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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:27pm IRST

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the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh with incredible prices and long-term contracts without prepayment in a large iranian house.
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hello, welcome to half day news. healthy and real political competition in the close and breath-taking electoral competition of pishdaz candidates in the 14th term of the presidential election . none of the candidates were able
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to get the absolute majority of votes, so the first person with the highest number of votes will be introduced to the guardian council. the reflection of the election contests along with the political vitality in iran in the foreign media of the iranian people is the main winner. elections, users have written , i voted for the pride of iran, another has written , many things have happened throughout history, and those that have not returned to the homeland. the beginning of the international congress of martyrs of the shrine defenders and resistance front in mashhad with the message of the leader of the revolution: ayatollah khamenei, the defenders of the shrine are the saviors of iran and the region. this plan is very
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dangerous. the aim of this plan was to capture the region to capture iran and other zionist crimes in the gaza strip in the new attacks of the 40 palestinian zionist soldiers. spain also joined south africa's complaint against the zionist regime in the international court of justice. in the name of god . o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate. dear viewers, we are at your service with the news section at 14:00. the election headquarters of the country announced that mr. masoud al-badishian and mr. saeed jalili entered the second stage of the election. the spokesperson
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of the election headquarters said: none of the candidates could get the absolute majority in arar and the election was extended to the second round. according to mr. eslami , the final results of counting and summarizing the votes of the presidential elections republic has been sent to the guardian council and after the approval of the guardian council, the second round of presidential elections will be held next friday, july 15th. the total number of branches in the country is 5864 branches, the total number of cities is 482 cities, the total number of ballot papers is 24 million and 535,185 votes, as follows: mr. masoud bizikian with 10 million and 41,591 riyals
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, mr. saeed jalili with 9,473,298 riyals, mr. mohammad baqer ghalibaf with mr. mustafa pourmohammadi's vote with 2697 votes is a collection of votes that were announced to the country's election headquarters in the 14th presidential election from all constituencies. summarized, these statistics will be sent to the guardian council. confirmation of the correctness of the election is the responsibility of the guardian council, according to the law, according to article 17 of the constitution, as well as the articles of the presidential election law , one of the candidates
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could not get an absolute majority of the votes , so the first person, the second person, as the highest vote. . in any case, this period will be introduced to the guardian council, and according to the law, the next friday after the first phase elections will be determined as the time for the second phase, which will be on the 15th of july, of course, after confirming the authenticity. guardian council.
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as it was said, mr. masoud al-badishian and saeed jalili went to the second round of elections. our reporter has prepared a report that says: the winner of this election was already known last night. can you be a reporter and announce the possible winner to this camera within one minute? we went to some of those who came to cast their vote in the ballot boxes with an envelope and a request
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to read the possible winner of the presidential election . i will introduce you the winner or the most successful person of this review. in the name of god . do you think that the one you voted for? i don't know 100%. the winner of the 14th term of the presidential election is me . the people of iran are not the definitive winners of the elections, the people of iran will be the winners, we are not the winners of the trust , we are the 100% winners, all the iranian people are caring, all the iranian people deserve the best because we decided who
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will take over the presidency and draw the country's progress. do it people there is no such thing as a country that is a democracy , it is always the same, it is the people who win to make a change. it's better for the people than if our country is conquered, make our country proud like our mother , we are jealous of it, then wherever the name of iran is in the middle, anyone with any taste will come to the president's cash register for 4 years, like a criminal, i will be the main accountant of this country, my people. i won the election because i love iran, that is, the islamic republic of iran, and i could understand the type of democracy that i wanted to some extent in my own country. i am always behind my country and the words of others and other countries i can't influence my country, my land , my land, my duty and what we had to do
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, we did it. i am coming myself. we are always behind this country. it makes our country win the presidential elections regardless of whose name comes out of these funds . fatemeh abdulvand, radio news agency , ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with the participants of the international congress the international martyrs of the shrine defenders and the resistance front of the shrine defenders called it an amazing and important phenomenon and one of the world manifestations of the islamic republic system and emphasized that the presence of young people of different nationalities in the form of
