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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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for example, in a box of apples, for example, there is a small apple and a large apple, and these are the things that we must observe, and we definitely agreed with them to work on this issue so that we can create a solution that will allow us to export as a brand under the name of iran. due to the fact that our country is located in an area that enjoys a lot of sunshine, the quality of most of our products is better than the foreign ones. it can reach the world market. mr. rezaei, how much do you accept this weakness in our export field, both in the field of branding and in the field of standards that you mention, and what does it do in the chamber of commerce? it can be done with the cooperation of the private sector, which we have heard a lot about in other products, in the field of brand and branding, the weakness that exists can be removed. we need the same way as
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the dear teacher said, we need a value chain , which must first be implemented in the country, whether in the private sector or in the government, which now the ministry of interior has really put in a lot of effort, along with the chamber of commerce and the ministry of agriculture, and this chain in the times of different things are being created from cultivation, production and processing packaging, export and branding is an important issue. unfortunately, the laws of creating wealth have really caused a lot of problems for our exporters . for example, in the last one or two years, what can you see now in sibu? for example, on the night of eid , they banned the export of sibu for 24 hours. sibu has kept an eye on the cold storages and packed them , he found the export goods from onur, who
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has several million dollars in exports, and he is taking the goods like a chain and taking them to his warehouse for sale. this producer has disappeared and the producer remains here and went to the room where we decided to remove it from the relationship between the parliament and the minister himself, and just 48 hours after stopping the export of apples , he caused a lot of damage and bought apples from iran. not selling apples in india is 40% lower than iran's price. this means that it has reached such a place. unfortunately, the rules for the production of goods, which were created especially in the commercial unit of the ministry of jihad, have been around for some time and we hope that this issue will be resolved soon . how much do you think? this harms the discussion we had with mr. mohajer that we will become the food center of the region can be obtained from these corridors and passages
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, which is a cooperative work of a team that can export sibu with high quality. our exporters are also professional and it is always appreciated and demanded that they talk and you must be sure that the quality apples that come from iran are of the best quality in terms of smell due to the conditions that mr. engineer said . now, in terms of packaging and branding, see one of our exporters to create a symbol. fulfill his own commitments and
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previously the trade development organization accepted 50% of the costs , now it is giving this issue of the centrality of food. we are saying not only the productions, that is, for example , it can be import, re-export, processing , how much we can work on these, see, there is a lot of work on these. instead of planting barley, let's plant the grain that we need to take it out of the country. we are not stronger than america, which is not stronger than china, in terms of production and cultivation . they sell it, they sell its surplus and import it into their country . work in the country
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it creates added value , creates jobs, there is a lack of water in the country, and the world needs it today. thank you, mr. mohajer . what are the requirements of your statement that we should use these north-south and east-west corridors and this opportunity created for us in brics and become the center of the food of the region? what should you do in the ministry of agricultural jihad? then tell me how the private sector of other sectors, ministries and organizations should express this help with you. let them say that i said this first, considering the geographical position of the islamic republic of iran, especially the southern half of iran, where we freeze in the winter, which is usually in
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countries like russia, and even if we say now outside of brics, such as kazakhstan, turkmenistan , kyrgyzstan, the countries of the qaft group. again, these are at sub-zero temperatures, so we can easily meet their needs as long as we know how much they want , so to speak. we have thousands of hectares of tomatoes on the rock in hormozgan province we do it only up to one. there is not even a millimeter of soil in the open air. well, it produces these goods that have the highest global standards in terms of quality. well, we can easily export this . well, it is necessary that we can use the air capacity of russia to transport this.
