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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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it is not, and it is necessary that all the people should support and help this project anyway, and that the trustees should pay attention to this issue. i would like to direct people's concern and attention to this issue . you see, in our country, unfortunately, 21 of our provinces are desert provinces. in our country, 275 of our cities are facing tension, in fact, water scarcity. unfortunately , there are about 14 million sources of dust production in our territory, and based on the reports that have come and the reports that have been reflected anyway, we if we are concerned with the environment, because the environment is not the only thing that governs, all people should reduce this issue as much as they can. if this trend
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of our general disregard for the environment continues, the reports say that in the next 50 years, we will not see a forest in this country, which means that the forest will become a dream, so this is why last year , the islamic shura majlis center published a report reflecting that we are affected. unfortunately , we rank 6th in the world in carbon production, we do not have carbon production factories in the country, the main and deliberate reason this is that the attraction of carbon has decreased in our country, which is the main absorber and absorber of this carbon tree. let me state the numbers in the same sentence. we are also in carbon sequestration.
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we have the rank of 42. this rank is a worrying rank , yes, and this causes that, in fact, now there are complications that are not allowed in different dimensions. be concerned about planting and protecting trees. yes, this is more than anything else. i believe that there is a need for appropriate and proper information and culture building in the country, alhamdulillah it is being done in different areas . let's do some time management. a report we saw related to the joy of life complexes, such as the issue of unsupervised or unruly children, is actually one of the issues that the actions taken by the ministry of justice in that area are in the reports and news. it has been talked about a lot recently, please explain this to the viewers. what actions have been taken and what
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achievements have been made? yes , there is a convention in the international field called the 1989 convention on the rights of the child . this human rights convention is the most international convention and it is interesting to know that all the countries of the world in addition to joining this convention, except the united states of america, this convention recognized all people under the age of 18 as children and said that countries should develop their domestic rights. we joined this convention, they said that countries should develop their domestic laws in accordance with the mission and goals of this convention and help and support these people under the age of 18. well, after joining this, we wrote one or two laws. we can codify our internal laws anyway let's make it sour and give additional development to all these
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actions that have been done in 2019, we wrote the law on the protection of children and adolescents. in this law , there are missions for the courts, for any case , different institutions under the executive or in the form of the same law, the law, the law of ritual. an executive letter has also been written for him, and for the devices that deal with this range of society, for example, 23 million, 24 million, after all, this is the population . since this convention is the secretary of the ministry of justice, we are the national authority of this convention. we formed a council to the name of the children's rights coordination council is actually following the same missions of the convention . it has four or five working groups, special working groups , where did the enthusiasm for life come from? immediately after the approval of this law in 1399, razavi khorasan province was the first to actually act. in line
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with the mandates of this law that has been established and in line with the obligations that we have in international documents anyway, a collection is made under the title of passion for life there. it is a very valuable work to establish a foundation. i visited there myself and it is a wonderful work that one does there is support for these people under the age of 18, and one of them is to prevent them from being harmed and vulnerable . in fact, they are either homeless or unruly , that's right, they actually have this situation .
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no, no, we make the arrangements, we only make the arrangements, yes, and there are other devices that are under you, and in addition to this private sector , they are also used as non-governmental organizations or here, anyway. that in the whole country that we actually have in command and the effort that we actually came to so called we have gathered in all 30 and even in the next step, all the cities with more than 200,000 population , god willing, all of these will be set up with the same goal, one is to support these children and two , prevention is only one thing, now this report
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that what you broadcast was mostly aimed at babies or children who are there without a guardian and have to do homework. now these events that have happened have actually been done according to the legal process and we are handing over these children to the families of whoever wants to take the child and take care of them. accept adoption now, some of it will be temporary , some of it will be permanent, so that later the law will specify its more precise frameworks. well, mr. jalalian, one of the areas related to the ministry of justice. iranian prisoners are outside the country, which i think is directly related to his highness's vice-chancellor . yes, yes, now , please tell me the first statistics. how many iranian prisoners do we have outside the country, and then tell me what you did
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, what their achievements were, see what we have done. from two angles, this mission is towards us and we are responsible. we are one anyway well, we have the vice president of human rights and international affairs , right, and one thing is that we are a member of the supreme council for the affairs of iranians abroad, of which the president is the president and the minister of foreign affairs is the secretary . the council is our trustee . in any case, in this series of works we have done, well, a very important thing we have done is to support iranians abroad, that too from the point of view of citizen's rights, as the supreme leader has pointed out many times that this iranian population that they are outside the country, look at them as a threat don't do it, these are our compatriots who
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are out for any reason, and it is interesting that i mention this here because all the people hear this , based on the study that was done, this iranian population that is abroad is not the population that has problems. ok, and it can't come back, less than 2% . now they say the number differently, they say 2 million, 3 million, 5 million. unofficial statistics also write about 10 million. you can say any number, less than 2%. this may be the population of ma'andi that has a problem. okay, the rest are either going to work or we are going to tell you that the statistics we have are good in fact, the number of prisoners we have abroad is close to 5,000. most of them are in which countries
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. unfortunately, most of them are in neighboring countries because of the ease of transportation that exists. we have about 10 minutes , we have a few more questions, we want to be a bit more secretive. the things we do, wherever we have prisoners in the world , we go and negotiate. if we have an agreement , we transfer it in the form of an agreement. we have convicts, and where we don't have them , we transfer them in the form of humanitarianism and human rights, and in any case
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, we bring them. mainly, the effort is that we are going back inside the country, in any case , they will not be sentenced here, but it depends on the agreement. the agreements usually allow us to transfer our prisoners inside the country because we negotiate these things . yes. we are allowed to transfer within the country based on our internal laws, we can convert this into a vote , we can reduce it, we can grant amnesty , we can do all of this , but we are not allowed to escalate. we make the same condition with that country that we will give you a prisoner. you don't have statistics on the number of prisoners in the past year. yes , in the past year, there were 143 prisoners from different countries such as russia, japan, kuwait, qatar, india, turkey.
