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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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the fate of the two presidential candidates from the tv frame, with the topic of economy , which candidate's ideas and plans to improve the country's economy will win the votes of the people, the candidates should talk about their plans and avoid a series of generalizations. to be applicable , talk about economic issues, especially factories that are out of business. line up jonah, if
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it works, i think the problem of jonah will be solved . field and intensive efforts of the candidates to bring a large number of people to travel from city to city to attend my first round election conference and meetings. i voted in the second round, i will vote strongly, only for the national championship, i will definitely participate in the second round , the people's demand is stable. delivery of 950 new classrooms for the upcoming school year in the ceremony of honoring the benefactors of the acting presidential school . zionist to the wounding of 44 soldiers of this
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regime in response to the resistance and making history of the women's national taekwondo team by winning the south korean junior table tennis world cup. they became the runners-up of asia. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate . greetings and good night. we are at your service, dear and honorable countrymen. we are in egypt . we present the detailed 21:00 news to our colleagues. at the beginning of tonight's news, we honor the memory. 2090 compatriots who were martyred passengers of the airbus passenger plane , who
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were targeted by an american war missile over the persian gulf on this day in 1367 and were filled with memory, delivered 950 charity classes in a ceremony to honor the benefactors of the school, a ceremony in which the acting president 900 for the good of the school destamrizad said:
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a great man in the country said that wherever the people were in the scene, we were successful. the one thing we were unsuccessful in was that we could not involve the people in solving the country's problems . wherever we have been successful, our problem has been solved , a very clear example of this is the case of the supporters of the free school, see what happened. the minister of education also announced the country's need for another 12 million cubic meters of educational space to reach the desired level. now our focus is on building schools in places where the per capita is less than 5 meters and 30 centimeters, which provinces are scattered in valistan. we
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have baluchistan, we have it in larestan, we have it in ilam in kurdistan, we have in some of their areas, of course, the minister of education said that 4 thousand billion tomans in the government of martyr raisi will be used to solve the educational problems of the less fortunate areas. it has been dedicated to the press conference of the minister of education and culture that the per capita educational space in the country has increased from one and a half square meters in 2016 to 5 meters and 30 square centimeters with an increase of more than three times. according to mr. sahrai , the share of donors to the school has grown by about 300% in the last 3 years. in memory of his martyred brother who was a teacher. dear teachers, it should also be a memorial for my martyred brother or to gibran the hajj trip, which illness made him unable to go, now i am sick, i cannot go to visit god's house , i am selling it in front of him. they built a school, this
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was my previous school. thank you, golestan province . there are schools for all the students of this autism school . it is both a school and a school for the children who do not have recreational facilities in that village . we have built places for them in the whole of iran since 2016. sistan baluchistan, we performed that wall now this is the pakistani border, this is the school that was built for children, as the managing director of the country's school building society says, shahid raisi , considered khairan as a strategic partner of the government. they were monitoring and a very good document was prepared. in the three years of shahid raisi's government
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, they have built 32 thousand classrooms. zahra shabani , sed and cima news agency. the national media will host two presidential election candidates tonight. messrs. masoud, doctors, saeed jalili, in the second and last televised debate , their economic programs were judged by the people they will let me go to the election studio and join my colleague mrs. hosseinzadeh . we are with you. please say hello, mrs. khalji, and hello to you, dear people, who are with us. and it starts at 30 minutes and until 23:30 , it will be aired on one news channel, two health channels, along with the deaf interface and jam jam. this debate will also be broadcast on radio channels at the same time.