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shrine defenders showed that the islamic revolution has the power to regenerate after more than four decades. it has the same passion and epic of the first revolution. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution made a statement in this meeting that was held on june 30th and today at the same time as the congress began in mashhad. it was published, honoring the memory of all the martyrs who defended the shrine and the resistance front, especially sardar martyr soleimani, the defense of the shrine is a symbolic aspect in they considered defending the thoughts and ideals of its owner as the sanctuary of the ahl al-bayt, peace be upon them, and said that the lofty ideals of the school of the ahl al-bayt, peace be upon them, such as justice, freedom to fight against oppressive powers, and self-sacrifice and sacrifice in the cause of truth, always seek among pure consciences . ayatollah khamenei
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cited the movement of american university students in defense of the people of gaza as an example of the existence of clear consciences in the world and added: the important thing is that this message of defending the shrine, which is actually defending the ideals of humanity, should be heard by the consciences of the people. be pure in the world. he is another dimension of the issue of the defense of the shrine they considered the worldview of the islamic revolution and pointed out that any movement and revolution that neglects its international and regional environment will definitely be hit, just like the movement of the iranian nation in the case of the constitution and the nationalization of the oil industry due to being engaged in internal issues and neglect of foreign interference were damaged and finally. did not arrive the supreme leader of the islamic revolution added:
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from the very beginning of the islamic movement, and also from the beginning of the victory of the islamic revolution, the venerable imam, may god have mercy on him , was always aware of the interference of foreigners and global and regional attitudes, and was not interested in internal issues, and in his statements he gave the necessary warning in this regard. hazrat ayatollah khamenei , the goal of this plan was to capture the region to capture iran, i.e. islamic iran in majem. the entire region should
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have been under the control of the united states and its colonial and arrogant apparatus. for this plan to be arranged , 7 trillion dollars were spent. this is a statistic and a figure that the first official of the united states has repeatedly announced is 7 trillion dollars. in this region, their spending was wasted, all their spending was nullified, they wanted to form governments through isis in the name of islam , two sides of islamic iran, east of us, in one country of the west. we are in an islamic country, let them know takfiri. and
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to solve the islamic republic with various pressures in addition to economic and these are religious, intellectual and ideological, to destroy the movement of the defenders of the holy shrine, ayatollah khamenei was ashamed of this , showing the power of the islamic revolution in recreating its inherent passion and epic. at the beginning , they counted the victory as another dimension of the movement of the defenders of the shrine and added: the presence of young people who had not seen the imam and the era of holy defense to defend the shrine is indicative. the strange power of the islamic revolution is in recreating the same religious and revolutionary motivations of four decades ago. some even of those who are gripped by material analysis and will not let go.
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do whatever you want. every inner person was thinking because his imagination was too much. my argument is that they are not ready to enter that argument into their minds to convince their minds. their eyes are on the west and on the motivation and on the same false western intellectual foundations. they expect that the revolution, which is an uprising against this materialistic thought , will gradually weaken, some of them themselves. first , being a revolutionary, then becoming something opposite or against or at least contrary to the revolutionary thinking. they say that if those who were in the holy defense, if until now, they have stayed like us , making comparisons to themselves, showing these young people that no, this
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is not the case. the purity, courage, sacrifice, sincerity, and deep belief in islamic and revolutionary principles in these young people who left are truly amazing, the motivation is truly a unique phenomenon. one wonders that nothing else can be the leader of the revolution except the grace of god, the divine guidance and the guidance of the infallible imams (peace be upon them). holding marches such as 22 bahman or surprising funerals such as the funeral of sardar soleimani or martyrs of service are other manifestations of the power of regenerating the islamic revolution. they knew and emphasized that the martyrs who defended the shrine and their families are a source of honor and pride, and the salvation and prosperity of islamic iran, and the
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islamic revolution is definitely the pledge of these martyrs and their families . the commander-in-chief of the islamic revolutionary guard corps said at the congress of martyrs of the shrine defenders and the resistance front: americans spent billions of dollars in syria and iraq to surrender the muslims, but they failed, which shows the greatness of the islamic ummah. in this congress, some families of martyrs from the countries of palestine, afghanistan, pakistan, yemen, syria and iraq. they were present at the first international congress of martyrs defending the shrine and the resistance front with a video presentation of the leader's words the revolution started in mashhad, god's mercy on martyr soleimani, who pointed out that the creator of this thought and this work was the late martyr srimani in this ceremony
