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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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it is known that the train is like a disc, i will put tandisk pads on your car, but it is not a disc , the right choice of modern tandisk brake pads. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers , it is four o'clock in the morning. the second and last election debate in the second round of the presidential election was held at 21:00 last night for more than two hours on the economic topic. in this debate, mr. masoud bizikian considered the removal of sanctions as the way for the country's progress and emphasized the expansion of international relations in order to remove the sanctions in his government. in the following , mr. saeed jalili
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said that the commitment of the opposite parties is one of the requirements of the negotiation: iran should in issues such as the jcpoa and ifti , he can take his right from the other parties, and the alternative solution is to neutralize the sanctions. in the following, mr. mezikian stressed that the government's intervention in pricing and production is the cause of instability in the danso stock exchange, which will not compensate the government's money base through the stock exchange. mr. jalili also transparent development. considered it as one of the important tools for managing the stock market and said: people's capital should be directed towards production so that they don't suffer. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said that those who did not participate in the first round of the presidential election can also vote in the second round of the election. according to mr. eslami, compatriots can cast their votes in any polling station throughout the country. and
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participate in the elections in a different region from the first stage. the spokesperson of the election headquarters also said that in the second phase of the elections of the 14th presidential term, all the polling stations of the first phase abroad are actively ready to vote from iranians abroad , and voters abroad if they do not have their birth certificates and national cards with them. they can vote by presenting a valid iranian passport. those born on the 15th of july 2015 and before can enter the stage second, take part in the presidential elections that will be held on friday, july 15. professor of philosophy, writer and iranian politician gholam ali haddad adel, with the presence of professors, researchers and top cultural and artistic managers of the country, was honored in the hall by the association of culturally distinguished works. vahdat tehran was held. a ritual
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to honor the scientific and literary authority of gholam ali haddad adel. the name of dr. haddad adel is tied to the name of the persian language. you are the friend of the parliamentarians of persian language. love and interest in persian language and literature is one of the most obvious signs of friendship with iran. i sat at the feet of smooth and sad poems just like the lessons of maulana iyani's commentary, in which the political figure of mr. haddad adel was also mentioned, the seventh parliament was chaired by the parliament, it was said that the parliament should be put on the level of the islamic revolution, and one of its services to education was said to be the education
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of its own country today. thanks to the thought of this great man , he has been a member of the supreme council of education for more than 40 years. non- iranian farsi speakers also spoke of mr. haddad adel's scientific and literary activities. the encyclopedia of persian language and literature will work at night. there is something in his management that is a persuasive teacher's precious legacy for us indians literary and cultural unity is a sign of the persian language, including tajikistan and iran. haddad adel's comprehensiveness in various sciences was also a point that did not go away from the professors. he knows philosophy, history, is a poet, and
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translated the quran. a book written by a collection of 14 kanti articles. there is a book about writing, there is a book about memory. articles to. there is a lot going on, the unveiling of the memorial stamp of professor gholam ali haddad adel was the final part of this ceremony, omid jalodarian of sed and sima news agency, the online system for registering employment contracts was launched, more accurate monitoring of the country's employment market, increased transparency in labor and employer contracts and saving time and financial expenses, including. today , we unveiled the system for registering contracts, and i am asking the dear employers to register the contracts they have with their workers in this system
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and for my dear workers to authenticate those contracts by authenticating them and confirm them in some way, that is, the agreement they make with the employer is now on the electronic platform. yes, before these contracts were in paper form and were kept in several places, so this new system will help us to have information about the labor market and be able to adjust it. let's do the labor market well, and the number of contracts and people whose salaries are, whether the payment is made according to the labor law and the labor council's regulations or not, all of this can be registered in this system. revival of the bride of iran's lakes. bezengan lake is the most important lake of razavi khorasan province, which had dried up due to the decrease in rainfall. now he is alive again. at a distance of 130 km from mashhad and at the foot of
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the hazar mosque mountain range, a beautiful lake named bezegan stands out. in 1385 as a work. the lake that was affected last year was placed in the national nature reserve due to successive droughts and lack of water, its situation had become critical, it had completely dried up and turned into a salt marsh, and it was almost turning into a small tourist center, which caused the concern of both the people of the region and the officials of the city . tourists used to enjoy this space and it was very good economically for the people of this area. the absence of a river and a hundred in the upstream has made this lake to be deprived of environmental rights. the source of water supply for this national natural work is the floodwaters and three springs in the southern part
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this is the lake. during the last 55 years, the lake has not seen dry land. dehydration. we witnessed and we witnessed its overflow in the 70s that the water overflowed, although the level of 44 hectares of the largest natural lake in the east of the country had reached zero, but the spring rains , along with the construction of the coastal wall, the creation of water channels and agricultural surplus water, caused the bezengan lake to overflow. take life again ashles today show us a depth of about one meter and 30 centimeters. almost us something about 20. we have 8 hectares of the lake under water and we hope that this amount of water will actually pass through the hot season fall again with the rains that we have in autumn will actually add to the water level. now, with the revival of the bride of iran's lakes, it is expected that
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both plant species will get a new life and migratory birds will return again. mehri mahla of the sda news agency, bezegan lake , marzdaran sarkhas division. dear viewers, the next part of the news is at five o'clock in the morning.