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as i said, the products are from jroft, hormozgan, especially bandarab deswell and busher. if this happens, then we can export many goods, but the problem that comes back to our private sector is about branding. we think of branding as responsibility. someone who is the owner of the brand does not want to export bengali goods that will damage the name of iran or the name of the brand, and that is why we need to know who and when. how much and what kind of product do you want to export this month? it is clear who will be responsible for who . it means that you have to do something and the farmers. why am i giving you an example, mr. rezaei's example for planting apples
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? then there is the so-called judicial security , that's why we are looking for the wheat to be harvested. for this issue, what should we do? some of the products that we can we cannot produce products like soybeans and corn in the country due to the lack of water, so we can instead produce the products needed by those countries in the areas where we have this capacity and export them instead of importing these products into the country so that
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they can by changing misrat, what you are saying is that we are a bit worried and that is that the terms of the order are satisfied with the supply . then export it
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, so this needs a very strong mechanism. why? because we now import wheat with the government allowance , it costs us something like 12,000 tomans, 13,000 tomans. but when we calculate this with free currency , let's say we have 17,000 tomans, we will buy 17,500 tomans, so it will cause a crisis. therefore, for this, we need to do a simple, strong, accurate and regular work with the central bank, economy and finance in the customs so that we can cover its so-called weaknesses. this issue is being worked on as raw materials if it is imported or any products are imported, i would like the processing to be done in your presence. an additional method should be created and we will issue it again under our own name. see how much this is on the agenda
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. most of the countries are doing a very good job as a hub for some specialized plants. like many countries , we only grow rose water and only ghomsar rose water. we know that many of the big cities of the country are big producers of rose and rose, but just go to ghamser and see that now we are one of the biggest producers. we were on licorice extract all over the world and now you are here it has come that we don't have any more, but the best quality of glycyrrhizin, which is the most effective ingredient used in medicine and food in the world , is licorice from iran. it can be used as a powder and extract. what are its advantages
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? sesame is now translated into latin, it is put on bread, barley, not on bread, i put sesame. look, we also have sesame . it is the best sesame in the world. we have rome, but we don't have enough water to plant it. the best sesame in the world our desert belongs to the desert areas that the doctor said are half of iran, but now a group of iranians are coming, they are planting a sesame seed in dubai, the biggest one is to
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bring sesame seeds from somalia and african countries to process them and bring them to the world. let's go to iran , why can't we? we have transportation problems. now we are embargoed even by chinese ships that work with us so much . the chinese give us so much goods . their ships don't come to iran. i am now a member of the union, so i have responsibilities. whether it is food or medicinal plants, it lasts 65 days stretched out we have to go to shahid rajaei port from there to jabal ali port , it will stay there for 15 days and 20 days, then it's time for the ship to come and go from there, why 65 days when it can go in 20 days, 22 days, 65 days and a higher cost, how much is your cost ? i also wanted to ask how much does each container cost, at least this series, which is about $2300, we used to pay $300 per container, now
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it is $2300, this is $2000 per container, mr. mohajer. you do it because you mentioned at the beginning of my order that it was in this meeting it was also discussed that the mechanisms should be facilitated. well, in the discussion we had with the russian side, one of our most important discussions was that in these meetings, when we decided to form this working group, the ministry of economy, finance and the ministry of roads and transport should be together. we want the decisions to be made to be clarified and implemented, and according to the conditions our country is in , it is very important for us to create a cold chain so that we can transfer the goods with quality. what was done in shipping is destroying many ships. it does not make this a problem that mr. rezaei should minimize his so-called words
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, mr. mohajer, there is one more thing, now that we are a member of brics and we are working with them , you also attended this meeting. we can introduce agricultural products to your presence, which are some of the brics member countries that are better than us in this field in terms of agriculture. has there been any talk about it ? only egypt had some restrictions, which was due to the efforts of the government shahid rasi, this has also been reduced to a great extent . we hope that this connection will be established. we are not far behind in terms of mechanization. what mr. rezaei mentioned is the smallness of the land, which limits the possibility of using mechanization. so let the land be small. the possibility of using a tractor, the use of a combine
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, limits the use of plows, so we in the ministry of agriculture want to, first of all , with the help of the ministry of agriculture, because this is not in the hands of the ministry of agriculture, with the help of the ministry, we can not make the small lands smaller. break the larger lands let's not let the lands that are inherited for any reason shrink from other issues, let's do this in one piece so that we can properly implement the discussions that mr. rezaei said, some of our technology is going to be next to it, we need heavy tractors , we definitely need heavy combines. we need a cotton harvester, we should import these
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, we should not limit them. if we are very ahead in the world in sabzi safi, that means we have almost every technology in the world inside iran . in addition, our researchers' latest achievements show that we are now we can easily with the lower level is less, the smart level is less, the performance is higher , we can have better added value, both in terms of quality and food value, god willing, mr. rezaei tui. i thank you for your presence as we are busy with elections and the election atmosphere is also hot. as a representative of the private sector in the field of agriculture, you are active in the chamber of commerce . we did, and the points you said, clearly , what action should be taken to make the most of this capacity that is in front of the country, was a very good question, and look at us.
