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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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one of the uss vincennes helicopters reports that iranian boats are patrolling around a german merchant ship. without receiving a request for help, he quickly headed towards the german ship. the war that iraqi president saddam hussein started against iran on the last day of summer 1359 has entered its eighth year. in all the years of the war , the iranians wanted to end the war by winning the ground war. they were surprised at the beginning of the war in the second year of the war.
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iran had the superior position and was able to break the defense line of shalamcheh. the advance of the iranians towards basra had a wide reflection. to prevent the defeat of iraq, the united states sent the john f. kennedy aircraft carrier basra into the gulf. fars fasd and dewalt spiegel newspapers wrote that america is ready to fight iran with 6 battalions and 600 warplanes if basra falls. the soviet union also expressed its concern about the continuation of the war and emphasized that the war should end with negotiations. maybe iranians will never forget the words of us defense minister casper weinberger this year. weinberger said: the roots of the
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iranian nation should be dried up by stopping the export of iranian oil so that the war ends and xavier perreza years later couiyar, the secretary general of the united nations at the time , writes in his memoirs that after the approval of resolution 598 in the summer of 1336 , the definitive opinion of the united states was that in order to end the war, iraqis must resist well. to prevent any iranian victory. two. war must be more painful for iranians than ever. 3. the flow of weapons to iran should be reduced through another resolution in the security council. and four international pressure on this country on a large scale. in 1936, the persian gulf was the scene of confrontation between iran and the united states of america. in this confrontation, bitter and
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difficult scenes took place. in the spring of 1367, iran is in a difficult situation was. the american government announced after the fall of faw. kurds, who from now on support not only the ships of kuwait and saudi arabia, but also the ships of other countries and in general shipping in the persian gulf . they officially announced that all iranian leaders must understand that continued attacks in the persian gulf will not be tolerated. on the way to pick up another ship for an ernest will escort mission and
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there was some radio communications indicating sounds of explosions or such coming from montgomery and uh and and vincens german merchant this is us navy warship we are standing by channel 16 over yeah okay 16 do you read me this isip okay thank you
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so it seemed and that they were actually pursuing these boats uh rather than uh being pursued by them, the irgc or sort of an aragam. and banned if you will, i mean they were, they were not very well coordinated, and certainly it wouldn't be too difficult to scare them, i don't think into doing something that was fullhearted, if they saw a lot of military machinery bearing down on them, they could easily become uh frightened. it was our business out there to defend shipping against those guys, but not to provoke them. we don't know how close to the boats the helicopter actually went. there was, without getting too technical, fixed distance that they were supposed to maintain, uh, if in fact, they were harassing the boats, which may have been the case, how would the boats communicate with them? well, they would generally fire warning shots. we'd seen that happen with news helicopters there in the past, if the news helicopters or the media helicopters got too close to iranian uh small boats, boghammers, if you want or whatever, um, warning shots uh would be fired
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and had been fired in the past, confirmation over here. the american helicopter pilot informs the commander of the vincent, william rogers, that the iranian boats have fired at him. rogers ignores the order to return and again advances towards the iranian waters and convinces captain meknia to allow him. shoot iranian boats. at 9:42, vincent's cannons fire at the iranian boats.
