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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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[000:00:21;00] we should write this flag on the beautiful history of this land, a new chapter in my hands. hand
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in hand makes iran and iranians. it is worth sacrificing our lives for your homeland . on the way to the peaks, the darkness trembles with our steps. you and i will be left alone. we stand by the voice of iran with every race and color with the tricolor flag . stand up again with the cry of iran , stand up again, we will raise this flag firmly together on
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the roof of the world, on the beautiful history of this country. we have to write a new season of iran and iranians together with iran and iran , who participated very well. our national sweat is our choice we made our choice, the pride of our country. now i have to participate in the future of my country . i came to vote because of the continuation of shahid raisi. i was very passionate. and
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i came to vote because of the youth of my country. for the future of myself and my children, i am obliged to vote as a family. above company, people have a large presence in this election. i am proud to be iranian. it feels good. i voted for the right reason we came to the country to prove that our system
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is ready for revolution. for the authority and progress of the country , we must participate, we must have a maximum presence to build a strong future, the pulse of the country with these raiyats , the stronger the pulse of the country, the better it can ground the future of the country. it is important that we choose someone who is influential in
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rome. our country feels happy that they are voting for the first time and i came to vote on the order of our supreme leader. well, we have to make our iran proud in the islamic world and the whole world and do our duty , god willing, whoever is on the presidential table he takes over and they also do their duties. definitely, whoever votes is a representative of our people , we respect them and this election is definitely a victory for our people, every fingerprint
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is right or wrong, they should appreciate this nation. for a person who is important to his country, the security of his country, the independence of his country, the pride of his country, his system is important
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, he must participate in the elections, it is better for each of us to be influential in some way in this situation, in the election of an original person, in my opinion, there is no one who does not participate. . in a way , he is wronging himself because later that right to choose is the right to choose and express he can deny his own opinion on many issues . anyway, sit until they can decide at night . you are a better countryman. read with me so that you can speak the language of my dear iran. fill your heart and make this chest happy. the more the presence of the enemy, the more the enemy's body trembles . i can see the effect of this, since i have the future of my country , i choose it with my own hands. indifference means making the enemy happy. we want to be at least a soldier
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in this country. let's defend that revolutionary country. islam made people believe that in destiny they are effective. if you see today, the people are not indifferent, the reason is that the islamic revolution gave freedom to the people and there is honesty in the work of the government. it is a religious and religious duty to come here to do. now, as a young man , it was very important for me to come here and stand in line and do this out of respect for our country, out of respect for the pure lives that were shed for this country.
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i don't think there is anyone who sacrificed himself in memory of our martyr be that as it may, i recommend to all my compatriots that they must participate in this election and vote today, knowing that every vote is a sign of jealousy for the enemies of my country, iranians are jealous of the enemies of my country, and because of their being iranians, they cannot be indifferent to their country, iran. nagaristan, iran , baharestan, i am iran, the good king of iran, o bright land, you are the light of my eyes, the soil of the martyrs
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of iran. and it was a sentence that said that those who don't vote give their right to vote to others . we choose for you, be satisfied because you have the right to choose you don't have the right to vote, we have lost your right to vote. what is important is the trust of the people when i stood on the ballot because of the trust i had in my revolution and in islam. respecting the blood of the martyrs and what mr. raisi has done for us, today we have come to the page of an iranian who is never indifferent, because he is deciding the fate of his own country, why should he be indifferent to the enemy for us? make a decision , this heart is beating, i stood at your feet, o new death, o soil , i die at your feet, o new death, o soil, i die at your feet. the message we have is the same
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it is said that the supreme leader, in fact, at the beginning of the voting, said that, in fact , the election has different functions and special tasks. elections are a platform through which people go. their candidates , their candidates, in fact , choose their elected officials and their president in the end, and it is the election that guarantees the independence of the country , guarantees the national security, and the participation is high, which actually strengthens the president. now this long queue you see, yes, you won't get tired of standing on this page
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. it's not like saying, well, i'm one person has an impact, no, it's not like this, the more participation , the stronger the support of the government, it's a shame to stay at home and not see our own vote . i say that i owe the blood of the martyrs for our sake. no one is coming because of the house of martyrs, we are just coming to the polls . each of our votes has an impact on the fate of our country. let's stand in line to vote for the one who can improve our country. we don't want to be dominated. if we are other superpowers, it should do something so that this iranian nation is really proud and does not bow down to a foreigner. today, it should be happy about the leader's speech. it should be happy with this arrival . he left it unfinished, now he has to complete it, we must
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try our best with our votes to choose our president, our future , our children, finally, we all have to be present and
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try to choose our president with the right choice. al-rahim, greetings, courtesy, respect, to all dear viewers, respected media at the country's election headquarters, the latest statistics received by the headquarters. election. i am reading the country regarding the elections of the 14th term of the presidency, from the collection of 27,938 branches, which includes 343 cities, a total of 10 million and