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to you on the other side of the table, in the eyes of a martyr, to you in the name
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of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good times to you , dear and respected viewers, tonight we are proud to serve you dear ones with another program from the series of programs on the first page, we hope that the opportunity make a plan so that we will be at your service until the end, and god willing, this program and the upcoming conversation will be used by you dear ones. tonight , in the program, we are going to talk about the important issue of unemployment and discussions related to this issue, such as the discussion of financing the slogan of the year and the prerequisites for realizing the slogan of the year of home jobs and the issues that the country's employment environment is dealing with these days. in the studio, in the service of mr. mahmoud karimi biranvand, deputy of employment. we are the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare, mr. karimi
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. greetings, good time, and welcome to your service . i am polite and respectful to his highness , your esteemed colleagues and all the dear people of iran. thank you very much for your invitation and choosing this topic . thank you, doctor. if you agree , let's first give the audience a picture of the employment situation in our country. we have most of this employment in which groups. now , let's count it in terms of gender . let's count it in terms of age. in which occupations are there more ? give us a picture of the country's employment field so that we can move on to the next questions. well, i think for that's a big picture of the museum of employment country, as a summary of the performance
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of the 13th people's government of martyr raisi , we should mention a few important indicators . it is based on official statistics, which is the center of the statistics that i am presenting to you. a brief explanation, dear people must know that statistics center of iran 4 times in a year. it presents the unemployment rate and its types and derivatives in the year, and a summation occurs at the end of the year. this report, which i am presenting , is from the beginning of the government of shahid raisi until today. well, the report of the spring season of 1403 has not yet been announced, and it is not based on the omar center. govt clamp the 13th people received the unemployment rate at 9, and at the end of 1400 this number was 9. receipt. in
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1401, it reached 9%, and in 1402, the total unemployment rate reached 8.1%, which is the lowest unemployment rate that we have had since the revolution. another important variable that has a significant impact on the labor market is the unemployment rate of youth between 15 and 24 years old. well, this age range is one of those age ranges that are sensitive for people, and this number is from 23.6 tenths in 1400 to 21 %. arrival is another very important variable that we should talk a little about today what does the unemployment rate of graduates and graduates mean, how
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many graduates and graduates are looking for jobs in the labor market and can't find jobs? this number also reached its lowest level and reached 118% from 13.7%, and it was in a downward trend. this statistic of yours is about 2 years old, that's right , it's three years old, that is, from the beginning to yes, it 's been years since the beginning. we also put underemployment rate. what does imperfect participle mean? that is, those that are a percentage of employees who are looking for a full-time job but cannot find a full-time job. this number is at its lowest level, which is 8. receipt percentage. all this while the rate of economic participation reached 411% from nearly 40%. why is the rate of economic participation important?
