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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, in order to inquire about the latest counting results, we have a communication with mr. eslami from the ministry of interior, the spokesman of the election headquarters of the country, mr. eslami, in the name of allah, the most merciful, greetings, courtesy, respect, service , dear viewers, respected media present at the country's election headquarters. i am reading the second statistics of the branches counted and aggregated in the 14th presidential election from the number of branches counted and aggregated or the number of branches that
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is the result of the number of counties counted and aggregated 180 counties . this at the same stage, there are 180 cities, the total number of which is the total number of makhoze baraks. both correct and invalid , 38,928 votes of selyon and 88,928 votes of mr. masoud bizikian with one million and 595 thousand and 345 votes of mr. masoud bizikian with one million.
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your makeup has been counted and compiled . we will wait for you again . we will read the aggregated statistics of the aggregated votes to your service. god willing , we will be at your service now or in half an hour or more . thank you. 17 of the constitution and article 12 of the presidential election law the president will be appointed if he gets the absolute majority of votes cast in the election. but what are the votes of makhudeh? after the end of the legal voting time and the opening of the polls, the counting of votes has started. according to article 17 of the constitution and article 12 of the presidential election law, someone
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will be appointed as the president who will get the absolute majority of the votes of the participants in the election, that is, any candidate who can get half plus one vote of the total votes. will be determined as the elected president of the people in the elections of the 14th term of the presidency, but the votes makhudah consists of two parts, correct makhudah votes and invalid makhudah votes, which are marked by themselves or more than two candidates and votes. the total of our makhudah votes in order to reach that absolute majority consists of those correct votes that are identified by the name of a candidate and that votes that are invalid but ambiguous, such as bad writing or whiteness, we have all these phenomena. and the person who can
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get the additional half of this phenomenon will be the winner. in any case, if none of the candidates can get the absolute majority of the votes cast in the first round, according to article 17. article 13 of the constitution of the presidential election law : two people who have received more votes in the first round will be nominated for re-election and the election will be extended to the second round . it was spectacular. all groups participated in the elections, regardless of their views. from the past to the present.
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i am 67 years old. the fifth time i participate. i came with my daughter and my wife. as far as i remember. everyone participating, the first vote, the first important choice, how did you feel? it's a very good feeling the elders who always take the lead, why is it a family? well, family is very important. generally, in islam , you give a lot of importance to the family . you always participate in the elections with your family, and my goal is that this culture of participation for the building of iran should be instilled in them, from childhood to the younger ones, who are inviting today. i want you to be the mole of my wish. the fate of this country should be important to us. the nation
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is very important to me. proud iran is very important to me. i came here for the sake of my country, my islam, my koran, my religion, so that they can make their own decisions for me. to be more free is better may we be able to live, god willing, there will be people who can really serve, be aware, and this presence will bring about the unity, cohesion and unity of the nation, regardless of any result. the selection was repeated. the president belongs to all people. with any point of view. i expect that the promises and talks and promises that they made will be fulfilled. our country is not adapted for disabled people. have compassion for people.
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fatemeh honar and sed and sima news agency. stay with us. the next part of the news is at 5 o'clock. i will die at your feet, o new death, you soil, i will die at your feet, we must. let's determine our own destiny. when the people come to vote and the elections are held, that gunman will definitely be elected, my fellow countryman, sing with me
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, let him growl in the language of my soul. iran. it was definitely effective. it was definitely effective. it wasn't effective. i wouldn't have gotten up from my marriage to come here to vote. people must be fully present for every vote . inshallah, i am waiting for you what about the president who is going to come to fulfill his promises? to be honest with the people, as a national and religious duty, i considered it my duty to participate in the elections. considering that all the global arrogance and all the powers of the world
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are standing in front of us, it is the presence of the people that makes us have a strong and powerful iranian, god willing, in all our international societies. when i came, i wanted to sweat. i must prove my nationality and the world should understand that we, the iranian nation , are one and the same. greetings to you, dear viewers, stay with us with the continuation of programs from the khabar network in this section let's go to ghazvin province. our communication with my journalist colleague, mr. keshavarz, is in good condition. mr. keshavar, greetings to you, mr. hosseini. i am also at your service and to all the dear viewers . welcome to the ancient land of ghazvin. a promise of attendance.
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in its 14th long step, islamic iran saw countless leaves of fate. for an election as wide as thousands of thousands of leaves for a unity as wide as a country and for a nation with the solidarity of one iran. we came from gilan, we said that we should come to visit binra and do our duty. an acquaintance of mine has no idea how much i voted. children let them learn to see and become familiar with the space . it should be a role model for them. we are three generations from our mother. my daughter and i have come to say that we support
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our beloved country. we must all participate in the country's decisions. we must decide the fate of our own country. after all, we are iranians, we have to decide for our own destiny.
