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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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and this operation of ours was actually a forgiving military operation, but in these 12 days, the action that our beloved did in the correct reflection of this power, that is, they did the operation first, well, you know , anyway, they were looking for that. they wanted to make up for their failure in some way, that is , they wanted to make up for the defeat of the zionist regime for free, and when they saw that iran was willing to start threatening us, they started threatening that there would be a war and we would fight, and they started with these words. our soldiers knew that what they are saying is worse than their mouths. they don't have that ability. but you see, our language
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was the honorable minister of foreign affairs, we were not on the side of the account with them, so that we could talk in their mouths, that is , in these days, he started traveling to different countries , making calls, and making this huge operation actually a significant part of the media and the speaker of this operation was our great martyr amir abdullahian , he acted well, he acted fairly, and he was one of the first people who, after all, we who were nobodies were soldiers, congratulated him and sent us flowers and made a phone call immediately, which means that in our past we could see that everyone was really getting along throw in the previous governments and they get worried, and you saw that they said that they would be destroyed with an iranian bomb. whatever we told them, they didn't accept that they don't have that kind of ability at all. they don't have that kind of courage. such a foreign minister's possibility
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was at the level of the islamic revolution. he was at the level of the islamic revolution and honestly , he performed very well in this short period, and in the past, when he was with our great martyr qassem soleimani, he was really the same way . it means, for example , let's say that the same triangle, which we say , doesn't have one zall, doesn't have two zalls, finally you diplomacy is backed by military power, military power , its criticism, in fact, its revelation, that message and that diplomatic speaker, and naturally , the media is also important, these things together and they are really at the level of the islamic revolution. it worked. i recently
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had interviews with various personalities who know martyr amir abdollahian very well , especially mr. asadollahi. in fact, they can prepare the ground in this interaction that you had with each other what did they want and what was their goal? what was the purpose of this deadline? look at how much it provided the ground for this operation. first of all, as i said , it was done with the intention of actually taking action and compensating for their defeat, of course, that means in the al-aqsa storm, in fact , yes, it means that in that operation, a strategic failure was made almost now. it has been almost 9 months , during this period of operations, the actions they have taken, killing women, children and innocent people. but
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they didn't achieve anything, they knew this and planned to hit our consular point, and if they wanted to hit our loved ones, they could hit other places as well. they could have beaten us, they wanted to humiliate us , impose humiliation on our nation, and they made a calculation error because you can see the patience that our officials have that now we finally don't want to get involved in war, they made a mistake. making a calculation error and thinking that we are inaction confused our patience with inaction . when this act of this crime was done, they immediately started chanting abominations. they started saying, "didn't you want to destroy israel?" well, now we are talking, let's start talking about this, this is the message supreme leader, it was very important for them to understand that we want to take action, then they started threatening. after seeing that these answers
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he gave from iran, we did not do media work, we as the military official did not say anything so that they understood. that we will definitely take action, after sending a message to martyr amir abdullahian that, well, now this is your right, that is , to write a letter to the united states and the zionist regime through turkey . it happened with fear and trembling and with trembling voice they went from threatening not to switch to begging. starting to beg them to act gently now, even on the last day , they were contacted again through the foreign minister of one of the arab countries, and martyr amir abdollahian called seda salami and said that they were sending a message that we
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would solve the ceasefire issue. don't attack. israel gave this message that sarda salami said to them. he conveyed this message correctly. he said that we will definitely attack, but if the security council comes, guarantee that this peace will be established, we will attack lightly. i was excited. i called immediately. it will take us a few days we have told them to tell them how many more hours you don't have, how many hours they wanted, in fact, with this time delay, in fact, somehow , to take this issue to a standstill, and in fact, to negotiate and these discussions, which was not iran's position , i want to say, see you during this period, the foreign ministers of england, france, and european countries had a list of things that must be in the foreign ministry.