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field and intensive election campaigns of candidates to bring more people to travel to the province until attending the conference and election meetings in tehran. these days, in the atmosphere of election competition , there is a wave of political excitement in the society. the continuation of the campaign programs of the candidates of the 14th term of the presidential elections, the field campaigns
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of mr. masoud bizikian in the second round of the presidential elections , by attending this ceremony , he was able to meet with the people of culture and art at the center of the islamic encyclopaedia of tehran. iranian iranian filmmakers have no place outside of iran and no place inside iran and to put it more simply, censorship and publishing problems were all raised in this meeting, a ring has always been around the neck of the leak, a government has come. mr. mezikian emphasized the importance of convergence to solve problems in the country. you are an artist, and because you are an artist, you should be able
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to solve this heterogeneous situation in the society with art. you should help me. i can do something. i was a doctor and i was doing something, art. this is how we can do something in this heterogeneity that has arisen and this divergence that has formed in the country so that we can stand together and take iran and our country somewhere. it should be our right. to imagine that i am a lifeboat, i am a person like you, now you are in one place, i have an ability in another place, if we join hands, if we accept those values ​​and beliefs, and if everyone can be in his place , and to the one who is wiser. respect the one who is more artistic, not that because i am so-and-so, i will be the boss of others. in the continuation of this presidential candidate, he said: i will be the agent of that thought, the thought that can distinguish competence,
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ability, art and science. he can bring the skill, dignity and pride of our country to harmaqan we will follow him. this is my general view. if you don't believe from a group like there, everyone says this, go and say it. at all, my mind is confused, how much time do they tell you there for 4 minutes, then they say, why didn't you say this? the next destination of mr. masoud bezikian was shush bazar in tehran. since entering the market, some people talked about their problems with this presidential candidate.
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with all my heart, i will try with all my heart to eliminate the problem of the individual, unemployment, discrimination and injustice in our country and society. this presidential candidate is also talking about tax exemption the layers were reduced and the voice of the people spoke . to the class that has the power to pay taxes. they don't have those who can't, their lives don't
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revolve around this process, we will definitely do something so that the money is not taken from them, because this is what their lives are, we will try to take a way with the help of experts, with the help of the marketers and the people, that will make our country proud. god willing , your voice as far as i can. i will follow them up, i promise you, i will not lie to you , it is not possible in life and i will be honest with you , i hope god will forgive me, dear ones. elders, may we be able to serve you dear ones, god willing. you are very kind to stay in this situation. mr. saeed jalili's conversation with
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the people on the way from tehran to khorramabad should be held in the second provincial trip after the start of the second round of campaigning for the presidential candidates. you people expressed their love with traditional symbols in the manner of hospitality upon the arrival of mr. jalili . on the way of mr. jalili's departure , he appeared in the crowd of excited people. next, this presidential candidate with his supporters in the gym. this presidential candidate
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the republic dressed in local clothes and got ready to talk to the people. mr. jalili said about the innumerable capacities present in this province and their optimal use: i was present in this dear province, in this lovely khorramabad, in these neighborhoods of golsfid and aliabad. . i sat with the children and young people here, i had many meetings, and they told me that i can't remember how many young people i saw in this same aliabad neighborhood, which maybe 10 cultural institutions don't do. the neighborhood
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has followed me without doubt. these dear young people these children of yours who created those great epics in the most difficult fields such as war and holy defense , are they today in the economy, agriculture, industry , mining? optimum use of opportunities
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is the most important program of this presidential candidate among the people of khorramabad. if we are talking about a revolutionary iran, this is not a slogan, this is a program, this is a program that, with your choice , if our nation chooses this path, god willing, it will start with strength from saturday. it is a program that believes in its people. he says that if we have a chance for a world and its fruit should be a leapfrog iran, what is the requirement that every iranian, every ler, every kurd, every bakhtiari, every turkmen, every arab, every persian, all the people of iran, men and women, young and young and old and everyone
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should be able to participate in this great movement. unfortunately, due to the negative economic growth in the last 8 years , there are many opportunities in this province .
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the campaign time for presidential candidates will be 8 am on july 14th. farzaneh azerfam, radio and television news agency. elections and democracy the religious legacy of imam khomeini and the time for the political celebration of the iranian nation. now these days the talk of this celebration has been extended to wedding celebrations. elite wedding ceremony. let's say it differently, guys . congratulations. congratulations. you're good, sir. first of all, you took care of your life . domestic violence. they said yes to you. or did you say yes to them? it's typical
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of them. did you choose your fiancé on friday? yes, are they engaged? on friday, we share the same opinion. now you don't want to announce your opinion. unfortunately, yes, go to sleep you are the same, not different. who do you vote for ? i have to tell you on the phone. ok, yes, why the interview? do you do politics ? dad, to one of the questions i asked them about politics, ask them who they vote for.
