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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the speedy death of them, dear compatriots, greetings to you. good morning to this section. welcome news with the confirmation of the july 8 election results by the guardian council. campaigning for the second round of the 14th presidential election has begun. sed and sima also announced their advertising programs for this round. this news and other hot election news in the election package. hello
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, we will start with the statement of the winning candidate of the first phase of the election to the people in the hot and short days of campaigning again. after announcing the results of the election, masoud bizikian wrote: voice i am honest, i do not lie. there is one more step left until the final selection. your effective participation in the second phase of the election will establish this second step. so because saeed jalili also wrote in his statement, "go to the villages and convey our voice to them. now is not the time to delay . go to the outskirts of the cities and tell them what we have to say . i see the coming week as a unique great opportunity in the history of the islamic revolution of iran." the latest news is that ali tayabiya, the minister of economy of the first government of hassan rouhani, met with massoud bezikian and supported him
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. tayabiya is said to be the commander. the economy of doctors should play a role. the militant clergy community announced its support for saeed jalili in a statement. in this statement, the head of this organization expressed his hope that the candidate would continue the path of martyr raisi and asked the people to participate in the second phase of the election and vote for saeed jalili. the people's coalition of the islamic revolution forces has also given this support to saeed jalili. in the statement , he asked the people to vote for this candidate in the july 15 election to provide the basis for the formation of a powerful, revolutionary government with the speech of martyr raisi. zahra chekhmoghi of sed and cima news agency. two debates documentary and two conversation programs with the public in the campaigns of the candidates who qualified for the second round of the election based on the approval table. today
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, monday, july 11th, at 21:30 , the first debate will take place, and tomorrow, tuesday, july 12th, at 21:30. saturday , the 12th of july, the documentary of mr. masoud mezikian, at 19:00. on wednesday, the 13th of july, the televised speech of mr. saeed jalili and masoud al-badishian will be broadcast on ik sima channel. i will add that today at 1,930 minutes of the program with the people of aghaye mezikian will be broadcast on channel one. this program was supposed to last night. 20, which
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was postponed until today at the request of the medical staff. on friday , the 15th of july, the second phase of the presidential election will be held. as we said , the second round of debates will be held today and tomorrow. journalists went among the people to meet their expectations in the second round of debates.
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the hunger of young people should be paid more attention, especially those who are looking for work, looking for marriage , they will find housing easily . i will fix the youths, i ask him as a human being to consider the pain of the society, which he knows better . let the inflation come down, it is the concern of all young people now, this is the formation of life, tell the truth, everything will take its own right path, we want that right path, you take a step for the people, i am asking you all to express your vote, not voting does not fix anything,
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keep your word. and prove your masculinity, we just ask you to hear our words and do what we want you to do. the mission of the acting president to all agencies to cooperate with the ministry of interior for the successful holding of the second phase of the elections. in the government meeting, mr. mokhbar asked the candidates and staff members, their supporters and those around them to put ethics at the forefront of their election activities and avoid any destructive actions or words. the acting president also ordered the relevant agencies to prevent any illegal increase in the prices of goods and services by continuously monitoring the necessary care. the minister of culture and islamic guidance in this meeting in a report on the expansion and increase of activities
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cultural representatives in the popular government and said that the number of active cultural representatives in our country has increased from 50 representatives at the beginning of the 13th government. there has been an increase of 85 representatives, the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economics of the presidency, pointing to the creation of a system as a connection with the aim of introducing the possibilities of receiving applications from iranians who have graduated and studied at the world's top universities to return to the country, said that in these few years, 9 thousand people among the graduates of the top 200 universities in the world to return to the country in this system.
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has raised american media say, the decision about biden's resignation with is his wife biden should withdraw from the election to save his country. this was written by the new york times after the first us presidential debate. biden is involved in a gambling game. democratic leaders are there to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to trump's second term. biden's weakness is to no avail. the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states of america, sandek , proposed the removal of the president and the members of the cabinet should consider the use of the 25th amendment of the constitution to remove him from the presidency due to biden's poor performance in the debate. verbal slips of a slurred voice and sometimes unintelligible answers
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the american president has caused others to think of replacing a new person from the democratic party to compete with the republicans. from the first election debate, nazarji of mornint institute shows that the american people demanded the resignation of biden. 60 % of poll participants say that biden should definitely or preferably be replaced by another democratic candidate after his performance in the debate with trump. according to the guardian, this is the first time in the modern history of the united states that a political party in this country is looking to replace its proposed candidate with a new person. the names
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here are mazandaran province and qaimshahreh city. upright shahri introduced many heroes to vardesh iran, among them, one person is characterized by the fact that he was the last athlete to have a conversation with the martyred president, ayatollah raisi. hello, mr. amir, how are you? how're you? i am happy that i saw mr. raisi again that day. i can still hear the words that they repeat that you are our pride, every time the country's flag is raised.