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it doesn't matter if they are all men or not, of course. now, anyway, this is the look of human looks, it's more important for us ladies. because we are worried, their vulnerability is more and we will try harder wherever there is a woman, because, very briefly and briefly, can you advise iranian citizens who go to a country to follow the conditions so that they do not get caught by the judicial system of that country? every citizen who wants to enter a country, as i mentioned at the beginning that citizenship rights are based on responsibility, if you want to enter a country, you must respect its rights, you must respect its laws, you must pay attention to the rules and regulations there. it is possible not to take prohibited drugs with them in here suppose you have four packages, for example , my islam is in your pocket, no one says anything
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, it is normal islam, it doesn't matter, but in some countries, they detain you for the first 3 months, then they ask you why you brought it with you . yes, or for example, we one problem we have, well , iranian people are emotional people, moral people , they are helpful people. for example, when he goes to the airport gate, he wants to pass, he says take this bag of mine, i have a child , that's where i'm from. i take it, this child is taking a bag , this one is lost, the lady or the man who owns the bag says, "git, take this." these substances are prohibited for carrying, they are contraband , and this servant of god is leaving. he can no longer prove that anyone who carries them is actually a prohibited shia . answer him, and the law has its own framework anyway . my advice is that you want to immigrate to any country. they should travel, they should travel , they should study the internal laws of that country in any form. we , our citizens, are important to us. we believe that iranians should be loved everywhere in the world, even behind bars
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, even behind bars, and it is hard for us that our citizens want to be punished in another country. kill and be imprisoned, mr. jalalian, one point it exists in many countries, these public rights or citizen's rights are carried out by the semans or their ngos . now those non-governmental organizations follow up , for example, to prevent the pollution of factories , we see a lot of seman, and anyway, these non-governmental organizations it exists in the world , but unfortunately in our country, we have to admit that in this case, we may be a bit behind. you have pointed out very important, and you have said that yes, pay attention it has not been done and in fact the care and attention that should
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have been neglected. in the 13th government, we did a very basic and infrastructural work, that is, we laid a foundation that whoever comes after us should continue this path. we came and formed a table under the title you have a table of non-governmental organizations and advisors, which are non-governmental organizations, or the same , the ministry of interior gives them permission to be in other places, but mainly, we came based on the permission we got from the ministry of interior. we said that we want to help. we want to help and educate them anyway. let's limit each now let's work together in line with public rights in line with public rights. yes, we have come and formed a table called people's organizations table in the ministry of justice. this table meets quarterly with legal organizations only with legal organizations, exchange thoughts, exchange knowledge in the area of ​​license and those who are not allowed to enter, we have been entrusted with the task of
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evaluating their licenses and giving our opinions because we are members of that council. so far, we have held good meetings and made statements , for example, in the field of gaza and the events that happened in gaza and various issues that are discussed in the international field. there have been good statements issued and most of our efforts are because our work is a specialized work, our effort is to talk to organizations that have consultative status in the international field , they have consultative status in the monitoring bodies in the international field. we have about 70 organizations that have consultative status in international forums. we have had meetings with them to exchange good knowledge . it has helped that these organizations have a voice in the field of citizenship rights.