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the news will finally arrive, god willing, friday is the best
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choice for my dear country. don't forget friday . on friday, we are with you with strength . we choose to live. we present to those who choose my friday. god willing, friday is another good choice. i will blow a horn in honor. the second and last debate of the second round of the presidential election will start in a few minutes. we have come to you with a question about people's expectations from this debate. you are a hospitable person. yes, of course
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, referring to the hospitality of almost all iranians . if they tell you that you have two guests tonight, how do you feel ? i have a good feeling. their eyes are on the eyes of mr. jalili and mr. medicine, it is good to sit here and talk with them. let the candidates talk about their programs and avoid a series of generalizations. they can present good programs and that their programs are really effective and not just slogans, the words they promise and the appointments they make are their promises and the one who promises to fulfill his promises, in my opinion , he can win the debate, there were a series of programs that could be implemented ok, not that they say a series of programs that are not feasible at all . my first and second priority is the economy. definitely, the first thing is marriage, youth, housing , people's deprivation, a marriage with us, and the price is higher. the things i was considering
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were mostly economic issues, not many economic issues were raised. especially if it is really an effective step for you i would definitely ask them to think about the difficult economic and living conditions, especially in the field of marriage of young people and the issues of their transition. most of the people's livelihood problems, the economic problems that are actually bothering the general public , talk about the factories that are out of order and bring the workers back to work, in the economy, in the livelihood, in the foreign policy, what is their exact plan, they should be worried about marriage, what about the economy, what about i think everyone's first education should be about marriage, and they should be able to buy a house . let jovana solve jovana's problem, solve their unemployment problem , i don't know, let their lives be solved, let their housing be solved, let
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our banking relations with the world be established, let the sanctions be lifted, and let this country be the people of this country, that the people of this country can live economically. zarjara and guroni, we want this first from their plans, then they must introduce their cabinet , so we know who they want to introduce and appoint as ministers. which candidate do i want to vote for? these days, at the same time as the hot debates of the candidates people
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are having hot election debates in the streets and markets at work. our journalists are also trying to fill the role of these people. i agree that the fact that you did not allow other countries to be involved in your country means freedom, sir, let mike come and talk later. i voted in the first round . i will vote strongly in the second round. why do i decide the fate of my country? last week i also participated. now you say you want to vote in the second round. i will vote only for the sake of national unity. i will definitely participate in the second round. yes, i voted in the first round. the second round
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is this week. i will vote. this is our last hope . let's speak. there is no protest broadcast. they are all standing here. i will vote. those who do not vote , like me, on tv, we protest against the existing conditions, but should the existing conditions remain silent or should we change them? it should be the year 1400, when the government mr. rouhani was transferred to the government of martyr raisi, what change did the people feel? siadi implemented the pus law for all markets or water canals, which caused deprived areas water supply has done a lot of useful things, but we don't see the good in people. voting is useless. look, gentlemen, don't talk emotionally . not voting won't fix anything. we must have both foreign diplomacy and internal cohesion . it makes no difference to me.
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for me. it is not important to talk too much, the principle of implementation is that we should come and vote on the stage, whoever comes to the election, any free election went to the second round , let 's vote for any candidate you want to vote for. tomorrow on the last day of
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their own advertising opportunity from the national media antenna , they present their latest programs for the head of the executive branch, according to this, mr. saeed jalili from 19:00 to 19:15, and mr. masoud mezikian from 20:00 to 20:15 in the speech program of one tv channel will talk to the people. all iranians participate in the important election of their compatriots all over the country, they say that they have the right to choose, which is going to determine the country's 4-year implementation path. people invited each other to participate in the second round of elections on july 15th . last friday, one was present and one was not. i
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didn't go, but i sent my daughter. yes, i went to the first course we did not participate. we participated with pride and pride . i am happy that i participated in the first round of elections. this is a trick. why should we not use it? why should i not participate ? there is no excuse for not participating. we must participate. our country is healthy in an election that should not be underestimated. to make it look important and weak means that we have practically ignored the power of the people . not voting does not mean that the country will be good . but regardless of this, the people are still thinking about the final goal of the election final, and i definitely know that our young people will participate in this final election and the goal will be the final winner of this people. there are those who vote between votes, the result of which is obtained even with one vote, anyone can go up with even one vote.


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