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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 3:00am-3:30am IRST

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no, it is important to choose the correct modern brake pads when braking the disc . those who have qualified for the second round of the 14th presidential election are now on the air on the third day of the campaign . also, their promotional documentary programs are broadcasted on national media networks. the documentary of mr. masoud mezikian will be broadcast from 19:00 to 19:30 and the documentary of mr. saeed jalili will be broadcast from 20:00 to 20:30 on one sima channel. also second and last. this debate
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will be broadcast tonight from 21:30 to 23:30 on one sima channel and the two candidates will answer economic questions in a two-hour time slot . the new ambassadors of 9 countries will begin their mission in tehran. in separate meetings with the acting president of our country, they presented their credentials to mr. mokhbar. in these meetings, while wishing success to the new ambassadors in the path of expanding cooperation and bilateral relations, the acting president stressed on introducing the capacities of the islamic republic of iran to the economic activists of those countries. mr. mokhbar also wanted to try these countries were effective in stopping the zionist crimes against the oppressed and defenseless people of gaza.
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in a meeting with the governor of the assembly of representatives of sistan baluchistan, the acting president stressed the necessity of implementing the approvals of the provincial trips of the martyr president to this province. mr. mokhbar said: although the second trip of shahid raisi to sistan baluchistan did not take place, the decisions about this trip will definitely be communicated and implemented. the acting president issued the necessary orders to solve issues such as the purchase of about 6,000 services. one of the teachers to follow up the development of zahedan chabahar railway, to create special economic zones in it exported border cities and provided production equipment for the baloch tissue factory. in the continuation of this meeting , the representatives of sistan baluchistan demanded the solution of these issues and also the solution of some issues of the province such as the drop in electricity pressure, the construction and equipping of sports halls, gasoline and gas oil transmission lines from kerman to sistan baluchistan. 150,000
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pending business licenses were issued automatically. according to the announcement of the national center for the improvement of the business environment, from now on, every license request that has not been assigned within the legal time will be issued automatically. according to the law on facilitating the issuance of magistrates business, if any of the licensing authorities send a response to the license applicant within the stipulated time in the national license portal. give as a considered consent, the desired license should be automatically issued through the national portal of licenses. the head of the privatization organization announced the possibility of increasing government surplus properties to 4,000 properties by the end of the year. mr. bazian said: privatization organization has so far identified more than 2,500 properties as surplus in the provinces, which are in the valuation stage.
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and sales follow-up. according to bazian, the resources obtained from the sale and change of use of government surplus properties that they were made productive in some way, it is either deposited into the treasury or allocated to half-finished construction projects . the head of the privatization organization also said: this year, according to the plan , the equivalent of 60 thousand billion tomans should be deposited into the treasury from the place of transfer. access of iranian experts to technical knowledge. intelligent ink production this technology can intelligently adjust the amount of ink lowering to adjust the writing of the same tone in different temperature conditions. achieving smart ink technology thanks to the efforts of the foundation's knowledge collection specialists. the demand of the consumer is that when the environmental conditions change, the least changes to occur under standard test conditions. the change we made was by using polymers that are actually in the ink. we used
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it, we did something that when you go to the hotter region, if for example 20 units of ayal d have to be changed , we will reduce it to the minimum and in fact the writing will be the same in different temperatures and in different geographies. the design and production of smart ink is done exclusively in our country. there are no registered patents or studies so far, and this is the first time in the world that this has been done for conventional automatic inks. with commercial the creation of this knowledge-based product is now demanded by customers in other countries. we have negotiated with european countries, with egypt, and with countries with people in china, russia, and now there is a serious demand for this change, either for the sale of technical knowledge or for the transfer of technology or for the use of the test ink itself. quality control at every stage of production is a guarantee of increasing the quality of the final product. the pens that
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are tested with this device are the pens that are produced with smarting inks . this invention is actually registered globally and named it is a collection. we measure with this device as it is specified in p. we measure the writing length of the pens, we adjust the writing speed , the writing angles are adjusted, the mass that we actually apply to a brain, for a suitable writing with this device. it is arranged that we will check the writing quality of our products at the end of the collection of smart ink producers. with the commercialization of this product, it is possible to produce 100 million pens per year. abbas rasouli of the radio and television news agency, we are approaching the horizon of tehran in the royal moments of the morning call to prayer . in the name of god, light.
