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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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campaigning for the second round of the presidential election will begin after the confirmation of the accuracy of the election by the guardian council. healthy and real political competition in the close and breath-taking electoral competition of pishdaz candidates. spokesperson of the country's election headquarters. the second stage is friday, july 15. for the love of leadership, for the love of martyrs, we stood by the system with strength. this means the establishment of the system, which means the success of our whole country. we are behind the system and leadership. each vote we first. a vote for the system is a vote for
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our beliefs and a vote for our revolution. the glory of the presence of iranians in the political celebration of hasht tir is still in the headlines of the world media. dozens of foreign media of iranian people declared the main winner of the election. one of the distinctive features of this period of elections in iran is its competitiveness. this election can have great effects. to have international and regional relations . publication of the revolutionary leader's statements at the international congress of martyrs defending the shrine and the resistance front in mashhad. the defenders of the shrine are the saviors of iran and the region. they wanted to form governments in the name of islam through isis. two sides of islamic iran. to
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our east, in our country, to our west, in the country of islam , let them know about takfiri. the removal of joe biden from the presidency of this country. mike johnson. biden's current situation is dangerous for america. the display of the latest iranian technologies related to artificial intelligence began at the tehran el-comp 1403 international exhibition , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers.
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campaigning for the second round of the presidential election will officially begin after the confirmation of the accuracy of the election by the guardian council. on saturday, the spokesman of the ministry of interior, announcing the final results of the 14th presidential term, said: out of the total of 24 million and 53585 votes, mr. masoud bizikian won with more than out of 10 million votes in the first place, mr. saeed jalili with more than 9 million votes, in the second place, mr. mohammad baqer qalibaf with more than 3 million votes and mr. pourmohammadi with more than 206 thousand votes were in the third and fourth places. emphasizing that none of the candidates could get an absolute majority of votes in the first round, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said: the first and second candidates
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will go to the second round of the election, which is determined according to the law of the 15th of july, after the guardian council confirms the correctness of the election. they walk the minister of interior thanked all those involved in holding elections from two candidates who have reached the next stage and their headquarters asked to consider the law and ethics in advertising as in the first stage. we hope that the two dear daf candidates who have to submit themselves to the people's vote again next friday, and their headquarters , god willing , will witness an election this week, as in the previous period, fully complying with all legal regulations and observing good electoral ethics.
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let's have another at the level of the islamic republic, and god willing, everyone and the whole world will watch how these important events take place in our country in complete peace and health. more than 24 million 500 thousand people in the 14th presidential election period. bandet's preference was the presence of compatriots in the conversation with our reporter, the elevation of the homeland for tomorrow and love and devotion to the martyrs and leadership.
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we are the mother of hosseini irshad, one of the centers of special vote in tehran, a crowd that has been present here since the early hours of the special day. in almost the same way, there are long groups that have formed outside hosseiniyeh , and there is almost a similar crowd inside.
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islamic republic of iran, let's convey the message that we always on stage and i am an iranian, i have a duty to vote . i came for the sake of my country , for the sake of the testimonies, for the sake of my leader. every vote is a vote for the system, a vote for our beliefs, and a vote for our revolution. i present myself to my martyred president, we participate so that the islamic republic system remains stable.
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we do it for the love of the leader and for the love of the martyrs . i am voting for the sake of my leader and the prosperity of my country and my duty is to serve the system and revolution of the islamic republic and also according to the orders of the supreme leader. let there be a message for the enemies of iran that we are always behind our system, let them know that we will stay behind the leader of our country until the end, because of the blood of our martyrs
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, loyal to my leader. in a message of condolence for the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, the head of the presidency appreciated the presence of the people at the polling booths. mr. mokhbar is also from different political groups, sending authorities, those responsible for holding elections, especially the ministry of interior, the guardian council, the election headquarters. he appreciated the executive boards, inspection supervision, governors, governors and prefects, military, police and security forces and all media and news people, especially the national media.
