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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm IRST

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an individualist with a culture of love for resistance, and this is his priority in this daily work, the field of diplomatic activity in the turbulent region of west asia. jumping into the heart of a battle where there was not much news about the prestige and the usual leisure of diplomats, but hossein did not want to come. he put a curse on someone and never complained when they asked for his excuse. he had an obstacle that made him not to pollute his service , and he had the politeness to not blame anyone for detaining him from his service. he is working maybe his character was not well known until the moment of his martyrdom. not even once did i see any anger from him and despite the fact that
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i knew that he was facing many adversities , especially in carrying out his missions, but he was good -natured and courageous. he had been able to pass all this time with a collection of sincerity, purity , modesty, fairness, ethics, and what is interesting is that these qualities, which apparently have nothing to do with the expertise of diplomacy , were artistically put to the service of diplomacy, and this is his efficiency. his success was greatly appreciated by their belief in him the principles and foundations of the revolution, their commitment to the aspirations and values ​​of the islamic revolution, and their self-madeness, all
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of these made amir abdullahiyan a lovable person that everyone wanted to work with , mr. amir abdullahiyan, even with the enemy, who spoke frankly and politely and proudly. he spoke , he was a distinguished diplomat, at the same time, he was a revolutionary and he was clear that the islamic revolution, a diplomat at this level , has seen the next order less than himself. examining the plan and qualification of the minister is proposed by the ministry of foreign affairs , but it was 4 years after ajar hossein asked the ministry of foreign affairs that this ministry had given him favor. even this incident didn't make hossein lose one iota of politeness. i wish god a special strength for my dear brother dr. zarif . it was this humility that made him never hesitate to consult with others. it happened that at the very beginning of his work
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, he set up a think-tank board of the ministry of foreign affairs. first, when he started working in the ministry of home affairs , he invited us to create a think tank next to the ministry of foreign affairs and help us all make decisions in the ministry of foreign affairs. today we are sitting together and exchanging opinions, so our political views are not the same and this caused us to present our proposed topics to the honorable minister. i remember a time when we were talking to him about what is your purpose for these think tanks. we forgot the middle ground , elites outside the government should be used more, so this is it.
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during his lifetime, we became a member. the second issue was the issue of the south and antarctica. in this delegation , he proposed this issue, which he sent to the supreme leader, and recently, with his order , we established a scientific base in antarctica. let's create research. this was one of the things that this delegation did. we elaborated that
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latin america is not one country of two countries, it can be an approach for the islamic republic. he immediately called me when he saw that report. we talked together. and really later we saw the movement and development in this field. his last visit was here and it really encouraged us . really with good character and good faith he said that i i am waiting for your report on saturday and i will read your report with interest and send it to the high officials. i hope that in line with the balanced foreign policy and active, dynamic and intelligent diplomacy of the 13th government, we will be able to regulate and develop
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foreign relations with all regions of the world and countries that aim placed have consultations and conversations with peers. the late minister emphasized that we should develop a diverse, balanced and comprehensive foreign policy, so that we can expand the portfolio of diplomacy and foreign relations. do not be limited to a specific region or country. mr. amir abdullahian that which is in the eyes of the government. he proposed foreign policy as a grand strategy, which was approved by shahid raisi. this is a balanced foreign policy. now you can see the elements of this in one place. you can see in one place the policy of the neighborhood. you can see in one place the policy of looking to the east or paying attention to asia.