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ali noor, in the name of god, god is great. allah is the greatest, allah is the greatest, i testify that there is no god but allah , i testify that there is no god but allah, i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god
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, i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god, i testify that he is the highest
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, and god is the greatest, i testify that he is the highest. god is great , there is no god but god, there is no god but god. meanwhile, the united nations is hosting the third round of the doha meeting on afghanistan, in which the taliban are also present. contrary to the previous meeting, the united nations
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fully accepted the taliban's conditions and even with the taliban's request, the civil society and women of afghanistan he did not invite to the main meetings of this round. in recent years, doh's letter has been heard a lot in afghanistan. it was there that america signed an agreement with the taliban after 20 years of war in afghanistan and afghanistan after all. destruction and crime left. a few months ago, the united nations asked the same city, dowa, to manage the situation in afghanistan. the first and second meeting of doha was held under the management of the secretary general of the united nations. it ended without results. the caretaker government of afghanistan, which is in the hands of the taliban and was invited to the second meeting, said: "we are the only representatives." we are in afghanistan and a person or other persons should not participate from the address of afghanistan.
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the united nations did not accept and the taliban did not go either. they had conditions to attend this meeting which we did not accept. but this time, in the third meeting of the united nations in doha, for the main meetings in doha for afghanistan, not only the taliban was invited, but also about the details. and the axes of the program also consulted and agreed with them for weeks. this journey of ours is not enmity with any direction and is interaction in all directions. human rights advocates. in the past weeks, there have been many protests from the civil society and women of afghanistan regarding the performance of the united nations about the meeting held in doha for afghanistan. of course, it goes without saying. in afghanistan , many people believe that the united nations
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is advancing the plans and goals of the united states in afghanistan with meetings such as doha . it is clear that the united nations is advancing the american agenda in this regard. the taliban has tried to impose financial and banking sanctions on afghanistan, including the fight against narcotics. to introduce a special representative for himself in the affairs of afghanistan, but the opposition of the taliban has prevented this from happening until now. behnam yazdani , kabul radio and television news agency, the next part of the 4 o'clock news:
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, i say hello , dear sardar, thank you very much for making us proud. this interview is at your service and considering that we want to talk to his excellency about the martyr haj hossein amir abdullahian, at the beginning i would like to invite you to send blessings for the happiness of the soul of the martyred president and his companions. next to the first question as an introduction, i ask like this. tell us about your acquaintance with martyr amir abdullahian. in the name of god. i also congratulate and
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offer my condolences for the martyrdom of our loved ones who were martyred in this air accident, especially our dear martyr amir abdullahian, for whom this program is actually being prepared. well, we know that actually through mediation. the relationship of this noble martyr with the holy quds force was mostly our relationship with his actions , his services, his support in the field was actually the axis of the resistance, and the continuous meetings we had with the martyr hajj qassem soleimani were constantly reported. he gave the field at the time because these actions he was following, especially during the period when he was
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fighting, and these actions were related to the diplomacy of a kind of martyr amir abdullahian , he was a helper and assistant and a special helper of a kind and his name was always. he was taken to the meetings, and we were mostly familiar with his actions, and shahid soleimani , well, he mentioned them a lot and was related to him in many ways. what are the most important features that you know about shahid raisi from diplosi and you can list them ? but in a prominent way, i want the actions of this noble martyr in the field of the same operation and
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the letter he wrote to me. in fact , we can understand their thoughts in the field of field work from their own words in this letter of a few lines. the operation of zafarmand vaheh sadegh, while creating more capacities for the country's diplomatic apparatus in the field of international and regional relations , has led to an increase in the sense of patriotism, friendship and national pride among the people of islamic iran, while strengthening the marketing of the road. against the sworn enemies of the system, it will increase the speed of decline and collapse of the zionist ignorance structure now, look at this letter in a little detail . there are several lines in this letter. it says that this operation was legitimate defense and in accordance with the laws and regulations. the definition of the type