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after the operation, they said that you were supposed to be punished do it, it was supposed to be mild, if this is a punitive operation, then what will your war operation be? you see, this correct action of the irgc and the armed forces and the correct message, and in fact these diplomatic actions gave value to this work, if we wanted to act minus the diplomatic actions, maybe we would not have found this legitimacy. there are so many awake people in the world waiting for this incident . well, that's it. who provided this ground, i want to say that if the true promise operation becomes a global operation at the level of the distinguished revolution, it is owed to our loved ones at the ministry of foreign affairs and at the head of them, martyred amir
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abdullah, may god's mercy be upon him, it was in the news that i think the americans told the other side that you should target a place symbolically. do you also confirm that when they said "take it easy" they meant this, maybe now it's a direct statement like this, at least i didn't hear it, but what they meant was to take it easy now , they were very worried, and yet when this operation was done, well after all, they have been in full stress for 12 days. the news we have is more than the minute news of regime hospitals more than 19,000 people, nearly 20,000 people , went to the hospital due to the pressure and stress after this operation, and nervous tension came to them . look, this was all because of this introduction by shini , exactly, when you want to hit someone
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like this. you prepare your hand, he says, come on , finish it, put our mind at ease, but these 12 days were felt every moment. sardar, on the other hand, as far as you have said and explained, it was the help that the diplomacy field provided and it was a complete demonstration of the coordination of these two and actually the link between the two that you said compared to before were you able to guarantee our interests, especially national security, on the other side, considering these events and developments that we have in the region and gaza in particular, and the importance it has for us, please tell me what kind of help you see in the field of diplomacy. we also had meetings with our loved ones, we also had periodic meetings, especially with our brother , dr. bagheri keni, and this
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report was transmitted. for example, the so-called collection our diplomacy had some concerns, but when they came, we told them to be at ease here, for example, in the case of declaring terrorists. i told them that you should not ask anyone at all, you should tell them that you want to declare, declare, but from tomorrow in the persian gulf, in the region , you are not on the side of an armed force of my law, you will be on the side of a bunch of terrorists, and this will be transferred if they do, then he says, for example, our loved ones, well, many of the people in charge , when they came to see one of our missile systems , for example, they themselves said, we said. we thought this the movies that are broadcast on tv that show this tunnel like this, these movies
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were taken from the same route several times, or somehow later i saw that they were going 5 kilometers. the field that has exactly confidence in the military power of the country and you look at this honest promise, we really wanted to punish and a part of the facilities of a force came to work, but there the entire power of the zionist regime came, the united states came in full force and brought all the facilities of the region. england came to france , jordan came to use all its facilities and countries the region of more than 23 countries serving from these arab countries in the region in the persian gulf, their radars are all turned on. that day, they put the information at the disposal of the zionist regime . to be means now to have the confidence that they speak with strength and power , to realize that this capability exists
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. in the past, our loved ones never believed because of their view of the west, but these dear ones are our friends because they are revolutionary . that being involved is related and in essence our dear martyr is really reliable if we want to compare it to this sardar's case, maybe this is the operation of sadiq's promise. somehow, in the case of ain al-aswad, it could have happened many years ago and it would have achieved the same results for us. you accept it, that is, you confirm that because of this lack of cooperation and disbelief, we did not know. i don't know. we found out about this in the morning. starting from these words means to see , for example, suppose that now you are in the units, our units, after all, these are my revolutionary guards . it has become a national crisis when they were raising my enemy, they were raising
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us, how about, for example, during this period, in this government , we tested so many missiles , we had so many stupid launches, no one said anything, everyone was suffocated. you are one of the martyrs of amir abdulhoun, whose sweet memory is the only one who was honest . he called him right away, and you said and heard that you had something in your memory. well, you really honored him with greatness. after all, there are many collections in the country, but he for example, he stepped forward calling and thanking us and sending us a flower, which we saw could not fit in this hall, means that this was the height of his magnanimous love, and in every way, he received a phone call and a written message. he sent us a written article and he also sent us flowers. well, this is a sign
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of his great interest and respect for the corps and for power, and the same thing that i have presented to you , he considered the force of the field to be a strong support for things, and he knew it for diplomacy with these qualities. do you define shahid amir abdullahian more as a man of the field or a man of diplomacy, both? both of them, because they are in the field of resistance axis, really know how to act he is a field diplomat, a field man who is proficient in diplomacy, both days when this tragic incident happened, that was the hour of emergency, when you heard the news of the martyrdom . sometimes they have some bumps , really, well, at the beginning of the victory of the revolution, we
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have seen many incidents like this, and this was a shock , that is, it was not at all believable , we did not expect this, after all, our dear martyr raisi , martyr amir abdullahian, martyr alahashem, is with us. we had a friendship, we had close friendship with martyr mousavi martyr malik rahmati, these loved ones who were part of the flight group, in a way, after all, they were our colleagues , and being in the air force means that we had some kind of relationship with all 8 people, and this incident was ultimately a bitter incident, although they reached the height of their own desire, which was martyrdom. the arrival of god, god willing , will make them famous with the martyrs of karbala, and it was very bitter for us, but in any case, it was an incident where the presence of the people and this exodus really
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became a revolution. how to complete this? a maximum presence of expression foot work two their choice should be an efficient person , they should choose the best, the best who can really continue the path of martyr raisi and this government, and what does it mean to have all your points, but with higher capabilities, god willing. یه پله دو پله ببرن بالا ترآمدی خیلی مهمه به امید خدا من پرسش دیگه ای ندارم اگر نکته ای خودتون لازم می دونید اضافه بفرم تشکر میکنیم ما هم تسلیت و تبریک عرض میکنیم و برای ما توفیقیه که به هر حال در این کار عزیز شهید ما دارید we are following this work, we are doing our duty and it is my duty to thank you very much thank you for your kindness.
