to the news at 21:00. peace and blessings of god be upon hamas, the creators of the epic of the president of the iranian people. today, once again, honor and national honor.
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they practiced under the flag of the islamic republic of iran and played the role of unity and pride in the homeland. the people of iran were martyred 40 days ago . the martyred president and his companions had turned into a national epic in the funeral of those loved ones. today , they showed the inner strength of a nation by consciously attending the voting booths. images of long pages in polling stations across the country from this morning , there is an exhibition of the joy and happiness of the iranian people in the national political celebration. with the announcement of the country's election headquarters, the voting time in all branches of the country
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has been extended until 10 p.m. by the order of the minister of interior and with the coordination of the guardian council . i am talking to the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters . it has been extended, please tell me if it is possible to extend the election again, in the name of god , the most merciful, the most merciful, with greetings and respect to all our dear people. let me say according to the decision of the election headquarters, your service has been extended until 10 o'clock. in the continuation of the work, according to the law , if there is a need for an extension
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, it will be decided by the honorable minister of the country. what we witnessed today is excessive heat in some parts of the country. well, from the afternoon of 5.50 years onwards, we had almost an impressive presence of our people at the polling stations, god willing , i hope that the votes of the people will be held with the safety and security of the people, as i said before , in the ministry of interior. we want the best way to do this, today we are at the service of the candidates the representatives of the chiefs of staff of the honorable candidates were in the ministry of interior. i would like to convey something to the dear people of iran. the agreement that was reached is that the news announced by the honorable candidates for the chiefs of staff and the spokespersons of the headquarters
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can be cited. it is not cited, god willing, i hope that what is through the election headquarters. the country will be announced. this can be a basis. god willing, our people will also pay attention . god willing, those who have not been provided with these conditions will be present. different and then it will be available to the headquarters of the ministry of interior and the headquarters of the election, god willing, in its own time after the approval of the honorable guardian council. the official headquarters will be announced. thank you very much, mr. shahcher, the head of the country's election headquarters. how long did it take
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you to travel? i think 10 minutes would be a rabi , almost an hour. there were a lot of people . it took 20 minutes. if it was 6 hours, i would have stopped . no, i don't mind, sorry.
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yes, your face shows exactly this heat, but if people want to have a share in the future of their own country, they must go to the polls. b. i must have written with a bold headline in golden font, so that the enemies of iran and islam can see the motivation and enthusiasm of the people on the page. the presence
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of the people in the scene of the revolution of the awakened nation is the best thing you are going to do for the elections . i say, a glorious presence of one vote for a more prosperous iranian, vahid hajian
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of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, this morning at the same time as voting for the 14th round of the presidential election began at 8:00 a.m., by attending imam khomeini's husseiniyya , rahmatullah, cast his vote against in the ballot box. they dropped it at 8:00 in the morning and with the beginning of the ritual. the 14th presidential election has arrived at imam khomeini's hosseinia, may god bless him, and in the next few moments, the supreme leader of the revolution will cast his vote in the mobile box 110 in the first minutes of the start of voting, saying blessings on muhammad and his family. ayatollah khamenei said after casting his vote in mobile box 110: "election day
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is a day of celebration and joy for us iranians." especially when the election is for selecting the president. in the next few years, the country will be determined by this choice of the people, but i think there is one important issue besides this, and that is the enthusiastic participation of the people and the increase and plurality of votes. this is a definite need for the islamic republic. the name of the islamic republic
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means that the presence of the people is included in the essence of this system. therefore, the durability of the islamic republic and the stability of the islamic republic and the honor of the islamic republic and the reputation of the islamic republic are two. the world stopped in the presence of people. the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized that there is no reason to hesitate to participate in the elections and added: "participation in the elections is a hassle-free task and does not take much time." but it has many benefits, especially since the election of the president means determining the future of the country for several years. they expressed hope, god. may the almighty determine the best and most useful choice for the country.
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at the end, ayatollah khamenei said: i hope that by the grace of god, the coming years will be good years for iran and people will be satisfied with their choice. mobile box 10 here in imam khomeini hosseini. everything is being prepared for the election of the leader of the revolution in the 14th term of the presidential elections , according to the procedure of the last few elections, the eyes of many domestic and foreign journalists are focused on this event. there are journalists who actually cover the elections in the field
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, both in tehran and in different cities. these are about 15 183 important messages for many iranian people. i am a spanish tv reporter. i think this election can show a different picture of iran. this is the second time i am in iran and i think that iran's elections are unique in the west asia region in every way. i am from radio spain. i think many media in the world
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are interested in reporting the news of this election. iran is an important country and the result of this election. it matters to many people. journalists from neighboring countries also talk about the impact of these elections on regional developments. according to the developments in the region iranian elections are important not only for the people of iran, but also for the people of turkey, syria, iraq, afghanistan and all the countries of the region, especially the axis of resistance. it has a very special enthusiasm and excitement, in spite of all the negative advertisements that are out there. it is a minute and the leader of the islamic revolution entered imam khomeini's hosseini to participate in the elections. in the last 50 days and after the second round of the islamic council elections, this
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is the second time that the media has recorded this image. a few minutes past 8:00 am when these pictures were recorded. they will cast their vote inside mobile box 11 with the mention of blessings on muhammad al muhammad amir shayanmehr of radio and television news agency. today, the people of iran stared at the eyes of the world with the presence of the enemy at the voting booths. let's go to the studio. elections and my colleague, ms. hosseinzadeh, who is going to tell us about your conscious presence at today's political party, say hello to you, ms. hosseinzadeh, please, hello mr. zahourian, and greetings to you, hamas afarinan, always on stage for your presence of zeal and authority that you have shown once again. you are
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responsible for raising the flag of the islamic republic of iran. the vitality and happiness of the iranian people in the political celebration of the presidential election the people of tehran showed a warm and conscious presence at the polling stations in long pages which, according to the reports of our reporters, are still standing in the polling stations. hello, tonight, four of my colleagues and
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i will report on today's presidential election voting in four other places in tehran. we are here, saadat abad, tehran, egypt . did you stand around? yes, we came to vote. thank you. no , what is the motivation that made you come today ? i wanted to be healthy in the fate of my country. i was about to get married to my son. i turned my back and came. voting is good for you this incident was very important, yes, god willing, they can implement it, whoever it is, god willing, just as the leader said. they came to make a promise to themselves that, god willing, they will be able to fulfill the promises . yes, and there is another debt to the islamic republic.
