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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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very good, we have to say goodbye to the viewers of channel one now . stay with us on khabar channel. good evening , dear viewers of khabar channel. . mr. dr. javadi, you said that in various fields of domestic technology, they have provided their own products in fields such as artificial intelligence, intelligence, or information technology fields , cyber security. they are cyber, we put one of maybe. this
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exhibition period was the existence of the insurance industry and the technologies related to the insurance industry, which for the first time we were together with other industries, fortunately, a good display of the achievements of the field. we actually went to the field of insurance, in the field of internet service providers, in the field of providers. the types of games and i said that there was so much variety that we can say that it is really complete, it is complete, that is, from the infrastructure to all kinds of applications. that in the field of information technology, in the field of electronic health and other sectors, fortunately , we had very good companies that i attended this exhibition, another thing happened 4 years later in this exhibition and the discussion of attendance
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was, in fact, a new part of after them, as in fact , there are more than 90 different speakers and side events, yes , there is a conversation with technologists or a conversation between technologists and industrialists . and also that industrialists have special discussions in this area, we have 50 special speakers in this area , which i think gives good coverage, that is, we have more than a normal exhibition, the exhibition, so this platform is provided for people to express their needs and use elites to meet their needs, yes, we even discuss above this , we saw that we are not only industrialists, an event called tuan tek. we are
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providing services to those who have disabilities for any reason, and how can we provide them with the capabilities of information technology , which is a special attraction, god willing. in the next sections, he said that we will deal with these matters. mr. dr. ali akbari khani ali akbari , you will explain about the intelligentization and the infrastructures that we need. a lot of work has been done, one of the big plans that was done was the fiber plan, the filming that was done in the country, and it has reached the right point so that we can fulfill the 100% coverage . in this regard, the infrastructures created and how can this exhibition meet the need for the big projects we have in the country? yes, in the name of god al-rahman al-rahim and for this assignment, i offer courtesy and respect to the service of his highness and the listeners. and
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dear viewers of the special news talk program, in the first step , i consider it my duty to thank the people for their widespread participation in the elections, and god willing, in the next round , according to the guidelines of the supreme leader, we will be able to make a worthy choice for this country, which happens to be very relevant to the issue. our conversation can be related. the next issue is god's strength to serve mr. dr. hakim javadi, the respected president of the computer trade union organization and his valuable team , who honestly do a great job, see us. exactly when this exhibition will be held. after all, this exhibition is a very large exhibition and is one of the best in the middle east. it
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happened that anyway the country was in mourning and on the other hand we had the category of elections. i witnessed the pressure on this team, but they did a great job. you see, in general, the category of industries related to the subcategory of information technology is not an intermediate subject that is under other subjects , by the way, the field of information technology is the driving force behind the country's economic, social and even political fields, so we must take a strategic and deep look like this first. let's have the topic of the industry related to information technology. the next thing we should see is what are the expectations we have from intelligentization. we
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have 5 expectations from intelligentization. production, security promotion, productivity development and human resources promotion. when we look at these expectations that we have from intelligentization, it covers a large volume, that is, all the different sectors of industry and society, and by the way, it deals with the issues that all the problems of our country are in this area. we have to think about it based on the program fifth, 20 % of smartening should be done every year, up to 20% in 5 years, to reach 100% in 5 years. it is true that the 7th law of the 7th extension of progress is also one of the topics that