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of balance of power was to show off the power of deterrence. it was to create capacity for the diplomatic apparatus. it was the country. the sense of patriotism was friendship and national pride. it was the strengthening of deterrence and the speed of the collapse of the regime. you can see that the fake regime is writing 7 things in a multi-line letter . and these three humiliations, this operation is a punitive operation on one side the field work was military, one side of it was diplomacy, and one side was the media, especially the national media. well , many of our dear ones
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, it was almost a 12-day gap from the criminal act of the zionist regime to the punitive operation. during these 12 days, every day and every moment. we had diplomatic operations , we had diplomatic operations, and the fact that this actually became a legitimate operation is because of the actions of the ministry of foreign affairs, and at the head of them was our martyr amir abdullahian, and well, we had it in the past, for example, suppose a the missile test turned into a national crisis we are all messed up, that is, in the previous government , unfortunately, these were the problems and they did not see military operations, military power, deterrence power in support of diplomacy. well,
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with his plan, my brother, dr. bagheri kennik. being a political leader during that period, together with a large number of the main officials of the ministry of foreign affairs, came to the aerospace force complex and visited a number of the complex, especially one of the missile cities , and when these loved ones came, they said, "we are strong." we got it and got confidence and we were relieved that this power that is being said exists in the media, now only the honest operation actually criticized it, that is, it was created and action was taken, and now everyone understood, but until now, anyway they only hear or see something, well, when they came, well, in fact , they brought the capabilities of the field to our loved ones behind diplomatically, and at
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a time when there is a heavy operation in these few days. and this operation of ours was actually a forgiveness of military operations, but this prayer. the action that our beloved did in the correct reflection of this power means that they are first that is, carrying out operations, well, you know, in any case, seeking to be compensated, and when you see that iran is determined to start
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threatening us, start threatening that there will be a war and we will fight, and starting with these words, well for our soldiers knew that what they are saying is worse than their mouths. however, you see , our language was the honorable foreign minister, we were not on the side of the account with them, so that we could talk in their mouths , that is, during these days, he started traveling to different countries, making calls. loud speaking this operation was our great martyr amir abdullahian. he did a good job, he did a good job, and he was one of the first people who, after all , we were soldiers in this group, he congratulated us and sent us flowers and made a phone call immediately
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, which means that in the past, we used to see that everyone was really messing up. in the previous governments, they were worried, and you saw that they said that they would be destroyed by an iranian bomb. whatever we told them, they didn't accept that they don't have that kind of ability, that kind of courage. they don't have such a possibility, but they believed that martyr amir abdullahian, minister of foreign affairs he was at the level of the islamic revolution, he was at the level of the islamic revolution, and to be fair , he performed very well in this short period, and in the past , he was really like that with our great martyr qassem soleimani. the only field means , for example, let's say that this triangle should not have one humiliation, it should not have two humiliations. after all,
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diplomacy is its support, military power, military power , its criticism, in fact, its disclosure , it wants that message and that diplomatic speaker, and naturally, the media is also important. together and he really acted in the secret of the islamic revolution, i recently interviewed i was talking to various personalities who know martyr amir abdullahian very well , especially mr. asadollahi. they made arrangements to provide what they wanted in this interaction that you had with each other and... it was done with the intention of actually
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taking action and compensating for their failure, of course, that means in the al-aqsa storm, in fact, it means that they had a strategic failure in that operation in almost now that it has been almost 9 months, there have been actions during this period they killed women, children and innocent people , but they didn't achieve anything. they knew this and planned to hit our consular point , but if they wanted to hit our loved ones , they could have hit somewhere else. they wanted us. they humiliated us, imposed humiliation on our nation and made a calculation error because you see the patience of our officials that now we finally don't want to be involved in war easily. that's why they made a mistake, made a calculation error and thought that we were inaction . they mistook our patience for inaction when this crime was committed.