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the economic participation rate is divided by the working age population. what does it mean if the economic participation rate increases, those in the market hope to find a job in the market and work, in short , this is the definition, i want to interpret it , if the unemployment rate decreases and the economic participation rate also increases, this means the best situation. it may mean that there is hope to find a job in the labor market and that the person who is looking for a job will also find his job. this was the situation that happened during the 3 years of shahid raisi's government, that is, we had a decrease in the unemployment rate of women, men, incomplete graduates, and the unemployment rates of the provinces , and this was while the unemployment rate and the economic participation rate were also increasing, mr. doctor, now that you brought up the issue of incomplete employment. please give a definition
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. has the definition of employment changed at all now in mr. raisi's government? because there was a discussion at one time, we used to say that everyone should work for one hour a week. we consider the employed to be the definition of employment based on the statistics you have . i will give an explanation based on which definition of employment. first of all, the standard of defining the unemployment rate has nothing to do with governments, not this government, i have previous governments as well. of course, the statistical center itself should come and give a more specialized and detailed explanation, but i will give you the summary now. the statistical center is based on the definition provided by the international labor organization for all countries. it becomes the basis of the unemployment rate in all countries. why is the basis the same, because if the bases you cannot compare countries do it, because everyone has a basis, the basis
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of the unemployment rate in the government of shahid raisi has not changed , that is, the same definition that has been used since the year and this statistic that you wanted our viewers to understand that these statistics are not based on the same definition, the standards have not changed, and the variables have not changed. nothing has changed , the census plans are being carried out on the same basis , and only a small change happened since 2016 , which does not go back to the previous government. working age population, which is based on 2017 and later it has changed to the population of 15 years and above, meaning 15 years and above. the basis of the population is to say who
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is of working age. be employed as a child worker. it is considered that, therefore , the base was changed in all the member countries of the world labor organization. let me say this also during and after that , the statistics center came and changed all the unemployment rates before 1397 on the same basis, that is, because it was in their calculations. and it changed, so now we say that the unemployment rate is 81, the lowest unemployment rate after the revolution of these foundations and the change of all the previous years are also related to this. in this employment situation , which provinces had a better situation in terms of employment, which provinces are facing a labor shortage, and from this information, if you go for the number, i will say your service in the government of shahid raisi 25 the province of our country
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has almost continuously reduced the unemployment rate and this was one of the very good news. unemployment in the zagros provinces, which was always among the high rates, became single digits in this government, that is, for the first time, the zagros provinces, which are relatively less developed provinces than there are other provinces and there was a decrease. this shows that the distribution of the reduction of unemployment rate across the country among all the provinces was relatively proportional. what does this mean? it means that the efforts of the government and the policies of the government were not like this. that he goes to a series of specific provinces and leaves his own effect there, but the average of the whole country has come down by a few numbers, and the justice of reducing the unemployment rate has been observed. i would like to read some numbers of the provinces for you , for example , the unemployment rate of the province of east azarbaijan, which we are looking at, was in 2013. in
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1402, this number reached 1.7 percent. for example, in let's take west azarbaijan province as an example, the unemployment rate in 1397, i.e. the 12th government , was 14.8%. in 1402, this number reached 6, its lowest rate in recent years, or the province of ordville, where we look at the unemployment rate in 1400, the government took over ten percent and it decreased to two tenths of a percent, and the other provinces are the same. in the provinces , we had a shortage of labor, mr. doctor, the problem of labor shortage has really become a challenge in the government of shahid raisi, thank god. because of the active presence of the private sector, the public sector, and the production sector , and the hope of finding us in many places
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from our provinces, we really had the problem of labor supply, for example, we are in semnan provinces, in bushar provinces, in yazd province, in east azerbaijan province , in west azerbaijan province . i will leave the figures aside, i will give an example, for example , chaharmahal bakhtiari province, which i would like to read the unemployment rate for dear people, the unemployment rate of chaharmahal bakhtiari province in 2017 was 174%, which is a very high number, this rate reached 10.7 in 142 the percentage means almost more than 7% of us in this state. there
