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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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the vote of the people of iran along the lines of national honor under the flag of the islamic republic of iran on friday, the voice of pride and unity of a great nation rose from the ballot boxes. we respect our people and this election is definitely for our people. every fingerprint is wrong and they should appreciate this nation. the leader of the revolution, the
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enthusiastic participation of the people in the elections is the reason for the country's honor and reputation in the world, the durability of the islamic republic and the stability of the republic islam and the honor of the islamic republic and the reputation of the islamic republic in the world depend on the presence of the people , the large presence of iranians at the red ballot boxes. show a different image of iran.
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the tense and insulting debate of biden and trump, the two candidates for the us presidential election , biden's comments on trump's inability to confront iran's missile power in targeting the american base during trump's time, iran attacked american forces and caused brain damage to a number of these forces. and trump did nothing and just said that these forces just got a headache. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family greetings to you, dear viewers , dear compatriots, welcome to news 24. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution
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cast his vote in the ballot box at the same time as the voting for the 14th round of the presidential election began at 8:00 am in imam khomeini's hosseinia. . at 8:00 a.m., with the official start of the voting process in the 14th presidential election , they arrived at imam khomeini's hosseinieh, may god bless him and grant him peace. until the next moment, the supreme leader of the revolution cast his vote inside the box in the first minutes of voting. ayatollah khamenei after casting his vote in mobile fund 110, they said that election day is a day of celebration for us iranians. and it is happy, especially
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when the election is for the selection of the president, and the country will be determined by this choice of the people in the next few years, but i think there is an important issue besides this, and that is himself. the passionate force of the people and the increase and plurality of voters, this is a definite need for the islamic republic . therefore, the durability of the
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islamic republic and the consistency of the islamic republic and the honor of the islamic republic and the reputation of the islamic republic in the world have stopped in front of people the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized that there is no reason to hesitate in participating in the elections and added: participating in the elections is a hassle-free task and does not take much time, but it has many benefits, especially since the election of the president means determining the future of the country is for a few years. he expressed his hope that almighty god will appoint the best and most useful choice for the country. at the end, ayatollah khamenei said: i hope that by the grace of god, the coming years will be good years for iran and people
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will be satisfied with their choice. mobile box 110 here in imam khomeini's hosseinieh. everything is being prepared for the vote of the leader of the revolution in the 14th term of the presidential election, according to the procedure of the last few elections, the eyes of many domestic and foreign journalists are focused on this event. there are about 515 reporters who are actually covering the elections in the field, both in tehran and in different cities . these are from about 15,183 media outlets
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in 34 countries before 8:00 a.m. let's inquire about iran's elections. it is very interesting for me that the leader of iran participates in the elections in the first minutes. the result of this election is important for many people. the reporters of the neighboring countries also
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talk about the impact of these elections on the developments in the region. according to the developments in the region, iran's elections are not only for the people. rather , it is important for the people of turkey, syria, iraq, afghanistan and all countries in the region, especially the axis of resistance. it really has a very special passion and excitement, despite all the negative publicity that is coming out of iran, we see a clear and healthy atmosphere. it is 8:1 and the leader of the islamic revolution entered imam khomeini's hosseini to participate in the elections. in the last 50 days and so on this is the second time that the media has recorded this image since the second round of the islamic council elections. a few minutes past 8:00 am when these
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pictures were recorded. they will cast their vote in mobile box 110. with the mention of blessings on muhammad and the family of muhammad. according to the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters, after the end of the voting process, the counting of votes will be done with the presence of the candidate's representative and without their intervention. to find out how the ministry of interior informs about the announcement of the preliminary results of the election , we will go to the country's election headquarters and talk to the spokesperson of the election headquarters. mr. islamic country, greetings to you please tell me if the process of voting from the people has ended and if the seals of the ballot boxes have been opened for the counting of votes