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they immediately started chanting obscenities, remember that first day and the first days, they started saying , "didn't you want to destroy israel?" well , now we are talking, let's start talking about this. well, this message of the supreme leader was very important. realizing, then starting to threaten, and then seeing that these answers were given by iran, we did not do any media work, as the military official, we did not say anything , and they realized that we would definitely take action , then sent a message to martyr amir abdollahian, well , now this is your right, that is, fellow americans writing, the zionist regime sent a message through turkey saying that now that you want to do this , do it gently. look, if these messages happen with fear and trembling and with a trembling voice, they
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are threats. do not switch to beg. starting to beg you to take it easy now. even on the last day , he was contacted again through the foreign minister of one of the arab countries, and martyr amir abdullahian contacted sardar salami. he said that you should not send the message that we will solve the ceasefire issue. israel gave this message. who quickly greeted them. they are right he sent the message. he said that we will definitely strike, but if the security council comes, guarantee that this peace will be established, we will strike lightly. in fact, with this time delay, in fact, in a way, this issue will be put to rest, and in fact, it will go to negotiations and these discussions, which was not iran's position.
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i want to say that in this next period, these foreign ministers of england, france, and european countries have a list of things that must be in the ministry of foreign affairs. they called them and they responded very well , that is, they accepted the legitimacy of our work before the operation. what was their objection ? after the operation, they said that you were supposed to carry out a punishment. your war operations. what will happen ? you see, this correct action of the irgc and the relevant forces and the correct message, and in fact these diplomatic actions gave value to this work, if we wanted to act minus the diplomatic actions, maybe we would not have found this legitimacy . billion population in the world
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all awake. waiting for this incident, well, who prepared this ground, i want to say that if the operation of true promise became a global operation at the level of the distinguished revolution, this is owed to our loved ones in the ministry of foreign affairs and to them, the martyr amirfat, may god's mercy be upon him, was in the news. to the other side , i think the americans said that you should target a place symbolically , you confirm this, when they said hit lightly, that's what they meant . finally, beat them lightly they were very worried and yet when this operation was done, well, they were under complete stress for 12 days, heavy pressure, and the news we
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have is more than accurate news from the regime hospitals, more than 19 thousand people, nearly 20 thousand people due to pressure. and the stress of going to the hospitals after this operation and the nervous pressure came to them, see, this was all because of this introduction by shini, exactly, it means when you want to hit a ball, this is how you prepare your hand, he says, come on, finish our fantasy. take it easy, but for 12 days , they feel like they are eating and drinking every moment on the other hand, they tolerated each other, sardar , as far as you said and explained, it was the assistance that the diplomatic arena gave to the field and it was a complete demonstration of the coordination of these two and in fact the bond between the two that you said compared to before were you able to guarantee our interests, especially national security ? on the other side, considering these events and
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developments that we have in the gaza region in particular and its importance for us, please tell us what kind of mutual help maidan has given to diplomacy. as i said, friends, we had many meetings. we also had a meeting with our loved ones we had periodical meetings, especially with our brother dr. bagheri keni, and these reports were passed on, some of them were on a trip, mr. amir abdallaham , and these contents were passed on. when they came, we used to tell them that you should be at ease here, for example, in the case of declaring, for example , declaring the irgc as a terrorist, i told them that you should not ask anyone, you should tell them that you want to declare, but from tomorrow in the persian gulf, in the region with a


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