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held in the portico of dar al-marahmeh shrine of motahar razavi. compiled to shrines, commanders, families. seyyed hassan nasrallah, secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah, in his message to the congress, mentioned the martyrs of the resistance front as indicating the path of the liberation of jerusalem and emphasized on the continuation of the path of the martyrs. all this means that we
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are in front of the victorious blood over the sword of oppressors and tyrants and occupiers. major general salami, commander of the revolutionary guards also spoke. on the way of the martyrs the resistance front emphasized and listed standing against the aggressors and defending the rights of the oppressed people of the region as one of the goals of the resistance front. this resistance is so huge, beautiful, bright and attractive that its attractions even reach into american universities and into the squares of american cities, england, france. . spain and australia have penetrated everywhere. palestine , as a seemingly small piece of the earth today, has gained a global dimension. more than 5,000 people from the families of martyrs who defended the shrine, fatemiyoun, zainbiyoun, heydaryoun brigades and 7 countries
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were present in this meeting. farshid abdi of sada news agency and sima, dar al-marhameh portico, razavi holy shrine. respected viewers, as it was announced at the beginning of the news, according to the announcement of the country's election headquarters , mr. masoud al-madijian and mr. saeed jalili entered the second round of the election. well, to learn about the process of verifying the accuracy of the fourteenth round of the presidential election and the quality of monitoring of this election, we will discuss mr. mr. mr. tahan nazif, the spokesman of the guardian council. hello , please tell me about the activities of the central election monitoring headquarters and whether any violations or complaints from the candidates or the people
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have been registered in the monitoring system of the monitoring people, and how long do the candidates have the opportunity to register their protest if they protest. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, to your excellency and respected colleagues and the good people of iran , i say hello, just as you mentioned , the results of the 14th presidential term election review have been announced by the ministry of interior, and the work of the election monitoring headquarters is still going on, what are the candidates? dear people, all those who may have a complaint regarding the election process can
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send us their complaints by referring to the people monitoring system and of course in person to the guardian council secretariat. and the complaint that we receive, we can investigate the validity of the election, considering that the election has finally been extended to the second stage. from you, mr. tahan nazif, the spokesman of the guardian council.
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on the day after the presidential election and their presence at the polling stations, people say the reasons for this presence and who is the real winner of the election campaign from kerman and with children. people are busy. i have been a teacher for about 30 years, in addition to my 30-year memories of being in the classroom since may he says with memorable scenes, when i was checking birth certificates, i once saw the name of my student among other friends . it was an honor for me to be a member of the executive staff. such memories have been long lasting for others , for example, this rural farmer of the village. there is someone whose turn it is to drink. he must be in his garden next to his farm until the end of the hour. once in a while, he sees someone come 20 minutes after the end of the election and insists
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on participating. mr. teacher and mr. farmer are the same people who always stand at the cash register. there were votes both for participating in the political destiny of the country and as executive agents for holding elections like this worker from dehloran who was at the ballot box during the holy defense period. the boxes were under the tent. an old man came with a cane in his hand and insisted that i cast my vote in the box. i asked why you are coming to vote in this situation. he said that i want to prove to the enemy that they are at the foot of the revolution, the system and the leadership, or this. the mother who was with the child of the user of the election fund, since the situation was really difficult, considering that i had a 2-month-old child, he was a small child, i brought my mother and i told you to sit aside and have the child whenever needed, i will reach the child and i was also at the cash register. this man is also a bank employee in ilam. he tells about a family that came to the polling station before sunrise we went forward and asked haj agha what is going on.
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people have been holding elections for many years . i am like the first prayer when i came to do my duty. i have been serving the people for 5 years. the fourteenth period the people also held the presidential election , there are 800 thousand people. in general, in the islamic republic of iran, the role of the people in the elections, especially in the implementation, as well as in the monitoring, of course, in my opinion , it is the same way. radio more than


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