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you can see in one place. you see the coordination of the field and the diplomat or the integration of the field and the diplomat in one place. attention to multilateralism is in one place, in fact , the lack of focus on the jcpoa as the only main issue of the country. central asian pakistan relations with our neighbors only with neighbors about 60%. it is not a coincidence that they have had tremendous successes in this short period of thirty months, such as acceptance in shanghai, acceptance now as an example
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, yes, acceptance in brics, solving the problem of our dispute with saudi arabia, and also occupying our place in antarctica if we want. politics the foreign policy that he left behind for the islamic republic of iran in these 3 months was a smart, dynamic, multilateralist foreign policy, a dynamic, intelligent, multilateralist policy that, in this format, is not an opportunity. diplomatic, what is the opportunity in the field, what is the opportunity in the neighborhood, what is the regional opportunity, what is the international opportunity , what is the opportunity in the east, what is the opportunity with the west. in fact, he did not settle for the national interests of the country. he had become a minister and he was more busy than ever. but if he could, even in this situation , he would have accepted the request of others. not as a job,
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but as a task. i requested that you, mr. doctor, can come here and give us a lesson. immediately i saw that they were inclined. in order for this relationship to be established, i gave them an explanation before, which is a scientific environment anyway we want you to be here. accepting this means accepting it out of respect, even though i knew i had a lot of work to do . their coming to the college is a huge change, both mentally and in terms of their naive attitude towards international relations issues. it was about a month ago that i said to you that if you allow me to take your documents so that you can become an academic member of the faculty of law and political science of tehran university, mr. doctor, they said that i have up to this ministry. i don't want any margins to be created for the system, as i say
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i misused my ministry. his visit revived the memory of the man from the battlefields in my heart. and in the sadiq operation, the turning point of coordination and synergy of diplomacy to the field is in the sadiq operation. whether before the operation or during the operation, which is one of the turning points of our foreign policy in a good way, that we were able to manage a crisis, that night when the iranian consulate was attacked, the national security council had convened a meeting and that an answer should be given, then the irgc he had announced that we are ready. when asked if you are ready, he said that we will be ready within 3 hours, that is, the same night we can answer mr. abdullahian's request
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. please give us a few days to do something diplomatically so that we can prepare the public opinion of the world. they wanted to compensate for the failure of the zionist regime in a way , and when they saw that iran was determined to do so, they started threatening us , they started threatening that there would be a war and we would fight, and starting with these words, well for us. our military knew that what they are saying is bad they don't have such courage , they don't have such ability, but you see, our language was the honorable foreign minister, we were not on the side of reckoning with them . in their mouths , they were raising an argument that if iran responds, it wants
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to attack the civilian areas of israel and attack israel's infrastructure, i.e. , power plants, water treatment centers. turkey sent a message and told him that now that you want to do this, do it lightly, see if these messages happen with fear and trembling and with a trembling voice. they have explained that we don't want to attack civilian areas , we don't want to attack infrastructures, we want to attack two, three, or a few targets. being a partner means that these are the few targets that are attacked by doing this. they have been in full stress for 12 days , heavy pressure, and the news we have is more than
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accurate news from the hospitals of the regime, more than 19,000 people, nearly 20,000 people have been hospitalized due to the pressure and stress after this operation. referrals and nervous pressure have come to them. see , this was all because of this introduction by the shinies, exactly when you want to turn around. this is how you prepare your hand , he says, come on, finish it, put our mind at ease, but for 12 days, they feel that they are eating every moment, and they are tolerating the pain of having this. hit a place, for example, because you say no, we didn't come here , let's play here, we want to , he will respond to this rude regime, just like the official said, we want this. he was punished even on the last day
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, he was contacted again through the foreign minister of one of the arab countries, and martyr amir abdullahian contacted sardar salami and told him that he was sending a message that we will solve the ceasefire issue , you should not attack israel . sardar salami gave him this message. he said that he conveyed this message correctly. he said that we will definitely attack, but if the security council comes. calling that we have a few more days, we told them to tell them how many more hours you don't have, how many hours they wanted , in fact, with this time delay, in fact, somehow , they would put this issue to rest. actually, negotiations and these discussions, which iran's position was not, were a heavy diplomatic task, even in some cases. they threatened the western sides of the americans, but they, with the energy
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that they received from the great leader , translated the decisive message of the leader very well diplomatically and delivered this message . waiting for this incident, well, who provided this ground, i want to say that the operation of the honest promise has become a global operation at the level of the distinguished revolution, this is owed to our loved ones in the ministry of foreign affairs they are martyrs. we all witnessed the brilliance of his diplomacy in the case of storm, especially in the case of vahdat sadiq , what unique events
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happened in the international scene, when both iran showed its effective role in diplomacy even in the field of supporting the palestinian nation, and mr. dr. tonset in the united nations. in the gatherings in the region, he should follow a form of diplomacy that iran entered into a war with israel, and the war did not happen. he did a good job, and he was one of the first people who, finally, we, who were nobody , were soldiers, congratulated him and gave flowers. he sent it to us and made a phone call immediately and... i mean, in the past, we saw that everyone was really confused in the previous governments, and they were worried, and you saw that they said that they would be destroyed by an iranian bomb. whatever we told them, they didn't accept that they don't have that kind of ability at all. they don't have the courage, they don't have such a possibility, but they believed that martyred amir abdullahian, the foreign minister
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, was at the level of the islamic revolution.
