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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:29pm IRST

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we must connect the development of technology needs in the country with those who work in the field of research and development. the lack of connection between them leads to the fact that the person who is doing detailed work and development is unmotivated because he does not reach the market. he actually looks at it and sees that this achievement that has come from this place and the capabilities that he has been able to create because it does not have a market will ultimately lead to failure. they can see, well, if we are going to go to these units with these high risks so it is better to go abroad , that is, the lack of attention to this area and proper regulation between these two areas makes us unable to develop these technology markets in all the provinces of the country. today, the domestic scientists of our country can handle the industry sector. body's answer, and today in this package
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, by the way, we predicted that those who work on research and development and need machinery and equipment will be prioritized in the allocation of width in the discussion related to the exemptions that can be formed for them through exports and the assistance that government you can do it, by the way, it is one of the things that have been discussed in the discussion related to this package, and seriously , even this resolution was approved and notified by the respected government in the last two weeks with the proposal of the respected minister sanad madan tejarat, and it must be current and ongoing. it will happen and i think that we have no choice but to increase the country's production , this does not mean that we want to change a paradigm or from one paradigm to another , but we must pay attention to the issue of engineering design. research and development can insure the country in the future from different aspects
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the aspect that we can, instead of looking to export goods and final products today , we can export engineering, we can export research and development and technology, these are things that the world has also moved towards and is using and the benefits of well, here is a place where there is no price, that is, your technology is finally a product, when it is finalized, this product comes down to how many raw materials it has, how many salaries it has, how much overhead costs, and finally, what is your profit, that too in a new competitive environment, if you can. quality and necessary standards in the market you have to determine the consumption and the expectations in the field of consumption. finally, you should consider determining the profit margin in such a way that you can guarantee your survival in the market, and in the field of technology, pricing is not really like this, it is not with these mechanisms. it cost several tens of times what you paid for this work. it opens and it
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can be sold in the global markets, which also creates dependency . mr. dr. moghimi, let's go to a law that has been able to acquire this technology. now, in the field of industries, we want to investigate a law of maximum production and service capacity of the country, which now supports the internal capacity of the ministry, and is planning on it. despite this law and of course the issues that it focuses on , we see that goods that are actually similar to domestic production are still being imported. it can be produced in the country now, but it is being imported again. you can see that it is a commodity.
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at the same time as it is produced in the country , it is imported. in some circumstances , this must happen because in this situation , the goods we produce domestically cannot meet the needs of the country. it is possible and what is needed in the market and in the country should be imported in the sector that we need to answer the domestic market. in some places, this is where we need to import and it is necessary. in some places, our production capacity is equal to the capacity we have in the country, and the market needs it here. importing it naturally affects the production sector . this is the tariff tool that the ministry of industry has at its disposal
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, of course, it is often the case. it has created the conditions that the import of this product is more expensive than what is produced inside the country and it is no longer economical for this person who has entered the country . types of goods, allocation of width. there is a limit, you shouldn't it can be done, but i would like to say a few points that sometimes this issue makes such issues to be narrated from time to time, and that is that we, the definition tools that you say, what percentage
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of the market you have observed , you can see different cases and areas. you see, here the ministry of industry has a special focus on this issue. by the way , it has prepared a system and infrastructure for this . if someone really has the possibility and ability to produce , they will announce it there in the country, and we will be based on what is announced and it should be correct. it should be measured because there may be many claims because we can produce the product , sometimes in terms of quality specifications , the standards required to meet the final product may not exist, sometimes it may be possible to produce it today, but in that period of time when production or some kind of intermediate consumption that it wants to be used for the final production , it will not be able to supply in that period. well, we do not ask the ministry of poisons. here, the plan of the ministry of industry is that these items, which
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reach the market capacities in the country, should be immediately sold through amun tariff tool let's use the fact that usually these are also the same commission committees, article 1, article 2 , which is formed every year, and different organizations are also present. by the way, private sector organizations are also members of it, and they sit there to discuss issues and they are investigating, but there is a fundamental problem that they are doing step by step , and the corrections are being made. it is also related to the tariff code that they are importing , sometimes because they are careful enough. and the undefined amount of one item of goods may be imported from one tariff code of 3 items of goods, and what about its review. look at their review, we have tried to check these things every year, that is, if we assume that we look at the last two years
