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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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unfortunately, why not buy home appliances from shell, because it has both quality and discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized authority of home appliances in the city of home appliances . the first page, the first page, the sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, see the joy of meeting is there, o the seat, sit in the first row, stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the row of humanity. you are sanjar, you are sanjar, this is the table and
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there is hope for you on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in your eyes , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello and have a good time . we are honored to serve you, dear and respected viewers. tonight we are at your service with another program on the first page. we hope you have time. plan so that we can be at your service until the end. citizenship rights are one of the terms that have become popular in the literature of political rights in our country in recent years and have flourished among the thinkers and thinkers. according to most experts, unfortunately, the use of this term is not far from the ambiguity and lack of transparency of scientific accuracy. and
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it demands that we take a more special look at citizenship rights or public rights in order to solve these issues because the formation and institutionalization of a society democratic and sustainable requires serious attention to this field. one of the institutions that is responsible for pursuing citizenship rights or public rights is the ministry of justice. tonight , we are in the service of mr. masoud jalalian, the deputy of human rights and international affairs of the ministry of justice, to talk about the actions of this ministry regarding citizenship rights. mr. jalalian, greetings, good time, and welcome to your service. i also greet you with courtesy and respect to serve you and all the viewers and audience of this famous program.
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to be able to produce and promote literature , i need to correct what you said, masoud, i am askar, asak jalalian, deputy minister of human rights and international affairs of my ministry. what are the rights and duties of a citizen? yes. well, once again, i would like to offer my courtesy to all the viewers of this popular program, as you said , in recent decades, the discussion of citizenship rights has entered the political literature and the discourse and legal literature of different countries in a serious manner, including entering the discourses of the country. we have become the rights of citizenship, perhaps the basis and
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foundation of it has been formed since 1948 with the birth of the universal declaration of human rights. it is actually in the domain of the governments , in proportion to the internal rights that are defined in the countries as citizen's rights. in fact , citizenship, as its name suggests, is formed when these rights are conferred on a citizen who emerges in the form of citizenship of a country. usually, stateless people are deprived of many citizenship rights. are they or can't they be citizens with specific tasks?
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let me say this so that you can see, i want to make it very simple so that all the audience understand that if we are going to have a city, we must have citizens . if citizens are going to express their lives in the form of this city, they must accept the obligations of the laws and regulations governing this city. if they do not accept it, the city will not be formed, the city will not emerge at all, so in the first step, the citizen must accept responsibility in order to be a citizen and be recognized as a citizen to enjoy the rights of citizenship in first, he must accept his obligations and duties, when
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he accepts these, in fact, the term citizen is applied to him, and by nature, the rights of the government are created for him. they are obligated and obliged to provide it . see what the ministry of justice is doing in this regard . according to article 1 of the constitution, the ministry of justice is the liaison between the judiciary and the other two branches, and vice versa. in fact, if the islamic council as the legislative branch has something to do with the judiciary , it will follow up through the minister of justice, if
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the executive branch has something to do with the government , it will follow up with the judiciary through the ministry of home affairs, and vice versa. and created we have a deputy in this deputy in this home ministry called the deputy of human rights, the deputy of international affairs and human rights in this deputy, yes, the following are actually the missions assigned to him by the employment affairs organization, as well as the missions assigned to him by other agencies. this is assigned one of our monitoring tasks and civil rights monitoring. it is in different fields that we have these with different views based on the definitions we have of citizenship rights in our internal laws and based on the definitions that actually originate from our jurisprudence and jurisprudence foundations of citizenship rights in this ministry of our house.