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the boats can't move fast because the depth of the water is shallow. as you can see, the place is now cloudy. we used to cross the sea with our boat . saeed, the fisherman had finished. the water had receded 50-60 meters . i couldn't see the water. they said that it was dry here and there were no people. dead bay the water connection between the caspian sea and gorgan bay was completely cut off.
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amin god amin we should not witness gorgan bay dry up and become a threat to the region with the presence of our dear president dr. ayat allah raisi gave the order to start the rescue of gorgan bay from the first hour. mr. raisi's decisive order was carried out . fortunately, it was done on time. it was a very difficult job. it was a very big job . don't let your hand hurt. i couldn't help it . your efforts are appreciated and thanked. you painted the picture of hazrat agha. i am a nobody at all. it's as if
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we don't know anything about their services. i mean, no one would say , no, this is not possible, this will also be abandoned. this huge project is not possible, but it was done with an iron will. our beloved president was the man who tired the fatigue , haj agha raisi was sure that he would not put any order on paper and implement it . we came from mashhad, but it is clear here that the prosperity increased . we saw with our own eyes the rescue of berdan bay. caspian. millions of aquatic animals come here to reproduce, both for recreation for the people , for tourists, and for you, as an economic opportunity for the people of the region. passengers are getting slower it has been repeated for several years
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now, the situation is very good, very good, gorgan bay is an opportunity for the region. alhamdulillah, it has been revived today and it is possible to create employment there, and it is a very good environment for people and tourists .
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we lost a billion dollars in 2023 in 2023, and this is 38 more than last year , when crime increased by 38, which is an issue that needs to be paid more attention to. fraudsters spend months creating fake pages on social media to gain the trust of their victims and then get them to invest. this the programs claim huge profits until the money suddenly disappears from the criminals' pockets.
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they are gangs based mainly in southeast asia. cn research in 2023 shows that many fraudsters are actually victims of human trafficking themselves. like this indian man named rakesh. he is under protection in this complex. in myanmar, he had to pretend to be a russian woman and try to target americans in cyberspace. they gave us a lot of money. i took on the role of a russian girl. using the profile of the russian girl ignorance should be from i used to scam people. investigators are warning about the mass transfer of wealth and the theft of billions of dollars from ordinary american citizens. and this year they predict.
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when he borrowed money from his loved ones , he had to live with his mother. in your debt schedule , how long do you think it will take to pay back the money? probably 10 years old.
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and their sister laura are planning to hold a meeting to help their father. the plan was for her to move here in virginia with adrian. unfortunately, the day we were supposed to have a meeting was the same day we found out that he passed away. she while he died, he was ashamed and financially devastated and heartbroken. if sharing our story helps another person or family , it will be worth it. if sharing our story helps somebody else or another family then it's worth it.
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4:00 am
the second round of presidential elections has begun. radio and tv also announced its advertising programs for this round. this news and election news another hot item in the election package. hello.
4:01 am
we start with the statement of the winning candidate of the first phase of the election addressed to the people. on hot days and:


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