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did you vote for dad, sando, yes. why did you want to come with your father today? because i wanted to come and vote with my parents and make the soul of the martyr mr. shahid rishi happy. i did not expect this hour . next, there will be so many people in this area at 16:00 on friday, the 8th of july, here is the abu dhar mosque in fallah neighborhood of tehran and people who come to the polls. the coming of the loved ones, all of the families are coming, yes , we want to continue the path of mr. raisi, i came for the sake of my country, for the sake of the testimonies, for the sake of my leader. what is your presence today? the message of our presence is that we love iran and our leader . we want to decide for our land. you are the first vote, not me, the second vote
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. what is the message of the presence of a first vote that we all want to participate in the decisions of our country and plan for the future of our country. whoever becomes the president , may god only think of this soil, think of the youth , and think of the people of iran. some people say iranian youth they don't want to vote, they say, what is your message to them, leave them alone, they say these things a lot , don't pay attention to onur abia, yes, onur abia, where are they to express themselves? now you are taking the pictures you have , most of the children who have not even reached the legal age are walking with their parents. a series of achar leaves are full of joy and enthusiasm. they are leaving fingerprints. my daughter convinced me to come today. why did i think it was necessary for all of us to participate this year? each one of us has a duty in our country to prove that
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they are behind my country. this is imamzadeh saleh, tajrish, tehran. and people from 8 in the morning when the voting process started they came to vote for their elected president. the main reason why i came to the election is my love for my country and i think that i have to fulfill my responsibility towards my country . there is no benefit in antagonizing us with the fund if we don't come and vote. these types of people attended the voting booths . they have expectations from the future president. what do you expect from the future president? do you expect the president to consider the words he has spoken and take into account the needs of the people and,
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god willing, do it? the economic situation of employment. young people, housing, marriage, whatever promises they make , whatever they talk about, do everything , not only in debates, first, their jobs, their marriages , we expect that the whole nation will be united anyway. advance the goals of the country to improve the state of the country and also to take a proper place in the world level. like shahid raisi, it doesn't matter who wants to come . now, anyone with any opinion can do something and make the people happy. we are christians , ashuri christians, what do you expect? i expect the officials who are elected to serve and work day and night to be committed to what they announced. to do that , i thank god that i'm on stage in sensitive scenes. thank god, i'm happy today . this crowd is everywhere. i
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visited a few other areas. it's a pleasure. it's the duty of every citizen anywhere in the world to participate in their elections. i feel that when if i vote, then i can make demands from the president , is this the reason why he is in this queue now? can we really be indifferent towards iran and our country? from july 8, 1003, a new image of the iranian nation's pride, standing, and willingness to work was recorded in history. their destiny is sweaty, iranistan, iran , baharestan, i, good king. o bright land, you are the light of my eyes, the land of martyrs. there was a report about
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the conscious and enthusiastic presence of the people of tehran who showed up at the polls today, but let's see what kind of presence this will be . we will accompany my colleague mrs. shabiri in hosseiniyeh ershad. hello, please tell us about the presence and welcome of the people at this hour. greetings to you, dear colleagues, mrs. hosseinzadeh , and greetings to the viewers of news 21. i am in hosseiniyeh irshad. there are crowds inside the street, and what i saw, i don't think that until 10:00 p.m., which is currently announced, the end of the voting time, i don't think this is
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the crowd now. there is guidance in hosseini ershad until it is finished. there is also a branch here where foreign journalists are more present. i had the opportunity to talk with some of them here . the presence of regional media and the presence of neighboring countries in the conversation i had with reporters. the point that stood out in you what they said and what i heard repeatedly was that the developments in iran in the region and in the world are important to us . they were excited about what i heard from some journalists talking about having opportunities in many countries of the world.
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to cover the elections, but the difference between the people of iran seems to be their happiness during the voting and their enthusiasm and the people who are willing to stand at the ballot boxes. let the elections continue here with the crowd present here and the reporters present here live broadcasting the pictures from tehran to their own countries . we will be in hosseiniyeh irshad and we will prepare for you the pictures and now more details of what is going on here. the pictures are quite telling . mrs. shabiri, thank you very much for your communication. we say goodbye to you. everyone came to raise the iranian flag, the message of the presence of millions of iranian people the presidential election reached the ears of the world.
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elections are the most fundamental issue of the country. we are behind this revolution. i came with my sons and family to learn to share in the destiny of their country. iranian people are strong. they are one hand, they are one heart. we all have a duty to participate in the fate of our country. for the children , for iran, we decided to get married and be the 3rd in our country's elections . there is a sense of pride in the fate of the country. the election of
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someone as the president has a great role in the future of me and my children in the destiny of our country we are very involved. i came to vote for the love of my leader . i came to vote for the continuation of the path of shahid raisi. we came to defeat the enemies, it is a religious duty that we know we have to vote for.


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