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every work needs a goal and strategy, unfortunately in our country, most of the strategy is defined, then the goal, and we need managers in the country who can be capable and take a long-term view. for 40 years , agricultural tools have not been imported into our country, as mr. saying that we produce a series of tools, but we have many problems. in some advanced countries, which are the first world, thousands of kilometers away, where every 20 kilometers of the ship, a processing factory works for 2 months, only processing pistachios or almonds, and the rest of the year is also closed for the same two months. it costs money and no program is the most important program that we have an export market , let's focus on the production of raw materials and our processing . really, considering the increase of the dollar in our country
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, our producers are working with old machines, our tractors are the same as what mr. doctor said, mr. majer. we still don't have anything new with our tractors after the revolution . we took some to other countries , there are rackets there too, but we can empathize, synchronize with other countries like the same program that is in eurasia. let's create jobs together to create added value and finally have a presentation to our country if the government. 14th , ask iran to transform what we have discussed so far into the judicial center of the region by using all the transit capacities that you mentioned or the passages that mr. mohajer mentioned. please accept my request from the future president to create a management movement in the ministry of home affairs, with the ministry of jihad, he changed 3 ministers
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in two years, then a supervisor. after that, this servant of god has changed, and the person who comes with his own sub-category, again, i thank you for your presence . we are long-term, especially in the field of water , especially in the field of water, nothing has really been done in the country, from our point of view, the private sector. the long -term work that other countries are doing and today is being answered, like turkey, like many other countries, to supply their water, store it, and take care of plants. thinking that he will be dehydrated as a private sector, are you ready for the private sector to enter into this area of ​​water supply ? all over the world, the private sector
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makes policies in consultation with the private sector and implements the private sector under the supervision of the government. the government is an executive and a supervisor. the water that you mentioned has not been used. what did you do? i mean , what did the private sector bring in? finally, we were able to use a facility to create drip irrigation, but the supply of the same water? this is going to be called a watershed they are using it, but the reality is that this is not a solution, it is like an aspirin that is currently a short-term treatment .
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we asked mr. rezaei what to do if we in the 14th government want to become the judicial center of the 14th government . for example, what should we do, this is the first course we have a seven-year plan, but not much of it, that is, a part of it, has not been included in this matter. second, well , specialized ministries, especially the ministry of agriculture
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, require committed and efficient managers. well , they will definitely have problems with management changes. in my opinion , the future government should create conditions. which is now a non-specialized ministry. it doesn't cause much damage to many places, but the story is different in the specialized ministry, of course, we in the government of shahid raisi tried to keep the managers in their field, and fortunately, they were kept , that's why i am altaf elahi, rahmat elahi. including our present became. and it created a situation that, buying wheat from four and a half million tons this year , we will reach absolute self-sufficiency above 11 million tons. this shows that
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we can use the country's capacity well. i expect the future government to help the discussion that mr. rezaei mentioned about our lands to be included in a bill to be approved by the parliament, one to prevent the land from shrinking, two to the relevant institutions. provide the needs before planting and provide them to the farmers. if we can , the government should do these two things and the promise it gives to the farmers.
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in the guaranteed purchase, he should act on it and pay the farmers on time. we promise you that on this day , god willing, any government will come to work, and whoever comes will definitely succeed if he does these three things that i mentioned. the latest statistics on wheat production and purchase should be more accurate. tell the viewers the latest statistics on production and purchase . please tell us about wheat and oilseeds . almost 6 million tons of wheat have been purchased. our prediction is that we will need to buy more than 11 million tons of wheat. we don't import because i emphasize this to nothing it is an excuse because some people are looking for imports under the pretext that we want
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to improve the quality of wheat, we have worked on the quality over the years and on the quantity, the quality of wheat is excellent and we do not need to import the quantity . until today, almost 100 hemats of wheat are paid, of which less than 40 hemats have been paid , 60% of the farmers' money is still left . because our time is so short , our wheat harvest will continue until the end of august, from september 15 we start planting, so as a result, the farmer must have money to be able to do the next planting , and this is very important. we hope that those who hear my voice will help us, so that god willing, this will happen. this year
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because and the good weather we had was well received by our rapeseed farmers , whose production exceeded 20,000 tons. last year , our production was about 130,000 tons. well, some of the remaining money of the rapeseed farmers was supposed to be done by private broadcasting , and the part was done, a simple task. predict we tried to find out how much money the farmers have left, god willing. approximately more than 50% of the farmer's money is left. how much is it? it is approximately three hemats . yes, thank you very much. and you accompanied us for 48 minutes, god bless you or ali.
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in the name of god, the most high, the most high, the first debate of the second round of the presidential election last night between the two candidates who made it to this stage, on the topic of culture and politics , considered the solution to achieving the desired situation to be the use of the people's capacity, and emphasized the use of the people's participation in all fields. did also , mr. jalili considered it important to pay attention to the activities of the private sector and said: the ground must be provided to improve the work and activities of the private sector. mr. medzikian is another candidate who has qualified for the second round of the presidential election
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republic too.


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