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we monitor and follow these issues, and now you will monitor this in the continuation of my legal discussion. it is a synergistic work, more with the devices that are related in the field that citizen's rights or issues of citizen's rights are related to. whether it is provided or the citizen fulfills the duty , both of them means that the citizen actually knows his duties . it is not the case that people can fulfill their duties so easily without the institutions that are related to the issues of citizenship rights. one of these discussions the ones that i will enter now, anyway, the details of the issue so that we can make more use of the time we have , one of these discussions is, for example, the right to public health
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or the right to public health, which we violated in the garbage phenomenon. we believe that the phenomenon of littering , of course, not all of us lawyers and all rights of this belief have we believe that the phenomenon of littering is a violation of human rights, a violation of human dignity. it is a violation of the right to health and public health. is the coercion not important here? that the individual has gone to his own discretion. no, no, i would like to tell you that the law does not allow this. you see, the law does not allow anyone to apply for any job they want and do it. yes
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, some jobs question human dignity and the sovereignty and the guardians are responsible for protecting human dignity, so you should ensure that the rights of citizens are respected and protected. for example, let me make a reference to the phenomenon of littering. you see, this issue actually goes back to the management of waste in the country . a law has been written for waste management in the country since 2003, and in 2004, an executive regulation was written , defining waste in five categories. different from domestic, industrial , agricultural, dry design, all these are separated . the same language of production, collection, transportation,
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maintenance and recycling, all this process and all this has actually determined the task and said who is in charge of what part of this work. from 1683 until now, for the past 20 years, for whatever reason, we have not looked for why. we are looking for what should be done. what should be done? what should we do? well, this has not been done . in the past one or two years, the ministry of justice has entered into this issue with the head of the country's environmental organization, who oversees this law, because this law was written under article 50 of the constitution, and his supervisor is the head of the country's environmental organization. there is also the vice president . we had a meeting with him . municipalities with the mayor of tehran and his deputies the mayor of tehran and the mayors of the 2 divisions of tehran, we all
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had a meeting with the deputy attorney general for public law , the prosecutor of tehran province, and the deputies , and we said that this should be done. before i continue, i would like to point out one issue. why is this important to us? why, for example, in fact, you say, well, someone likes to work like this, and someone likes to have his job like this. no, you see, this sinister phenomenon is not a question of loving the language. my point was whether there is compulsion in this matter. and is it imposed on the person you are interested in? yes, yes yes, yes, as you said, no, some branches are allowed in one community. you see, we
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attend meetings in the international field regarding human rights issues, civil rights issues, and now human rights issues. we came across two scenes that provoked us. think about this violation and this defect that exists, why are you sensitive to this issue? yes , watch a clip. we saw a clip that showed a woman with a tent, a woman with her daughter bending over a trash can. yes, and display board he says that this is related to the north of the capital of iran , it is the north of the capital, and he wrote that this
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government's rule has not provided at least relative welfare for the people, even in the capital in the north, i must say that in the city of tehran, people go for their daily food and look for it on the surface. at the level of garbage, there is no interpretation, and in any case, these are exploitations that are unfortunately carried out. we came across another clip that was made by the opponents and those who want to abuse it. it also said that the islamic republic of iran is actually a member of the international labor organization. there is, and the islamic republic of iran has accepted the conventions under this convention. we will hear the call to prayer in maghrib and the horizon of tehran, and we will be at your service. god is great, god is great.
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god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. ashhad n. muhammad is the messenger of god. muhammad is the messenger of god . he is the most high. wali
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allah is the witness.
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god's work is great, god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god. obeisances and prayers to you, dear companions, accepting the door of right , god willing. well, by continuing to the first page , we are at your service, just as you are in the news regarding
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citizenship rights or public rights. the first part of the conversation. before the call to prayer , explain about the concept of citizenship rights and what it includes, and we have reached here that the ministry of justice, for some reasons, referred to the issue of garbage collectors. that i wanted i would like to point out that when we saw this short film , the theme of this film was that iran has joined international conventions in the field of labor , but does not implement its obligations. one of these conventions, which is actually related to the international labor organization, countries are committed to eliminate the worst form of work in their territory. that is, not to allow jobs where people
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do the worst, or to show human dignity in, for example, a picture. various images that people like very big sacks, for example, six or seven times their own size, anyway, this plastic and they are transporting dry waste, and he interpreted this to mean that these are the municipal workers of the country's municipalities, and they are actually waste for the municipality and management, and they are separating dry waste , sorting plastic, if this it has nothing to do with the municipalities . it has nothing to do with the management. in fact, the waste of the country is actually tarnishing the image of the system. we made a memorandum of understanding with the organization the country's waste management signed that all