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the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with the participants of the international congress of martyrs of the shrine defenders and the resistance front of the shrine defenders , called the shrine defenders an amazing and important phenomenon and one of the manifestations of the worldview of the islamic republic of iran and emphasized that the presence of young people of different nationalities in the form of the shrine defenders showed islamic revolution after more than four decades have the power to recreate the passion and saga of the first revolution. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, in this meeting, which was held on the third day of khordad, and at the same time as the congress began, the text of the statements was published in the holy city of mashhad. honoring the memory of all the martyrs who defended the shrine and the resistance front, especially sardar martyr soleimani who defended the shrine. in defense of the thoughts and ideals of its owner
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, they considered it the shrine of the ahl al-bayt, peace be upon them, and said: the lofty ideals of the school of the ahl al-bayt, peace be upon them, such as justice, freedom, fighting against oppressive powers, and sacrifice and sacrifice in the cause of truth, are always among the consciences of they have pak talib. leader the islamic revolution cited the movement of american university students in defense of the people of gaza as an example of the existence of clear consciences in the world and added that the important thing is that this message of defending the shrine, which is actually the defense of the ideals of humanity, should be heard by the clear consciences in the world. be delivered he considered and pointed out another aspect of the issue of the defense of the shrine, the worldview of the islamic revolution. any revolutionary movement that neglects its international and regional environment will be hit, just like the movement of the iranian nation in the case of the constitution and the nationalization of
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the oil industry due to its preoccupation with domestic issues and neglect of foreign interventionists was damaged and did not come to an end. ayatollah khamenei added: since the early days of the islamic movement and also since the victory of the islamic revolution, the venerable imam, may god bless him and grant him peace, has always noticed the interference of foreigners and his attitude. it was global and regional and not interested in domestic issues, and in his statements in this context , the leader of the islamic revolution gave the necessary warning. the presence of warriors defending the shrine in countries for which the enemy had designed a very dangerous plan was one of the manifestations of the globalism of the islamic revolution. they said that this plan is very dangerous and the purpose of this plan is also. capture in order to capture iran, i.e., islamic iran
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, the region had to be captured by the united states and the arrogant and colonialist apparatus . for this plan, 7 thousand billion dollars were spent. this is a statistic and a figure that the first person of the united states announced many times . seven trillion dollars spent in this region were wasted. all these expenses were nullified. they wanted to form governments in the name of islam on both sides of iran through isis.
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in fact, they will destroy the islamic republic with various pressures in addition to economic and religious, intellectual and ideological pressures, and destroy the movement. defenders of ino khansa shrine. hazrat ayatollah khamenei shows the power of the islamic revolution in recreating his inherent passion and epic at the beginning of victory. they listed it as another dimension of the movement of the defenders of the shrine and added: the presence of young people who had not seen the imam and the era of holy defense to defend the shrine shows the strange power of the islamic revolution in recreating the same religious and revolutionary motivations four decades ago. some
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of them are even those whose material analysis has gripped them and won't let them go. whatever you do, whatever argument you do, he said, every inner mountain was thinking, because delilari's imagination was too much, my argument is what you are doing. they are not ready to enter that argument into their minds to convince their minds, their eyes are on the west and on the motivation and on the same false western intellectual foundations. expecting that the revolution, which is an uprising against this materialistic thought, will gradually weaken. some of them themselves were first revolutionary and then turned into something opposite or against or at least contrary to revolutionary thinking. they said that if those who were in the holy defense,
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if until now they are like us, comparing to this young man. to show that no, this mistake is not like this, purity, courage, sacrifice, sincerity and deep belief in islamic and revolutionary principles in this the young people who leave are really amazing , it is really a unique phenomenon, one wonders , there can be nothing else but the grace of god, but the divine guidance and the thumb of the guidance of the infallible imams, peace be upon them . the leader of the islamic revolution considered the holding of marches like 22 bahman or surprising preparations like the commemoration of sardar soleimani and the memory of the martyrs of the service
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as other manifestations of the power of re-creating the islamic revolution and emphasized that the martyrs defending the shrine and their families are a source of pride. the pride, salvation, and prosperity of iran are islamic, and the islamic revolution is definitely the pledge of these martyrs and their families host. the commander-in-chief of the islamic revolution guards corps said at the congress of martyrs of the shrine defenders and the resistance front: americans spent billions of dollars in syria and iraq to surrender the muslims, but they failed, which is a sign of greatness. it is an islamic nation. some families of martyrs from the countries of palestine, afghanistan, pakistan, yemen, syria and iraq were present in this congress. the first international congress of martyrs defending the shrine and the resistance front began with a video presentation of the revolutionary leader's speech in mashhad. god's mercy on martyr soleimani who pointed out that he is the creator
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of this thought and this work. in his message to the congress from the martyrs of the resistance front the title indicating the path to the liberation of quds was mentioned and he emphasized on the continuation of the path of the martyrs. major general salami