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you pointed out. it was just a few days ago that the document the 7th development plan was communicated to the government for implementation and by the way very important tasks have been created for the institutions in this area. it is a very good opportunity for us to be able to implement our plans anyway . which can be presented in this year's exhibition, this year's event help us to reach these goals. you see , we have a series of problems in this exhibition , which i expect to be solved, not by the organizing team. by the way, one of the expectations of the private sector and the participants of this show is to hold unnecessary meetings or meetings that the private sector
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should have with the government. officials are leaving. the minister of communications sat in this exhibition, finally providing valuable services in the 13th government, but we we should not be satisfied with a visit of a few hours . by the way, this is my suggestion, dear mr. mokhbar, to personally visit the government delegation. ministers , of course, a pavilion has been set up for the various departments of dr. hakim javadi. the mention came from the government, but it is for the ministers themselves to go and sit there and see the companies. these companies are different from other exhibitions. can you explain the capacities more , mr. doctor, because our time is limited, i want to reach all the issues and questions that exist here,
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this capacity. let's talk about this point , i think it is mentioned in the third and fourth questions let's see one of the most important capacities that the exhibition can have. it is about the import and transfer of technology and this is a great work done by shahid raisi, which should be remembered . there are foreign delegations in my exhibition. but what to supply, for example, products that can be consumed here, for example , bringing servers, storage, see one of the things we have to do, and this is actually work. governance is the work of the government, which in its interactions with
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other countries to send foreign delegations , we must use the capacity of this exhibition , bring technology to this exhibition that our companies can anyway. among other opportunities, one of the most important markets that knowledge-based companies in the digital economy of artificial intelligence have, this is the main market in the hands of the government, and certainly here, in the field of market creation and development , capacity should be created for them, and a final point. let me tell you about the industry category, i am from here to the owners of large industries as an expert i invite and recommend ceos to make time for their research and development teams. speaking in this area, we
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have very valuable indigenous and knowledge-based products that can meet the needs of the industries here. now, i think that the government can do a series of tasks, especially with the start of the 7th country development plan, for the area of ​​intelligence because you are in this area. i have to answer the department, let's create it, for example, one of the industries that is multi-disciplinary, for example, i will name the qadi holding, which is not private now, many of these are in the field of petrochemicals, in the field of cement, in electricity transportation and in any case, energy has different industries , they are welcomed by the people, let him hand over some of his tasks to the private sector and tell him, mr. ghadir, for example , to make the industry smarter
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, provide these facilities to these groups. we have to make it smarter from somewhere. let's start today , when we are at the service of his highness, only intelligentization has not really been implemented in the industry, our technologists have to stay behind the doors of the rooms , they have to present the proposal of the justification plan, and in the end, they do not reach a contract. we want to talk about the context again . it is one of the main discussions and also the use of capacities the interior is in the domestic industry that exists and depends on the domestic power, but if you allow, we have established contact with mr. dr. heydari, the secretary of this year's 27th alcom international exhibition do you have it? greetings and courtesy to mr. kiari and dear viewers. good night, doctor. in
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this year's exhibition, first of all, please explain how many participants we have in the international section and whether there is a basis for concluding a memorandum of understanding or a contract with foreign companies that are present here with the purpose of do we have a plan for the development of the international market? i would like to say hello again and explain that i am an engineer, doctor. thank you very much for your attention. i hope for your presence. as you mentioned, today was the first day of the exhibition, and we had 50 trade delegations present at the exhibition. in addition to the 50 trade delegations, 50 companies are also directly present at the exhibition . we hope that by the end of the exhibition, there will be meetings of if it takes shape , it will lead to the signing of the memorandum and the conclusion of the contract. what areas are planned, mr. doctor , mr. engineer?