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our capacities as the ministry of justice and as a representative of the judiciary. let us use any way to deal with this issue, for example, what capacity do you have at your disposal? okay, prosecutor, we must give the prosecutor a neat and correct report and it should be documented so that the prosecutor can consider it as an omission or as a violation. law should come in now that i am sitting here to serve you excellent and we are talking with our dear people . the last statistics that i got from our waste management were about 6,000 garbage collectors in tehran. unfortunately, now about 4,500 of them have been collected and
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this is a big event. the ones that we have created and in fact the routes that are now there is no time for me to explain what we did until this happened. anyone who has a dry tongue in the form of this cart and tell me that he is collecting sacks and these is an order for the nation of waste. we got the country and the municipalities to detain this without asking or answering. without any question and question arrest this. what do they do when they arrest him? they say that you are iranian or you are not iranian. because for the information and reminder of dear people, more than 80% of these garbage collectors are not iranian. and if they are not iranian? if he is iranian, if he is iranian, they will take a commitment from him. don't go to this job anymore, he might say, i'm in a hurry , i don't have a job, i don't have a job, i have to
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, anyway, it's expensive. normal too for example, it is 10 to 15 million, now it's normal that we can take care of any matter to make a more serious arrangement for their rights in front of us. if it is allowed, we will take the same commitment from them. it's true, if it is illegal, we will send it to the camp, and the camp will go through its own special process and law . the country will take care of this. let the country
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put a point here. let's prepare a report . let's see together . 94 of our first children, fatima khanum, were requested to be adopted at our expense we leave mr. hosseini for the first time. he experienced the burden of becoming a father after 16 years of waiting, and now we are looking for a second child. now, 10 -year-old fatemeh has been adopted by her parents and of course through the law. of course, accepting adoption had a long and difficult process until 2099. the process was long and difficult despite the conditions, such as depositing a guarantee and... financial issues and such as temporary adoption is 6 months. 6 months, in fact, this baby will be handed over to this family on a trial basis. after the process has been completed for 6 months, if the
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welfare organization confirms the situation of the family and the baby this family is applying for the permanent adoption of a permanent petition. after the approval of the law on the protection of children and adolescents, now parents can have children earlier in shogh zeghdan complexes . i am an adoptive child. currently , there is no difference between my biological child and my adopted child . well, after 10 years, you came to follow up . you know how long it took for adoption to be less than two months. to be left undecided in the nurseries. in the host's plan , this legal possibility was provided with the supervision of the prosecutor the children who are in nurseries should be temporarily handed over to the families of the applicants. i
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would like to know about it from someone else. the life of tehran has made it so that sick children are not deprived of having a family. for these children, the family is now identified and the children are among them, and the interesting thing is that we are now a family of 700 people in the country, which means that until today 700 of these children have left. in the family, according to the announcement of the judiciary by law enforcement adoption by the temporary guardian of all the children of shirgah mashhad were entrusted to their families. now, with the implementation of the law in shogh life complexes all over the country, the time spent by unruly and unsupervised children in welfare centers will be shorter. malih pejman of sed and cima news agency. yes, there was a report in connection with the shogh life complexes, we will get to it , we will talk together, well,
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we will experience actions and in fact this right. see , you mentioned a very important issue, environment means life, means survival, means being , means continuity.
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one of the main and basic solutions is, you see, since almost a decade ago, climate change has happened in the world and the world is facing an environmental crisis. he makes a decision
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and says that this climate change that is happening is directly destroying mankind , we should think about it, the basis of this is actually the issue of trees. let's prevent this speed of change immediately after the un general assembly in the 20s to 30s it names 20-30 as the decade of ecosystem recovery. accordingly, we are also members of many international conventions, such as the 1992 climate change convention, such as the 1994 climate change convention. we came here, what did we do? we also held meetings and made commitments. we accepted for ourselves to help both
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the life of the planet and the life of our own territory . what happened in our field indeed, the ministry of justice is actually somehow interfering in the way. and public rights, we have entered and measures have actually been adopted that this work is being done quickly and is moving forward and we hope that the program has progressed until now. that in fact all the people should support and help with this plan anyway and
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that the trustees should pay attention to this issue. i will direct people's attention to this matter you see, in our country, unfortunately, 21 of our provinces are desert provinces. in our country, 275 of our cities are facing tension. in fact, we are sorry. about 14 million springs should be produced, and there is dust in our territory, and according to the reports that have come and the reports that have been reflected , if we are concerned about the environment, because the environment is not the only government, all the people of any size.


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