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the flag of the islamic republic is raised and the anthem of the islamic republic is played. alhamdulillah, god will protect him. they could communicate with them. he said that since the day he started wrestling , we have a traditional wrestling discipline called lochu, father, and we have been lucho wrestlers since before my brother joined this discipline. as a child , wrestling was considered a sport for us. this iranian sports lady from the village reached the championship podiums. this competition was also a grand prize competition in kyrgyzstan, where i won the gold medal. it was a tournament . after that , the world gold medal and the world bronze medal are my last two medals
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which was an asian medal, how many of these badges are shown , 7 badges, he presented two of his badges to the imam reza museum, i really lost my last kilo in the race with either imam reza or imam reza, that is, i was running calling imam reza i found this love there, i felt it . i always say that we are all tools of a single human being. it has no power. it is a heart thing. i really knew the owner of that medal, mr. imam reza. a lady with an islamic hijab holding a flag. every time we go, 13 or 14 teams participate in the competition. i took a scarf with me i was there when we were praying with him and i had given a gift to one of these children, one of them was uzbek, and one of them was from kyrgyzstan . when i took a picture with your hijab, it means that you are cursing islam. yes
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, it was very interesting for them that, for example, our covering , why are we closed to them? when he sent me this photo that day , it was very interesting for me. how old is her son, her brother and her nephews? i am 14 years old. i am 14 years old. she is an athlete. mrs. babayed. what sport? in the future, god willing, we will be able to follow in the footsteps of the greats and
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win the adult world medal. he is a wrestler. yes, what is his weight ? i think he is 43.38 kilos. 38 kilos . he has a medal in the province . sir, the five-millimeter bar has a sign. what color should the next sign be? the country's gold, sir, clap your hands, god willing, someone told us to go inside, right next to the vardashi family's house. there is also a wrestling hall, two medals. i practiced my first one here, i got it in this hall. yes , mr. safari, if you take the picture, it is in this hall, mrs. babaei, the hall that has two columns is not my standard. 2 colorful badges for our country. there are more than 7,80 students. how much do you charge for young people and adults? i don't take sharia, i work for free, yes, sir, free of charge, sir
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, you have a rayvan with this equipment in the city , you also had at your disposal what was your concern, what was your concern about your job ? we had done it, the letters were supposed to be sent, so i think that mr. poladgar rejected the letter, the previous deputy of the ministry of work . mr. rajabi's bachelor's degree, god willing, ms. babaei's job will be solved , will their problems be solved or not? ms. babaei is one of the athletes with veiled and noble morals, and i am at the foot of my revolution. mr. esraqian is the vice-champion of mr. esraqian , and i am following his work. we are aiming for something to happen , god willing. yes , he was able to visit mr. president and i coordinated most of it myself .
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i will order the separation of rome, the champion of noble women's wrestling at the moment and 50 in the village where he resides. afghanistan is a country with different tribes and cultures, each tribe has its own clothing. a cover full of traditional patterns that show the authenticity and culture of this land. now, this variety of colors in the clothing of afghan women became an excuse for an afghan artist to set up an exhibition using abstract style or waiting art. well, i came and said that our culture is turquoise i'm not alone, i researched, i consulted friends and i saw that we have rich cultures that we have in different ethnic groups.
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i came from badgshan bamyan to the south, i came, i found the clothes, and i implemented the colors of these clothes in my works. it is a unique example of the role of local clothes and local carpets that show the authenticity, culture and identity of afghanistan and old khorasan. this exhibition can be a very important interaction. to create the culture of two nations, the great nation of iran and afghanistan. the land of colors was organized with the aim of introducing afghan culture became. my main goal is that we have a rich culture and different colors in different ethnic groups and you can see 38 of the 38 local costumes here. an exhibition that
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was welcomed by iranian and afghan visitors. very attractive color combination. using it to show the roots and in fact the way people look at their colors and clothing , they have combined very old styles with new styles that have created a much more beautiful effect and these colors i see are exactly what i was when i was a child. at the time , we were about three and four years old when one of our flowery prahanas in afghanistan, we have very beautiful ones , we call them glengar , i see some of their pieces and some of their colors on these works, and i understand that this is really very beautiful. samiyeh hosseini , sed and sima news agency, when kanang hospital
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was opened, i was 2 years old. i was not born at that time. almost 30 years ago , when we passed by this hospital, there was a mast and half-finished columns, now they are ancient monuments . 40 years ago, it was 20 years since he came to earth it was a dilapidated and ruined place, the work was closed , about 25-30 years ago , i was studying in high school, and the hospital's pickaxe was knocked to the ground during mr. hashemi rafsanjani's tenure.