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we all know that for years the arrogant world tried to make the islamic republic of iran hateful to the people of the world, blacken it, and make it appear bad and isolated . his martyrdom showed what luck is happening to the islamic republic in the world falls you know, many american theorists are very sensitive about how the islamic republic, which we thought was an isolated and hated country, has become a
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popular and attractive movement in the world today. just take a look at the delegations that came after martyrdom for the ceremony of appeasing iran, more than 75 countries , representatives of more than 6 billion people came to the world, i.e. 75. where did the people of the world come from latin america to get on a special plane to get to our ceremony? the distance between our ceremony and martyrdom was not a day, not 24 hours, but they all got themselves.
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now we can see that iran is a proud country that for the presidents and for the president and foreign minister and their companions who were martyred in this incident , almost most of the international organizations observe a minute of silence in respect of our president and our foreign minister. easton is respected and at high levels and even in countries that have not had relations with iran for more than 40 years, we see the foreign ministers and mogha
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. this volume was an unprecedented volume . . america is being brought to trial by the american senator mr. tesgroves why did he say condolences, does america have
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to say condolences, but the foreign minister says that we expressed our condolences in such a way that he wanted to justify mr. raisi in a way, you see, this is the first time in history that the un security council has declared silence, this is unprecedented. all the president said. we didn't have 190 countries in the world . go and look at the history. you will see that the un general assembly declares a minute of silence . this is completely unprecedented. seyed ebrahim raisi addressed the martyr president of the islamic republic of iran, ayatollah seyed ebrahim, for the third time in the un. raisi paid his respects, seeing these people would have finished the proof for us for the umpteenth time and they were lighthouses that showed the way morally. from saeed amir abdollahian
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, tell us that you came here to gulzarshon. i defend and served the system of the islamic republic
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. he stands on my feet. with everything, with the power that was available to them from the system. fully supported. followed up so much. he tried so hard, shabal roz accepted my son, my family accepted me, and finally he was able to. i wanted to come and serve them at all. i look at the pictures when i go in the morning or at night, i don't believe mr. president, i don't believe mr. amir abdullah, i say mr. amir abdullah is not in our building now. when i come in the morning, i say, mr. amir abdullah, he is not in our building now, he
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is not here, this door is closed by security guards. the first debate of the american presidential election in atlanta on the cnn network between two competitors from the two main parties , one is a criminal and the other is someone whose son has been found guilty and now even supports him in the debate. my son is not a failure and a fool, you are a failure and a fool. the first debate started with economic discussions. and then he was drawn to foreign policy and the gaza war and the support of both candidates for the zionists. we
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have provided israel with all the necessary weapons. we preserved and saved israel. it is israel that wants to continue the war and you should let them continue and finish their work. in another part of the debate, biden addressed a topic that trump always rejected . during trump's time, iran attacked american forces, causing brain damage to some of them troops and trump did nothing and only said that these troops only got a headache. trump also blames biden for the attack by hamas. the main american presidency brought many reactions. i was taking notes on trump's lies when i ran out of paper. the way of speaking of both candidates was unusual and many accusations and harsh personal criticisms were exchanged between the two people. ma'ade zaman fashmi of sada and c news agency.
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they used to say that whenever you catch a fish, it is fresh , what does that mean? that is, it is never too late to turn to what we have not done, like continuing education. creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and at all, correcting consumption habits, managing electricity consumption? now, a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and only a small part. if they raise their awareness and accuracy, they can definitely return to the pattern of consumption. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example , lamps can be changed from this to this no no this yes and their consumption will be 90% less than before. computer, tv, etc., these devices
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consume electricity when they are turned off, and they must be unplugged when we do not need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the long ones. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and be very careful when buying them , you will see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. .
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers, dear and respected countrymen , together with my colleagues, we present the 13:00 news , the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters announced the final results of counting the votes of the presidential election, mr. eslami said that none of the candidates could get an absolute majority of the votes. and the election was extended to the second round. the spokesperson of the election headquarters added the final results of the counting and compilation of the election votes.


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