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warning shots or they actually attacked the helicopter wasn't hit after all and the helicopter could escape the area at great speed and in fact it did. so therefore, what was vincen up to in going to general quarters, accelerating to maximum speed and heading off to those boats, which at the time presented no threat to anyone,
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did not send the vincens to to support the montgomery, sent, i authorized the vincens to send their helo. i was the only one who was in authority to send them anywhere, and my understanding was that they had asked permission to cover uh the area with helicopter and that they were also told to remain on station at the time uh specified and they and they were very clear cut that uh you will return fire with fire and uh and so uh uh they asked permission to uh take
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becomes iranian territory and violates maritime laws . crossing the iranian declared war zone line. we did take the 12 mile limit seriously. everyone was very concerned about it. uh, incurring into uh the 12 mile limit
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was verboton and uh people were supposed to hold short of this 12 mile limit by several miles to prevent that from happening. aircraft was proceeding a course that would take it directly over the vince position, recall again that vincen was in the middle of a gun battle with these small boats, now perhaps a battle of its own making, but firing nevertheless when i briefed in with the commander of the mideast force. i know that very serious concern of his, as a matter of fact, he said, dick, the one thing that i am concerned about is shooting down a civilian aircraft. passenger plane to iran it's taking off when the vincennes passengers see it on their radar screen. the airbus a300 passenger plane is nothing like a fighter. it is a fighter and its speed is less. but the crew
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of the vincennes believe that they mistook this giant plane for the f-14 compact fighter. the f-14 to my knowledge. had no significant anti-surface warfare capability, so i designated this thing in my own mind as a non-threat. captain rogers on the other hand, involved with his gun battle at that time, announces that he is intent on taking that aircraft out at 20 miles. you can curl over. got a visual on the f camera between us, it's
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climbing, it's slow, it doesn't respond, it's in the middle of the our missile envelope basically, it's vulnerable, why would this aircraft present a threat that did not meet any of the threat parameters that if captain rogers believed it was a military aircraft and if he's believed as we think he did that it was part of a coordinated effort at that point, a coordinated attack uh, then then in his mind uh he could see this as a threat, hence it did uh make the situation um much more complicated, both ships had attempted to communicate with uh the aircraft and we were unsuccessful, we got no um response back, we could hear the challenges going out on military air distress and this civilian version. the air distress uh channels um so we were aware that they were warning an aircraft and
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approaching aircraft. typically if you could not communicate with an iranian um airplane, military aircraft, you illuminated them with your fire control radar, you let them know that you were there and they would generally leave the area. when we illuminated it with our fire control radar, it didn't react. did not have the ability to talk directly to the commanding off. officer of vince simply because he was engaged on a very personal basis in a fight and i knew they were about ready to pull a trigger a missile that could kill my pilots and i wanted to make absolutely certain that they did not become the victim. 004 21 miles. the aircraft crosses the 20-mile uh mark and he doesn't shoot it down. point i breathed a sigh of relief thinking that, ah, okay, he has now seen that it is a non-threat. size is right here, size.
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and fear covers their whole being. the iranian passenger plane was taking off while the fighter plane did not take off to attack and attacked the target at high speed. the passenger plane sends signals that show that it is not a war, and the identity of the plane can be found out from the conversations of the watch tower pilot. but commander vincent says: no signal has arrived from barry's passenger plane and he decided. he tried to shoot down the plane a few minutes later in the eighth minute of the passenger plane's flight
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vincent is removed from the radar screen and the crew of the american cruiser hugs each other. they don't know that this happiness will be fleeting and today is the most bitter day of their life, the bitterness of which will always remain in their minds. a little further , among the 290 people who have been killed, 108 are women and children. one of the eyewitnesses says: "when we were collecting the dead bodies of the passengers, we found a woman who was hugging her child. he held it so tightly. that the child was dry in her arms. no matter what we did, we could not separate them. a child who thought less than half an hour after the flight will disembark at dubai airport . we uh had individuals who were up in places where they could see wreckage fall and they could see the airplane coming down.