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yes, it was a great cause for both our surprise and our suffering that after 30 years, this should have a different situation after 30 years. mr. d. i came , the physical progress of the project was 70%. we were watching here, every day , everyone was working hard, and this was happening day and night. to prepare means time for he was the operator of the equipment in the building, he was also a consultant, and then he himself. he was a contractor, equipping a hospital is equal to building the hospital itself, and this project was completed for 6 months, and there were days when i saw more than 500 workers working here, mr.
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president was not like other presidents. let him just cut the ribbon and go. it means that in the same condition of this hospital, they were holding meetings . we were supposed to open only a symbolic emergency room, but mr. raisi refused to come for the opening. i said that the hospital should be complete, everything is complete okay, the floors are complete. it was launched on behalf of the treatment team , we are asking permission to unveil this hospital in order to open it. god, i was a slave behind the glass. i was inside the oven . there was no curd in this glass. i could at least kiss their hands . we brought my son to this hospital for two days and three days for the people. a convenience, a comfort near the center of the city, it was not cheap. people, whatever problems they have , they go to tehran. now, since the day it was opened, there were people before them who had their claim and wanted to do it. no one
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could do this, that is, the will. the way setting up a hospital. the efforts of daneshmounian companies in localizing fifth generation mobile phone modems and internal wifi modems with the help of domestic daneshmounian companies. we have produced three samples, all the testing procedures have been completed , god willing , it will enter the market in the next month or two, and the production of a localized server with the participation
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of the elites of sharif university of technology, a very important feature of this server is that we have the security concerns that are really inside our country is very serious and we paid attention here. inside the servers , there are two firmwares, one is so-called firmware and the other one is bmc firmware, which is very they have a vital and serious server in security, both of which are completely and 100% prepared inside the country , and the source code is available because it was prepared inside the country, and a company that seeks to support the company's business by designing software . this product is also used for the operators of other industries such as energy, banks, mining and metal industries, and we can promise organizations and organizations that this business and development support system can save 20 to 25 percent. the consumption management organization
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should be efficient. these are part of electronic equipment and these are the technological measures that were presented at the 27th electronic computer and e-commerce exhibition. an exhibition with the presence of 500 private companies and start-up businesses with diverse products and services . and information technology side departments of student startups in the form of 22 teams are present there in programming or entrepreneurship issues, they are announcing their own ideas and plans. the title of elicom commerce, which is held in various meetings of the great businessmen of the iran chamber concerns, needs and interactions. announce themselves with the industry and information technology sector. a number of companies implementing the national fiber network development plan for home businesses were also present in this exhibition.
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it has a plan to cover about 5 million households by the spring of next year, god willing . we were able to create more than 2 million covers in about 16 provinces. we dug 500 km. we need to cover about 150 cities so that in these 150 cities , people can have access to the fiber network through th. this exhibition said about the provision of modems as one of the equipment needed to use the fiber-based internet, it is a good contract for both the guaranteed purchase of domestically produced modems and investment for the production of new modems by operator done. yes, the quality is good internally , but see some modems, some frequencies , for example 5 to 6, actually do not support gigabit
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, but in any case, it has other features. but now we have a domestically produced modem that supports the same ram frequencies and can be used by our dear people. this year's international computer electronics and electronide trade fair, which continues until july 12th , is about intelligentization and artificial intelligence, and in this regard, the electronic services of the insurance industry and lulan's technological activities are among the most important parts of this exhibition. mehdi naqvi, sed and sima news agency.
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why don't you buy household appliances from shahr? unfortunately, no , unfortunately, no. why should you buy from shahr? you may not believe it, but it is here for the first time let's have a big festival selling photos, where from june 25 to june 25 , you can get all kinds of furniture and sleeping goods without any fees, without interest, and even prepayment for long-term photos, if you said where it is here, here, here. in the name of god
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. the look. i say hello to the smiling sun , hello to tomorrow, look to the future, i smile to the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him.


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