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the reports we want are coming in from many places in many places, they prepare notices that the government should give . we describe them as a governing body and these things . yes, yes, they give us a feeling of support anyway . they don't ask for money from us because if they take money from us, they will become a government. let's open it, they can go and prepare the report they want. if you agree, we almost think 3 minutes and 3 minutes we have half time to go to conclude the discussion of public rights or citizenship rights. as i was looking at various reports, from the scope or a challenging view of this issue, we have several problems. first
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, there is no guarantee of implementation. there are still uncertainties in this regard. ambiguity in examples of the concept of citizenship rights and finally the citizens' lack of awareness of their own rights . please summarize these few cases that i have presented. what do you think about the plan of the ministry of justice? formation we gave it under the title of the coordination council for the protection of citizen's rights. we have joined approximately 25 related organizations in this organization. we take turns discussing various issues that are of concern to the people and we are concerned that civil rights violations are happening there . for example , let me give you an example. this is the health of this
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food, the additives that are added to these preservatives, we are talking about these things . this is a good thing. in addition to this, we have defined a truly national meeting, which is now being held in the form of a webinar. hold we did, and we have planned about three to four more until the end of the year. this is our view , just as you said, we must teach the rights of citizenship to the trustees and to the general public, both their duties without citizenship and their rights without where. it's right, where's the duty, that's me now. let me make a point, for example, the election debate that we have ahead of us and a very important event will happen in the country on friday. voting before it is the right of the people this is the point that the supreme leader of the revolution
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pointed out. yes, it is a duty. a person who is indifferent to his fate and the people around him must have read in the rich islamic literature that you read in the rich persian literature that you are not saddened by the plight of others. a person is in the eyes and the mouth , ears and nose, and in any case, i don't have time to go into the details, or the hadiths of my lord clearly point out that participating in elections and voting is both a citizen's right and an obligation, exactly the example of all these citizenship rights. and rights, so we believe that these should be taught to the people, their duties to know their rights, to know their rights, these are two aspects, people have both rights and duties, and the government only has the duty to provide the conditions. let him provide enough , let him provide the ground, so we in the ministry of justice will use all our capacities in oman
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to receive his citizen's rights concretely. dear mr. seifi, see based on the views that mr. dr. rahimi has as the minister of justice, as the views that the head of the judiciary has in the field he has the rights of a citizen, and according to the views of the martyred president, we really lost a big investment, based on these views, we actually have all our capacity, we exchange with different devices and take their capacities ourselves. we want to be able to do what is our duty in the field of citizen's rights. let's do it and realize what is the right of the people of the nation, mr. jalali, let me share my opinion. it is possible
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that our dear viewers have the same opinion . first, i think more information is needed. to build a culture regarding citizenship and public rights, and secondly, regarding these measures, the ministry of justice is now aware of the good measures it has introduced. we also feel this because we were not aware of many of these cases, and naturally, if these are brought up , people will be better accompanied. he should have public rights and citizenship rights. yes, i said that we have defined specialized scientific meetings
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. we have held three or four of them so far. until the end we believe in education , we believe that today's people are educated . thank you very much, mr. asgar jalalian. vice president of human rights and international affairs of the ministry of justice and we have special thanks for accompanying you, dear viewers, to the first page. we hope that this conversation has been used by you.
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resolutions of the jama'i al-arabiya in cannes in the name of hezbollah, the arab league does not consider hezbollah a terrorist organization, retreating after 8 years, the deputy secretary general of the arab league in his trip to beirut after 10 year for the first this time , he met with the head of the resistance faction in the lebanese parliament and announced this news . the truth is that i have been in touch with the party for a few years , of course, hezbollah was described as a terrorist organization in the resolutions of the arab league. hezbollah was cut off when the member states of the arab league decided to no longer have this designation.
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with the consensus of the council, we made the decision to call hezbollah a terrorist group. this request was made by saudi arabia and the uae at the same time as the sanctioning of the lebanese government. is saudi arabia right? government? to sanction the army and people of lebanon and the lebanese living in saudi arabia, just because a party in this country has a different point of view? the hezbollah movement has been entertaining the zionist regime for about 9 months at the same time as the gaza war in the northern front. while the reaction of the arab countries to the genocide in gaza was only a verbal expression of regret. the arab league has been under a lot of pressure from public opinion and some countries , which must remove hezbollah from the terrorist list , and it shows that their attitude and... in the
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past months, the lebanese resistance has proven its strength against the zionist regime. . the hezbollah movement of he said capacities that he has not revealed yet. what may happen in the case of war-seeking by the zionist regime at the same time as this regime's failure to achieve its goals in gaza will set a different fate for the region. sanazu. the monthly news agency of radio and television.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello , dear viewer, at 20:30 tehran time , the director general of social affairs of the national migration organization of the ministry of interior, organized by elites and activists. citizens and foreign immigrants informed. according to mr. moradi , foreign immigrant elites can refer to upload your information to the system of the national migration organization. organizing and benefiting from the social capital capacity of foreign immigrants with valid residence documents by the national immigrant organization.


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