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the doors of special branches were open for people until the last seconds to choose a way to determine their future path. it is the last hour of my life. he came to tell us a goal. we have to do our religious duty. you came to the polls at 9:00 . you came with your family. yes, it is our duty to participate in this election. then we vote for the main representative. where were you until now? you came to vote. i was at work . political duty, yes, yes, how do they make you feel ? you didn't go to the polls here, you were tired from work, take a rest, go home, well, it's our duty. the end of the voting time is less than 10 minutes. why did you come at this time? i had no free time for the rest of the day and
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now i could participate. there are 7 minutes left. at the time of voting, i was not in qazvi , i had the power of attorney in front of me in the assembly elections, they said that my certificate is accepted, we arrived by force, now i went to my head, i am here and i am at the door, do not close my card. to the end rigiri is left, why now, i was busy at work, i was at work, my job is free, i just finished the shop , in the 9th minute, they always want to score the last goal in overtime . we scored the last goal in order to score the last goal against america. please serve america. you scored the last goal. i am very happy because i am also the first and this year i was able to be you i'll take part in it at 12 o'clock, maybe it's the end, now it 's 12 o'clock. a number of people who
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are here and come to the branch before 12 o'clock , the voting process will be done from them, their votes will be cast into the box, after that the process of counting the votes will start. . the nation's loyalty to the revolution was in the frame of the elections. the people of diyar minoduri, by appearing at the ballot boxes, turned a page of empathy, freedom, loyalty and zeal in the lasting book of the revolution. ok we have to participate in the elections and determine the duty of the country and ourselves. do not let the enemies interfere. today is the fateful day of our iranian nation. with our presence, we prove that we are behind our leader.
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here we had passengers. it was a pass , it belonged to the city because it was national and the country. we myself witnessed it here. he kept it and cast his vote. he left because of the progress of my country. i came to vote because of the waste of our martyrs' houses . let's put rimo here. it is a religious duty. every iranian person must finally fulfill this religious duty slow we have come to clarify your destiny. i think participating in the elections is a political and social obligation. therefore, it is necessary to
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act on the basis of al-fur wal-four. it means that something that is obligatory should be done as soon as possible. and for the future of iran and for the martyrs, i hope that the people will always be proud.
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what is your job? shahvarz what is the reason for your attendance at this branch in the first hour? i came to love my leader. our dear iran. dear iran , i will sacrifice my life as long as i am alive. sayadashahdat mosque polling for the 14th presidential election. we must continue the path of martyr ayatollah raisi, dear martyr of our president. we knew it was our duty to come to the polls for men to cooperate until the country turns around , and what do they say, stand by each other? we came to the polls for the development of our own society, our own country. participating in
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the elections is a religious and divine duty for our country , the progress of the country, the progress of our youth, yes, the reconstruction of the country will be done, god willing. we can build our homeland , we can decide by ourselves, not let others decide, dear colleague , mr. hosseini, this is only a part of the saga. the presence of the people of minoodari region was at the voting booths , which was presented to you and the viewers
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. thank you very much, mr. keshavarz, for you and our colleagues in ghazvin province, but let's go to kurdistan province, mr. sadeghi. greetings to you, mr. hosseini. greetings and god bless you. your excellency and colleagues for your hard work in khabar international network , we also offer greetings and courtesy and respect to the dear viewers of this network .
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dear sir, with the beginning of the 14th term of the presidential elections of the people of kurdistan from the first minutes going to the polls to vote, maybe the voice of our colleagues. they are trying so that we can have the audio and video at the same time and with the right quality and be informed about the participation of our compatriots in the 14th presidential election in kurdistan province on friday, july 8, 1403. in the frame of the picture and in the caption of the picture , you can see the latest vote counting statistics for the presidential election, based on the last
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communication we had with the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters, as you can see in the caption of the picture , this number of announced statistics is the result of aggregation and there are 11,425 votes from 58,000 branches and this amount has been counted and collected up to this moment and registered in the system of the country's election headquarters. now it is still going on based on what was announced by the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters and we are still following up as soon as new statistics will be recorded in the system of the election headquarters , we will communicate with the spokesperson of the election headquarters of the country and
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we will inform you live, dear viewers, dear compatriots, of the latest vote counting statistics of the presidential election. 5864 branches that you can see the results in both the image frame and in the caption of the image that the counting of votes is still going on and as soon as we get new news and new statistics are obtained, god willing , we will make it available to you dear viewers . stay with us and have a chance. we will get news from our colleagues on the network and after that we will come back . i am with you.
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make the world beautiful, iran, tomorrow, we will build tomorrow on the way to conquest , raise the flag on this beautiful land and make a noise, face up, raise this border of iran's faith, set up a salt in you with this flag.
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this flag on the roof of the world on the beautiful history of this soil. we have to write a new chapter , iran and iranians will make it in my hand, in your hand.
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it is worth sacrificing our lives and water at the feet of your country . on the way to the peak and beating our steps, darkness trembles. you and i, we will be abandoned. we must write this flag on the roof of the world on the beautiful history of this soil, a new chapter, hand in hand, hand in hand, hand
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in hand. iran and iranians are building together . when i saw the presence of the people, i saw that with such pride, standing up for the work of iran, i was totally tired. please view this queue now. 20 minutes is worth it if we are in the queue now. yes, even if it is 20 hours it was because we are deciding the fate of our country . i love iran. they wanted to have these elections. he says that in the western media they usually say that iranians don't want to vote , and this is what he saw and experienced. participation is what is known. too much of this heart i
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stopped at. at your feet, o soil , i will die. at your feet, o soil, i will die. when we vote, it will preserve the integrity of the country. our vote is the guarantee of the continuation of the path that we came here for homework.
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i will sing until it becomes the language of my soul iran , fill your heart, fill this chest with enthusiasm, with your companions , o soul of amiran. make your love appropriate, make the world beautiful , we will build tomorrow's iran on the way to the conquest of tomorrow , lift the flag of this beautiful land and raise it up.


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