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. your service. are informed to the respected members of the special voting stations , according to the law, the presence of the representatives of the candidates in the special voting stations is allowed with the identification card issued by the relevant governorate, and these people can vote until the end of the time of taking votes and counting the votes and preparing the minutes of the meeting without interference in affairs supervisors should be present at the branch. also, the representatives of the governor should arrange for these representatives to settle in a suitable place. and as for announcement number 27 of the country's election headquarters. it is brought to the notice of the respected members of the special voting registration branches that the deadline for special voting has ended, so
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the said members are obliged to vote from the voters who were present on the page when the end of the election was announced, and when they are sure that no one will vote for voting in the branch is not left, according to the vote counting stage. the relevant laws should begin to close the opportunity and of all those who participated in the elections from the beginning of today with hearts full of faith, love, and ideals of imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, and the precious blessings of the supreme leader , we appreciate and thank the country's election headquarters, and therefore, with this announcement, you are waiting for anyway, the time for voting has ended and of course those who are present in the branch will be voted from
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. my colleagues in the election headquarters of the province and cities will definitely be at the service of this group of voters. i am at your service if you have any other questions. thank you mr. islamic, the winning candidate should do exactly what yes, according to the presidential election law and article 117 of the law. basically, anyway, the winning candidate must have obtained the absolute majority of votes, that is , half plus one yes . when will the ministry of interior announce the first stage of announcing the results , as soon as the votes from the branches of the city and governorates are sent to the election headquarters? once the country is reached and the votes are tallied , we will inform you gradually. regarding the arrangement of branches, yes, thank you very much, mr. mohsen eslami
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, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters , well, at 24:00, the legal time of the election it's over, but people are still present at the polling stations. we want to visit different areas, at least in tehran, we can talk to our colleagues. ms. zarbanian, greetings to you , please explain to us the presence of people in hosseini ershad and their lack of purses at the ballot boxes. hello, good time. just as
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you announced, the end of voting was announced at 24:00. the main doors of hosseini ershad are closed. but for all the people who are inside the branch , there are four boxes installed in the four parts of this hosseinieh so that people don't have any problems and all those who are left have their votes. in any case, the voting will be done and the people will leave through the side door of this hosseinieh, and after the end of taking the votes from all these loved ones, the seals of the boxes will be opened and the votes will be counted, god willing . the vitality and happiness of the iranian people in the political celebration of the presidential election, the people of tehran
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showed a warm and conscious presence at the voting booths. hello, tonight me and four of my colleagues at four another part of tehran , we present to you the voting report on the day of the presidential election. here , saadat abad, tehran , did you stand in the official mosque? yes, we have come to vote. thank you.
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no , what is the motivation that made you come today ? i was at my son's wedding, i turned back and came back. my daughter-in-law and my son are voting elsewhere, health, so this incident was very important to you. yes , god willing, they can do it, whoever they are, god willing, just as the leader said, to make a promise to themselves that god willing, they can promise. yes, there is another option for the islamic republic yes, why did you want to come today with your father because i wanted to come and vote with my parents and make the soul of the martyr mr. shahid rishi happy
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. in july, i am here at the abuzar mosque in fallah neighborhood of tehran, where loved ones come to the polls, all families come. it is true that we want mr. raisi's path to continue . i came for the sake of my country, for the sake of the testimonies, for the sake of my leader . the message of our presence is that we love iran and we love our leader let us decide our land, you are the first, not me . the second vote. what is the message of the presence of a first vote that we all want to participate in the decisions of our country and we have a plan for the future of our country . young people, think about the people of iran. some people say that young iranians don't want to vote. they say, what is your message for them? leave them alone
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. they say this a lot. don't pay attention to onur abia. now you get the picture that you have, most of the children who do not even reach the legal age are accompanied by their parents they are putting their fingerprints on a series of key sheets with enthusiasm. today, my daughter convinced me to come for the vote of the girls. that they are behind my country. this is imamzadeh saleh, tajrish, tehran, and people came to vote for their elected president from 8:00 am when the voting process started. the main reason why i came to be elected