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it wasn't until sometime later that they described the wreckage in terms that led us to... americans first announced that they had shot down an iranian f-14 fighter plane and after the incident became clear, they claimed that the iranian plane in detour was flying and ignored vincent's seven times warning. later it became clear that the iranian plane was flying on a legal route
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has done. four years after this incident, the new york times wrote: liner over the strata of herm. the us government deeply regrets that given the threatening flight profile and the decreasing range, the aircraft was declared hostile. then standard surface air missiles, at least one of which hit an approximate range of 6 miles. an examination of the events on july 3
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leads quickly to the conclusion that the responsibility for the tragedy and the investigation are shared. the united nations convenes for an emergency meeting to investigate the downing of the passenger plane iran's foreign minister and us representative george bush spoke in this meeting. addressing velayati, bush said: if you had not continued the war, these events would not have happened and
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continued: mr. minister, i tell you, there must be one between the end of the war or confrontation with us. the war had become as painful as possible for the iranians, and two days after the meeting of the security council regarding the airbus accident , they accepted resolution 598. on the 29th of july, two days after the adoption of the un security council resolution on the downing of the passenger plane , they issue a resolution. a letter of termination is the only incident he regretted the incident and so on. the general wording in the other paragraphs is that it has recommendations to prevent future incidents and support the investigation of the international civil aviation organization. at the same time as iran requests an emergency meeting of the security council , they also request an investigation from icao. but the final report
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has no achievement beyond the statement of the security council. conviction of the accident. within iranian waters at the time of firing. i spent an immense amount of time, probably the bulk of my time, looking at all the tracks and the various documentation that have been done on the tracks and how uncertain that
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evidence is. how do you explain admiral, the discrepancy that everything started in response to distress calls and yet the foggy report later confirmed that it turned out that there were no distress? i don't think i can. explain congressman, i think he misspoke. mr. fogerty? yes, i've talked to him about it, he doesn't remember it. uh, i, i cannot reconcile at the time. the reason why there was no final report is exclusively my fault. we did not produce any further document, although we wanted to, and and and i just got bogged down with something else that erupted. i forget what it was. the biggest problem you have in doing any investigation is the guy who commits the mistake or...
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and in iran every year people remember the passengers who never reached their destination.
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roger fibri homes and businesses. it exceeded 8 million covers. a ritual for neko had the scientific and literary status of ghulam ali haddad adel. the name of dr. haddad adel is tied to the name of the persian language. you are a friend of the farsi language parliament. that a lifetime you have protected this old community. i
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consider the love and affection for persian language and literature to be one of the most obvious signs of friendship with iran, and i recognize the protection of this language as the protection of iranian identity . i breathe in the pure and pleasant air of persian language and live. i do. i have survived and will survive with this language. i sat at your feet. smooth and sad poems. i sat on the right leg. the lessons of maulana's commentary. a ritual in which the political figure of mr. haddad adel was mentioned. the 7th parliament to be in the chairmanship of the parliament. trying to balance the parliament. the islamic revolution is one of its services to education it was said that today the country's education
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owes itself to the thought of this great man. for more than 40 years, he has been a member of the supreme council of education of the country. farsi non-iranian speakers are also part of mr. haddad's scientific and literary activities. they said: the encyclopedia of persian language and literature is a masterpiece under his management, which for us indians has a precious heritage, he is a professor who inspires the literary and cultural unity of the persian-speaking world, including tajikistan and iran. haddad adel's comprehensiveness in various sciences was also a point that was not overlooked by the professors. philosophy can. history knows how to be a poet and translate the quran especially his translation of the quran. in my opinion
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, there is one of the very good translations of this century. there is a book written by a collection of 14 kantian essays. there is a book about mollust. there is a book about memory . there are many articles. the masnavis of maulana jalaluddin. as much as it is known from the point of view of the name , it is equally unknown from the point of view of knowledge, thought , breadth of knowledge and information and the kind of subtle literary look they have. the unveiling of the commemorative stamp of gholam ali haddad adel was the end of this ceremony. hope jalodarian, sed and sima news agency.
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago . if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around. then you get to the market. each one has a market. i told you that here all the specialized markets near me got better. we came to serai afsariye. it got better . we came to sarai. irani sarai big irani, the only branch in tehran in three roads of afsarieh with a price.
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unbelievable prices and long-term bookings without advance payment in large iranian stores in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsariyeh. dad, this weak washing machine is dirty instead of cleaning the dishes does it was a good question. i said.
5:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, hello dear viewers , we are at your service with the news section at 17:00, broadcasting the last debate and the busy day of the candidates on tv, the second and last debate. messrs . masoud al-badishian and saeed jalili will be aired tonight from 21:00 to 23:30 with an economic focus on various television channels, including one news channel, two health channels with the interface of the deaf and jam jam, and this debate will be broadcast simultaneously on the channels the radio is also broadcast, according to the announcement of the election headquarters of sed and sima today, the
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third documentary.


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