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, the number of these tariffs has changed compared to the tariffs that we have today, but in the end , all of these should be closed. it will be dealt with as soon as it is informed. we react to it, we show a reaction in order to be able to support the domestic industry of our country, which is one of our duties and policies. this work will not be done, so we have to wait there that a number of units that have the ability and capacity to produce must reach the stop zone. of course, i will say this point. it doesn't just belong to the ministry of industry , we have all the fields of some kind of production in the share of the ministry of culture, the ministry of industry, whatever is in the field of activities, we have a specialized office for this field, whose job is to monitor and follow up
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on such cases in the country. are usually also from how many portals is this information received, some of it is from the customs of the islamic republic of iran , and some of it is from these organizations. a part of it is the producers themselves who convey their points of view to us that today we have the capacity to produce this in the country , but foreign items are being sold in the country. these are sources of information that the ministry of industry , in addition to the series of general strategic studies that he does himself helps him to be able to implement these reforms with the help of private sector organizations and now the system. and executive bodies of the country that are members of it there are commissions that can control and in some way prevent the importation of items that the country has the capacity to produce from reaching the minimum possible, and we hope that this
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will reach a day when this number will really be zero, that is, the limit will tend to zero, god willing. god willing, mr. moghimi, you and your colleagues in the field of production and the ministry always emphasize the snow. production solves the problems of producers on the leap of production, but this calls for a series of requirements and requirements, one of which turns its arrowhead towards providing infrastructure, infrastructure such as energy carriers in the industrial towns of the country for small and medium industries, we have the problem of energy imbalance in the country. every time we see that there is a power outage, gas problem happens in some towns . i will see how to solve these problems so that this incident does not affect the production. and that speed of increase in production will not take the jump in production, what did you do? well
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, your point is completely correct. well, when the production increases, naturally, the amount of energy consumption in this area will increase. naturally, we are not energy producers , we are in some way consumers in this area. well , in different years, this energy was supplied. we are also developing the industry today. indeed, the development of the industry is still with us. just last year , we had more than 9 thousand industrial units, and now some of them are newly put into operation, some of them are developing plans to implement some of them in their existing capacities , they were able to increase their capacity, well, increasing their capacity means more energy consumption, but we in order to solve this problem , i can point out a few key issues. one argument is that, well. today, the industry complex itself has reached its feet and
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is doing the work of energy production. this work is done through the investments of the industry sector today, amounting to almost 1200 megawatts. in the last year, the electricity that entered the new production cycle through investments. whether it is the industry sector, whether it is about fossil fuel power plants or about our solar energy in the city. today , we have specialized energy and renewable energy settlements on our agenda. two settlements were put into operation recently. by the way , we called a number of loved ones in these settlements they attended, the electricity capacity of khurshid energy is 193 megawatts, and today the contracts are signed in the ministry of sands, although they have a part on the roof of the sheds.
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we have added a new zone to the previous seven zones that have industrial towns in this zone. it is a power plant zone . the next point is the big industry of the country. well, today they are bearing part of this discontent, the significant share of which is on this big industry of ours. we are those who are in the field of production they are consuming less than 30 kilowatts. in fact , they were able to do this last year, and recently, part of it has reached parity. well, the heavy investments that the country's industrial sector is currently making for water transmission, the water desalination plants that are working in the south of the country, the
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transmission lines that they have are being transferred to the provinces of the central plateau of iran, and now all our dear people are aware of the news. . well, these are all the functions in our industry in addition to these a main axis is the discussion of renovation and reconstruction. with renovation and reconstruction, we are looking for the share of energy consumption in production to the extent of this, how is it possible to replace new equipment instead of old equipment by transferring new and new technologies ? the attention of our units is that it has been 20 years since the operating license was issued to them, that there are about 6 thousand industrial units that have this situation, so these are being investigated , some of them are also our active units , that is, like this. that we are simply renovating and renovating in inactive units, there is no unit that today finally has a good production condition
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, but with this set of activities that can happen in the renovation of its units, it helps to reduce the share of energy consumption in the production of its products . hasan, well, no, i want to point out now that this itself needs an injection and financing, that's the same. by the way, i want to say that where we are working to produce electricity or energy, we don't put financial resources there. we also put financial resources there. but this is the responsibility of the manufacturer and its owner whether it is a unit or not, the ministry is going to come to work on its own side and see what we are doing in the discussion related to tashilgari . in the discussion of financing sources , we will do this work. let us help you see. for years , perhaps the focus of the country's financing system has been on the fact that we can provide financing for new units. today, we went to the ministry of economy complex. it is necessary to have the note 18 of the budget law, which is now in the budget law of 1402, note 43