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, in fact, one of the concerns of the companies and production workshops that referred to me was supply, i mean, was there an expert in the province or both. we had both the problem of providing simple labor force and the problem of providing specialized labor force. well, we found the root of this. indeed, in 1403, i remember the last meeting of the supreme employment council, which was attended by mr. shahid raisi, and it was said that mr. doctor, mr. president, this issue is now turning into a crisis, and they are the ministries of science. ministry of education even the assignment and the ministry of labor, if you see why this is happening, and many other provinces where we
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were really facing this issue, and by the grace of god, for example, i will give another example, the province that always has rates unemployment has been high, from 13 and a half percent in 2017 to 119 percent, which means that this was even among the provinces that had a decrease. and one of the special orders of martyr raisi, the executive deputy was assigned to follow up on it, and several meetings were held for him during martyr raisi's trip to chaharmahal and bakhtiari provinces. they said that a special working group should be formed for the unemployment rate of the zagros provinces . another number that we can pay attention to is the number of unemployed people in the country. and the number of workers in the country has increased or decreased during this period of time, which is also a very important issue, while the population itself was increasing , that is, the population of 15 years and older in 2017
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was 61 million people, which can be the working age population of this number. in 142, there were more than 64 million people, which means that our working-age population has increased, but this is while our unemployed population is 1 person per year. we were unemployed. this number reached 2 million 148 thousand people in 1402. do you mean the employment population , the collective unemployed population, for example , if the unemployment rate is 8 percent, 2 million 148 thousand people of our working age population are unemployed, but this number in 2017 is about 3 million and 300 thousand people, and while the working-age population at that time was less than the working-age population at that time, these two numbers were finally discussed
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. yes, one of the very important issues that is really discussed in the government of martyr raisi himself in the council meetings excellent employment and in their visits and in their speeches, their merits were emphasized a lot , the issue of skill training was very good things happened. the most important issue that grew significantly in the government of shahid raisi was that the license of free technical and vocational schools up to before this government , it will take nearly 10 months. it took a person who wanted to teach a few skills to the target community. it took at least 10 months to get a license. this number increased by the end of 1402 to more than 1,100 . found another very good event was that in the government of shahid raisi, with his emphasis and
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the very good actions of the organization of technical and vocational education , skill training centers were established in universities. a memorandum of understanding was signed between seven organizations centered on the ministry of labor, which the broadcasting organization itself was on one side of this issue , and the education network to use the opportunity of the summer of 1402 to train young people . this memorandum was signed in the summer of 1402. do some training through the training network there has been some good progress in the centers of technical and professional conservatories, but since this work was started for the first time with the cooperation of 7 institutions, there is a little in the issue of financing the implementation of the plan, maybe as it should be and maybe.
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it was not supported, but still we had about 40 progress in the summer of 1402. we hope that , god willing, in 1403, the imam khomeini relief committee mobilized the construction of the radio and television organization, which is the center of the vocational technical education organization of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare, but the issue of supply finance according to the approval of the supreme employment council we hope that this year , god willing, the percentage of progress will be higher this year. let's prepare a report of colleagues. let's see together. let's return to the continuation of the conversation at your service. domestic jobs are among the priority issues that are the least expensive and the most profitable . we must solve the problems. household
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was the area where the majority of the community has convened a meeting of this council every four months . president shahid continued in the supreme council to speed up the employment of banks. credits will be allocated on time and devices that are active in you you know, they want to work, don't wait for credit. this is one of those credits that should be done quickly. according to the latest approval of the money and credit council, we are studying up to a maximum of 150 million tomans. he ordered the issuance of business licenses. in my opinion, business licenses
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are one of the most important issues. which should be trusted, the field for business in the country in various fields for entrepreneurs, for those who are hard working, we have 512 home jobs, these home jobs have been licensed in the past years, sometimes up to 8 months, 9 it takes months for it to be accepted, now 95% of home business licenses are being issued openly. the martyr president in the 13th government increased the share of this field in the business environment from home businesses. in 2014, we were able to reach a 10% share of the country's employment by creating 13,000 jobs, and this year for 1402, our target was 15% share with 150,000, and this is how i managed to get a loan to expand the workshop anyway.
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giving us a loan of 150 million to buy marbles.


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