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in fact , it is formed in almost all fields, but according to the current conditions, the discussion of infrastructure, information network, topics such as the intelligentization of officials, and i invite you to attend , there are companies that we hope will lead. let the contract be concluded. these mutual meetings that are held between domestic and foreign companies are correct. yes, yes, and are they planned to have mutual meetings with domestic companies, technologists, scientific companies, or even start-up businesses with our industrialists? yes. this year, the board of directors of the trade union organization and in association with the interactive chamber of commerce establish a new event. we had an exhibition called elicom commerce, which
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is part of the side events of elicom exhibition. in these meetings, the department of the iranian chamber of commerce and our businessmen will actually share their needs and concerns regarding the subject of information technology in interaction with the activists in the field of information technology in order to develop the market and in fact , we can respond to the needs that exist in the country. thank you for your cooperation with the special news talk program, i say goodbye to you. mr. engineer heydari, the secretary of the exhibition. alcom 27th alcom exhibition. well, just as the guests explained many technologies in this year's exhibition, a report about one of the technologies has been prepared. we will see this report . we will come back and serve you. a knowledge- based system for transmitting audio information on the platform. the network is a system that
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sends voice information without time and place restrictions . it has different power from 200 watts to 30 watts under the network . we have various products such as network amplifiers that we can provide according to the needs of our customers. this technological product is used in various fields has it. in environments like this issue that requires you to do a collective page, like in hospitals, do a wide page , or in the jatam factory, there is also a public notification , a warning system has been created, or in the factory or tunnels, for example, a insistent announcement , you were doing an illusion that, sir, for example, china is a problem in the city. this system, which is internalized at half the price of a similar foreign model, has its own merits. according to the speaker's capabilities, we will personalize the existing software for you. as the head of the kindness and prosperity fund said
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, negotiations for investment in this technological system have been formed in various fields. samayeh nasser of the radio and television news agency, i would like to thank my colleagues for preparing this report, which we have seen together, mr. dr. javadi, regarding the program that you are explaining to everyone for the development of the market of technological products that are presented in the start-up businesses of knowledge-based companies. now, one of their needs is to expand their market so that they can continue their activities step by step. now, whether in the domestic market or in the international market, what kind of support has been given to the knowledge bases, technologists and companies in this exhibition in this field, especially in the disabled section . i think it is an attractive section. ok, please, of course , we, our mobile phone operators, along with
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their technology companies, are expected to participate in this exhibition with the support coverage that the operators have. and offered various products in different areas . now i will tell you more if i have the chance , but first let's go back to the previous question. i think that in order for us to enter into the discussion of supporting academic companies, we must have the necessary infrastructure. now, according to one of our friends, we usually act like a fire sign , every now and then there is a fire somewhere. it takes and then we start to actually be able to turn it off. now, what is this infrastructure, mr. doctor? it seems that the first discussion is about the simplification of our laws, a serious problem that we have especially in the field of information technology. as a demand of the private sector, i present to you the regulatory diversity department and in fact the collections
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it is a government that can be said to operate and supervise, and sometimes, for example, if we are talking about digital health, we have a regulator called the ministry of health, which has its own rules, so the ministry of communications as an intermediary. it works here , but it definitely doesn't have the necessary authority in that area, because anyway, if we talk about monetary and banking areas, there is a central bank that is responsible for regulations. of course, i really don't think it can be claimed that this happened all over the world, especially for the field of information technology is at the edge of technology, where every day we have a new achievement in this field and it can be said as a fact that we are destroying a destructive industry . you see, for example, a taxi is coming
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as an internet service and it is giving itself, and the network is now the solution. what is the purpose of this? yes , i would like to ask you to see in the field of business development. well , one of the solutions is to be present at these exhibitions to introduce their products. let's use less for knowledge-based companies as an organization of the traditional system, we tried as far as necessary to provide the necessary subsidy for some of us, that is, our startup group, which actually participated in the exhibition today , they had a special subsidy from the trade union organization of the country. our main topic is the program law, fortunately, in the law
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of the seventh program, article 17, there is a container, that is, the addendum, note q , article 107, which actually creates a very good capacity for the organization of the trade union system and the private sector to enter the field of digital economy, you know. . what is the goal setting? at the current stage, with the measurements that we are making, it constitutes 79 tenths of our gdp or our domestic non-extractable production, in fact, the digital economy, in fact, in this program, it has been seen that within 5 years, this will reach 15%, so the number it is very high that it is not in the power of the government, either materially or in terms of human resources. i had a conversation with the minister today on the sidelines of the exhibition. now , according to what mr. dr. khani said and the notification of the seventh plan to the government, he emphasized that the capacity of the same companies that