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366 votes have been counted. mr. saeed jalili becomes the doctor with 4 million and 266 votes. kayan with 4 million and 2415 votes, mr. mohammad bagher qalibaf with 1 million 385 thousand and 83 votes and
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mr. mustafa pourmohammadi with 806 votes . thanks. i would like to thank mr. dr. asnamei, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters , for announcing the latest vote counting results for your information, dear viewers and fellow countrymen, which will be presented to you both in subtitles and in the picture frame in a few moments. funds whose votes are counted and aggregated in the system. the country's election alliance has registered more than 27 thousand yakhsarai branches out of 580 lajjoon branches, and in the recent announcement of mr. dr. eslami, the spokesman of the country's election headquarters
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, it was announced that the votes of each of the esteemed candidates were separated by these votes, which i said in the subtitles in a few moments. the picture and the picture frame will be presented to you . stay with us with the continuation of the programs from. people unite together, definitely a bright future. i will intervene in the decision that is made for my country. if i don't do this, it's like i don't have this right. one of the ways for us to reach a strong iran is the widespread presence of people at the polls. if the future
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of this country is important to them, the future of our border is really important to them, they should vote. as a national duty, i think we must implement this. they shouldn't have any doubt, now they have a candidate from any faction, they should choose a person , god willing, he will be elected. indifference and vote. not giving or accepting responsibility is a bit far from going against the caliphate and far from the national morals, at least anyone who has a heart for this country and is an iranian should be present to decide the fate of his country himself, this is the path of democracy. i mean , we have no choice but to do this. you should not come. we and you will decide that this is a big mistake for a person to be double-minded about his religious and legal duty, because participating in the elections shows the maximum participation of the people and the security of the country. who will you vote for today? to the dear people
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of iran, to haj qasim soleimani, i to haj qasim soleimani, the supreme leader of iran, dedication to the good and dear nation of iran, my leader, dedication to all the martyrs. now that i'm coming to my country, i remembered this verse, the shore fell and said, "even though i've lived a long time, nothing has been revealed . oh, who am i? it's a miracle . you're gone
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." every vote of ours is an arrow to the heart of khazor's enemy, it means that i feel good about my country and friendship . it's good, it's good, the semester is over , god willing, i came to vote . we have the right to choose for our own future. we don't want the enemy to make decisions for us. our duty is to participate in the elections and let us choose our own destiny
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. according to our religious, national and revolutionary duty, we came today as a family. god willing the first degree is voting for the islamic republic and the second degree is voting for the most efficient and well-armed person who, god willing, can advance the islamic revolution towards its holy ideals. let's participate in this test to let our enemies know that the people of iran are alive and that they will stick to their regime. good morning
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come with us, let's go to hormozgan province. my journalist colleague mr. ajdhai. hello , good morning to you. hello to you and hello to all iranians. greetings from warm hormozgan. i am at your service on this charming summer morning. with a short but honest report of what happened yesterday in our province, hormozgan, the southernmost province of iran. the people of qirmazgan participated in the 14th presidential election yesterday from swakhel makran in the east to swakhel maksar in the west of qirmazgan, as well as from the southernmost iranian islands in the persian gulf to the land of the proud and blessed naqals in the north of the province. full they were colored in such a way that what i and other colleagues saw was that
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hormozganis were present in khozeha before the voting began and they waited in line to vote until late at night
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, waiting for a report about this. i came because of the order of our leader. i am very happy that today, for the first time, i was able
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to be the first vote in the destiny of my country. after a thousand and one nights , we shine again on the stage with 11 stars, with you tomorrow, the shape of an
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iranian dream, you taught us the red sound of love, freedom , we made a revolution that we are happy with. let's decide for ourselves now . it is beautiful that iran becomes an ally with you. your love is in pabar's chest. with you tomorrow, it is obligatory for us to participate in the development and progress of islam and the progress of our country. yes , thank you for being with us on our journey in the southernmost province of iran, khormozgan. now that i am your host, of course, i am happy and proud to invite you to the customs of iranian people and ancestors, so that you can look at the corners of beautiful hormozgan with your eager and friendly eyes. from the presence of our fellow citizens at
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the ballot boxes in villages and districts. i am ready to invite you to see the glory of your pride from you, the sorrow of the world is far away from you, you are the joy of watching, you are wide and beautiful, your heart is the sea, the night is bright, your name is my name, you are the most spectacular sky.
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the poetry and saltiness of my homeland, when i hear your voice, i have to ask you. wounded by the love of my homeland, they must call you , they must stay by your side. wounded by the love of my homeland, i must call you , i must stay aside. in my homeland, when your voice is my voice, i should say hello to you , dear viewers, stay with us , we will see the news segment at 6:00 am and after the news, god willing, i will
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be with you with the continuation of the programs broadcast on the khabar network. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the preliminary results of the counting of votes of 2738 branches out of 584 branches were announced. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters announced a few minutes ago :


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