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is my interest in my homeland and i think that i should fulfill my responsibility towards my country. if we don't come and get angry with the fund , there is no benefit. we are really only building our own future. if we come and vote, the people who came to the polls like this have expectations from their future president. what do you expect from the future president? expect the president's words. he should consider the needs of the people and, god willing, do the economic situation. talks that everyone should do should not be only in debates , their youth, employment, and marriage should come first. we expect the whole nation to move towards the goals of the country to improve the state of the country as well as its position. it is appropriate to advance on a global level, like shahid raisi
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, it doesn't matter who wants to come, now anyone with any opinion can do work and keep people happy. i expect that they will be committed to doing what they announced. well, always being on the stage in sensitive scenes. thank god , today is very happy. this crowd is everywhere . i also visited several other areas. he should participate in the elections. i feel that when i vote, then i can make demands from the president. this is the reason why he is in this queue now. ok, can it be compared to iran and our country should be indifferent. from july 8, 1403, a
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new picture of the pride, standing and hard work of the iranian nation was recorded in history. people who show sweat about their destiny. iran nagarestan man iran baharestan. i am the good king of iran, iran is a bright land, you are the light of my eyes , the soil of the martyrs of iran today, from the coasts of north to south, from east to west, everyone came to raise the flag of iran, the message of the presence of millions of iranian people in the presidential election reached the ears of the world. elections are the most fundamental issue of the country. we
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we are behind this revolution. i came with my sons and family to learn from now that you are the destiny of the country. we all have a duty to participate in the destiny of our country, for the future of the children, for iran, we decided to get married and participate in the elections of our country. there is a sense of pride in knowing the fate of our country. every fingerprint is copyrighted. they should appreciate this people. our every vote
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will affect the future of the whole country. the election of someone as president has a great role in my future and that of my children. inside. a religious duty that we know we have to
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choose and is influential in the process of our country it is the religious and legal duty of every person who participates in this election .
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to decide about my future in my own country. alhamdulillah, enthusiasm and participation is very great, the only positive things that happen are with this voting , for the honor of my country, for the pride of my country , i came to do my duty for our country, finally . shirondi needs to fulfill his duty. i said that i want to shoot an arrow from these enemies' eyes . i came for my homeland. after all, it is a political right, whose
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religion is the responsibility of our people. as the first vote , i am very happy and proud that you my country is healthy. elections are a national celebration and a day of prosperity for us iranians. by doing this, we are showing the world that our hearts are with our revolution. i am voting for the first time and this is the confirmation of the islamic system of the islamic republic of iran . every iranian who
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loves his country should participate in the elections. this election is definitely a victory for the people themselves. we, the students, came here with our friends and supporters to vote and make our country proud. i feel happy that they are voting for the first time. anyway, it's a vote, but the effect is good the amount of the nation's vote is the pride of the authority of our system . i came to vote. i like that at least this.
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i will give my vote to someone who i think can be a traveler in this situation. after all, it is our national duty to participate in the elections. along with the enthusiastic participation of the people in the 14th presidential election, officials and dignitaries cast their votes in the hour. the first ballot was cast. mr. mokhbar , acting president, while visiting the country's election headquarters , cast his vote in the box located in the election headquarters. hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimin mohseni ezei, the head of the judiciary, also attended the holy threshold of hazrat abdul azim (peace be upon him) cast his vote. mr. jannati, secretary of the guardian council, ayatollah amoli larijani, chairman of the
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armament detection forum. nizam also participated in the 14th round of presidential elections before noon today and cast their votes . ayat makarem shirazi nouri hamdani and javadi ameli also voted on friday morning. villagers and nomads who are 26% of the population. they form the country, they also appeared at the polls. 2418 fixed mobile voting branches were prepared for the voting of villagers and nomads. my country.
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my country. our political fate is tied to elections we are leaving them alone. the people of iran are always behind their country and their leader. presence means a good feeling of patriotism and friendship. i am very happy that by casting my vote, i am really influencing the future of myself, my children and my country. each vote is an arrow to the heart of the enemy of the islamic republic of iran. let's vote with our heart and soul with every vote that is thrown into this box
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