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, commander of the irgc, also emphasized on the continuation of the path of the martyrs of the resistance and counted standing against the aggressors and defending the rights of the oppressed people of the region as one of the goals of the resistance front. the resistance is huge, beautiful, bright and attractive , whose attractions have penetrated even into american universities, into the squares of american cities, england, france , spain, australia , palestine, as a seemingly small piece of the earth , has gained a global dimension this ceremony hojjat al-islam's
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presence at the polling booths was widely reflected in the world's media. more than 500 journalists from 150 resident and non-resident foreign media affiliated with 31 countries, the 14th presidential election. the republic of iran was covered in the field. as you can see behind me, some polling centers
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are busier than others and they are well received and the voting process is going on without any problems. this is the description of the al jazeera tv channel reporter about the presence of people at ray's polls. the presence that foreign journalists say appeared in a healthy atmosphere. wide welcome in this polling station. it means hussainiyah guidance from the election. elections are held in a safe environment and there are no problems in the voting process . the competitiveness of the 14th presidential election was another issue that attracted the attention of foreign journalists. the competition between iranians is very serious in this period. the participation rate is high and the competitive atmosphere dominates the elections. a healthy election in a completely serious and competitive atmosphere where the network reporter
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can have a great impact on international and regional relations because iran plays a big role in the middle east. this election is also important for america because it will definitely affect america's interests in i will be influential in the middle east. the memory of palestinian women and children in some polling stations was also interesting for the correspondent of u news agency , as he wrote that palestine is also present in iran's presidential election. in hundreds of television channels and news agencies
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of the world, iran is shown at the regional and global level . mojtaba shah soni of the sda news agency, but who is the main winner of the election? our reporter asked this question to the people. congratulations, thank you, thank you for the good election dear iran , you were always behind velayat faqih, the leader. i love you. i congratulate the people of iran . good luck and let us always stand by our iran. don't be tired . don't be tired. don't hurt your hand . you are welcome. a word to those who came yesterday. well done to those who came to vote, i thank them all, thank you for a good choice , you should really be proud of these people. the people of iran
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were great. thank god, they didn't hurt their hands because they came to vote and appeared on the stage. their work was really great. you are also warm. we can build iran, a bright land in the light of your eyes i am the soil of the martyrs of iran , it has just started, all this going to the fronts to fight, now it is very tiring, why don't i come to my country with a revolution and we will not get tired, who is tired?
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next, for the sake of our beloved leader, love for religion, for islam , for people, for life, for my children, for everyone, i hope that the best will happen to the people of iran , the most armed person, the healthiest person. be very firm , don't listen to the words of this and that, if this country is prosperous. ok, you will improve it, when it goes to the second round, it becomes more important, our people never know , they don't empty it. we are alive, god willing, we will come next week to ray's boxes, god willing, the community will see you again , don't forget friday, i will come, god willing
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, we will score the last goal in the 96th minute. a few anecdotes of those whose difficult circumstances prevented their presence at the polls , iranians whose content was popular in the virtual space. from a pharmacist living in england whose work shift did not allow it. i reached the last 10 minutes before the first time to vote, but i reached this man who was standing a bit despite his damaged body. a little bit behind is that iranian lady living in india who had a long way to reach the ballot box, but she reached it
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. we were on the road for about 10 and a half hours by car. this one lady in denmark who raises the flag even when some anti-iranian people push her with insults. a different picture whose sound cannot be played because of the words of the people on the street. scenes like this reminded many of this scene. remembering soldiers, fighters. see in behbe war with hearts paks are voting. this is a form of revolution. fatima sharifi. radio news agency .
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the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states should demand the removal of the president of this country. describing biden's current situation as dangerous for america, mike johnson said that according to the 52nd amendment to the us constitution, biden's presidential cabinet should fire biden due to his inability to manage affairs . according to the 25th amendment of the us constitution, if the president cannot perform his duties. the vice president takes charge of affairs. the wall street journal also reported dodd: biden's poor performance in his first election debate with trump has become a concern of the democrats and they are thinking of replacing him. after biden's poor performance in the debate on thursday, some democratic lawmakers demanded his withdrawal from the election campaign.
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however, biden announced in the election debate. they will participate in the next meeting with trump in september. did the americans suffer casualties in iran's missile attack on al-aswad or not? this was one of the topics of the election debate of the us presidential candidate trump biden. a rich debate from insult and political immorality. on the morning of december 16 , 1320 in the middle. world war ii japanese forces attacked an american base in hawaii and nearly 20 american aircraft stationed at pearl harbor were destroyed. it is also said that nearly 2,500 americans were killed and 1,240 wounded in this attack. this is the last one.


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