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, note d, a part of this has been assigned to those who go. renovation of the unit doing this itself has now become one of the main axes so that we can use part of the resources needed by such units, this will make us use less electricity, and on the other hand , reduce environmental pollution. this reduction of these two important indicators can to increase the competitiveness of bonga, well, when we set a goal , it was very close in the past. you must have heard the news that we were able to show our capabilities to about 200 foreign businessmen at the international exhibition. let's present it to the world, so what does the country look like? to export, well, export without thinking about the competitiveness of your products, which is not possible at all, so this issue can not only
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free us from the issue related to energy consumption, but it can also involve us in the issue. it should be closer to the presence in foreign markets, which is one of the important issues that the ministry of industry is following up and implementing. they are following development plans. this development plan requires land more should be dedicated to it. one of them is challenging and requires a lot of planning. it also helps the producer and the provision of those issues that the ministry of education is pursuing in the production sector. what did you see in the discussion regarding the creation of infrastructure that there is some kind of land required for the development plan. well, in some parts of the country, for the reasons that i have mentioned, because of the topography of the region
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, maybe because of the geographical situation of the region. the possibility of developing these infrastructures is not impossible, but it has become very difficult to come to these areas . we have made some changes in the construction regulations. in order to be able to follow the discussion of industry, which requires less land , in some places and some parts of the country , there is capacity, we are still pursuing the development work here, of course, we went to norma and reviewed it. after all, if any development is to happen, we need it at the lowest level and what is really needed for development, well , many towns, more than 60 industrial towns have been put into operation in the new government, some of them are being implemented, of course, i want this to be shared. i want to attract the participation of the people
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we did not focus people's participation only in the area of ​​industrial buildings, we announced today and i also use this platform and announce that anyone in any place in this country can and has the capacity to finally know that this work is economical rather than wanting infrastructure. if he creates an industry in the country , we also give a license for a non-governmental industrial city , perhaps in this same year 1403 and even from the end of 1402 until today, 5 ad , we have a license for a non-governmental industrial city. today, 65 non-governmental industrial cities are active in the country. about 9,000 of our industrial units in these non-governmental industrial partners, that is, i want let me say that we have only limited that we , as the government sector, must go and provide the infrastructure, well, naturally, all eyes are on us , with the existing capacity and facilities and resources at our disposal , we may have the support of the government for many years. government concessions, yes
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, we went to hashem's instructions, we adjusted hashem's procedure one after another in my board, the organization was assigned within the framework of the promulgated regulations. different devices take the correspondence that is done all this is being pursued through our provincial companies, and we are trying to be able to act in this area in such a way that the non-governmental sector, if it has the capacity to develop activities in this area, or should i say, this area as a let's introduce a new business to the country for people to enter, and basically, the entry of some of the big units of our country came to get the license of non-governmental industrial partners and in a way , it has all the privileges that a government industrial town has. of course , i think i need to explain this point we will create a settlement, after a minimum
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number of industrial units are created in it, depending on the type of settlement or industrial area, it will be handed over to a service company. well, at the end of the work or after completing the set of activities, we want to complete this work. it is better for us to do this from the first day that they themselves express the basis of this end. the place where they want to do business , the place where they want to pursue economic activities in different industrial fields , create their own conditions with their own tastes and design architectures that fit those created conditions. for this purpose, i would like to use this opportunity to explain that we have prepared the conditions for the establishment of industrial factories in the country, which we consider to be complementary to the production areas in the country's industry. the possibility of the presence of distribution trade unions
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in the country's industrial zones has been made available, which i think is good news for the manufacturing sector and even for the country's industry , because they have been looking for this for years. i would like to attend, but our terms and conditions did not provide this possibility, but alhamdulillah the approval of the honorable board of directors of the organization to have this notification and the possibility of their presence in the industrial zones in order to be able to deliver the manufactured items of the country to the hands of the consumer with the least so-called cost and the highest quality conditions , mr. minutes and 30 seconds until the end of the conversation on the first page. what is left is the production and trade package, which is going to be unveiled tomorrow in the conference with the presence of the minister
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. you told us about the reconstruction and renovation of production units in industrial towns. what you have implemented and what you have in the form of planning will improve the situation of our industrial towns and our average units . take a minute to see in this discussion how much we, as i said, well, our prediction is that we will with this the package that has been predicted and that all the elements of government and governance have come to help in order to be able to complete this work to a good end and services and this package can be fully implemented is that we predict about 30% of the problems we can solve the industry sector in this way, although, after all, life goes on new obstacles and challenges may arise, and our duty is to
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solve them. thank you very much for coming to the front page studio and answering our questions . i wish you and all the people of production and industry in our country success we wish you strength and congratulations on the month of july, and thank you very much for being with the first line. good night and goodbye.
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