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are in the exhibition today and what companies will be present you know that we have nearly 20,000 members in the country and 10,000 members in tehran, so this capacity is a very high capacity that can come to the aid of the government and rely on internal power and with the help of these companies, we will discuss digital transformation, god willing . all government organizations and institutions can start and continue, god willing, in the next government , god willing, the people will also see the results, god willing, and i think it is a good achievement. now mr. dr. khani , i really deserve to be thanked for the kindness you have shown us and our colleagues, but we in hall 27 all the achievements making the government smarter, friends from all devices presenting, and along with it, fintech and startup companies are operating there, the achievement that has been achieved during these 3 years, yes, and anyway , one of the important achievements that has a place. i
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would like to thank mr. dr. zarpour very much it was the government's digital economy working group, which means, in my opinion, it is a very short path. this is one of those infrastructure discussions that i mentioned to create a series for approval because they have authority from the government. in the discussion of start-up companies, however, in the field of scientific companies, despite all these discussions , we really have many problems, especially when the companies of our students are getting bigger than one size. now, i emphasize that we have the right not to use the name here because it is an advertisement for a brand. not to be specific, but most of our start-ups and fintechs, which have become a bit bigger today, have a lot of problems in farsi . it is good, mr. doctor, start-up businesses and
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start-up businesses that work in the field of banking and insurance. yes, yes, about banks and there are insurance and other sectors, yes, it's not just banks and insurance, but anyway, they have a lot of problems, which we hope, god willing, on the sidelines of this exhibition. i will definitely ask for parts of it. payment and we hope that we will definitely have the right solutions, god willing, and god willing , the result of this work will be the study of business in the right sectors. only, god willing, that it will be like this , let's not just talk about the show and move towards solving problems and developing the market, and a big move. in this field of information technology and communication, presentation and presentation is ours, and the solution, god willing, from the government's side is a two-way relationship, mr. dr. khani continues. a conversation we had with mr. javadi, in the field of education, i think the law of mutation of the production of knowledge bases is a plan and a suitable solution for the support area of ​​that
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tax credit has been thought out. yes, you see, one of the monuments of martyr raisi is this category of tax credit, which still not technology and knowledge -based companies are very aware of this great capacity that has been created for them. there are not large economic sectors that i have before me at all, because i have a lot of content , i want to be brief about the solutions, my suggestion is that later, god willing, do this field of media work , let's have a plan and talk , i want a series of opportunities. now we want to talk in the field of solutions, yes, in the field of solutions i want to talk about one of the most important capacities that we actually have. we have to continue the path of our martyrs, activation of economic diplomacy in the field of technology. look, we have the capacity now.
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the government that is going to take over the administration of the country should pay attention to these capacities. i suggest this as an expert . now, one of these two nobles is going to run the government to get acquainted with the capabilities of the digital economy if there are people who want to know the views of the private sector, i am not very aware of the actions of the 13th government in other areas, but i have an active presence in the ecosystem of technology and innovation, and very great works have been done in this area. continuing this path is very
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important for the future, another issue. in fact, the issue of training a skilled workforce, by the way, i wanted to address the same issue. our human resources are one of the best and our wealth is the issue of human resources. my suggestion is the ministry of communications and technical organization professionals of the country should hold a meeting immediately now that the program has been announced, and i only have to do this with the cooperation of the private sector, this exhibition is a very good opportunity. it is very good, mr. doctor. i have one more thing to say. one
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is about the participation capacity of our people in the country , because we had crisis and problems anyway , we really forgot the opportunity of the slogan of the year. digital economy is the best solution and this is our way to solve our economic problems and another solution that hazrat ali has mentioned from now on, as a final point , this is our dear voice and television, a very beautiful work , for example, in creating a structure for artificial intelligence in these pursuits that voice and sima has done it, we are now reaching the artificial intelligence organization , don't underestimate the capacity of radio and television, come and break a series of structures, let these active, technological and innovative companies of the private sector easily express their achievements,
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tell me their names, brands and logos. . in any case, this will be light for them they will roll out the red carpet, you have the capacity and it should be at the disposal of this department . god willing, it will be a very nice job. mr. jabali , anyway, courtesy of dr. javadi . i would like to ask you a short final question. what has been added to this course ? we use, for example, banking services today, most of them are on mobile phones , so operators who can provide special services for disabled people, now definitely, now, please. friends must come and
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see the exhibition. they do this by using information technology tools. apparently, it's time for the theme. i just want to ask mr. dr. khani to say that everyone should play the exhibition. i thank you for your support in the program. .
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rahman rahim in the name of god whose memory is peaceful.


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